The Prayer of the Sky

1. We are happy


You are happy


Your desire-life

Is destroyed.

He is happy


His aspiration-life

Is employed.

I am happy


My surrender-life

Is enjoyed. ```

2. Heart, don't treasure insecurity



Don't spread suspicions.


Don't invent calamities.


Don't brood and sleep.


Don't treasure insecurity. ```

3. He becomes, he is


Unfathomed tears

In him I saw.

Unmeasured smiles

In him I see.

Divinity's vision

He will become.

Immortality's life

He is. ```

4. All these he became


The darkness of night,

The darkness of dawn,

The darkness of day,

The darkness of light,

The darkness of the sun:

All these he became,

Only to transcend the unreal in himself,

Feel the reality in himself,

And become the eternal in himself.


5. The prayer of the sky


The prayer of the sky

Is for the increase

Of vastness-light.

The prayer of the moon

Is for the increase

Of beauty's right.

The prayer of the sun

Is for the increase

Of duty's delight.

The prayer of God

Is for the increase

Of Compassion's might.


6. God's headache


Son, My earth's indulgence-life

And My Heaven's indifference-mind

Have given Me

A very severe headache.

Will you massage My Head

And give Me a little joy?

Father, I offer You

My perfume of promise:

I shall take away

Not only Your headache

But also Your Head

So that You can be Your Heart's

Infinite Compassion-Sea for me,

Only for me. ```

7. Perfection and faith


What is perfection?

Man's faith in God.

What is faith?

God's confidence in man. ```

8. God always surrenders


My mind is ready

To surrender to fate.

My heart has already

Surrendered to God.

My God always

Surrenders to my love. ```

9. I depend on God


I depend on you;


I cry.

I depend on him;


I sigh.

I depend on myself;


I die.

I depend on God;


I am revived,



Immortalised. ```

10. The power of the lover


Surrendering is the power

Of the seeker.

Knowing is the power

Of the server,

Becoming is the power

Of the lover. ```

11 I become


I see and learn,

I learn and ask,

I ask and become.

I become what my Lord Supreme

Eternally is:

Perfection-satisfaction. ```

12. Mind-power, heart-power


A life of earth-bondage


A life of Heaven-freedom


The powers of the desiring


Aspiring mind.

A life of world-perfection


A life of God-satisfaction


The powers of the loving


Surrendering heart.


13. His life


The beginning of his life

Was beautiful.

The ending of his life

Was beautiful.

Only the afternoon of his life

Was slightly and

Negligibly doubtful.


14. I obey


Concentration-day tells me:

"Sit down!"

And I obey.

Meditation-night tells me:

"Lie down!"

And I obey.

Contemplation-moon tells me:

"Sleep and dream!"

And I obey.

Liberation-sun tells me:

"Fly and smile


Smile and fly!"

And I obey.


15. What will come


What is gone is gone:

My failure-sigh.

What is come is come:

My success-smile.

What will come will come:

My progress-cry. ```

16. I am quite surprised


O my love-sky,

I am your Eternity's voice.

Did you know that?


I am quite surprised.

O my surrender-sea,

I am your Infinity's choice.

Did you know that?


I am quite surprised.


17. I thought, I discovered


Before realisation I thought

My aspiration was

A one-man effort.

After realisation I discovered

My aspiration was

Mother Earth's inspiration and dedication


Father Heaven's descending Grace and Illumining Face.


18. What is fruitful?


What is fruitful?

God's descending Grace.

What is soulful?

Man's ascending face.

What is harmful?

Earth's unaspiring race. ```

19. What annoys me


World interference annoys me.

Heaven-indifference annoys me.

My mind-preference annoys me.

My heart-indulgence annoys me.

My vital-arrogance annoys me.

My body-complacence annoys me.

My soul-assurance annoys me.


20. From the fallen


Nothing can fall

From the fallen.

Nothing can succeed

In the broken.

Nothing can harm

The chosen. ```

21. God-favour


From your heart-labour

Comes the flower.

From God-favour

Comes the fruit. ```

22. He succeeded


He cried when he was

An ignoble life.

He tried when he was

A noble soul.

He succeeded when he played

His surrender-role. ```

23. What is possible


What is impossible

Is impossible.

You cannot remain always

An animal-human being.

What is possible

Is possible.

Lo and behold,

You are another God. ```

24. God-ambrosia


By constantly begging

What I get

Is earth-water.

By constantly crying,

What I get

Is Heaven-milk.

By constantly praying and surrendering

What I get

Is God-ambrosia.


25. Her heart is the head


Her spiritual family succeeds

Not because there is one head,

But because

Her heart is the head. ```

26. To please myself


I surrender

To please the world.

