Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 148

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There is only one way
To purify my human life,
And that way is
To burn the soul-fire
Within my heart.


Why does my mind have to walk
Through the dust of the past
Every day?


Spend not even a moment
In hesitation-night
If yours is the goal
Of fastest speed.


My Lord,
I can hide from Your Justice-Might,
But I will never be able to hide from
Your Compassion-Height.


There shall come a time
When the hustle and bustle
Of the vital life
Will cease
And the secret and sacred whisper
Of the psychic life
Will reign supreme.


I have decided to choose
A new future.
In this new future
I shall let God make
My daily routine.


Do you want to change your mind
Or do you want your mind to change you?
If you want to change your mind,
Then inject your heart’s meditation-fragrance
Into your mind.


Imagination and inspiration I need
To improve my outer life of duty.
Aspiration and surrender I need
To improve my inner life of divinity.


A smile from your oneness-heart
Is undoubtedly the best weapon
To save you from
The bite of insecurity.


Intensity expedites our progress
In every sphere of life.
In everything we do and become
Intensity is of paramount importance.


If you strike your heart’s aspiration-gong
For God’s Victory
Every morning and evening,
You will be able to calm
Your mind’s destruction-hurricane.


May my searching mind and my loving heart
Today start
A soulful and fruitful relationship
To please the Lord Supreme
In His own Way.


Like God’s Compassion,
Your concern for mankind
Can speak each and every language
On earth.


O my heart’s hope-fountain,
In all sincerity I wish to tell you
That you are my life’s only saviour.


My humility-strength
Is my Lord’s
Fondness-Pride in me.


My Lord,
Just remember when I love You,
And not when I ignore You.
“My child,
That very thing I always do.”


God wants you
At every moment to assert
Your inner and outer relationship
With Him alone.


Unalloyed ecstasy does exist,
But it exists only
In my heart’s self-giving breath.


As time does not stop,
But always proceeds
Either slowly or speedily,
Even so, my heart’s aspiration-cry
Will not stop.
It will cry either powerfully or faintly.


Do not allow yourself to be suffocated
By the ruthless ignorance-demands
Of the outer world.
Your freedom-choice is coming
From God’s inner Voice.


When you talk about God’s Compassion,
You maximise
Your inner strength.
When you talk about your aspiration,
You do not maximise
Your heart’s sincerity-beauty.


Do not be afraid of
The new challenge ahead every day.
Each new challenge
Makes your love of God
Infinitely stronger
Than you can ever imagine.


My heart’s loneliness
And my life’s separation from God
Are two most powerful blows
That I will never be able to endure
Even for a fleeting second.


Every morning, when I place my head
At the Feet of my Lord Beloved Supreme,
Immediately He says to me,
“My child,
I want to hear something new
From you today!”


God tells me not to take Him seriously
When He does not want to give me
Another chance
For my life-transformation.


If you can make friends
With your heart’s hope-fountain,
Your life’s dream-boat
Will unmistakably reach its destination.


Your mind’s clever deception
Will eventually end in
A volcano-eruption.


O my mind’s frustration,
You must relinquish
Your illegal and unauthorised


O my mind’s ignorance,
You may defeat my soulful heart
With your clever tricks
For the time being,
But my heart still enjoys
Supreme popularity.


When all your thoughts are aspirations
Multiplied by actions,
You become God’s choice child
To live permanently in His Heart-Home.


There is only one song
That each human being likes to sing
From the cradle to the grave,
And that song is his hope-song.


You are supposed to expose
Your ego-life
And not merely eclipse it
To make the fastest progress
In your spiritual life.


When a mental catastrophe strikes,
Intensify your psychic cries
For your liberation-life.


If you enjoy your hesitation-mind,
It will eventually
Turn your heart-faith false.


My prayer-life is my helpless
Earth-ascending cry.
My meditation-life is my fearless
God-descending smile.


If desire controls your life,
Then God will not keep you
On His Compassion-Satisfaction-Payroll.


The sweetness of hope
And the power of promise
Keep my dream-reality alive.


O my mind’s thought-life,
Do make friends with
My heart’s newness-fulness
And my God’s Fulfilment-Promise.


Be not afraid of your meditation-sunburst.
This sun will connect you with
Your own Eternity’s peace
And Infinity’s delight.


Not my division-mind
But my oneness-heart
Is practising to participate
In the self-transcendence
Olympic Games.


My Lord,
Every day I think of You soulfully
For half an hour.
Do I have to think of You more?
“Yes, you do, My child.
But if you want to hasten
Your realisation-hour,
Then walk along the path
Of your mind’s surrender
And your heart’s gratitude.”


God asks you to do
Only two things:
To make Him laugh loudly
And make Him dance powerfully.


When I speak ill of my mind to God,
My mind also speaks ill of me to God.
God tells us
That we two are saddening His Heart
Beyond our imagination.


The mind is a member
Of the heart-family.
But, alas, it mistakenly thinks
That the heart is its very distant relative.


Until I become completely desireless,
I have decided to put my desire-life
On a very strict and very limited budget.


My mind likes to take
My heart likes to take
My soul likes to take
My God wants me only to take


My morning meditation
Weakens the power of my sound-life
And augments the satisfaction
Of my silence-life.


What else can you expect
From a vagabond mind
Than daily to make new


When my longing heart-tears
Wash God’s Compassion-Feet,
He tells me,
“My Manifestation-Life,
My child, I leave entirely in your hands.”


Concentration-speed I need
To run forward.
Meditation-speed I need
To dive inward.
Contemplation-speed I need
To claim and be claimed
By the higher God,
The inner God
And the outer God.


