Sound becomes. Silence is

1. Lose and choose


To lose everything

Is to need God, God alone.

To choose God

Is to lose nothing, absolutely nothing. ```

2. Our power of realisation-love


When the son grows old,

His parents' love does not diminish.

When the sun disappears

Behind the screen of evening-night,

Our love does not diminish.

Absence of beauty's light


Light's beauty

Can never take away

Our power of realisation-love. ```

3. Journey


Simplicity-boat I have.

Sincerity-boatman I am.

Purity-passenger I accept.

Divinity-shore we reach. ```

4. His dreams


His infant dream:

He will see the Face of God.

His adolescent dream:

He will become

The best instrument of God.

His adult dream:

He will please God

In God's own way.


5. Let me tell you the difference


Let me tell you

The difference


My God-realisation


My God-manifestation.

When I think of my God-realisation,

I think of a wrestler

Fighting a weakling.

When I think of my God-manifestation.

I think of a weakling

Fighting a wrestler. ```

6. He loved his flatterers


He loved his flatterers.

He loves his fault-finders.

He will love

Without fail

His consciousness-transformer.


7. We shall never know


Not because I want to

But because I have to

I teach the world.


God alone knows.

I shall never know.

Not because I have to

But because I want to

I learn from the world.


I alone know.

The world will never know. ```

8. We are fools


You are a superlative fool.

You think

God-realisation is not meant for you.

He is a superlative fool.

He feels

God-realisation is nothing but self-deception.

I am a superlative fool.

I tell the world

That God-realisation

Is not enough to make me smile. ```

9. Great and good


You wanted to become great.


God's endless Compassion

Has made you great.

I wanted to become good.


God's breathless Necessity

Has made me good. ```

10. Killed and revived


Everybody knows

That his sweeping ambitions

Killed him.

But nobody knows

That his surrendering love of God

Has revived him

And immortalised him.


11. Therefore he needed God


Wounded he was.


He needed God the Compassion.

Helpless he was.


He needed God the Power.

Dying he was.


He needed God the Smile.


12. Look, look!


Look, look!

Something is waiting for you.

Subordinate your

Own interest.

God-profit is all yours.


13. I work, I love


I work always.

For whom?

For my lower self.

I love always.


My higher Self.


14. I need you


O earth-success,

I need you


O Heaven-progress,

I need you





15. When you are crying


When you are smiling

I see how beautiful you are.

When you are crying

I see how meaningful you are. ```

16. When I really _am_


My body dances

When I do.

My heart dances

When I become.

My soul dances

When I really am. ```

17. Life and death follow me


Both life and death follow me.

Life follows me

To hear

My success-story.

Death follows me

To see

My progress-smile.


18. I love everything


I have nobody to love me,

Not even God.


I love everyone and everything,

Including myself,

Including my undying



19. Lethargy-night, energy-day


Forgive and forget


Remember and prosper

In energy-day. ```

20. O faith, help me!


No more, no more doubt.

Faith, help me!

I want to conquer my enemy.

Today I shall turn

My shameless enemy

Into a helpless slave.

O Faith, help me, help me!


21. For a moment only


Lord, can You not come for a moment only,

To see how grateful I am to You?

Lord, can You not come for a moment only,

To see how proud I am of You?

Lord, do come.

You do not have to spend

Much time with me.

Come for a moment only. ```

22. Indian devotion, American love


Indian devotion

Has made his heart pure.

American love

Has made his life sure. ```

23. Climb up with me


Climb up with me,

O earth-sorrows.

Climb down with me,

O Heaven-smiles.

Stay with me

Wherever I am,

O God-concern.


24. An unfinished God, an unfinished man


You are an unfinished God.

You need my dedication-moon.

I am an unfinished man.

I need Your Compassion-Sun. ```

25. God and I talk


In silence-room

God talks to me

About His complete Manifestation.

In sound-room

I talk to God

About my constant realisation.


26. The only way to please them


Let me weep.

This is the only way

I can please Mother Earth.

Let me smile.

This is the only way

I can please Father Heaven.

Let me become.

This is the only way

I can please


My Father's Head


My Mother's Heart.


