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Part I — Poems 1 to 100

EB 1-100. Poems 1 to 100 were written on Pan Am Flight 100 from New York to London on June 21, 1974, in London and in Cambridge, England.

1. Why I love you

I love you
Yours is the heart
Of an ice-melting flame.

I love you
Yours is the life
Of a love-radiating sun.

I love you
Yours is the soul
Of a compassion-flowing moon.

2. My Lord's favour

My Lord's favour
Has caused me tremendous worries.
I am afraid
At any moment I may lose His favour.

My Lord's disfavour
Has given me tremendous determination.
I am certain
I shall someday win His favour.

3. My success and my failure

My success has built
My ego-palace.

My failure has built
My humility-nest.

O my ego-palace,
You are my life's transcendental disgrace.

O my humility-nest,
You are my divinity's eternal rest.

4. Yesterday, today, tomorrow

He was open-eyed;
God and His transcendental Vision blessed him.

He is open-minded;
God and His infinite Peace bless him.

He will be open-hearted;
God and His immortal Bliss shall bless him.

5. Four indefinable things

Four are the things
I shall never be able to define:
Heaven's endless Dream,
Earth's sleepless aspiration,
God's universal Compassion,
Man's transcendental ingratitude.

6. His life has failed

Do you know why his life has ended?
His life has ended
His eyes have lost their God-smile.

Do you know why his life has failed?
His life has failed
His proud arms did not surrender
To God's Knowledge-sun.

7. No one

You are asking me
To open my eyes.
Tell me, who is there to appreciate
The God-beauty of my eyes?
No one, absolutely no one.

You are asking me
To use my arms.
Tell me, who is there to appreciate
The God-duty of my arms?
No one, eternally no one.

8. The master

You be the master of your every hour.
God will definitely be the master
Of your every moment on your behalf,
Cheerfully, devotedly

You be the master of your soulful smile.
God will definitely be the master
Of your heart's excruciating pangs on your behalf,
Smilingly, sleeplessly

9. Your agelong hunger

Lord, today You are
My most distinguished guest.
Alas, how can I offer You my food,
My ignorance-night?
"Son, I am terribly hungry;
Just give Me what you have.
My cosmic hunger cares not for taste;
It cares only for food.
Soon I shall invite you to be My guest.
I shall give you My food, Nectar-flood.
Like Me, you too must not care for taste,
But for the satisfaction
Of your agelong hunger."

10. Man the saviour supreme

Be pure like the golden dawn.
You can and shall easily be
Man the seeker supreme.

Be sure like the dauntless noon.
You can and shall unmistakably be
Man the lover supreme.

Be true like the dutiful earth
The dutiful sun.
You can and shall eventually be
Man the saviour supreme.

11. O life

O animal life,
Be considerate and not passionate.

O human life,
Be living and not dying.

O divine life,
Be compassionate and not hesitant.

12. From ancient times

From ancient times unto this day
He has not seen a smile
That resembles his God-smile.

From ancient times unto this day
He has not felt a heart
That resembles his universal heart.

13. They do not have to insist

God does not have to insist;
He just smiles and smiles.

Man does not have to insist;
He just cries and cries.

Life does not have to insist;
It just surrenders and surrenders.

Love does not have to insist;
It just becomes and becomes.

14. My soul's festival

My heart was at my soul's festival.
My mind's sense of inferiority
Did not allow my mind to appear.
My vital's sense of superiority
Did not allow my vital to appear.
My body's sense of total unworthiness
Did not allow my body to appear.

15. Hours

The holy hour is silence-nun.
The unholy hour is sound-fun.
The human hour is God-expectation.
The divine hour is man-salvation,

16. To see her

To see her in the morning
Is to be breathless with aspiration.

To see her at noon
Is to be continuous in adoration.

To see her in the evening
Is to be ceaseless in dedication.

17. My life's helpers

An ant's determination
Can save my life.

A drop's surrender
Can illumine my life.

A grain's aspiration
Can immortalise my life.

18. When God is happy

God is happy only twice:
Once when
Heaven's Vision
Earth's determination
Need each other;
Once when
I row my dream-boat
God shows me His Reality-shore.

