Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 161

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My heart-dreams
Have rainbow-wings.
I see them flying
In the firmament
Of Infinity’s and Eternity’s


I know, I know,
That my heart’s dedication-sun
Will never set.
It will only shine
And forever shine.


If you do not discourage
Your desire-life,
How will you encourage
Your aspiration-life?
You have chosen aspiration-life
To give you satisfaction.
Therefore, desire-life
Discourage and discontinue
Right from this very moment.


A mind of indifference
Is a deplorable possession.
Get rid of this indifference-mind!
Just have a heart
Of concern, sympathy and oneness.


When I look at you,
When I speak to you
And when I think of you,
I see that you have
A very severe sincerity-shortage.


You do not have to stay always
At a low point
In your aspiration-life.
Cry like a child,
Smile like a child!
Your aspiration-life
Will again rise
High, higher, highest.


If you are not doing well
In your spiritual life,
Just think you took a false start.
Then, with a new and fresh
Take another start.
You are bound to take
The right start.


Your self-styled
Aspiration and dedication
Will very soon prove
To be a mental hallucination
And nothing else.


If you take your spiritual life
As something amusing
And not inspiring,
Then wherever you go
You are only a spiritual tourist,
And the life of a tourist
Cannot have lasting inner poise.


I am so glad
That our human life
Is not the final stage
Of evolution.
It is only another


When you live
In your mind and vital-apartments,
You are bound to see
That your landlords
Are infinitely worse
Than tyrannical.


If you deviate
From the beautiful, powerful
And fruitful dictates of your soul,
Your life not only will prove
A failure
But also will embody
An extremely sad experience.


When you are in the heart-home,
There is only an entrance
And no exit.
Not even an emergency exit
Is necessary.


God’s Compassion
Every morning reads man’s heart
And either pitifully cries
Or powerfully smiles.


Never go to a mind-shop.
There is nothing there
To please you.


I am preparing myself
Every day,
Every hour,
Every minute,
To be a member of tomorrow’s


My seeker-friend,
God’s Ears are in perfect condition.
Just pray soulfully and devotedly.
God definitely does not need
A hearing aid!


Once you fail
In the divinity-school,
Do not claim that your life is over.
You can again enrol in the divinity-school
And receive a perfection-diploma
From the Lord Himself.


Since you want your mind
To remain always
In the curiosity-world,
It will not be possible
For you to go beyond curiosity.
You will suffer
From incurable curiosity.
But real spirituality is far beyond
The domain of curiosity.
It is in the heart’s
Fully sincere awakening
That spirituality breathes.


There are only
Three special lessons
That you have to study
For your God-realisation:
Love God soulfully,
Devote yourself to God sleeplessly
And surrender to God’s Will
Willingly, cheerfully and breathlessly.


Each failure-experience
Makes us infinitely stronger
Than we can ever imagine.
And each failure-experience
Is meant to give us
Brighter-than-ever realisation —
Powerful, more powerful
And most powerful.


The last message of hope
I am not ready to hear.
I know it will be
A heartbreaking message,
Which will devastate and destroy my life.


When my soul tells me
Its progress-story,
I feel that there is someone
On earth
Whom God can trust,
Whom God can love,
Whom God can give the capacity
To be His absolutely choice representative
On earth.


Eternity’s aspiration-flight
And Infinity’s destination-delight
Each truth-seeker
And each God-lover
Must long for.


Each human being
Needs to have
Soulful, devoted love
To fulfil God
In God’s own Way.


Each time I sit
With my surrender-heart
At the Feet of my Lord Supreme,
An overwhelming surge of ecstasy
Enters into my subtle being.


O my mind,
You too can receive
From my Lord Supreme.
Just empty yourself,
And keep no thought-thorns
Inside you.


Man’s speciality:
God’s Speciality:


God always asks for help
With earth-transformation.
Alas, there are very few people
Who are willing and ready to join God
In His Transformation-Game.
But there shall come a time
When God will say:
“My children,
If you do not want to help Me,
I will do it all by Myself.
I can do it,
And I shall do it!”


My heart,
You and I must come out
Of unlit ignorance-cave.
If our mind wants to stay,
Let it stay.
But you and I must come out!


When it is a matter
Of soulful tears,
There is no difference
Between the heart of earth
And the heart of Heaven.
There is no difference!


For a sincere seeker
There should be no stopover
Between earth’s aspiration-cry
And Heaven’s satisfaction-smile.


If a man
Does not have any hope,
Then he is not alive.
And how can a dead man
Do anything
Either for himself
Or for the world?


When you forget your past,
The past that has not
Fulfilled you,
It is indeed
The greatest blessing
That you can have
From Heaven.


