The 100-metre dash47

When I ran the 100-metre dash in India, after 60 metres, out of the blue I used to get such speed. But here on Sports Day, after 70 metres everything went blank. I was about to collapse.

Next year I will keep the same people in my heat: Pulin, Sandhani, Pulak and Sanatan. My time was 15.2 seconds. Now I am crying, but twenty or thirty years ago I would have laughed at this timing. Now I have to cry and cry and cry. When in my life did I ever run 100 metres even as slow as 15 seconds? I started at 12 seconds and then went to 11. Now, if I can run under 14, I will be so happy. Next year I have to aim at under 15.

RB 592. 21 August 1982

From:Sri Chinmoy,Run and become, become and run, part 11, Agni Press, 1983
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