19. Self-proclamations

My soul says:
"I am that birthless and deathless thing."

My heart says:
"I am that eternally aspiring thing."

My mind says:
"I am that forever dissatisfied thing."

My vital says:
"I am that endlessly desiring thing."

My body says:
"I am that sleeping, snoring and dreaming thing."

20. They wait

My heart waits
For the pure choice.

My soul waits
For the sure voice.

My Lord waits
For my unconditional surrender.

My life waits
For my transcendental acceptance.

21. Totally even

Lord, You and I
Are together once more;
Let us not fail this time.
Let me give You unconditionally
The cries and sighs
Of my bleeding heart;
You just give me
Your Satisfaction-smile.
Lord, this is the only way left
For us to be totally even.

22. Do not forsake me

Infinity, do not forsake me;
I love your infinite Joy.

Eternity, do not forsake me;
I love your eternal Silence.

Immortality, do not forsake me;
I love your immortal Life.

God, do not forsake me;
I love your transcendental Smile.
I really do.

23. My God is lonely

My soul is lonely.
Today, without fail,
I am going to console my soul
With my assurance-height.

My God is lonely.
Today, without fail,
I am going to console my God
With my acceptance-light.

24. My ignorance

My ignorance-heart
Will be washed in life.

My ignorance-feet
Will be washed in death.

My ignorance-dream
Will be washed in Reality:

25. One place to live

You want to know
Where your confusion is.
I tell you
It has only one place to live:
It is in your mental light.

You want to know
Where your aspiration is.
I tell you
It has only one place to live:
It is in your psychic light.

You want to know
Where your realisation is.
I tell you
It has only one place to live:
It is in your surrender-light.

26. Reality

My mind-thought
Has no reality.

My life-actions
Have some reality.

My perfection-surrender
Is the final Reality.

27. I love death

I love death
I am renewed by death.

I love life
I am inspired by life.

I love love
I am energised by love.

I love God
I am examined,
Fulfilled by God.

28. Let us be alone

You be alone.
You are past correction.

Let him be alone.
He is above God-realisation.

Let me be alone.
My life needs correction,
My heart needs God-realisation.

29. You are the goal of everything

Your life tells me
You are the end of everything,
The final man.
I feel it is unmistakably true.

Your soul tells me
You are the goal of everything,
The universal God.
I know it is supremely true.

30. Voices

The voice of my soul
Is always energising.

The voice of my heart
Is always encouraging.

The voice of my mind
Is always discouraging.

The voice of my vital
Is always challenging.

The voice of my body
Is always trembling.

31. Tired and sick

My tears are tired
Of God's delay.

My frustrations are sick
Of earth's display.

I am tired and sick
Of my life's ignorance-clay.

32. Only one smile

Only one sigh of mine
Has the capacity
To stretch God's Compassion-net.

Only one smile of God's
Has the Infinity
To perfect and immortalise my earth-role.

33. Before I forget

Let me play with God
Before I forget.

Let me cry with the poor earth
Before I forget.

Let me fly with my flying soul
Before I forget.

Let me become
Before I forget.

34. My true disgrace

O my unguarded mouth,
You are my true disgrace.

O my unopened heart,
You are my real disgrace.

O my unfulfilled soul,
Don't hide your face.
I shall soon manifest you
With my surrender-embrace.

35. My silence

Soul, my soul,
You are my sunlit silence.

Heart, my heart,
You are my half-lit silence.

Mind, my mind,
You are my unlit silence.

Life, my life,
You are my totally unconscious silence.

36. The right person

Heaven-born freedom
I know not
Whom to share with.
Ah, I know the right person.
I shall share with my brother, man.

Earth-born bondage
I know not
Whom to share with.
Ah, I know the right person.
I shall share with my Father, God.

37. I have lost it

The smile that wins, I had;
But alas, I have lost it.
Actually, my soul has lost it.

The cry that wins, I had;
But alas, I have lost it.
Actually, my heart has lost it.

The will that wins, I had;
But alas, I have lost it.
Actually, my vital has lost it.
Alas, alas!

38. Not too late

Not too late to see a new world.
Start trying!

