Good morning!35

Today Agraha’s sister, Cathy, saw me while I was running down the 150th Street hill. She folded her hands in a very obvious way. Then when I came back up the hill, she still had her hands folded. These things only happen when I run after six o’clock in the morning. When I run at four or five o’clock, I never see any disciples.

The other morning at five o’clock, when I was running up 150th Street, Michael Berens started yelling from his window, “Good morning!” Since he lives in Sal’s house, he could see me from his room. He was yelling, “Good morning, Guru!” out the window, but I was tired and I didn’t have the strength to tell him, “Good morning!”

RB 325. 8 July 1981

From:Sri Chinmoy,Run and become, become and run, part 6, Agni Press, 1981
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