Do we love others?
This is the wrong question.
Do we love ourselves?
This is the right question.


Do we see God?
This is the wrong question.
How do we see God?
This is the right question.


Are there many ways to realise God?
This is the wrong question.
Is there one way to realise God,
Which is God’s own Way?
This is the right question.


Does God love my mind?
This is the wrong question.
Does my heart love God?
This is the right question.


When I am unhappy,
What does God do?
This is the wrong question.
What do I do
To make God happy?
This is the right question.


Is God nice to me?
This is the wrong question.
How many times a day
Am I nice to God?
This is the right question.


Is God old or is God young?
This is the wrong question.
Is God eternal and immortal?
This is the right question.


Where is God?
This is the wrong question.
Am I feeling God right now
Inside my heart?
This is the right question.


Has anybody ever seen God?
This is the wrong question.
When am I going to see God?
This is the right question.


Are there many gods, or only one?
This is the wrong question.
Do I need many gods or only one
For my realisation?
This is the right question.


Does God need me?
This is the wrong question.
How many times a day
Do I sincerely need God?
This is the right question.


Will God ever treasure me?
This is the wrong question.
Will I ever love God
In His own Way?
This is the right question.


Who told me first about God?
This is the wrong question.
Have I told anybody about God?
This is the right question.


When will God change this world
Into a better world?
This is the wrong question.
Will I be able to become a partner of God
To create a better world?
This is the right question.


When will God come to me?
This is the wrong question.
When God comes to me,
Will I be able to receive Him
With deepest love and gratitude?
This is the right question.


God, will You give me the capacity
To please You?
This is the wrong question.
God, will You give me the capacity
To sleeplessly pray
And breathlessly meditate?
This is the right question.


Who can tell me today
How great God is?
This is the wrong question.
How many people can I tell today
How good God is?
This is the right question.


God, what will You give me today?
This is the wrong question.
God, will You give me the capacity
To give You everything
That You ask of me today?
This is the right question.


God, if I do not please You
Here on earth,
Will You give me another chance
To please You in Heaven?
This is the wrong question.
God, will You give me another chance
To fulfil You and please You
In Your own Way here on earth?
This is the right question.


God, will there be a time
When there will be no wars
On earth?
This is the wrong question.
God, how can we serve You
Most soulfully and most effectively
In Your world-peace-manifestation
On earth?
This is the right question.


God, will You make my mind
As vast as the ocean?
This is the wrong question.
God, will You make my mind
As pure as a flower?
This is the right question.


God, can You tell me
How many drops there are
In the ocean?
This is the wrong question.
God, will You make my heart’s
As countless as the drops
Of the ocean?
This is the right question.


The stupid mind never thinks
That God is approachable.
The wise heart knows
That God can be approached
For anything.


A special Grace from Above
Has to flood the world
If the world is to be saved
From oneness-bankruptcy.


His heart is hiding
Inside his mind
To illumine his mind
Affectionately and compassionately
At the right moment.


Since God’s Compassion and Forgiveness
See through all our disguises,
Can we not be sincere and wise?


Only the hopes and dreams
That live inside my heart
Can make friends with Immortality.


I have bravely forgiven
All my yesterdays
So that today I can cheerfully run
Towards my destined Goal.


O my mind,
You say that you cannot wait
For a better world.
But tell me, what have you done
To speed the arrival
Of a better world?


Only a sleepless enthusiasm-strength
Can build a bridge
Between earth’s ceaseless cries
And Heaven’s sleepless smiles.


To spend a moment in hesitation
Is to go away
Further and further
From Reality’s Satisfaction-Delight.


Only by singing
Your heart’s soul-songs
Will you be able to tame
Your unruly mind.


The vigilance of the soul
Can grant enormous confidence
To the aspiring mind.


A soulful meditation
Does have the capacity
To minimise the mind’s


A tearful gratitude
Can easily increase
The depth and height of your meditation.


Because of his heart’s readiness
He ran the fastest from the very start
To reach God’s Satisfaction-Destination.


Some people have many guides,
But I have only one guide,
And that guide is my fondness-dream.


I am glad that you are
Your heart’s implicit devotion-cry
To reach God’s Summit-Palace.


When God comes with His Compassion-Eye
To speak to my doubting mind,
My doubting mind, like a thief,
Disappears from God’s Presence.


Why do you waste your time
Arguing with your doubting mind?
Your mind is already a fool.
Do you want to be another fool?


On this very special day
My Lord Supreme
Is in an excellent mood
To answer any questions
I can possibly ask.
Alas, alas!
Where are my life-illumining questions?


It is the heart that suffers
From its separation from the mind,
And not the reverse.


God’s unconditional Compassion
Never keeps
An unlisted telephone number.


The moment I think of God,
I clearly see only one thing:
His Summit-Forgiveness-Smile.


You may be a rogue,
But don’t think God is a fool.
He will not give you maximum results
For your minimum effort!


O my mind,
Can you not see that
Because of your stark stupidity-acts
You are quite often entangled
By frustration-nets?


An unaspiring heart
Can have only a fragile faith,
And never a faith everlasting.


I wanted my aspiration-dream
To fly.
Alas, it is not even crawling!


Seekers come in three categories:
Some want only to be pleased
By God.
Others want to please God
And be pleased by God.
Still others soulfully sing
Their heartbeat-motto:
“God for God’s sake.”


May my life be an enthusiasm-server,
May my heart be an eagerness-crier
To sing my Lord’s Victory-Song.