Not too late to create a new world.
Start crying!

Not too late to please the Absolute Supreme.
Start smiling!

39. Our earth-journey

We start our earth-journey
With a never-ending cry.
This cry is our Divinity's soul.

We end our earth-journey
With an ever-glowing smile.
This smile is our Reality's goal.

40. Loving

Is seeing;
I try to love.

Is knowing;
I try to love.

Is becoming;
I try to love.

Whom do I love?
My old good Friend,
My Eternity's Supreme.

41. Two things to do

My love for God has two things to do:

It has to see God,
The eternal Beggar,
Crying for me.

It has to see God,
The eternal Emperor,
Smiling at me.

The first thing is almost being done.
It seems the second thing
Will take a very long time.

42. Those who believe

Those who believe, embrace.
What do they believe?
They believe that they are
Of God.

Those who embrace, believe.
What do they embrace?
They embrace
God's immanence,
God's permanence
God's transcendence.

43. What was and what is

What was, still is:
My heart's inner cry
For Infinity's Truth.

What is, shall remain so:
My surrender-life
To Eternity's Love.

44. He has no fear

He cares;
He has no fear.

He shares;
He has no fear.

He smiles;
He has no fear.

He loves to surrender;
He has no fear.

He surrenders to love;
He has no fear.

45. We are really great

Yours is the soul
Of mysterious bliss;
You are really great.

His is the heart
Of generous peace;
He is really great.

Mine is the life
Of prosperous surrender;
I am really great.

46. A mounting possibility

A mounting possibility:
Your God-realisation.

A mounting possibility:
Your life-transformation.

A mounting possibility:
Your oneness-manifestation.

A mounting possibility:
Your God-satisfaction.

Lose not hope, try.

47. Appeals to God

The mind's appeal to God:
Father, do not keep the heart
Always above me.
I am also Your child.

The heart's appeal to God:
Father, do keep the soul
Always above me.
I love its satisfaction-light,
I adore its realisation-height,
I treasure its vision-might.

48. Two things

He is proud of one colossal thing:
His life's experience-tree.
He is miserable for one little thing:
His world's frustration-fruits.

49. His persistent life

Calm persistent vision
Is his soul-life.

Sweet persistent mission
Is his heart-life.

Quick persistent illusion
Is his mind-life.

Strong persistent frustration
Is his vital-life.

Slow persistent destruction
Is his body-life.

50. Three flames

She had three flames:
One flame of hers
Cancelled death.
One flame of hers
Transformed earth.
One flame of hers
Brought down Heaven.

51. Who can save me?

Who can save me
From the problem-game of birth?
Nobody, save and except
The God-lover in my heart.

Who can save me
From the problem-game of death?
Nobody, save and except
The God-seeker in my life.

52. United souls, united lives

Two united souls:
One soul offered
The love of perfection;
The other soul offered
The perfection of love.

Two united lives:
One life discovered
God's little flame of the finite life;
The other life discovered
God's Eternity-sun in Infinity's Smile.

53. Easier for him

Easier for him
To forget his own name
Than to surrender
The measureless pride of his mind.

Easier for him
To remember his own God-height
Than to conquer
The feeble insecurity of his heart.

54. Where is your perfection-home?

Where is your perfection-home
If not inside
Your God-smile?

Where is your satisfaction-heart
If not inside
Your selfless duty?

55. Ecstasy's sky

Ecstasy's sky,
How to climb?
Give up your desire-life.
Lo, you have climbed up!

How to achieve?
Illumine the heart-cave
Of your aspiration-life.
Lo, you have achieved it!

56. Earth-hour, Heaven-hour

The earth-hour of my fate:
Far beyond my life-capacity.

The Heaven-hour of my glory:
Far surpassing my earth-reality.

57. My God's Will

My soul's will:
"Fight for earth-freedom."

My body's will:
"Long for Heaven-descent."

My God's Will:
"Daughter, I am tired.
Replace Me!"

58. Height, depth, length

The height of silence
My soul and I knew.

The depth of sound
My life and I know.

The length of ignorance-sleep
My body and I do not know.

59. My life's knowledge

My desire-life
Knows not what vastness is.

