Part IV — Technology and science

Question: Matter is made up of atoms. Is spirit also made up of certain atoms?

Sri Chinmoy: Matter is made up of atoms, true, but inside matter spirit is there, the Supreme is there. Spirit is not made up of atoms. You can see the body, but you cannot see the soul. The transcendental spirit does not act like matter. An atom can be broken into fragments, but the transcendental Spirit remains always infinite, boundless. Spirit cannot be broken into pieces. The eternal Silence of the unmanifested Spirit cannot be broken into pieces. But the sound-life can be broken into pieces because it is only the creation. Matter is the creation in which slow and steady evolution is taking place. Spirit is the Source. The Source cannot be separated or made into fragments. The Source is eternally inseparable. Only the creation can be broken into pieces.

From:Sri Chinmoy,Soul-education for the family-world, Agni Press, 1977
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