Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 8

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When I pray,
My Lord Supreme tells me
That in Heaven He will grant me
A most beautiful place to live.

When I meditate,
My Lord Supreme tells me
That I have found on earth
The most perfect place
For Him and His Satisfaction to live.


Ignorance-pirate has captured you
Because you did not go to enjoy
Your oneness-picnic
With God’s other seeker-children.


You have been persuaded
To the false conviction
That God does not want you
Or need you.
Therefore, your entire life is haunted
By doubt-phantom.


Every day my soul visits
My Lord Supreme
And brings down faith-medicine
From His Salvation-Pharmacy
To cure my insincerity-mind,
And insecurity-life.


The donkey inside my mind
Lives an indecision-life.

The deer inside my heart
Is always ready with decision-speed.

The lion inside my soul
Enjoys immediate God-ordained


Your heart’s God-reliance
Is a powerful shaft
Of God’s death-silencing Truth.


God does not allow my mind
To give talks on perfection
In His Amphitheatre,
But every day He invites my heart
To give talks on aspiration
And dedication.


Now that you have become one
With your soul’s silence-light,
You can easily depart
From the doubt-madhouse of your mind.


O my life,
Do not aim for anything else
Save and except
My Lord’s Satisfaction-Permanence.


The human mind finds it
Quite impossible to believe
That it is an immigrant
From the ignorance-world.


Now that your heart
Is no longer petrified
By insecurity-monster,
Your life can enjoy
The towering tallness
Of satisfaction-house.


My mind has destroyed itself
By thinking.

My heart is looking for a hope-plant
Inside my barren life.

My soul has become a complete stranger
To satisfaction-delight.


His is the formless God.
He meditates and meditates
On God the Light
To illumine him.

Mine is the personal God.
I meditate and meditate
On God the Supreme Beloved
To fulfil me.


Now that you have launched
Into the spiritual life,
Just remain faithful.
You will definitely reach
Your golden destination.


My Beloved Supreme,
I may not have many things to give You,
But I do have two things to give You:
A heart of gratitude
And a life of surrender.


Your self-reliance
Is nothing short of God-defiance.
Therefore, you will always be denied
Infinity’s blue-gold ecstasy-dreams.


If you want to be perfect,
Then what you need is
Minute-to-minute aspiration.

If you want to be satisfied,
Then what you need is
Year-to-year dedication.


Your mind has been stung so mercilessly
By jealousy-bee
That you are not able to see
Your heart-bird
Inside God’s Love-Nest.


Who says you have become nothing?
You have become the dead-end road
Of self-styled satisfaction.
Perhaps you do not realise it,
But that is something —
Something absolutely intolerable.


What am I doing?
I am building my silver dream-boat
To sail my earth-bound human life
To the liberation-shore.


To see God the Light,
To feel God the Light,
To become God the Light:
This is the only goal
Of my meditation.


When he meditated on light,
Inside light he saw peace.
When he meditated on peace,
Inside peace he saw
The liberation of the world.


O my soul,
Can you please tell me a few words
About God’s Eye and God’s Heart?
“God’s Eye
Is His Eternity’s Newness.
God’s Heart
Is His Eternity’s Fulness.”


If every day you put on
The armour of faith,
God will grant you
His most precious gift:


Yours is a life
Of self-contradictory hungers.
Yours is a mind
Of continual hallucinations.
Yours is a heart
Of helplessness multiplied by weakness.
What then can anybody expect from you?


He who conquers his mind
Is invited by God
To be a co-sharer
Of God-Immortality’s infinite Treasure.


There can be no greater absurdity
Than to think that your life
Will no longer be able to succeed
And that your soul
Will no longer be able to proceed.


Give your heart’s beauty and life’s duty
To the world’s tremendous necessity.
You will enjoy swift and lofty flights
To your Immortality’s self-transcendence.


Only an aspiring heart can feel
That God’s Vision-Eye
Is all promise
And that God’s Reality-Heart
Is all fulfilment.


When I pray soulfully,
My Beloved Supreme gives me the capacity
To love my inner life infinitely more
Than I love my outer life.

When I meditate sleeplessly,
My Beloved Supreme grants me the capacity
To love Him infinitely more
Than I love my outer life of hope
And my inner life of promise.


The heart’s purity
The human hand cannot pollute.
The soul’s divinity
The human heart cannot grasp.


