Part eight — Western musical notation for Sri Chinmoy's songs

The following pages contain the Western musical notation to songs by Sri Chinmoy that are mentioned in this volume:[^76]

‘Bharater Rabi’

‘Kabindra Rabindranath’

‘Beauty’s Dream-Child, Poetry’s Vision-King’[^77]

‘Bengali Heart-Sea’s Golden Shore’

‘Enechhile Sathe Kare’

‘Tagore on Sri Ramakrishna’

‘Dhyane Tanamoy’

‘Bangalir Gan Abangali Aji’

‘Bangalir Pran Abangali Pran’

‘Ekti Bangali Kariyache Joy’

[^76]: 166-172. For all the poems, song titles and songs in Bengali in this publication, the transliterations from Bengali script into roman script are by Sri Chinmoy.

[^77]: 166. Titles of this song and the following song selected by Sri Chinmoy Centre Publications NY.

'O Sun of India's sky'

Bharater rabi jagater kabi

Banger hiya chand

Sundar tumi bhitare bahire

Sundar tumi srishti gabhire

Bishwa sabbai tomar asan

Prema onkar nad


O Sun of India’s sky,

O World-Poet,

O Moon of Bengal’s heart,

You were beautiful in your outer life,

You were beauty incarnate in God’s entire Creation.

Gloriously and triumphantly you secure your place

In the world-assembly with your creative force,

Supremely meaningful and fruitful in various walks of life.

``` Sri Chinmoy

From:Sri Chinmoy,Rabindranath Tagore: the moon of Bengal’s Heart, Agni Press, 2011
Sourced from