Question: Sometimes I feel that I have power, peace and love, and I was wondering if these qualities that I have are spiritual or just human qualities.

Sri Chinmoy: Right now you do have power, love and peace. But the power that you have is not pure power; it is vital power, aggressive power. You want to dominate others; you want to lord it over them. Then, if you want to show your love, you have to know that it is not pure love that you have. It is just the possessive human love, which is constant frustration, There is no real feeling of oneness in it. And if you want to offer peace to somebody, you have to know that this peace which you have is incomplete. Human peace is just a compromise; but that is no peace at all. Or sometimes when you are totally tired and exhausted, your mind makes you feel that you are peaceful. So you do have these qualities — power, love and peace — but not at the highest level. Power itself is not bad, peace, real peace, is not bad; love is not bad. But human power, human peace, human love — these are bad. What you have to do is make a choice as to which one of these three you like best. Then, the quality that gives you the most joy you have to try to transform into its divine aspect. If power gives you joy, then try to enter into divine power. Concentrate and meditate on the omnipotent Power of God. You will see that when you get that omnipotent Power, you will not use it to destroy: you will only use it to love humanity, to kindle the flame of aspiration in humanity, to awaken humanity so that it can run towards the Goal. If peace gives you most joy, then try to concentrate on divine Peace; or if love gives you joy, try to enter into divine Love. In this way you will eventually reach your goal.

From:Sri Chinmoy,Transformation-Night, Immortality-Dawn, Bhakti Press, Ottawa, 1975
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