You say
That you have decreased
Your lethargy-life.
I would like you to prove it!
If you show me that you have increased
Your aspiration-life,
Only then will I feel
That you have actually diminished
Your lethargy-life.


My vital,
You have studied for a long time
At insecurity-school.
Now stop studying!

My mind,
You have studied for a long time
At insincerity-college.
Now stop studying!

My heart,
It is high time for you
To study at purity-university.
Start studying!


Capture all your doubts
In the mind, in the vital
And in the physical existence
And bury them
Ruthlessly and happily.


Insecurity and jealousy
Are the two fatal maladies
Of the mind.
They sail in the same boat.
Lo, the boat has already capsized!


If our mind
Does not fight with impurity,
If our heart
Does not fight with insecurity,
There can be no permanent victory
In our life of aspiration.


Are you a fool?
Why do you feed the desire-beggar
In your life
From morn to eve?
Just feed yourself
With your heart’s
Mounting aspiration-flames.


You will be blessed
With a delight-flooded future
Only if your earthly existence
Becomes your heart’s
Streaming, God-loving tears.


God does not appreciate you.
God cannot have any good opinion
Of you.
Do you know why?
You are consciously living in
A fear-drenched present.


He who lives
In the wastelands of lethargy
Is already declared a failure
In the heart of mankind
And in the life of Heaven.


When your heart asks you
To do something,
You must know
That there is no tomorrow.


Be careful
Of your little faith-plant.
Take proper care of it.
It needs your constant attention.
If you do not help
Your tiny faith-plant to grow,
Then your mind’s doubt-enemies
Will very soon uproot it.
Then begins
Your spiritual failure-life.


You are caught,
Mercilessly caught,
In your insecurity-compulsion-cage.
But God’s unconditional Compassion
Can and will save you
And take you out of the cage,
For no individual will remain on earth
This is God’s Decree.


My Lord Supreme,
My surrender-heart and I
Have done nothing wrong
To this world.
Yet we have become
Conscious and constant victims
Of the world.


O my mind, be patient.
You need not hurry!
Eternity is waiting for you
To change your life.


Be not in a hurry!
Your fastest speed
May cause disaster
In your attempt to reach the goal


My Lord comes to me
And tells me
That I must barter my beggar-life
For His Infinity’s


I have been on the pinnacle-peak
Of success.
Happiness was not
To be found there.
Now I am on the solid ground
Of progress,
And I am all delight,
All fulfilment.


If you delay in safeguarding
Your sacred purity-heart,
Before long your ruthless mind
Will not only capture
But also destroy
Your purity-heart.


Every day
The human life likes to enjoy
Satisfaction in the inner world
And satisfaction in the outer world
Have to remain a far cry.


Is your life
A living tribute to God?
If it is,
Then you can claim God
As your own, very own,
And God will proclaim Himself
Your loving and serving Slave.


If the unworthiness-giant in you
Is not destroyed
By your soul’s adamantine faith,
Yours will be a life
Of most painful experience.


The indifference of my mind
Has covered my heart.
How hard I am trying
To liberate my heart
From the indifference
Of my mind!
O my Lord, help me!
I am all tears, my Lord,
Save me!


Thought-insects are biting you.
Do you know why?
Because you have surrendered yourself
To your restless mind.
Surrender yourself only
To your heart of peace.
Then there will be
No thought-insects to bite you.


There should not be any pause
In your aspiration-life.
It is the continuous flow
Of your aspiration
That God wants from you.


Your gratitude-heart’s tears
Will increase a thousandfold
If your inner life
And your outer life
Become a song of unconditional surrender
To God.


Each good thought,
Each divine thought,
Each illumining thought
Is indeed a hero-warrior
Of the Lord Supreme.


My prayer-heart
And my sacrifice-life
Consciously and sleeplessly
Support each other.


Complacency is nothing other than
Deviation from truth
And separation from one’s own
Real divinity.


Your heart’s silence-tears
Will definitely unite you
With God
Perfectly and satisfactorily.


I have the same old weaknesses:
Fear, doubt, anxiety, worry,
Insecurity and impurity.
But I do not think
They will forever reign supreme.
God has a different note
To play inside my heart.
God has a different story
To tell inside my life.


You may enjoy
An unbroken stream of victories
On earth
By virtue of your success.
But unless your self-giving progress
Takes place,
No victory of yours
Will give you abiding joy.


I am counting the minutes
Until God comes
And blesses my purity-heart’s


Is there anybody
For whom God does not use
His all-loving Concern-Umbrella?
God comes to protect us always
With His Concern-Umbrella.
But sometimes we are reluctant to use it.
We want to save ourselves.
We are so deep
In our own stark stupidity.


All your desires
One by one
Will eventually disintegrate.
Just wait and see!


