Nolini Kanta Gupta72


Your soul-life was written

By Sri Aurobindo's Vision.

Your heart-life was produced

By Sri Aurobindo's Compassion.

Your mind-life was directed

By Sri Aurobindo's Illumination.



Since the beginning of creation

Sri Aurobindo's Fondness-Soul

Has been your permanent Address.



No wonder that Barin-da [Barindra Kumar Ghose],

Sri Aurobindo's younger brother,

Wrote to the late Yogesh Chandra Bishwas

Of Chittagong

Many years ago that you were

The mind-begotten son of Sri Aurobindo.


SAI 72. From "Nolini: Sri Aurobindo's Unparalleled Friend-Son-Disciple"

From:Chinmoy,Sri Aurobindo: The Infinite, Agni Press, 1997
Sourced from