The Dance of Life, part 19

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901. In My own Way

Father, I think of You so much,
Do You ever think of me?
“Daughter, I do think of you.
But I think of you in My own Way.”

Father, I meditate on You so much.
Do You ever meditate on me?
“Daughter, I do meditate on you.
But I meditate on you in My own Way.

Father, I love You so much.
Do You love me?
“Daughter, I do love you.
But I love you in My own Way.”

Father, what will happen
If You once please me in my own way?
“Daughter, if I please you
In your own way,
Your little ‘I’ will be overfed and fall sick
And die before it gets its own Illumination,
Your divine Self will starve,
And remain unmanifested.
Further, this will engender
My immediate death.”

902. Today's man of action and light

Today’s man of Action
Was Yesterday’s Dreamer.
Today’s man of Action
Shall be Tomorrow’s Path-finder.

Today’s man of Light
Was Yesterday’s Seeker.
Today’s man of Light
Shall be Tomorrow’s earth-Transformer.

903. The essence

Desire is the essence
Of a desiring man.
Doubt is the essence
Of a blinding man.
Fear is the essence
Of a bound man.
Aspiration is the essence
Of an aspiring man.
Bliss is the essence
Of a serving man.
Surrender is the essence
Of a God-man.

904. Difference

Difference of ideas is good.
I say this
Other things are bad.

Difference of convictions is better.
I say this
Other things are worse.

Difference of realisations
Is by far the best.
I say this
Other things are absolutely the worst.

905. Failure and success

Is a bad failure.
Is a worse failure.
Not to try again
Is the worst failure.

Is a good success.
Is a better success.
Is the best success.

906. Your promise

Your promise to God
Is God’s highest Pride.
Your promise to man
Is man’s strongest anxiety.
Your promise to Heaven
Is Heaven’s nectar-delight.
Your promise to earth
Is earth’s frustration-night.

907. He hates himself

He hates himself
He finds evil in everything.

He hates himself
He finds everything evil.

He hates himself
He desired to deceive God.

He hates himself
He desired to deceive his life.

908. Her Master

The eyes of her Master
Serve faster than his hands.
The heart of her Master
Serves faster than his eyes.
The trance of her Master
Serves faster than his heart.

909. Experience tells me

Experience tells me
How foolish I was.
Experience tells me
How wise I can be.
Experience tells me
How silly all my mistakes were.
Experience tells me
How I can easily be perfect
Next time.

910. He is lost

He is lost.
He has no choice,
He has no voice.
He has lost
What he had:
Poise, inner poise.
He has forgotten
What he knew:
Joy, inner joy.
He has smashed
What he built:
His Palace, his inner Palace.

911. Evolution and revolution

Some call it
Cosmic evolution.
Others call it
Life’s transformation.
I call it
God’s transcending Perfection.

Some call it
Bitter frustration.
Others call it
Wild destruction.
I call it
God’s challenging Revolution.

912. The palace of falsehood, the palace of truth

Pure overstatement
Lives in the Palace
Of Falsehood.
Gross understatement
Lives in the Palace
Of Falsehood.

Lives in the Palace
Of Truth.
Lives in the Palace
Of Truth.

913. God descended, I ascended

I unconsciously
Ascended from a monkey.
God consciously
Descended from the skies.

I unconsciously
Offered God
My only treasure:
Cry, heart’s cry.
God consciously
Offered me
His transcendental Treasure:
Smile, Goal’s Smile.

914. Her vital, mind and body

Her vital triumphed
Over her heart,
But failed
To conquer her heart.

Her mind confused
Her heart,
But failed
To weaken her heart.

Her body forgot to love
Her heart,
But failed
To ignore her heart.

915. Checked and unchecked

Checked, her vital strives.
Unchecked, her vital fights.
Checked, her mind obeys.
Unchecked, her mind doubts.
Checked, her heart offers.
Unchecked, her heart rests.
But checked or unchecked,
Her body sleeps.

916. Equality

Poor Equality,
I really feel sorry for you.
In the morning
You are mercilessly
Avoided by others’
Clever responsibility.
At noon
You are compelled
To dance with others’
Insincerity and futility.
In the evening
Absurdity and impossibility
Come into your broken heart
Only to destroy
Your entire existence.