27. When God speaks to you


Open your eyes

When God speaks to you.

He wants to share His greatness with you.

Open your heart

When God speaks to you.

He wants you to claim His goodness

As your very own. ```

28. Do you know?


Do you know what makes you smile?

It is your aspiration-flame.

Do you know what makes God smile?

It is His Compassion-moon. ```

29. Perfection-fruit lasts


Aspiration-tree grows.

I knew it.

I knew it.

Realisation-flower blossoms.

I know it.

I know it.

Perfection-fruit lasts.

I shall know it.

I shall know it.


30. I am sure you must know


Earth-ignorance, you are something

Far from what I love.

I am sure you must know it

By this time.

Heaven-compassion, you are something

Far from what I shall ever deserve.

I am sure you must know it

By this time. ```

31. The face of happiness


The face of happiness

I have.

The happiness of face

I do not have.

Nobody can have it

Except the all-loving

And all-forgiving God.


32. Stay always in a big world


Your mind is a small world.

Do you not know that?

Your heart is a big world.

Do you not know that?

Don't be a fool.

Stay always in a big world

To manifest God powerfully,

Convincingly and universally. ```

33. No patience


Life has no patience.

Death has no patience.

Heaven has no patience.

Only earth-surrender

Has patience

To offer to animal-man


God-man alike. ```

34. Our energy-lives


Your life was repulsive energy.

His life was expressive energy.

My life is progressive energy.

Just believe me, don't doubt me

If you really want to know the truth.


35. Two conquerors



I have discovered

To conquer Heaven.


I have invented

To conquer earth.


36. If not today


Lord, if not today,

Sometime You can show me

Your Compassion-Beauty.

Lord, if not today,

Sometime I can show You

My perfection-necessity.


37. Who is the ultimate Judge?


Who is the ultimate Judge,

God or I?

If it is I,

Then God has to surrender

To my ignorance-sea.

If it is God,

Then I have to surrender

To God's Compassion-moon.

Lord, let us enter into a friendly competition.


38. Two questions


Two questions I always have asked:

God has everything;

Why does He need me?

I have nothing;

Yet why do I not need God?


39. Do you know the difference?


Do you know the difference

Between you and me?

When I think of you

I live in an inferior universe.

When you meditate on me

You live in a superior universe. ```

40. I want to avoid myself


I have done many things in this life.

Now I want to do only one thing.

I want to avoid myself.

I want to avoid myself,

My real reality-existence.


41. Float with the current


Float with the current

If you have nothing to give.

Float with the current

If you have only to dance aimlessly.

Float not with the current

If you have something to give.

Float not with the current

If you have something to give unreservedly. ```

42. World-admiration


You want world-admiration


You do not deserve it.

He needs world-admiration


He does not want it.

I want world-admiration


I do not need it.


43. Old habits, new hobbies


God loves me.

This is one of His old habits.

I love God.

This is one of my new hobbies. ```

44. Try not to prove


Try not to prove.

Try to improve.

Try not to grow.

Try to glow. ```

45. Preach and practise


In the inner world

My Lord preaches the necessity

Of sound-life

And I practise it

In the outer world.

In the outer world

I preach the necessity

Of perfection-life

And my Lord practises it

In the inner world.


46. Truth ultimately triumphs


Prowess eventually fails.

Justice eventually fails.

Truth ultimately triumphs,

Eternally and universally lives. ```

47. Wealth and strength


Material wealth


Physical strength

Have made him unbearably vainglorious.

One day

Spiritual wealth


Psychic strength

Will make him unreservedly prosperous.


48. Try a little more


Lord, I do not want to live on earth.

I have tried;

I have failed.

"Son, try a little more.

Who knows,

You may succeed.

And then I can afford to smile."


49. A perfect gentleman


Death, I don't need your presence.

"Man, it is not because you need

But because you deserve my presence

That I arrive at your door.

I always want to act

Like a perfect gentleman." ```

50. Lord, why do I talk?


Lord, why do I talk?

When shall I realise

That my talking

Invariably brings disgrace

To my soul-light on earth?


51. Duty before pleasure


Duty before pleasure:

If we do that

We can achieve and

Treasure God-Light.

