The Dance of Life, part 2

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51. I am learning

I am learning the art of listening.
I wish to be an eternal student.

I am learning the art of believing.
I wish to be an eternal believer.

I am learning the art of serving.
I wish to be an eternal servant.

I am learning the art of becoming.
I wish to be
The father of my silver dreams.
I wish to be
The son of my golden realities.

52. What it has

His concentration has given him
What it has: Power.
With Power he has changed
The lives of multitudes.

His meditation has given him
What it has: Love.
With Love he has changed
The face of humanity.

His contemplation has given him
What it has: Oneness.
With his Oneness he becomes man
the lover divine;
With his Oneness he becomes God
the Beloved Supreme.

53. My mind

No more Eternity’s madness
Can hound my mind.
My heart has discovered the Key
For its junior partner.
My heart has unlocked the Door
For its junior partner.

From now on
My mind never shall sleep.
It will watch my inner Treasures:
The sun of Light, the sea of Peace
And the sky of Love.

54. Real hopes

The Heaven of real hopes
Arches over me.
Surrender, the master in me,
Knowledge, the servant in me,
Are together playing.
The Heaven of real realities
Starts my unfailing engine: Truth.
The Heaven of real realities
Generates my illumining electricity: Love.
My sure will moves the world within;
My pure thought moves the world without.

55. Three immortal presents

I have received three immortal presents
On life’s Christmas tree:

With the bud I shall begin
My self-enquiry.
With the flower I shall achieve
My self-discovery.
With the fruit I shall enjoy
My self-mastery.

56. I challenged the invisible

I drove the chariot of the sun
Athwart the arch of blue-gold Heaven,
Dissolving the negative intruders,
Fear and doubt,
Embracing the positive prompters,
Faith and Love.
Thousands of years ago
I challenged the invisible.
At long last, today
My challenge has been accepted.
Enlightenment fondly braves
The untiring searcher.

57. In quest of the satisfaction-queen

His life was an infinitude of quest.
Satisfaction denied him her presence.
Helpless he was.
Miserable he became.
At last a blue bird
From deep within lovingly announced:
“Argue not with your brooding self.
Satisfaction-queen will be yours.
Your meditation shall shake hands
with God-manifestation.
God-manifestation shall shake hands
with your perfection.”

58. His Face and Feet

O unbridled demands and commands
Of doubt, jealousy and insecurity,
Stop your lurid game.
Thrust not upon me
All man-made discoveries.
I need only my God-made achievements:
My God’s smiling Face,
My God’s dancing Feet.

59. Whisperings

The whisper of temptation
Took him to hell.
There he saw his animal face.

The whisper of aspiration
Took him to Heaven.
There he saw his God-Face.

The whisper of realisation
Took him to the World of Silence.
There he became the Endless Race.

60. He found, he finds

At the rim of sorrow
He found his heartless mind.
On the brink of despair
He found his soulless heart.

In the sea of destruction
He found his goalless soul.
Centuries dropped dead.

On the shore of Time
He finds his searching mind
He finds his crying heart
He finds his illumining soul.

61. The gospel of faith

O magnificent aspiration,
You have shown me the life of reality.
O magnificent realisation,
You have given me the soul of acceptance.
O magnificent God,
You have given me the gospel of faith:
My faith in Your descending Smiles
Your faith in my ascending cries.

62. A yawning gulf

A yawning gulf between
My vision-tree and my reality-plant.
A yawning gulf between
The place I love to live and the place I live.
I love to live under the vault of Heaven.
Alas, my existence lives
In the valley of the shadow of death.
Peace has escaped my remembrance;
Delight, too.
But I know a swing of the pendulum
Will change my face and fate.
My surrender supreme
Shall marry my dream-boat
With my reality-shore.

63. The weaver

The world weaves
A garland of curses
For me
When I forget to admire her beauty.

The world weaves
A garland of curses
For me
When I underestimate the value of her gifts.