917. I believe in oneness

I believe in oneness.
A child adds his achievements
To his parents’ achievements.
Thus the three become one.
Here I hear the song of oneness,
Here I see the dance of oneness,
Here I feel the reality of oneness.
But for me to say
A child’s achievements
Equal his father’s achievements
His mother’s achievements
Is sheer stupidity.
You are on the top of the life-tree,
He is in the middle of the life-tree,
I am at the foot of the life-tree.
How can our achievements
Be equal?
But we are one,
Undoubtedly one,
Because we have established
Our inseparable oneness
With the life-tree.

918. He claims

He who has stark audacity,
Claims the physical world.

He who has dynamic energy,
Claims the vital world.

He who has silver dreams,
Claims the mental world.

He who has divine love,
Claims the psychic world.

919. Your enemy, your friend

He is your friend
He hides the truth about you.

He is your enemy
He tells the truth about you.

My God is your friend
He teaches you
Secretly and devotedly.

My God is your enemy
He examines you
Carefully, strictly, impartially,
Openly and publicly.

920. No little enemy

There is no little enemy.
A wee fear
Tortures our whole existence.
A tiny doubt
Devours our entire being.
A puny jealousy
Destroys our universal oneness.

921. No little friend

There is no little friend.
An iota of faith
Energises my entire being.

A small fraction of love
Elevates my whole existence
To Heaven.

An insignificant portion of surrender
Makes me one,
Inseparably one,
With Infinity.

922. Machines and men

Unconsciously aspire
To become men.

Consciously aspire
To become machines.

In machines,
God declares
His lofty Pride.

In men,
God declares
His sad disappointment.

923. The story of a saint

Is he a saint?
Catch him,
Strike him,
Kill him,
Since he is not
Adding anything
To our world’s
Practical and real life.

Ah, he is gone!
He is dead!
His silent gaze
We miss so deeply.
His pure life
We miss so badly.
His heart of compassion
We miss so sadly.
His soul of illumination
We miss so unmistakably.
Alas, he is gone!
No more our saint is with us.

924. A daughter's confessions

Father, I confess my insecurity.
Therefore will You not bless me?
“Daughter, I am not a priest.
Therefore I am not entitled
To accept your confession.
But I shall bless you
For something else.”

Father, I confess my jealousy.
Therefore will You not bless me?
“Daughter, I am not a priest.
Therefore I am not entitled
To accept your confession.
But I shall bless you
For something else.”

Father, what is that thing
That You will bless me for?
“Daughter, I shall bless you
You are My own
Searching and struggling,
Aspiring and evolving Self.”

925. Failure

He fails
He never tries.
I fail
I hesitate to try.
Faith never fails
It always tries.
Love never fails
It constantly does.

926. Helplessness and destruction

O self-confessed Failure,
Do you know your other name?
Your other name is
Deplorable helplessness.
O self-confessed Doubt,
Do you know your other name?
Your other name is
Deplorable destruction.

927. O doubter

Flatter me not.
Are a thief in disguise.

Inspire me not.
Are a rogue in disguise.

Love me not.
Are a butcher in disguise.

928. I call him a fool

I call him a fool
He knows not something
Ah, I am so lucky
That God did not call me
A fool
Although I myself did not know
That very thing yesterday.
The main difference
God and me is this:
God illumines His world
Through loving forgiveness.
I illumine my world
Through shameless cleverness.

929. The song of forgiveness

He is weak.
He cannot afford to forgive.
You are strong.
You can afford to forgive.
I am unwise.
I know not how to forgive.
God is wise.
He is all Forgiveness.

930. He and she are not free

He is not free,
He is the King.
She is not free,
She is the Queen.
He is not free
He enjoys living
In the world of mental confusion.
She is not free
She enjoys living
In the world of vital depression.

931. I thought of my future

Three times
I thought of my future
First time when I thought
Of my future,
My Lord said to me:
“My daughter, do not ignore
My Compassion for you.”
Second time when I thought
Of my future,
My Lord said to me:
“My daughter, do not underestimate
My Concern for you.”
Third time when I thought
Of my future,
My Lord said to me:
“My daughter, do not forget
My Love for you.”

932. Sincere and devoted

She is sincere,
She aspires more
Than she normally can.

She is devoted.
She loves more
Than she possibly can.

933. He believes in God

He believes in God
Even though his doubts
Constantly speak against God.

He believes in God
Even though his failures
Constantly speak against God.

He believes in God
Even though God’s entire creation
Constantly misunderstands him.

934. My surrender, my service, my gratitude

My unconditional surrender
Is the only wealth
That I offer to God.

My devoted service
Is the only wealth
That I offer to man.