Pleasure before duty:

If we do that

We shall dance death-dance

With death


We sing life-song

With life.


52. Who shall decide?


Who shall decide

When Masters disagree?

When Masters disagree

The disciples must decide.

They must go to the

Supremely superior Master,

The only real Master, God.


53. Do I believe it?


God's Will

Leads me to God

To make me another world-saviour.

Do I believe it?


Do I appreciate it?



54. Haste makes waste


Haste makes waste.


I do not haste.

I do not want to waste

My love of God.

Waste makes haste.


I do not waste.

I do not want to haste

My proud judgement of the world.


55. It is never too late


It is never too late

To aspire.

My heart feels it.

It is never too early

To realise.

My soul knows it.


56. Tomorrow never comes


Tomorrow never comes.


I am appreciating

My earth-beauty



God is demanding

My Heaven-duty



57. We love because


I love God


I need Him.

God loves me


He has to love

His Self-extension-reality. ```

58. Pure and sure


God is pure.


He touches my heart.

I am sure.


I teach myself

And God, too,

How to regulate our lives.


59. They tell me


My sight tells me

Where God is.

Therefore, I am lucky.

My faith tells me

How God is.

Therefore, I am happy.

My love tells me

Who God is.

Therefore, I am peaceful.


60. You are definitely as good as God


You may or may not be

As great as the world thinks

But you are definitely

As good as God

Eternally is.

Who has made you so good?



Because He desperately needs

Another God

To play with Him.


61. I am trying


As a doctor

I am trying to cure myself, my ailments.

As a lover

I am trying to love myself, my ignorance.

As a server

I am trying to serve myself, my reality. ```

62. My ignorance-friend


He who will not be always with me

Is definitely against me.

Who is he?

My present ignorance-friend.

But I am not a bad man, after all.

I shall unmistakably

Do something for my ignorance-friend —

When I am illumined,

When I am perfect.


63. To see the Face of God


To see the Face of God

I enter into you.

To see the Heart of God

You enter into me. ```

64. Seek and find


I have sought.

God asks me to remain silent.

I have found.

God asks me to remain silent.

What did I seek?

My perfection.

What did I find?

God-perfection. ```

65. When you are pure


When you are pure

God-Joy is with you.

When you are sure

You are all alone.

No, not even your best friend,

Earth-pleasure, is with you. ```

66. The Dancer



I danced with Life.

Life does not know how to dance well.


I am dancing with Death.

Death is a hopeless dancer.


I shall dance with God.

We both will be able

To teach each other. ```

67. What shall I be?



What was I?

God's Love-touch.


What am I?

God's Oneness-light.


What shall I be?

God's Perfection-height.


68. I am angry


My earth is not aspiring.


I am angry with my earth.

My Heaven is not smiling.


I am angry with my Heaven.

My God is not descending.


I am angry with my God.


69. I talk


In the morning

I talk and thus empty

My ignorance-vessel.

In the evening

I talk and thus feed

My aspiration-plant.


70. Like it or not


Like it or not,

Think of God.

Like it or not,

Think more of God

Than of yourself.

Like it or not,

Think only of God.


71. Silence, please!


Silence, please!

God is coming.

I hear His Voice.

Silence, please!

God is come.

I see His Face.

Silence, please!

God needs you,

You alone,

Desperately. ```

72. If you do not abide by the law


If you do not abide by the law

You will be at the feet of the law.

If you abide by the law

You can not only sit

On the top of the law

But also far transcend

The law

Easily. ```

73. The patient ones


Patient seed,

I admire your aspiration-duty.

Patient flower,

I admire your illumination-beauty.

Patient fruit,

I admire your perfection-reality. ```

74. He is lost


He is lost, totally lost.

Because of his stupidity

He is unfit for earth;

Because of his impurity

He is unfit for Heaven.

He is lost, totally lost. ```

75. He offered to God


In his first year

He offered to God

His promise-smile.

In his hundredth year

He offered to God

His failure-tears.


76. The fool


Life's courtesy

He ignored.

Indeed, he was a fool.

Death's discourtesy

He challenged.

Indeed, he was a fool.


