Question: I feel lost about how to offer love to God. It seems that unless God enters into you, you do not have love to give.

Sri Chinmoy: If you start thinking about how to love God, you will never be able to do it. It has to be spontaneous. When you enter into a garden, you do not have to think about how you can appreciate the beautiful flowers. Immediately the vibration of the garden will come and enter into you. Immediately you will smell the fragrance and see the beauty. In the same way, we love God not by thinking, but by feeling. Feel that you have opened your heart-door. When you open up the garden gate, you do not have to run to a particular flower. Immediately you get the purity and fragrance of the flowers. Your heart is not just a tiny muscle. It is also a garden. Once you enter your heart-garden, then definitely you will be able to see the Gardener, our Lord Supreme. You can start by imagining your heart-garden. Imagination is a world of its own. It is completely different from thinking. Thinking is constant contradiction. But when you imagine something very beautiful and soulful, it has tremendous reality, tremendous truth in it. To come back to your question, do not think of how to love. Just love. Love is already there inside your heart-garden.

From:Sri Chinmoy,Sri Chinmoy answers, part 29, Agni Press, 2001
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