The world weaves
A garland of curses
For me
When I adore the Light and Delight of Heaven.

The world weaves
A garland of curses
For me
When I love the Silence-King inside my heart.

64. A sin, a crime

A sin against man
I commit
When I love myself alone.

A crime against God
I commit
When I love only mankind.

A sin and a crime
Against myself I commit
I forget what I was, Truth,
And what I am, Love.

65. My new task

When I saw my life
In the silent room of death
I was thrilled.
I smiled because
I was given a new job
By my Lord Supreme:
To discover an oasis
In the spanless desert of death.
Jobless, aimless, helpless and hopeless
No more am I.
No more my heartbeats
A standing jest, derision.
I shall perform my God-ordained task
And become infinity’s Dream and
Eternity’s Reality.

66. I become

No daring is fatal.
No loving is mortal.
No serving is fruitless.

In my daring I become
The Truth Transcendental.
In my loving I become
The soul supreme.
In my serving I become
The Oneness absolute.

67. The story of his destination

Before he reached
His destination, Heaven,
On his way
He hurled his mind hellward
With all its finite nonsense.
On reaching
His destination
He offered God
His surrendered heart
His fulfilled soul.

68. He has

He has the mind
That never sleeps.
It always fights
Against its own existence.

He has the heart
That ever plays
On the Elysian lap of his soul.

He has the body,
He knows not what it does.

He has the vital,
He knows not what to do with it.

69. It steals into my heart

There was a time when I loved
The fantastic fabrics of the mind.
There was a time
When I lived my life
Based on culled fictions.
There was a time
When I was satisfied
With a fragment of reality,
Splintered, broken and smashed.
But now a lucid illumination
Steals into my heart.
The eternal Presence
Of Infinity’s Light
Feeds my Vision’s Dawn.

70. Love and become

I looked for the mainland
Of Reality,
And I found it.
It whispered:
“Love or suffer,
Love or die,
Love and grow,
Love and become.
The world of hesitation has frightened your heart.
The world of calculation has puzzled your mind.
The world of temptation has captured your vital.
The world of depression has devoured your body.”

71. The dance of Transcendence-Bliss

O mind, argue not with yourself,
And suffer no remorse.
O heart, O my senior partner,
How long will you remain
An unuttered part of my life?
O soul, O our general manager,
Do use me, my many selves.
Allow me not to stumble any more
In the world of tragedy and tears.
Today you give me the power
To conquer my puny “I”
And be the song of Transformation-Light.
Tomorrow you will give me the power
To conquer my giant “I”
And be the dance of Transcendence-Bliss.

72. Ego-publicity and frustration-futility

Each of his spiritual children
Was convinced that he saw
No one but him,
No one but her;
Loved no one but him,
No one but her;
Blessed no one but her,
No one but him;
Admired no one but her,
No one but him.
He lost his existence
Between their blind ego-publicity,
And his giant frustration-futility.

73. To see her

Each of her spiritual children
Thought of her differently,
Spoke of her differently,
Saw her differently,
Loved her differently,
Judged her differently.
To each she represented
Something else.
But one sweet fact they all affirmed:
“To see her is to own her.”

74. I am prepared

You have come to me
To share your teeming worries.
I am prepared.

You have come to me
To throw your serpent-doubt at me.
I am prepared.

You have come to me
To challenge my compassion-net.
I am prepared.

My child, I am the sole intermediary
The animal in you and the Supreme for you.

75. You want to be free

You want to be free
From the drag of the flesh.
You want to be free
From the pull of desire.
You want to be free
From the push of frustration.
You want to be free
From the confines of your finite self.
You want to be free
From the prison-house of your own creation.
Then submit your fear to God’s tears.
This is the only way
To regain and safeguard your proudest pride.

76. God has given me

God has given me
Nothing but love and concern.
I have given God
Nothing but ignorance and self-defence.

God has given me
Nothing but Grace and praise.
I have given God
Nothing but frustration and accusation.