77. The practical desire


To see the Face of God

Is a theoretical desire.

To become the Heart of God

Is a practical desire.

God cares for the practical desire

Infinitely more than for the theoretical desire. ```

78. You are more than worthy


Lord, I am unworthy of You.

"Son, you are and you are not.

If you look behind,

You are unworthy of Me.

If you look forward,

You are more than worthy of Me,

My Love, Joy and Pride."


79. Family divine


Mother Mary's feet were pure.

Father Joseph's eyes were sure.

Their son Jesus' heart was both

Pure and sure. ```

80. Truth's true ecstasy


There was a time

When falsehood's false ecstasy

He enjoyed.

But now

Truth's true ecstasy

Enjoys him triumphantly. ```

81. Let me dare and dare


Let me dare and dare;

One day ignorance will surrender.

Let me dare and dare;

One day ignorance will aspire

And then in peace

I shall retire. ```

82. I am the road


When I think of God

I am the road to nowhere.

When I love God

I am not only the road

But also the goal



Everywhere. ```

83. Am I not superior to God?


Once in a thousand days

I pray to God,

Yet God is satisfied.

Once in a thousand years

God appreciates me,

Yet I am satisfied.


Am I not superior to God?

My Lord God says I certainly am.


84. Try to satisfy


Try to satisfy humanity.

You certainly can.

Try to satisfy yourself.

Indeed, this is an impossible task.

Try to satisfy God.

Lo, you have already done it

And you have done it quite well.


85. Two supreme secrets


I have explored

Two supreme secrets:

I do not need myself

As much as God needs me.

God not only says

But He actually feels

That I am as perfect

As He is. ```

86. The only perfect solution


Him to obey

Is unhappiness.

To Him to surrender

Is torture.

Him to love

Is the only

Perfect solution.


87. A gift



Is not a chance.


Is a gift

To satisfy

My necessity-hunger. ```

88. Before and after


Before God-realisation

I was allowed to act

Only inside the Heart of God.

After God-realisation

I am allowed to act

Not only inside the Heart of God

But also inside the body of ignorance. ```

89. I prefer


I prefer glowing faith

To mere belief.


I am happy.

I prefer fulfilling surrender

To mere glowing faith.


I am complete. ```

90. The one without equal


For God-realisation

There was none to equal his zeal.

For God-manifestation

There was none to equal his frustration. ```

91. Silence speaks, silence leads


Silence is not silent.

Silence speaks.

It speaks most eloquently.

Silence is not still.

Silence leads.

It leads most perfectly.


92. I hate my life


I hate my dream-life


It is not true.

I hate my reality-life


It is not false.


93. They surprise you


Your ignorance

Surprises you.

His recognition

Surprises you.

My acceptance

Surprises you.

God's Compassion-Illumination

Surprises you. ```

94. Hunger he conquered


Earth-hunger he conquered

To please and fulfil God.

Heaven-hunger he conquered

To please and reveal man. ```

95. They do not deserve


Earth does not deserve

My obedience.

It deserves my acceptance.

Heaven does not deserve

My obedience.

It deserves my co-operation.


96. Fate approaches us


Fate approaches us.

It shows us its supremacy.

We show our supremacy,

Not by reproaching fate

But by transforming it



Perfectly. ```

97. Three hearts to love me


Three hearts to love me:




One soul to illumine me:

Perfection-soul. ```

98. Remember him


Remember him.

He served you

With breakfast-light.

Remember him.

He served you

With luncheon-delight.

Remember him.

He served you

With dinner-height.


99. I really feel sorry for you!


I really feel sorry for you!

When I look at you during the night

I see in you the eye of tired day.

When I look at you during the day

I see in you the surrendered heart of night.


100. When


Beauty glows

When love expands.

Divinity triumphs

When sincerity flows. ```

101. I chose time


I chose time.


I saved time.


I have time

I shall pray and meditate

To stay only in God's Life

Of Silence-sound. ```

102. Exchange


He has exchanged

His existence-cry

For God's Compassion-Light.

God has exchanged

His Existence-Delight

For his hope-sea.


