Question: What does the most beautiful place in Heaven look like?

Sri Chinmoy: The beauty of Heaven cannot be expressed with the human tongue or felt with the human heart. You can’t express it because it is a different dimension. In Heaven, each cosmic god has a plane of his own. Then again, each real spiritual Master also has a plane of his own. People who are devoted to a Master will say that his plane is most beautiful because they see the beauty through the Master’s eyes or the Master’s heart. Here also, if people come to the Centre, if they see the Centre through me, they will like it. When they see me through the Centre, at that time they find millions of faults. But if they see the Centre through me, they will like it. When you people die, if you behave well, I will give you a place in my home. You will say, “Oh, it is so beautiful,” just like you say, “Oh, Jamaica is so beautiful.”

From:Sri Chinmoy,The soul and the process of reincarnation, Agni Press, 1977
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