Because his heart is perfected
By gratitude,
He is now blessed
With a liberated life.


If you are not ready to accept
From your heart’s Heavenly realm,
Then how do you expect to receive
From your soul’s unparalleled height?


You must expose yourself
To only one thing
And that thing is
The divinity-world
Of Heaven’s infinite Love.


His life is hopelessly wavering
Between the world
Which wants to devour him
And his Beloved Supreme
Who wants to be devoured by him.


The visible God daily invites you
To come and eat with Him.
The invisible God silently asks you
To invite Him to eat with you
At least once in your entire life.


If there is no purity of purpose
In what we say and do
God will never be able to dance
His Satisfaction-Dance before us.


My Lord Supreme,
Where can I find You immediately?
“My child,
You can find Me immediately
Inside the hearts of those
Who are selflessly and untiringly building
My Kingdom of Heaven
Here on earth.”


What you are doing is ridiculous!
On the one hand
You are looking at your life
Through the maze of discouragement.
On the other hand
You are expecting the advent
Of a new saviour.
I have a new name for you:


How can you see the bright hue
Of your happiness-dawn,
When you sleeplessly enjoy
Your self-taught ignorance-game?


When are you going to learn
That you need to completely abandon
Your life’s monstrous insecurity-queen?


He who is sustained
Only by his faith-force
Is cherished
By God’s transcendental Pride.


Only the unflinching determination
Of your heart
Can save you from your mind’s
Aching loneliness.


There can be no dead end
Not to speak of a U-turn
For a genuine seeker-traveller
Of the Absolute Supreme.


Your mind is totally lost
In academic confusion.
Your vital is completely lost
In ruthless frustration.
Your heart is absolutely lost
In shameless unwillingness.
Alas, how then can you expect
Happiness from your life?


Do you want to keep your mind free
From the debris of impurity-thoughts?
If so, appoint your heart
To be your mind’s regular housekeeper.


Every day adhere to your convictions!
Your mind’s brooding doubts
Are the worst enemies
Of your heart-life.


If your mind is devoted
To perfection-revelation,
Then your soul can dynamically activate
Your useless lethargy-body.


His soul is so kind to his mind.
Every day his soul enters into his mind
And prescribes a new
And effective prayer-medicine
For its lingering doubt-disease.


If you enjoy sitting
On the bench of contentment-luxury,
Then how do you expect to complete
Your Godward race?


Personal and impersonal,
With form and without,
God the Supreme
Encompasses all.


When I pray,
I feel that I am a beggar
Looking at a rich man’s house.
Perhaps, out of compassion,
The rich man will give me alms.

When I meditate,
I feel that I am waiting for
My dearest friend
To do me a special favour.
Since we have established our oneness,
My Beloved Friend will definitely
Do the needful.


Why must you always ask,
“When will I become beautiful,
When will I be free from ignorance?”
If you think that you are ugly,
All your joy disappears,
And ugliness becomes your name.
If you think that you are caught
In the meshes of ignorance,
You become bound, totally bound.


You want to secretly go up
And not look back at anybody else
Once you have reached your height.
But I tell you,
Both realisation and manifestation
Are absolutely necessary
In God’s divine Game.


There is no other power
Except the heart-power
To tame man’s
Dark-energy-flooded animal life.


Since you must rely on the world
To sustain your body
While you strive
To attain God,
Can you not offer the world
A little peace, light and joy
In return?


What is my earth-bound mind
If not a daily
And regularly false promise
To itself?


Do not allow your life
To be lured into complacency-sleep
If you want to see and enjoy
The panorama of your heart’s


Death is flying on silence-wings
Right above you.
Be careful!
As soon as possible invite your soul-bird
To come to the fore
And chase away this death-bird.


Before my life-journey’s close
I shall realise God.
Indeed, this is not a matter of chance
But of unmistakable choice.


My Lord Supreme,
May my flower-life grow
Inside Your Heart-Garden,
And may my existence be offered
On the shrine of Your Life-Breath.


I always pray to God for forgiveness
When I do something wrong.
If God forgives me,
Then who can punish me?


Since it is with yourself
That you must live,
You must teach your heart
The art of sacrifice
And you must teach your mind
The art of forgiveness.


With your life
An innocent heart was born.
With your life
A complicated mind will die.


The Master’s eye says,
“The search begins here.”
The Master’s heart says,
“The search shall forever continue.”