103. Freedom and conscience


Freedom of conscience:


Conscience of freedom:

Satisfaction-silence. ```

104. In their eyes


In the eyes of humanity

I am a forgotten man.

In the eye of divinity

I am a forgotten God.

In my own eye

I am a forgotten nothingness-sound. ```

105. Generally he prays


Generally he prays.


God-Compassion descends.

Generally he meditates


God-Pride smiles.


106. My lives


My earth-life

Is a bondage-slave.

My Heaven-life

Is a freedom-voice.

My God-life

Is the fulfilment of my perfection-choice. ```

107. Emotion


Emotion of the inferior man:

It breaks before it builds.

Emotion of the superior man:

It just builds and builds.

Emotion of the God-man:

It just appreciates, claims and owns. ```

108. My earth-life


My earth-life

Was a chain of obligation-frustration.

My earth-life

Is a road of division-separation.

My earth-life

Shall be perfection-destruction. ```

109. O curiosity-inspection


O curiosity-inspection,

Start looking within.

You have the same God-goal,

The same God-love,

The same God-perfection

As I have.

Only one thing:

You care not to know

What you have.


You care to know

Whether what I have is real


A false fascination-light. ```

110. Perfection-sun


The human in him does not know

That there is a limit

To his imperfection-night.

The divine in him eternally knows

That there is no end

To his perfection-day,


Perfection-sun. ```

111. No difference


No difference





No difference


My earth-height


My Heaven-light.


112. To break the laws


My life wanted to break


It failed to break;


It badly suffers.

My life wanted to break


It succeeded in breaking;


God-Compassion cares not

For my heart-arbour. ```

113. Lord, I marvel


Lord, I marvel at Your


"Son, I marvel at your


I marvel at your

Ingratitude-tower." ```

114. Nothing dies, nothing lives


Nothing dies,

Not even your little stupidity.

Nothing lives,

Not even your stupendous sincerity. ```

115. O procrastination-king


O doubt, O procrastination-king

Give up role, give up art.


Earth's ever-loving Light


Heaven's ever-transcending Dream. ```

116. Two dwelling places


Live in the mind.

You do not know

Who you are.

Live in the heart.

You will know

Not only who you are

But also

What God has for you


What God is to you.


117. My two worlds


Truth, where are you

In my vast world?

Falsehood, where are you not

In my tiny world?

Desire, how long will you remain

The bridge between

My tiny world


My vast world?


118. No man


No man

Is wise enough

To see

God-height in man.

No man

Is pure enough

To live always

In God's Height of Self-transcendence. ```

119. No matter what


A desire-man

Is bound to complain

No matter what he has


What he is.

An aspiration-man

Is bound to smile

His satisfaction-smile

No matter what he has not


What he is not. ```

120. Smile with God-satisfaction


Cry for life-perfection.

You will enter into the world

Of incessant expectation.

Smile with God-satisfaction.

Lo, you have entered into the world

Of God-realisation

To enter into the world

Of God-manifestation.


121. Don't cry!


Don't cry!

Your heart will one day love the God-face.

Don't cry!

Your eye will one day win the God-race. ```

122. Do you have faith?


Do you have faith in God?

"Yes, I have."

Then you will climb up to God-height.

Do you have faith in yourself?

"Yes, I have."

Then soon you are bound to be

Another God. ```

123. Ascend, descend


Ascend, ascend!

At the end of your Heaven-bound journey

You will grow into

God the Eternal Lover.

Descend, descend!

At the end of your earth-bound journey

You will grow into

God the Eternal Beloved. ```

124. Neither can truly live


No disciple can truly live

Without some sincerity within.

No Master can truly live

Without some divinity within. ```

125. My beautiful body


God played His role:

He created my beautiful body.

I am now playing my role:

I am contributing ugly impurity

To my body.


126. My helpless body


I played my role:

I created my helpless body.

God is now playing His role:

He is contributing perfection-strength

To my body.


127. My expanding vital


God played His role:

He created my expanding vital.

I am now playing my role:

I am contributing dark frustration

To my vital.


128. My depression-vital


I played my role:

I created my depression-vital.

God is now playing His role:

He is contributing giant determination

To my vital.