When there is a fight
Between my heart’s delight
And my vital’s despair,
My soul always takes
My heart’s side,
For my heart is always right.


If you are attacked by doubt,
If you are attacked by depression,
If you are attacked by frustration,
Do not think that that is the end.
There is still God’s Concern,
There is still God’s Oneness-Heart.
Invoke them!
They will come
To your immediate rescue.


When the doubt-missiles
Attacked his mind ruthlessly,
His mind immediately surrendered.
But now,
God’s unconditional Compassion-Eye
Is operating in and through him
To give his mind a new life.


If we all sail
The same selflessness-heart-boat,
Then this world of ours
Will have a new name:


The clutter of thoughts
Has diminished
Man’s God-awareness
And God-fulfilment.


Every day
Our desire-list has to become
Short, shorter, shortest.
Only then our aspiration-list
Will become
Long, longer, longest.
With this longest aspiration-list,
We shall arrive at God’s Heart-Door.


When I do not pray,
When I do not meditate,
When I do not serve,
I feel without fail
An abysmal helplessness
Inside me.


You call it self-doubt today,
But tomorrow,
When you are awakened,
That very thing
You will know was self-hatred,
Which ruined your spiritual


When we pray,
We see that there are other worlds.
When we meditate,
We bring down the sunlit worlds
Into our ordinary life.


God’s Manifestation-Motto
Is so simple:
Peace within, peace without,
Peace between two thoughts,
Peace between two individuals,
Peace between Heaven and earth.


It is absolutely unnecessary
To convince your mind
That you and your heart
Are doing the right thing.


O, where can I find
An unconditionally surrendered life
To inspire me, lead me and guide me
To my destination?


In the morning
When I offer my obedience
To my Lord Supreme,
I feel I am a real member
Of His Heart-Family.

In the evening
When I offer my soulful gratitude
To my Lord Supreme,
I feel I am a true member
Of His Inner Circle.


Happiness comes and happiness goes.
Why it comes and why it goes
I do not know.
But my Lord Supreme,
This time when You give me happiness,
Do make me the very breath of happiness,
So that happiness cannot leave me!


God’s Compassion is there
For the entire world.
Every day He blesses us
With His Compassion.
But again, every day
We cast aside His Compassion
And try to live our lives
In our own ignorant way.


Do not stop
Your inner education!
The day you stop
Your inner education,
Will chase you, catch you
And devour you.


Is of supreme importance.
Before we embark
On our spiritual journey,
While we are on the journey
And at the end of our journey’s close,
Is our constant, sleepless need.


You want to swim
Against temptation-tide
Without God’s Grace?
No physical power, no vital power,
No mental power
Has the capacity
To swim against temptation-tide.
God’s Compassion-Power only
Can make you succeed.


To have an impurity-mind
Is already
A severe punishment
From the higher worlds.


Swiftly, safely and cheerfully
At every moment
I must sail
My hope-dream-promise-boat
Towards the Golden Shore.


If you proclaim yourself
To be perfect,
Then I have nothing
To learn from you,
For to me perfection is not in declaration;
Perfection is in embodiment
Of the highest divinity.


The opportunity-bird
Brings me the message
Of tomorrow’s all-illumining
And all-fulfilling dawn.


Do not break
Your promise to God,
For God, too, has a Heart
Like you,
And it badly, severely hurts
His Heart.


O my mind-kingdom,
Why are you so foolish?
Why have you allowed yourself
For such a long time
To be ruled by doubt-monarch?
Can you not see
That doubt-monarch
Is torturing you, destroying you?


A purity-surcharged heart
Is the beginning
Of a safe and fulfilling
Heavenward journey.


The mind’s mantra is:
“I can speak on God-subject
Twenty-four hours a day.”

The heart’s mantra is:
“My Lord,
Speak and speak!
Do speak to me
Twenty-four hours a day.
I will just listen,
Seated at Your Feet.”


If you allow your impurity-mind
To trespass on your purity-heart,
You are making
A most deplorable mistake
In your life’s aspiration-journey.


The unwritten messages of my heart
Are so sweet, so beautiful,
So soulful and so illumining.
The unwritten messages of my heart:
Never abandon aspiration-cries.
Never abandon aspiration-hopes.
Never abandon aspiration-promises.


Unlike human beings,
God does not believe in examining
My heart’s sincerity.


To throw oneself soulfully
Into others’ earth-elevating activities
Is a very difficult task.
If we do not do it,
This world of ours
Will remain imperfect forever.


The greedy mind thinks
That life without success is useless.
The hungry heart feels
That life without progress is deplorable.


Every day
A fresh garland of devotion-flowers
He places at the Feet
Of his Lord Beloved Supreme.