God has given me
What He eternally has: Forgiveness.
I have given God
What I eternally am: Ingratitude.

77. When I was born

When I was born
In the heart of my sun
I was my Duty’s role.

When I was born
In the heart of my moon
I was my Beauty’s Soul.

When I was born
In the heart of my surrender-will
I was my Perfection-Goal.

78. He knew

He knew
The impotence of human doubt.
He knows
The importance of Faith divine.
He knew
The impotence of human love.
He knows
The importance of Love divine.
He knew
The impotence of human sovereignty.
He knows
The importance of Surrender divine.
He knew
The impotence of human success.
He knows
The importance of Failure divine.
He knew
The impotence of human goal.
He knows
The importance of Role divine.

79. I desire

I desire
To live remote from the stupid babble of
I desire
To snap the bonds and twists of every snare of
I desire
To see my hidden soul in the hidden Goal of
I desire,
I desire,
I desire
To walk the humble ways of life of

80. He found his place

Sloth and vagary
Found no place in him.
Fear and doubt
Found no place in him.
Worry and despair
Found no place in him.
God’s Love and Pride
Found place in him.
He found his place,
His Eternal Place
On the Lap of Singing God,
In the Heart of Dancing God.

81. Within the span of a single human life

Within the span of a single human life
I shall see the Eye of God’s Vision-Boat.

Within the span of a single human life
I shall feel the Hand of God’s Reality-Sun.

Within the span of a single human life
I shall become the Heart of God’s Perfection-Goal.

Within the span of a single human life
I shall hide Eternity’s ignorance.

Within the span of a single human life
I shall embody Immortality’s Shore.

Within the span of a single human life
I shall reveal Infinity’s Bliss.

82. You must teach

Only one body,
You must teach it.

Only one vital,
You must guide it.

Only one mind,
You must perfect it.

Only one heart,
You must use it.

Only one soul,
You must treasure it.

Only one Goal,
You must become it.

83. Is he your Master?

Is he your Master?
He then must be
An instructor of hard toils.

Is he your Master?
He then must be
A trainer of undying Patience.

Is he your Master?
He then must be
A transmitter of perfecting Light.

Is he your Master?
He then must be
Your only unconditional Lover.

84. I heard

In the abyss of doubt and despair
I heard my Master’s call.

In the depth of love and joy
I heard my Master’s footfall.

In the smile of silence
I heard my Master’s Salvation-Message.

In the life of surrender
I heard my Master’s immortality-Joy.

85. Transformation, transcendence and Beyond

His body,
A picture of austerity.
His vital,
A picture of humility.
His mind,
A picture of serenity.
His heart,
A picture of purity.
His soul,
A picture of nobility.
His Goal,
A picture of Reality.
And he himself is the picture
Of yesterday’s transformation,
Today’s transcendence
And tomorrow’s Perfection-Beyond.

86. Inconscience and Forgiveness

His are the lips that do the best preaching.
His is the life that does the worst deceiving.
His is the body that does the longest sleeping.
His is the vital that does the wildest ridiculing.
His is the mind that does the meanest snobbing.
His is the heart that does the filthiest defiling.
His is the realisation that sempiternally shines
Man’s hopeless inconscience
God’s endless Forgiveness.

87. The voyager of self-discovery, the emperor of life-mastery

I yearn and ache for Thee.
Every day I become
O Lord, forget me not
In my outer goalless wandering
Far and wide.
O Lord, make my pilgrim-heart
The voyager of self-discovery,
The emperor of life-mastery.

88. Behold, your Beloved is come

O shining heart of expectation,
O searching mind of expectation,
O struggling vital of expectation,
O dying body of expectation,
Behold, your Beloved is come
With His Silence-Light,

89. I am a

I am a searcher of expanding space.
I am a lover of running race.
I am an adorer of glowing beauty.
I am a performer of fulfilling duty.
I am a sower of God’s crying necessity.
I am a grower of man’s mounting divinity.