129. My searching mind


God played His role:

He created my searching mind.

I am now playing my role:

I am contributing poison-doubt

To my mind.


130. My restless mind


I played my role:

I created my restless mind.

God is now playing His role:

He is contributing climbing aspiration

To my mind.


131. My love-heart


God played His role:

He created my love-heart.

I am now playing my role:

I am contributing destruction-fear

To my heart.


132. My insecurity-heart


I played my role:

I created my insecurity-heart.

God is now playing His role:

He is contributing satisfaction-oneness

To my heart.


133. My immortal soul


God played His role:

He created my immortal soul.

I am now playing my role:

I am contributing taut bondage

To my soul.


134. My helpless soul


I played my role:

I created my helpless soul.

God is now playing His role:

He is contributing perfection-fulfilment

To my soul.


135. Human love, divine love


Human love is a ready tongue.

God's Compassion-light forgives

Its ceaseless flow.

Divine love is a ready hand.

The human mind suspects

Its unconditional offer.


136. You can never measure


Pray to God.

You can never

Overestimate your necessity-cry.

Meditate on God.

You can never

Measure your opportunity-train.


137. Stranger-foes


Objection is a stranger-foe

To the searching mind.

Rejection is a stranger-foe

To the loving heart.

Indifference is a stranger-foe

To the aspiring soul. ```

138. God is mine


God is mine.

I know it.

I know it.

This is my mind's absolutely honest opinion.

I am God's.

I feel it.

I feel it.

This is my heart's absolutely firm conviction. ```

139. Opportunity and success


Opportunity is not success

But success

Is the recognised or unrecognised

Fulfilment of opportunity. ```

140. A supreme secret


I tell you a supreme secret:

The invocation divine of aspiration-flames

Every human being

With no exception

Must accept

Either in the immediacy of today


In Eternity's future. ```

141. My self-transcendence



I was the realisation

Of imperfection-night.


I am the revelation

Of perfection-light.


I shall be the manifestation

Of satisfaction-height.


142. O God-necessity


O God-necessity in me,

I am ready.

Do accept me.

If I fail,

You can reject me.

But now do give me

A chance, at least.


143. Absence of pain, absence of joy


The absence of pain

Is not the presence of joy.

The absence of joy

Is not the presence of pain.

The absence of pain

Is the presence of our love for God.

The absence of joy

Is the presence of our love for ourselves only. ```

144. I have two worlds


I have two worlds:

Human and divine.

My human world is too small

And it always wants to remain small.

My divine world is larger than the largest,

And yet it always longs

For its self-enlargement.


145. My poor friend God


Unlike my human friends,

My poor friend God has completely

Run out of His Advice-drops.

What now He has

Is His Compassion-sea.


146. My two friends


Regularity, my friend,

You think of me

With your concern-shower.

Punctuality, my friend,

I think of you

With my surrender-power.


147. I treasure


Somnolence-world my body treasures.

Aggression-world my vital treasures.

Desire-world my mind treasures.

Love-world my heart treasures.

Delight-world my soul treasures.


148. Desire, will and surrender


Desire feels

It can eventually create a new world.

Will knows

It can immediately create a new world.

Surrender reveals the mystery supreme

That God has already created for it

A new world.


149. I have yet to discover


My soul-essence is God:

That I have already discovered.

My life-substance is God:

That I have yet to discover.

God alone knows

When I shall succeed


Whether I shall ever succeed at all. ```

150. Hide-and-seek


My faith and doubt

Played hide-and-seek.

Finally my faith realised

That it wanted to play a new game: God-game.

Doubt admitted it was an unhealthy game

And gave up the game altogether.

It did not care for any other game.


151. He will win in the end


He will win in the end.

Although he is failing

In loving the world

In God's own way,

He will win in the end.

He will win in the end.

Although he is failing

In becoming supremely divine

In God's own way,

He will win in the end.


152. God's Satisfaction-food


I am of God.


My gratitude-plant

Loves God.

I am for God.


God's Satisfaction-food

Immortalises me. ```

153. Do not let them worry you


Do not let them worry you.

After all,

Fear is a tiny ball,

Doubt is a tiny plant


Impurity is a tiny pond.