I love

To please Heaven.

I smile

To please God.

I cry

To please myself. ```

27. The supreme Truth


I tell you the supreme Truth:

Even when aspiration sinks,

It rests far beyond

Desire's imagination-flight.


28. No explanation


Your speciality is:

You never complain.

His speciality is:

He never constrains.

My speciality is:

I never disdain.

God's speciality is:

He never explains.

Alas, God tells me

There is no necessity

For His explanation.


29. Offerings



Offer your surrender.


Offer your love.


Offer your duty.


Offer your beauty.


Offer your transcendence.


Offer your aspiration.


Offer your goal.


Offer your promise. ```

30. To dare


To dare the known,

I try.

To dare the unknown,

I cry.

To dare the unknowable,

I surrender.

To dare the Eternity's reality in me,

I become unconditionally one. ```

31. Exposed and perfected


He was exposed

By his own truth-seeking light.

He was perfected, revealed and manifested

By God's own

Compassion-descending Height.


32. I am eternally grateful


O heart's beauty

I am eternally grateful.

O life's duty,

I am eternally grateful.

O surrender's necessity,

I am eternally grateful.

O Perfection's immortality,

I am eternally grateful. ```

33. Inside their hearts


For the sake of vision-soul,

I stay inside the heart

Of Heaven.

For the sake of creation-role,

I stay inside the heart

Of earth.

For the sake of perfection-goal,

I stay inside the heart

Of the eternal Pilot.


34. They need


The Master's breath

God needs.

The Master's life

Heaven needs.

The Master's body

Earth needs.

The Master's surrender-goal

The Master needs. ```

35. My needs are hiding


Realisation you needed.

Where was it?

Perfection you need.

Where is it?

Satisfaction you shall need.

Where will it be?

Realisation was hiding

In your ignorance-dream.

Perfection is hiding

In your reality-dream.

Satisfaction will be hiding

In your self-giving and



36. Capacity


Freedom to deny God:

God gave me the capacity.

Freedom to torture earth:

Earth gave me the capacity.

Freedom to ridicule Heaven:

Heaven gave me the capacity.

Freedom to destroy myself:

I gave myself the capacity. ```

37. Four seekers


God seeks compeers,

The Devil seeks human tears.

Man seeks consolation-room,

Earth seeks compassion-bloom. ```

38. Master's nearness


The disadvantage of Master's nearness,

Insincerity knows.

The advantage of Master's nearness

Sincerity discovers.

Ecstasy from Master's nearness

Surrender is. ```

39. Perfect and unattainable


Simple but inexplicable

God's Compassion is.

Complex but explicable

My existence is.

But perfect and unattainable

Nothing is. ```

40. Opposing qualities


Hope, you are soulful.

Despair, you are powerful.

Fear, you are thoughtless.

Courage, you are guileless.

Hate, you are a real disgrace.

Love, indeed, you are God's Face. ```

41. Love, surrender, oneness


Love is fruitful in surrender.

Surrender is fruitful in oneness.

Surrender is Divinity's Vision-Soul.

Oneness is humanity's Perfection-Goal. ```

42. They smile









Smiles. ```

43. How I am known


Father-Heaven knows me

As his imperfect son.

Mother-Earth knows me

As her ignorant son.

I know myself

As a perfection-striving

And ignorance-chasing man.


44. Ecstasy-flood


A desire-life

Is a life of

Undying sighs.

An aspiration-life

Is a life of

Illumining relief.

A realisation-life

Is a life of

Birthless and deathless

Ecstasy-Flood. ```

45. I am the dream


You dare to dream.

He hopes to dream.

I have the dream,

Heaven's illumining dream;


I am the dream,

God's Reality-fulfilling Dream.


46. My secrets


A painful secret:

I have not seen

The Face of God.

A hopeful secret:

I need God constantly



An open secret:

God loves me unconditionally


Eternally. ```

47. The sky of illumination


The storm of wild emotion

You and your vital were.

The volcano of dire concentration

You and your mind are.

The sky of illumination

You and your heart shall be. ```

48. Never can I repay



I have already paid.

Earth has

My flowing concern.


I have repaid.

Lo, my glowing dedication

Is in Heaven-Soul.


Never can I repay,



49. My surrender


My love of God

Outweighs all my

Teeming imperfections.

My surrender to God

Outweighs all my

Falsifying promises.


50. I asked from life


In the world of desire

I asked too much from life,

My poor life.

In the world of aspiration

I asked too much from life,

My rich life.

In the world of realisation

I asked nothing from my life,

My satisfied life.


From:Sri Chinmoy,The Prayer of the Sky, Agni Press, 1974
Sourced from