Question: Does God ever bounce checks?

Sri Chinmoy: God does not have a bank. He has only money. He does not deposit His money because He feels that He has the capacity to protect His money Himself. For God, protection is everywhere; He Himself is protection. God also feels that He has the capacity to increase His money, or His achievements, in infinite measure. He does not have to depend on interest power. He has the capacity to increase the principal. Interest-power is nothing in comparison to the increase of principal. God is so powerful that He does not need the interest. He says, "No, I don't need it. I will just increase the principal." So God does not use checks. He uses bills. His bills are not like a dollar or twenty dollar or hundred dollar bills. His bills are Compassion, Concern, Forgiveness, Pride and Oneness. In God's case, the highest bill is His oneness with humanity. Conscious, constant inseparable oneness is His highest bill. If the seeker can become aware of that particular bill, which God has given Him, then he becomes the richest person. If somebody gives him a false check, it is deception. But God does not believe in deception. He does not give something that is false. He will never give anything that will bring disgrace to Him. Unconditionally He gives what He has and what He is: His oneness with His creation.

From:Sri Chinmoy,Smile of the Beyond, Agni Press, 1977
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