You can throw the fear-ball away,

Far away.

You can uproot the doubt-plant;

You easily can.

You can stop swimming in the impurity-pond;

Immediately you can. ```

154. With such speed


With speed faster than a thought

I have cast aside

My earth-experience.

With speed slower than a tortoise

I have embraced

My Heaven-realisation.


155. Spend some time


Spend some time in feeling.

Heaven is not as indifferent

As you feel.

Spend some time in seeing.

Earth is not as stupid

As you see.


156. His is the smile


His is the smile

That knows how to forget

His incessant earth-pains.

His is the cry

That knows how to multiply

His infinite Heaven-gains.


157. Please accept me


Please accept me

As your disciple.

I shall not disappoint you.

I was born with sincerity.

Please accept me

As your Master.

I shall not deceive you.

I shall die with sincerity. ```

158. You want progress


You want success.

Lo, success has come to you.

You want progress.

Then you must go to progress.

Where is it?

It is inside the heart

Of God's Satisfaction-smile.


159. Your memory is failing you


Your memory is failing you.

You did love God.

Your memory is failing you.

You did consider God

Your best Friend,

Your only Friend. ```

160. My will-life


My thought-life

Chases humanity-fox away.

My will-life

Embraces divinity-dog unconditionally. ```

161. He is busy


His heart is busy

With his past follies.

Let us illumine him.

His mind is busy

With his future glories.

Let us warn him.


162. Therefore, I am


I am on God's side.


I dare to become,

And I will become.

God is on my side.


I am,

I eternally am. ```

163. He is prepared


He is prepared

To abandon even Mother Earth


She is too slow.

He is prepared

To abandon even Father Heaven


He is too fast. ```

164. I am proud


I am proud of my mind


It is powerful enough

To lessen my earth-pangs.

I am proud of my heart


It is powerful enough

To hasten the Hour of God. ```

165. A sacred smile


My earth-life

Is a secret sorrow

Of my dying heart.

My Heaven-life

Is a sacred smile

Of my challenging soul.


166. Two declarations


I look at God and declare:

Truth is all.

God looks at me and declares:

All is truth. ```

167. I do not need any other


I do not need

Any other weapon

To conquer my frustration-night.

My dedication-weapon

Is enough.

I do not need

Any other path

To reach my realisation-goal.

My meditation-path of surrender-light

Is more than enough.


168. The beginning and the end


The end is important,

And not the beginning.

Look at your totally transformed

Vital life.

The beginning is as important

As the end.

Look at your soul-promise

To Mother Earth

For God-manifestation.


169. News travels


Sad news travels fast:

I forget to feed humanity.

Good news travels slowly:

I love to serve humanity. ```

170. What we ask is impossible!


What you ask is impossible!

I cannot give you my duty's smile.

What I ask is impossible!

You cannot give me your heart's cry. ```

171. No time left


No time left.

Please forgive me, Lord,


No time left.

I have accepted you, Lord,



172. When they die


When my success dies,

Forgetfulness deletes it.

When my progress dies,

God revives it





173. They were happy


Earth was happy

When I heard

About the Goal-seed.

Heaven was happy

When I saw the face

Of the Goal-plant.

God was happy

When I became

The Goal-Tree.


174. Sweet dreams, hard realities


Sweet dreams, my sweet dreams,

Are you really real?

I think you are.

Hard realities, my hard realities,

Are you not always false?

I know you are.


175. God has not said a word


God has not said a word.

It is I who have told you

That God does not care for you.

I hate myself for this inconsiderate lie!

God has not said a word.

It is you who have told me

That God does not need me.

I hate you for this deliberate lie! ```

176. Alas!


My body sees no door.


My mind sees no shore.


My vital wants to roar.


My heart fails to soar.

Alas! ```

177. The life of failure


Yours is the life

Of bombastic failure.

I feel sorry for you.

Mine is the life

Of soundless failure.

You may not feel sorry for me,

But God does.

He always feels sorry for me.


178. What has the courage?


What has the patient courage?

My life-seed.

What has the immediate courage?

My life-tree.

What has the eternal courage?