My soulful gratitude
Is the only wealth
That I offer
To both God and man.

935. Punishment

Doubt is self-punishment,
Faith is self-enfoldment.
Fear is self-punishment,
Courage is self-refreshment.
Division is self-punishment,
Unity is self-enlightenment.
Hate is self-punishment,
Love is self-fulfilment.

936. Follow and command

You follow;
Let me command.
God is there to watch.

You command;
Let me follow.
God is there to watch.

You shall follow;
God will command.
I shall be there to watch.

I shall follow;
God will command.
You shall be there to watch.

This is the only way
To become the seeker,
The Master,
The Supreme.

937. Look at the folly

Look at the folly of his heart!
His heart feels that all men are

Look at the folly of his mind!
His mind thinks that all men are

Look at the folly of his vital!
His vital declares that all men are

Look at the folly of his body!
His body knows that all men are

938. Two places to live

An injured lover
Lives in hell.
A doubtful seeker
Lives in hell.
A misunderstood Master
Lives in hell.
A demanding beginner
Lives in hell.
An unsought adviser
Lives in hell.
Let you and me
Live in Heaven.
Where is Heaven?
Heaven is just
Beside hell.

939. The winner and the loser

He is the great winner
Who wins.

He is the greater winner
Who is the cheerful loser.

He is the greatest winner
Who gives equal value
To victory and defeat.

He alone is the real loser
Who separates
Defeat from victory.

940. Heart and soul, truth and peace

Heart offers its love,
It cannot be bought.

Soul offers its joy.
It cannot be caught.

Truth reveals itself.
It cannot be demanded.

Peace spreads itself.
It cannot be commanded.

941. A reasoning animal

He is.
He is a reasoning animal.
He is not.
He is not a reasonable animal.
He has.
He has the false capacity
To admire all.
He does not have.
He does not have the admirable capacity
To aspire at all.

942. Your real teacher

He who inspires you
Is your real teacher.
He who loves you
Is your real teacher.
He who forces you
Is your real teacher.
He who perfects you
Is your real teacher.
He who treasures you
Is your real teacher.

943. Who can cure?

Defects of the heart
Love can cure.
Defects of the vital
Power can cure.
Defects of the body
Compassion can cure.
Defects of the mind
Nothing can cure,
None can cure,
Only God can cure.
He does it cheerfully,
He does it unconditionally.

944. If I

If I
Do not change my doubting mind
Then there is a safe place
For me:
A grand mental asylum.

If I
Cannot change my doubting mind
Then there is a safer place
For me:
An enormous coffin.

If I
Cherish my doubting mind
Then there is the safest place
For me:
A vast burial ground.

945. When he lives

When he lives
In his heart,
He descends
Into the nature
Of a lamb.

When he lives
In his mind,
He descends
Into the nature
Of a monkey.

When he lives
In his vital,
He descends
Into the nature
Of a wolf.

When he lives
In his body,
He descends
Into the nature
Of a snake.

946. Man's reputation

A man
With a bad reputation
Is already

A man
With a good reputation
Is already
To Heaven.

A man
With no reputation
Is already
To the world
To Heaven.

947. God's Call

What is God’s Call?
God’s Call is the beginning
Of a supernal Vision.
What is a Vision?
A Vision is something
That leads us
To an immortal Decision.
What is a Decision?
A Decision is today’s Kite
Of Aspiration
Tomorrow’s Sky
Of Realisation.

948. Obedience, inner and outer

Inner obedience, inner obedience:
What is it,
If not a divine opportunity?
Outer obedience, outer obedience:
What is it,
If not a glowing beauty?
My inner obedience
Carries me to my Lord Supreme
Sooner than at once.
My outer obedience
Brings me to my Lord Supreme
Slowly, steadily and unerringly.

949. One man and one woman can save the world

One man can save the world.
Who is that man?
That man is the man of Compassion.
One woman can save the world.
Who is that woman?
That woman is the woman of Perfection.
Where does the man
Of Compassion live?
He lives in the Abode
Of God’s Transcendental Pride.
Where does the woman
Of Perfection live?
She lives in the Abode
Of God’s Eternal Gratitude.

950. Father and daughter

Father, how can I
Make You always happy?
Think of Me more.
Think of the world more.
Think of yourself more.”
Father, please tell me how.
Think from today
That I am your only Thinker.
Think from today
That the world is your only thought.
Think from today
That you are of My Heart-Dream
You are for My Life-Reality.”

Translations of this page: Czech
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