My path and my songs are inseparable

Really good singers, I wish you to pay attention to my life-activities. We have had many favourite songs over the years. There are at least thirty songs that I compose each year that are very soulful, beautiful and powerful. These songs I take as part of my meditation, so you also may kindly take my songs as my meditation. If you take my path seriously, you have to give tremendous importance to my music-world, my song-world. Some of you are excellent singers. If you take my path seriously, then pay attention to my songs. My path and my songs are inseparable. My music, my songs come directly from my heart and from my soul. Kindly pay attention to your spiritual life in all its aspects.

Singing, singing, singing! There are some seekers and God-lovers who are not Tagore-worshippers, but how soulfully they practise and practise Tagore’s songs! In the same way, daily you can spend half an hour singing my songs.

Those who have the capacity, I beg of you to pay more attention to my music-world. There are many who cannot carry one single note, so I am not asking them.

No laziness! Please take everything seriously.

29 June 2005

Aspiration-Ground Jamaica, New York

From:Sri Chinmoy,The temple and the shrine, Agni Press, 2013
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