My aspiration-life
Knows not what narrowness is.

My realisation-life
Knows what God's Compassion is.

My perfection-life
Knows what God's Forgiveness is.

60. My capacities

You want to know
The capacity of my hope?
I tell you
My hope has great capacity
To chant God's name ceaselessly.

You want to know
The capacity of my dream?
I tell you
My dream has sufficient capacity
To make me another God,
A real God.

61. Ecstasy

What is Peace?

What is Light?

What is Delight?

What is Perfection?

62. My heart knows

In the morning
My heart knows what emptiness is.

In the afternoon
My heart knows what vastness is.

In the evening
My heart knows what God-compassion is.

At night
My heart knows what God-satisfaction is.

63. Even now

Even now
When I think of my doubt
I am blindly confused.

Even now
When I think of my fear
I am ruthlessly bound.

Even now
When I think of my insecurity
I am shamelessly useless.

64. A wicked thing

A downright wicked thing to say:
Earth-life is not for a good man.

A downright wicked thing to do:
Withdraw deliberately from earth-life.

A downright wicked thing to become:
The man of one's own necessity.

65. I love your light

I love, I love,
I love your light
Your light is my source.

I love, I love,
I love your shadow
Your shadow inspires me to follow you
And reach my destined Goal.

66. O sweet forgiveness

My anxious desire
Is to have you in my own way,
My eager desire
Is to be your master-employer,
My immediate desire
Is to surpass you in every possible way,
O sweet forgiveness
Of my Eternity's ignorance.

67. A sudden desire

A sudden desire
Made him a devouring tiger.

A sudden aspiration
Made him a soaring seeker.

A sudden realisation
Made him a glowing lover.

68. A born dreamer

When he is in his body
He is a born sleeper.

When he is in his vital
He is a born fighter.

When he is in his mind
He is a born doubter.

When he is in his heart
He is a born sacrificer.

When he is in his soul
He is a born forgiver.

When he is in his God
He is a born dreamer.

69. The messages of time

My earth-bound time tells me
I am not ready
And I shall never be ready
For God.

My Heaven-free time tells me
God is seeing Himself through me,
God is manifesting Himself through me,
God is transcending Himself through me,
For me, for me alone.

70. A fool's love

Don't love the past.
Are you a fool?
Don't you see that the past
Has disappointed you
Deserted you?

Don't love the future.
Are you a fool?
Don't you see that the future
Is ignorant of you
Indifferent to you?

Don't love the present.
Are you a fool?
Don't you see that the present
Is not pleasing you
Not fulfilling you?

71. Life's lessons

Yesterday's animal life
Gave me the lesson
Of an everlasting doom.

Today's human life
Gives me the lesson
Of an everlasting gloom.

Tomorrow's divine life
Shall give me the lesson
Of an everlasting bloom.

God's Supreme Life
Shall give me the lesson
Of His ever-expanding,
Everlasting Heart-room.

72. What is your God?

What is your soul?
Imperishable loveliness.

What is your heart?
Immeasurable kindness.

What is your mind?
Tireless striving.

What is your vital?
Sleepless struggling.

What is your body?
Sure frustration.

What is your God?
Pure Realisation.

73. The land of aspiration

Who is
In the land of desire?
Not I, but you
Your impotent stupidity.

Who is
In the land of aspiration?
Who else, if not I
My significant necessity.

74. Love is nectar

Is a subtle poison.

Is slow poison.

Is fatal poison.

Is without poison.

Is nectar,
Infinity's Smile,
Eternity's Face,
Immortality's Race.

75. Her way of measuring

She lowered her head
While measuring the height
Of the sky.

She tucked in her feet
While measuring the depth
Of the sea.

She shortened her vision
While measuring the length
Of the world.

76. My deathless hope

My secret hope:
My Master will one day love me.

My sacred hope:
My Master will one day employ me.

My birthless hope:
My Master will one day claim me
As his very own.

My deathless hope:
My Master will one day
Be pleased with me
In this lifetime.

77. Clear answers

Your dear question:
"Where is God?"
His clear answer:
"God is in your dream-life."

