Part II — Discourses

When you are with your Master-Lord and when you are without your Master-Lord

When you are with your Master-Lord and when you are without your Master-Lord.

When you are with your Master-Lord, even ten thousand elephants cannot budge you an inch.

When you are without your Master-Lord, even the tiniest possible ant can take away your very life-breath.

When you are with your Master-Lord, the entire aspiring world soulfully adores you, to tell the truth.

When you are without your Master-Lord, the entire aspiring world shockingly ignores you, to say the least.

When you are with your Master-Lord, your life means sweetness, your life means happiness, your life means fulness.

When you are without your Master-Lord, your life means temptation, your life means frustration, your life means destruction.

When you are with your Master-Lord, give Him at every moment your physical breath, your vital breath, your mental breath, your psychic breath.

Your physical breath is your ignorance-surrender.

Your vital breath is your action-surrender.

Your mental breath is your thought-surrender.

Your psychic breath is your will-surrender.

In doing this, at every moment you will grow into an ever-transcending, ever-illumining and ever-fulfilling instrument of your Master-Lord, both in His Universe of realisation and in His Universe of manifestation. You will become undoubtedly His absolutely most perfect instrument throughout Eternity and you will be always with Him, for you are eternally His Life-Breath-manifestation.

Always be with your Master-Lord.

You will be His Eternity’s choice.

You will be His Immortality’s voice.

From:Sri Chinmoy,I wanted to be a seeker of the Infinite, Agni Press, 2012
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