Pragati runs inside my heart-corridor27

Pragati is one of the very few disciples in the New York area who is so kind to me to give me expressions. Almost every day she gives me ten expressions.

Then, when she sees me early in the morning, running or walking, she puts both her hands over her chest. Her humility is very sincere, her devotion is very sincere. I feel intensity in her humility and intensity in her devotion.

She runs according to her own pace. Most of the time, it is the pace of an Indian bullock cart. Since she runs at the speed of a bullock cart, my compassion-heart can keep pace with her speed and it blesses her for at least 50 or 60 metres. Then I reach my house-destination. I run towards my house-destination and she runs and runs inside my heart-corridor, which is her destination.

RB 1013. 31 December 1987

From:Sri Chinmoy,Run and become, become and run, part 20, Agni Press, 2004
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