Your dear question:
"Who is God?"
His clear answer:
"God is humanity's beggar-starvation
Divinity's Emperor-feast."

78. Two dying wishes

A dying father's wish:
"Son, be great like me."
A dying mother's wish:
"Son, be good like me."

The dying son's reply:
"Father, I have tried to please you.
Lo, I have succeeded.
Mother, I have tried to please you.
Alas, I have sadly failed."

79. Repetitious lives

Your doubt-life,
A useless repetition.

Your fear-life,
A hopeless repetition.

Your jealousy-life,
A soulless repetition.

Your desire-life,
A Godless repetition.

80. No more smiles

You have not listened to me;
No more smiles from my lips.

You have not listened to your soul;
No more smiles from my heart.

You have not listened to God;
No more smiles from my life.

81. When I prayed to live

When I prayed to live,
My desire-comrade embraced me,
My body.

When I lived to pray,
My aspiration-compeer embraced me,
My heart.

When I lived for God-victory,
When I prayed for God-victory,
My realisation-soul embraced me,
My soul.

82. Earth-Mother

Earth-Mother, your smile
Is a perpetual dawn.

Earth-Mother, your love
Is a perpetual noon.

Earth-Mother, your blessing
Is a perpetual day.

83. An endless gulf

A mystic gulf
From silence to sound.

A yawning gulf
From faith to doubt.

An endless gulf
From desire-frustration
To aspiration-satisfaction.

84. Songs of man

The song of an obscure man:
"God is not for me."

The song of an impure man:
"I do not need God."

The song of a pure man:
"God is all Compassion."

The song of a sure man:
"I have discovered God
In the flowering of my life divine."

85. Two questions

I have two questions.
My first question:
Why am I not God?
God, either You answer
Send me someone
To answer this unanswerable question.
My second question:
Did You know, God,
That I would prove to be Your stupendous failure
Before You dreamt of creating me?
God, either You answer
Send me someone
To answer this answerable question.

86. Tears

There was a time
When my tears filled my years;
I clearly saw God's Heart
Of infinite Beauty.
But now
My tears have empty years;
I carry my heavy life
Of inescapable duty.

87. Ancient and modern splendours

Three are the splendours
Of the ancient world:

Three are the splendours
Of the modern world:

88. My depths

I like my mind-depth
I have already fathomed it.

I love my heart-depth
It is yet to be fully fathomed by me.

I adore my soul-depth
It defies my capacity
Eternally remains unfathomable.

89. Who can escape?

Who can escape my cries?
No, not even Satan.

Who can escape my smiles?
No, not even the Lord Supreme.

Who can escape my command?
No, not even Death.

Who can escape my obedience?
No, not even the Vital-lord.

90. I have more to give

I have more light,
Just wait and see.
I have more light to give,
Just empty your mind and receive.

I have more love,
Just dive within.
I have more love to give,
Just smile and achieve.

91. My cherished possessions

My light is my light;
No prince of gloom can take it away from me.
No, not even Satan himself.

My ignorance is my ignorance;
No prince of wisdom can take it away from me.
No, not even the cosmic gods.

92. No more

My body's perpetual procrastination
No more can I brook.

My vital's perpetual betrayal
No more can I brook.

My mind's perpetual prevarication
No more can I brook.

My heart's perpetual hesitation
No more can I brook.

My soul's perpetual withdrawal
No more can I brook.

93. God is proud of him

He is devoted;
God's Heart of Love
God's Soul of Light
Are fond of him.

He is concentrated;
God the Creator
God the Creation
Are exceedingly proud of him.

94. He is my all

My world
Is his celestial smile.

My heaven
Is his terrestrial attention.

My aspiration
Is his glowing compassion.

My realisation
Is his flowing affection.

95. Hope's children

Why do you wait without hope?
If you wait without hope
In a dark abyss
Your life will always grope.
Wait with hope.
Lo, hope gives birth to
Reality's seed,
Eternity's tree,
Infinity's flower,
Immortality's fruit.

96. Too many Masters

Too many Masters.
Whom to choose?
Ah, I shall choose the one
Who has yet to realise God.
He and I will keep good company!