The separation-clouds between you and God
Will disappear only when
You are ready to accept cheerfully
Everything from God’s Compassion-Sky.


His life is running towards
The Infinite
And his heart is transfixed
In ecstasy-sky
Because his soul
Is a God-tuned lover.


Each seeker must become
A lion of self-control
Before he can dream of turning into
A selfless saint.


He has left the path
Of divine love,
And now his life has become
A completely withered tree.


He is incapable of saying “No”
To the outer life.
He is incapable of saying “Yes”
To the inner life.
Every day problems appear to him,
But solutions never.


If you allow your heart to stand in the Light
Of God’s blessingfully unchanging Eye,
Then your imagination-life
Will be totally satisfied.


My Lord Supreme,
How can I achieve wisdom?
“My child,
You can achieve wisdom
Only through an obedience-life
And a surrender-heart.”


God wants you to know Him
As your Eternity’s Friend.
He does not like you to think of Him
As your Eternity’s Sovereign.


There was a time when my life
Held my heart’s rainbow-dreams.
Alas, my life has now become
A blazing fire of false hunger.


You are your mind’s
Quenchless attachment-thirst.
Therefore, your life has become
A godless poison-drink.


Let us try to recapture
Our lost time
If we really want not only to see
But also to expedite
The arrival of God’s Hour.


I am just learning to feel
That I do not have to actually catch God,
But that someday God will catch me
And pour into my heart
A flood of ineffable Delight.


He is eternal and immortal.
He is within this world and beyond it.
He is the Creator,
Both universal and transcendental.


If you are a sincere seeker
But have not prayed and meditated
For a long time,
Then your heart’s utopia-dream
Is fast turning into
Your mind’s autocracy-nightmare.


Loneliness has mercilessly attacked mankind
And made half the world suicidal.
Alas, when will each human soul realise
That its inner and outer nothingness
Can easily be transformed into
Plenitude without and infinitude within?


There are many marathon-questions
In life,
But the only sprint-answers are these:
A hopeful heart
And a purposeful soul.


The mind is painfully running
Towards death,
Whereas the heart is powerfully denying
The very existence of death.


Since your life has become
A loud self-proclamation-drum,
How will you ever feel the joy
Of a transcendence-satisfaction-life?


Your own sincere search
For yourself
Will become a synonym
For perfection-happiness.


Your mind’s only business
Is to stop torturing God.
Your heart’s only business
Is to please God.
Your life’s only business
Is to become another God.


Mine is the mind
That is tired of losing,
Yet mine is the heart
That enjoys frequent competition.


You tell me
You are a noble-minded soul.
Then show me
Your ignorance-renouncing life!


His every breath is an ascending prayer
For God to stop the tug-of-war
Between his insecurity-mind
And his impurity-vital.


The mind-knowledge travels
To the moon.
The heart-wisdom not only travels
To the sun
But also brings down the sun’s
Silent flame-smiles.


Do you know what is going to happen
To your suspicious mind?
It will collapse in a house
Of wild madness.


Unconsciously you cherish
A chain of falsehood-mountains.
Consciously you would like to cherish
The advent of beauty’s skies.
Alas, you have become a life
Of sorry contradictions.


If you consciously throw yourself
On God’s side,
God will grant you
The Concentration-Arrow
Of His Eye
And the Meditation-Bow
Of His Heart.


Truth tells you
When your mind will wake up.
Peace tells you
When your heart will wake up.
God’s Satisfaction tells you
When your life will wake up.


Instead of always saying,
“God, I need You to please me,”
Can you not only once say,
“God, I love to please You”?


If you want to better your inner life
Of aspiration and dedication,
Then uproot the long-cherished
That is growing in your mind.


No wonder the nebulous clouds
Of uncertainty
Are torturing your mind
Do you not realise that your mind
Lacks even a trickle
Of sincerity-determination?


O my mind,
Are you not sick of losing
Time and again
In the battlefield of life?
When are you going to claim
The marvel of faith divine
As your birthright?


God is inviting you
To share His Life.
But before you do,
He expects you to do Him a favour.
He wants you to ruthlessly destroy
Your desire-thoughts.


Every day
During his morning prayer,
He enters into his heart’s hope-meadow
To enjoy God’s Company,
Even if only for a few brief moments.


My Beloved Supreme,
You are my real Friend.
I do not have to ask You
For anything,
For You know all my needs.

Translations of this page: Czech
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