My life-fruit. ```

179. My Heaven-life, my earth-life


My Heaven-life

Was a birthless and deathless dream.

I enjoyed it.

My earth-life

Is an uncharted fruitless waste.

I am trying to enjoy it.


180. Believe it or not


Believe it or not,

I have seen God, the real God,

Inside you, inside

Your purity-body.

Believe it or not,

I have seen God, the real God,

Inside you, inside

Your beauty-eye. ```

181. Essence and substance


My soul-essence

Is the perfection-seed.

My life-substance

Is the determination-soil. ```

182. My rainbow-life


My animal life

Is a rainbow of binding ropes.

My human life

Is a rainbow of encouraging hopes.

My divine life

Is a rainbow of fulfilling scope. ```

183. One in each


One God-realised man

In every self-sacrifice!

One God-manifested man

In each perfection-flame! ```

184. You saw the light of day


Not to swerve from the path of truth

You saw the light of day.

To serve man and become perfect

You saw the light of day.

To become the Satisfaction-silence of God

You saw the light of day. ```

185. Three tortures


Fear, what is it?

A self-imposed torture.

Doubt, what is it?

A self-betrayed torture.

Impurity, what is it?

A self-ridiculed torture. ```

186. The tree of time


Silence, what is it?

The root of time.

Sound, what is it?

The trunk of time.

Perfection, what is it?

The tree of time. ```

187. No doom


No doom, no doom,

I want you to bloom.

No sigh, no sigh,

I want you to fly.

No satisfaction, no satisfaction,

I want you to be all perfection. ```

188. They are strong


Faith is strong

In God-Assurance.

Aspiration is strong

In God-Compassion.

Love is strong

In itself. ```

189. What kind of Master?


What kind of Master are you?

My own Master never told me

That I was a hopeless case.

What kind of disciple are you?

My own disciples always worship me

As God, the only God.


190. Three new dreams


I have three new dreams.

I wish to share them with you

If I may:

God wants me to accept you;

God wants me to teach you;

God wants me to perfect you. ```

191. One day they will learn


One day

They will learn

To love her.

Her ignorance-disciples

Will love her.

One day

They will learn

To value her.

Her aspiration-disciples

Will value her.


192. What are you doing, Master?


What are you doing, Master?

"I am thinking of you."

Is that so?

Thank you, Master.

What were you doing

Before I came, Master?

"I was thinking of you."

Is that so?

Thank you, Master.

What will you be doing, Master,

After I leave you?

"I will be thinking of you."

Is that so?

Thank you, Master.


193. My three teachers


Necessity taught me

How to become a Yogi.

Integrity has taught me

How to become a poet.

Curiosity is teaching me

How to become an artist. ```

194. A thoughtless Yogi


He was a thoughtless youth.

He needed compassion-flood

From the world at large.

He is now a thoughtless Yogi.

The world is now at his feet

For the illumination-sea.


195. In your baby-heart


Not in your giant mind

But in your baby-heart

I see not only the Heart of God

But also His whole Body

And His real Soul.


196. God-News


Where is God?

Where you are.

How is God?

It entirely depends

On your mental state.

Who is God?

Undoubtedly the life-loving

Self in you. ```

197. You will save and illumine


If you want to live

Only for yourself,

You will die

Before you close your eyes.

If you want to live

For God and God alone,

You will save and illumine

Not only your little world,

But God's entire world.


198. How can I, why should I?


How can I put up

With the world

When I know perfectly well

That the world is doing everything wrong?

How can I?

How can I?

Why should I shut up

When God is asking me

To teach the world constantly



Why should I?

Why should I?


199. Lord, I am sick


Lord, I am physically sick,

Vitally sick, mentally sick.

When are You going to cure me?

"Son, you do not have to remind Me

Of My Duty.

And I am telling you,

As long as you are not spiritually sick,

I do not worry about you." ```

200. I fix my eyes


I fix my soulful eyes

On my Master's feet

For compassion.

I fix my soulful eyes

On my Master's heart

For liberation.

I fix my soulful eyes

On my Master's eyes

For perfection.


From:Sri Chinmoy,Sound becomes. Silence is, Agni Press, 1975
Sourced from