Too many disciples.
Whom to choose?
Ah, I shall choose the one
Who is on the verge of realisation
So that I do not have to work so hard.

97. The witness

His outer violence-sound
Has destroyed his inner world.
His Spirit's Silence-height
Has revived and immortalised
His inner world.
And who was the witness?
None but God the Justice, Himself.

98. Eyes

Eyes have their own silence.
Only a Heaven-aspiring heart
Has the capacity to love them.

Eyes have their own sound.
Only an earth-enamoured vital
Has the temerity to admire them.

99. A willing server

He is a willing server:
Far will he go,
Much will he do
For both God and man.
God will crown him
With His Blessing-heights;
Man will crown him
With his gratitude-depths.

100. A victory supremely decreed

Vital, my vital,
You have reigned for a long time.
Let the sleeping body reign
At least for a day.

Mind, my mind,
How long will you allow
The wild vital to reign?
Arise, awake!
Declare your unquestionable supremacy.

Heart, my heart,
Ignorance-mind is fast asleep.
This is the time for you to conquer
The blind and wild vital with your soul-light.
Your august victory
Is supremely decreed.

Part II — Poems 101 to 200

EB 101-200. Poems 101 to 200 were written in London, Oxford, Birmingham, Mansfield and Newcastle, England, and in Edinburgh, Scotland.

101. Inventors

Invented my soul-light.

Invented my body-might.

Invented my life-flow.

Invented my heart-glow.

102. My life

My desire-life
Was the song of nothingness.

My aspiration-life
Is the dance of progress.

My realisation-life
Shall be the Heart of God.

103. The guide

You want to know the way
To the kingdom of falsehood.
Just give a chance to your proud mind.
Your mind will easily prove
To be a matchless guide.

You want to know the way
To the kingdom of truth.
Just wake your soulful heart.
Your heart will immediately prove
To be a faultless,

104. Non-essential and essential

O my thought-life,
In my soul-sea
You shall always remain

O my will-life,
In my heart-sky
You shall always remain
You are God's own Perfection-pride.

105. Concern-Lord, Compassion-Lord

Your earth-life
Has exhausted
All your cries and sighs;
Your Concern-Lord is ready to accept you
As His own, very own.

Your Heaven-life
Has exhausted
All your beauty and divinity;
Your Compassion-Lord is ready
To embrace you,
Energise you,
Perfect you
Manifest you.

106. Earth and Heaven

His earth-smile
Is rich,
His Heaven-smile
Is rare.

His earth-cry
Is sacred,
His Heaven-cry
Is sincere.

His earth-soul
His Heaven-soul

107. His is the goal

His is the mind
Of perpetual preparation.

His is the heart
Of celestial realisation.

His is the soul
Of constant loving.

His is the goal
Of instant becoming.

108. My fount

I live in the thought-world
My fount
Is my slow end.

I live in the will-world
My fount
Is my quick start,
Great concentration,
Good meditation
Perfect realisation.

109. My heart

My immature heart
Tells me to see the faces
Of divided lives.

My mature heart
Tells me to see the soul
Of an undivided Reality.

My failure-heart
Tells me to touch the feet
Of death.

My victory-heart
Tells me to clasp the eyes
Of surrender.

110. Where is Heaven?

Where is Heaven?
Not in my ignorant sound-life.

Where is Heaven?
Not in my undying life-tears.

Where is Heaven?
Heaven is in my God-building heart.

Where is Heaven?
Heaven is in my self-offering light
God-becoming delight.

111. His smiles

His silver smile
Exchanged glances
With God-Truth.

His golden smile
Exchanged glances
With God-Life.

His diamond smile
Exchanged glances
With God-Love.

112. God is all for you

Fear nothing,
Not even the wild laughter
Of lightning.
God the Compassion is all for you.

Fear nothing,
Not even the ceaseless roaring
Of ignorance-night.
God the Compassion is all for you.

Fear nothing,
Not even the unalterable laws
Of the universe.
God the Compassion is all for you.

113. Your silence-soul loves you

Your face is a dark disquiet;
Your silence-soul loves you.

Your nose breathes ignorance-venom;
Your silence-soul loves you.

