Sail my heartbeat sail, part 2

71. Where?


Where am I coming from?

I am coming from my mind's doubt-funeral.

Where am I going to?

I am going to my Lord's singing Rehearsal. ```

72. Even I hesitate


My Lord Supreme begs me

To be His Heart-playmate.

My body-vital-mind-heart,

Even I hesitate. ```

73. Run


Run, run, my heart!

Run extremely fast.

Ignore, ignore

The voices of the past. ```

74. Never retire


My heart and I

Together aspire.

God's Message-Light:

"Never retire!" ```

75. Complaint-seeds



My doubt-mind goes,


Proudly it sows. ```

76. God's chosen souls


God's chosen souls

Are His Poetry,

And also they are

His Pottery. ```

77. I flounder


When my aspiration is

Totally out of order,

Alas, helpless, hopeless,

My life and I flounder. ```

78. Hope and promise


My hope

Is my heart-land.

My promise

Is God's own Hand. ```

79. Expectation



The less I need,

My Lord Supreme

The more I feed. ```

80. Wisdom-Strength


My Lord never measures

My stupidity's length.

He just tells me: "My child,

For you My Wisdom-Strength." ```

81. Beauty's Light


Every morning my eagerness-heart

Rockets my prayers to the summit-height.

Empty of darkness-night my life,

Within, without, His Beauty's Light. ```

82. Heart-Floor


I kneel before

God's Forgiveness-Door.

"Come in, My child,

Dance on My Heart-Floor." ```

83. Sadness-Face


My mind is the proof

Of my sweet Lord's Sadness-Face.

My heart is the winner

Of the longest Heavenward race. ```

84. No more


No more, no more

My pleasure-life.

Nowhere I see

My destruction-knife. ```

85. Victory-Drums


The seeds of joy

I plant in my mind.

God's Victory-Drums

All-where I find. ```

86. Multiplying misdeeds


My Lord eyeless remains

To my multiplying misdeeds.

No expectation-fruit —

From morn to eve my heart He feeds. ```

87. Soul-rapture


O stark death-blows,

My heart you cannot torture.

Never forget,

I am my soul-rapture. ```

88. God-smiles


Mine is the joy

That ever shines at God's Golden Feet.

Mine is the task

To give God-smiles, whomever I meet. ```

89. Frustration


My mind's frustration weighs

Heavier than failure.

Alas, my heart and I

Know not how to endure. ```

90. Utterly lost


My doubting mind

Never touches God's Heart.

Utterly lost,

Within, without, death-dart. ```

91. Heart-garden


My Lord Beloved Supreme

Was shocked

To see my heart-garden

All locked. ```

92. Victory-Bell


Every desire-bound thought

Is a tenebrous prison-cell.

Alas, I hear nowhere

My Lord's Victory-ringing Bell. ```

93. Gratitude-heart-flame


From high Above,

My Lord's Compassion-Rain descends.

From low below,

My gratitude-heart-flame ascends. ```

94. Ownership


I sleep nowhere


My Lord claims now

My ownership. ```

95. Every Step


O every step along the progress-road

Quickly lightens my heavy bondage-load. ```

96. Service-life


My happy service-life

I dearly love.

Indeed, a Blessing-Boon

From high Above. ```

97. God-atmosphere


A God-atmosphere

Sleeplessly I need,

My roaring mind

To silence and lead. ```

98. Pseudo-reality


Within, without,

You have no divinity.

Your mind enjoys

Pseudo-reality. ```

99. Sleeper versus leaper


Mine is a mind

That has become an indulgence-sleeper.

Mine is a heart

That has become a Heavenward leaper. ```

100. Desert-mind versus paradise-heart


There was a time

When my life was a desert-mind,

And now in me

Beauty's paradise-heart I find. ```

101. Deathless spring


The mind can be

A danger-thing.

The heart can be

A deathless spring. ```

102. Oneness-reality


My heart's

Perfection-dream perpetually glows.

My life's

Oneness-reality everywhere grows. ```

103. Silence


The inner silence

Is my soul's voice.

The outer silence

Is my only choice. ```

104. Where my Lord is


My eyes know not

Where my Lord is.

My heart feels that

It is His Bliss. ```

105. God-journey


You are not your sadness-life.

You are your gladness-heart.

You are not your failure-tears.

