Nils Lodin: You are a Guru, but what is a Guru?

Sri Chinmoy: ‘Guru’ is a Sanskrit word. It means ‘he who illumines others’. The Guru brings light. Light itself is the real Guru. In my case, I always say that I am a server. I am a child of God, and you are also a child of God. We are members of the same family. The one who came first into the family perhaps knows more than the ones who came after him. In terms of spirituality, I know a little more than my students. Being the elder brother, I know more about our Heavenly Father, God. I teach them how to pray and meditate so that they can also have a free access to our Heavenly Father, their Inner Pilot.

From:Sri Chinmoy,Sri Chinmoy answers, part 29, Agni Press, 2001
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