I implore Your Compassion-Light

Ami Jachi Taba Kripa Jyoti


Ami jachi taba kripa jyoti




I implore Your Compassion-Light. ```

Ami Kandi Amar Hiyar Nire


Ami kandi amar hiyar nire




I cry inside my heart-nest. ```

I Cry Inside My Heart-Nest


I cry inside my heart-nest. ```

Ke Amare Baliche Ai


Ke amare baliche ai




Who is telling me: "Come"? ```

Kato Katha Balar Ache Balte Kare Bhoy


Kato batha balar ache balte kare bhoy




So much to say,

But I am afraid to tell.


Doubt-Thief, No More!


Doubt-thief, no more! ```

Bhishan Aghat Kare


Bhishan aghat kare

Khulo amar hiyar dwar




Striking me hard,

Open my heart-door.


Nimesh Hara Kripar Bale Benche Achi


Nimesh hara kripar bale benche achi




Sleepless compassion keeps me alive. ```

Sleepless Compassion


Sleepless compassion

Keeps me alive.


Hiya Hok Mor Taba Pada Dhule


Hiya hok mor taba pada dhule




May my heart become

The dust of Your Feet.


May My Heart Become


May my heart become

The dust of Your Feet.


Chetanar Rupantar


Chetanar rupantar ei dhyan nirantar




My nature’s transformation

Is my constant meditation.


After a Long Time, I See Today


After a long time,

I see today

The Goddess of Peace. ```

Chalte Hale Chalbo Ami


Chalte hale chalbo ami

Andhar rate bhoyer sathe noy




If I have to walk in darkness-night,

I shall walk never with fear.


If I Have to Walk in Darkness-Night


If I have to walk in darkness-night,

I shall walk never with fear.


Ashar Pradip Halo Aji Hasi Pradip


Ashar pradip halo aji

Hasi pradip




Hope-lamp has become today smile-lamp. ```



Hope-lamp has become today



May I Know at Every Moment


May I know at every moment

That You are Your Compassion-Ocean.


I Shall Worship You, My Lord


I shall worship You, my Lord,

With my heart-garland today.


Jani Jani Chapalatar Sugopanam


Jani jani chapalatar

Sugopanam durbalata




I know, I know,

The secret name of restlessness is weakness.


Amar Sathi Nitya Nutan


Amar sathi nitya nutan

Jiban hasir gan




My friend is my ever-new



Jibane Marane Bajabo


Jibane marane bajabo

Kebal kanur premer murali




In life and in death,

I shall play only on Lord Krishna’s Love-Flute.


In Life and in Death


In life and in death,

I shall play only on Lord Krishna’s

Love-Flute. ```

Ashar Pathe Chalbo Ami


Ashar pathe chalbo ami ashar pathe




Along the path of hope I shall walk. ```

Along the Path of Hope


Along the path of hope

I shall walk.


Maner Bane Kantar Sane


Maner bane

Kantar sane

Thakbona ar thakbona




In the mind-forest, with thorns,

I shall no more live, no more.


In the Mind-Forest


In the mind-forest, with thorns,

I shall no more live, no more.


Janma Dibas Shapath Harash Ek Ek


Janma dibas shapath harash ek ek




Birthday and promise-ecstasy - one, one. ```

Birthday and Promise-Ecstasy


Birthday and promise-ecstasy —

One, one.


Jug Jug Dhari Hiyar Bhakati


Jug jug dhari hiyar bhakati

Jibana shakati ek sathe chale





Devotion-heart, power-life

Together move on. ```

Eternally Devotion-Heart



Devotion-heart, power-life

Together move on. ```

Andhar Sathe Kheli Ami


Andhar sathe kheli ami

Taito alok rahe dure




I play with darkness,

Therefore, light remains away.


Atma Tyager Bishal Hiya


Atma tyager bishal hiya habe amar nam




My name shall be the vastness-heart

Of self-giving.


I Implore Your Compassion-Light


I implore Your Compassion-Light. ```

Who Is Telling Me: Come?


Who is telling me:



Swapan Sathi


Swapan sathi swapan sathi

Tomai ami bhalobasi




O dream-companion,

O dream-companion,

You I love. ```

O Dream-Companion


O Dream-Companion, O Dream-Companion,

You I love.


So Much to Say


So much to say,

But I am afraid to tell.


Sandeha Taskar Nai Ar Nai


Sandeha taskar nai ar nai




Doubt-thief no more! ```

Striking Me Hard


Striking me hard,

Open my heart-door.


My Nature's Transformation


My nature’s transformation

Is my constant meditation. ```

Bahudin Pare Pelam


Bahudin pare pelam

Ajike shantir darashan




After a long time,

I see today the Goddess of Peace.


Tomar Charan Amar Bhuban


Tomar charan amar bhuban

Ei kathati jante shudhu chai




My world is Your Feet.

Only this I want to hear.


My World Is Your Feet


My world is Your Feet,

Only this I want to hear.


Tumi Je Tomar Kripar Baridhi


Tumi je tomar kripar baridhi

Jani jena taha nirabaradhi




May I know at every moment

That You are Your Compassion-Ocean.


Pujbo Tomari Prabhu


Pujbo tomai prabhu aji hiya phuler mala diye




I shall worship You, my Lord,

With my heart-garland today.


The Secret Name of Restlessness


I know, I know,

The secret name of restlessness

Is weakness. ```

My Friend


My friend is my ever-new



Sara Ami Dibona


Sara ami dibona ar purataner dake




I shall never respond to the call of the old. ```

I Shall Never Respond


I shall never respond

To the call of the old.


Tumi Amai Karecho Khama Taito Benche


Tumi amai karecho khama

Taito benche achi




You have forgiven me.

Therefore I am alive.


You Have Forgiven Me


You have forgiven me.

Therefore, I am alive.


I Play with Darkness


I play with darkness.

Therefore, light remains away.


My Name Shall Be


My name shall be

The vastness-heart of self-giving.


From:Sri Chinmoy,I implore Your Compassion-Light, 1993
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/ycl