Start your God-journey, start. ```

106. Hope-boat


My life's hope-boat

Is bound to succeed.

My Lord's Vision-Eye,

Its promise and speed. ```

107. Meeting-date


O never, never mix with hate.

God will cancel His Meeting-Date. ```

108. Pleasure-life


Lo, at top speed

A stark repentance-knife

Is chasing today

My thoughtless pleasure-life. ```

109. Pilgrim-soul


I love my pilgrim-soul,

I love, I love.

My soul, my Supreme Lord's

All Fondness-Dove. ```

110. Lord thrives


O when gladness

Brightens our lives,

Fast, very fast,

Our sweet Lord thrives. ```

111. Destiny-sounds


O God-seeker-heart,

Aspire, enjoy your inner epiphany.

Permit not your life

To be eclipsed by the sounds of destiny. ```

112. The old way


The old way was so good.

God-Smiles were its only food. ```

113. God-journey's strength


My gratitude-heart,

Your ever-increasing length

Is my God-journey's

Sure, indomitable strength. ```

114. Empty of choice


O when my mind

Is empty of choice,

My Lord teaches me

To sing with no voice. ```

115. Breathless cries


O when my heart

Has sleepless, breathless cries,

My Lord shows me

With no wings how He flies. ```

116. God's Way


O when my life

Longs to please God in His own Way,

He befriends my heart,

With Him to dance and play. ```

117. Music-band


God came to me

With His Music-Band

To bless my heart's

Orphan, homeless land. ```

118. Contradiction


My heart's purity-flooded devotion

Knows no inner contradiction. ```

119. God's Beauty


Our hearts see God's Beauty

In our selfless God-duty. ```

120. Market-noise


I pray to stop

My mind-market-noise,

And I meditate

To regain my poise. ```

121. Promises


My Lord Supreme,

You are tired of all my promises high.

My Lord Supreme,

I am tired of Your indifference-sky. ```

122. My Lord's Rainbow-Dream


Whatever I see

Reminds me of my Lord Supreme.

Whatever I do

Serves His Heart's Rainbow-Dream. ```

123. Newness and fulness


My stark desires rob me

Of my sweet happiness.

My God-longing gives me

All newness and fulness. ```

124. God-lover


My heart is only

A part-time God-lover.

How can I expect

God's full Blessing-Shower? ```

125. Devotion-surrender


Devotion is

The flower of happiness-light.

Surrender is

The fruit of fulness-delight. ```

126. Beloved's Face


O only when I walk

Far beyond time and space,

I proudly see all-where

My Supreme Beloved's Face. ```

127. My Lord desires


My Lord desires

My heart to fly

Only under His

Heart-Flower-Sky. ```

128. Nothing


We see nothing pure, nothing new.

Our impurity-mind is blocking the view. ```

129. Gone


Gone are the carefree days.

I now study with wisdom-rays. ```

130. My Love


My Lord tells me:

"My child, My Love can never be measured.

My Love can only be

Secretly, sacredly treasured." ```

131. The upper hand


If my own doubting mind

Gets the upper hand,

My Lord will never call me

To join His Band. ```

132. Justice-Light


God's Justice-Light

Has caught me by surprise.

Alas, for me,

No more my heart's sunrise. ```

133. Never



Can never be complicated.


Can never be duplicated. ```

134. Two rooms


My prayer-room

Is made of my heart's sincerity.

My meditation-room

Is made of my soul's divinity. ```

135. God-plenitude


Not head-solitude,

But pure heart-solitude

I need, I need

To have God-plenitude. ```

136. Compassion-Tower


My Lord treasures

My gratitude-heart-flower.

I treasure my Lord's

Tallest Compassion-Tower. ```

137. Disobedience


O my God-disobedience-disgrace,

I am doomed!

How can I show my face?


138. Pinnacle


From the highest pinnacle

My Lord brought my soul down

To add beauty

To His Dream-blossoming Crown. ```

139. God-telephone


My fears and tears

Never leave me alone.

Out of order

Remains my God-telephone. ```

140. Buy today


Be wise,

Buy peace, today buy.


The price will go high. ```

Editor's introduction to the first edition

The poems in this volume were written in Pondicherry, India on July 6th and 7th, 1998.

From:Sri Chinmoy,Sail my heartbeat sail, part 2, Agni Press, 1998
Sourced from