Khama Karo More Khama Karo More


Khama karo more khama karo more

Prabhu khama karo more

Tomare sampibo hriday tiyasha

Nutan jiban bhore

Khama karo more e jiban maru

Nahi pele taba dekha

Nimeshe khujibe timir gabhire

Mrithyur pada rekha



Forgive me, forgive me, forgive me,

O Lord, forgive me.

I shall offer to You my heart’s thirst

At the dawn of a new life.

O Lord, forgive me, forgive me.

If the desire-life of mine fails to see You,

Alas, it will try to follow the footsteps of Death.


From:Sri Chinmoy,Pole-star promise-light, part 1, Agni Press, 1977
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