90. You will transform and transcend

O humility’s soul,
Your life-garden is eternally
In bloom.
You were born in the Silence-Palace
Of the moon.
You sport with the Heart of
The Eternity-Sun.
Your surrender-existence is your sole friend.
In your eternal pilgrimage
To the Supreme,
Soon, very soon
You will transform today’s face
And transcend tomorrow’s smile.

91. He is great

He is great,
Not because of his cosmopolitan education.
He is great,
Not because of his international name and fame.
He is great,
Because he touched the Feet
Of his Beloved in the temple.
He is great,
Because he kissed the Feet
Of his Beloved in the mosque.
He is great,
Because he breathed the Life
Of his Beloved’s Feet in the synagogue.
He is great,
Because he has become
His Beloved’s Feet in the church.

92. The soul-bird

O world-ignorance,
You have shackled my feet,
I am free.
You have chained my hands,
I am free.
You have enslaved my body,
I am free.
I am free because I am not of the body.
I am free because I am not the body,
I am free because I am the soul-bird
That flies in Infinity-Sky.
I am the soul-child that dreams
On the Lap of the immortal King Supreme.

93. Therefore I love you

Lord, You are a stranger to tiredness;
Therefore I love You.
Lord, You are a stranger to sleep;
Therefore I love You.
Lord, You are a stranger to dream;
Therefore I love You.
Lord, my darkness hates Your Light;
Therefore I am puzzled.
Lord, my bondage hates Your Freedom;
Therefore I am bewildered.
Lord, my ignorance hates Your Compassion;
Therefore, I am lost, totally lost.

94. Two killers

Lord, when You kill me
With Your Love supreme
I kill you with my undying ingratitude.

Lord, when You kill me
With Your Power supreme
I kill you with my hopeless helplessness.

Lord, when You kill me
With Your Indifference supreme
I kill you with my bleeding insecurity.

95. He acts

He acts.
His actions are stung
By the serpent of ambition.

He acts.
His actions unmistakably
Organise ego-publicity.

He acts.
His actions ruthlessly
Disturb the role of his soul.

He acts.
His actions are always
For the luxury of self-indulgence.

96. The lock and the key

Doubt is the lock,
Faith is the key.
Hate is the lock,
Love is the key.
Body is the lock,
Soul is the key.
Ignorance is the lock,
Light is the key.
God’s Heart has no lock,
Man’s mind has no key.

97. He has heard his Master's footfalls

His life is full of din,
His life is full of rush,
His life is full of hurry.
He is a picture of insincerity,
He is a picture of ingratitude,
He is a picture of failure.
He fails to silence the storm of his flesh,
He fails to come out of the abyss of his doubt,
He fails to bury the coffin of his fear.
He shall be saved,
He shall be liberated,
He shall be fulfilled.
He has heard his Master’s footfalls.

98. March on! March on!

March on, don’t beat retreat!
Sunder not your life from Reality.
March on, respond to the call
Of the Universal Life.
Liberation-flood is yours.
Perfection-sky is yours.
March on, don’t beat retreat!
Don’t argue with yourself.
You are destined to reap the full harvest.
March on, don’t beat retreat!

99. Surrender then surrender now

When I surrendered
To the yoke of public opinion,
My life-forest
Teemed with fear, doubt and despair.
An endless series
Of misfortunes and serpentine windings
Imprisoned my soul.
I have now surrendered
To the Love-Will of my Inner Pilot.
Under the Vault of Heaven
My earthly existence now breathes.
I live to proclaim
My Beauty’s descent and Duty’s ascent.

100. Now I am happy

I was not happy,
Although my fame reached
Unprecedented heights.

I was not happy,
Although the world kissed
The dust of my feet.

I was not happy,
Although God offered me
His Transcendental Pride.

But now I am happy,
The Blossoms of my service-tree
Have all been devoured
By man’s ignorance-night and
God’s Blessing-Light.

Translations of this page: Czech
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