Your life is in love
With the Prince of Gloom;
Your silence-soul loves you.

114. You are really lucky

Your past
Is deeply veiled;
You are really lucky.

Your present
Is divinely unveiled;
You are supremely fortunate.

Your future
Will be unconditionally dedicated;
You are eternally indispensable.

115. First morning, first evening

Was the first morning
Of God's Creation-light.

Shall be the first evening
Of man's destruction-night.

116. God visits the poor

God visits the poor.
Who else does?
You and your soul-light
Visit the poor.

God visits the poor.
Who else does?
He and his heart-might
Visit the poor.

God visits the poor.
Who else does?
I and my life-delight
Visit the poor.

117. The soul of Paradise

You have thought
Good thoughts.
Lo, you have become
The body of Paradise.

You have meditated
Silently and soulfully.
Lo, you have become
The soul of Paradise.

You have dedicated
Your life unconditionally.
Lo, you have become
The goal of Paradise.

118. O delight-wave

O night-wave,
I have seen your face.
It is unbearably ugly.

O light-wave,
I have felt your heart.
It is ever-increasingly beautiful.

O delight-wave,
I have become one with your soul.
It is my dream-fulfilling,
Love-manifesting reality.

119. The Lord

Light supreme
Is the Lord of the immortals.

Love supreme
Is the Lord of the mortals.

Preparation supreme
Is the Lord of my earth-life.

Perfection supreme
Is the Lord of my Heaven-soul.

120. Courage and love

The courage of love
My dream-boat.

The love of courage
My reality-shore.

121. My confidence

My human confidence
Wants to see
The Face of God.

My divine confidence
Wants to feel
The Heart of God.

My supreme confidence
Wants to become
The Silence-smile of God,
The Sound-cry of God
The Perfection-realisation of God.

122. Illumination I need

I need daily.

I need unendingly.

I need eternally.

I need desperately.

I need constantly.

123. The final meaning

What is doubt
If not the final meaning
Of bondage-life?

What is faith
If not the final meaning
Of freedom-soul?

What is surrender
If not the final meaning
Of oneness-perfection?

124. Glorious is the path

Is the path of prayer.
My body and I knew it.

Is the path of meditation.
My heart and I know it.

Is the path of surrender.
My life and I shall know it.

125. God gives me

I needed;
God gave me
In boundless measure.

I need;
God gives me
In infinite measure.

I shall need;
God shall give me
In ever-increasing measure.

126. Your soul is adored

Your mind
Lives in the doubt-world;
Your mind is pitied.

Your body
Lives in the ignorance-world;
Your body is ignored.

Your vital
Lives in hell;
Your vital is harried.

Your heart
Lives in Heaven;
Your heart is hallowed.

Your soul
Lives on earth;
Your soul is adored.

127. The advocate

He is the advocate of night
He receives what he deserves.

He is the advocate of Light
He achieves what God

128. The slave

She was a slave
To vanity.

She is a slave
To insecurity.

She will be a slave
To uncertainty.

129. The pride of life

The pride of life
Is the mortal triumph
Of a fleeting hour.
Your vital has at last accepted
This fact inevitable.

The lustre of life
Is the immortal triumph
Of an eternal day.
Your heart has now discovered
This truth sublime.

130. My earth-life, my Heaven-life

I fasted to realise God;
God laughed at my earth-life of stupidity.

I cried to realise God;
God smiled at my Heaven-life of necessity.

I prayed to realise God;
God appreciated my earth-life of sincerity.

I meditated to realise God;
God embraced my Heaven-life of reality.

131. What more do I need?

Earth, my earth,
You have blessed me
With Eternity's gaze.
What more do I need?
Absolutely nothing.

Heaven, my Heaven,
You have blessed me
With Immortality's blaze.
What more do I need?
Absolutely nothing.

God, my God,
You have blessed me
With Infinity's face.
What more do I need?
Absolutely nothing.

132. Lord, bless my ears and eyes

Lord, bless my human ear
With the message of Your supernal Truth.

Lord, bless my divine ear
With the voice of Your eternal Truth.

Lord, bless my human eye
With the light of Your Beauty's Height.

Lord, bless my divine eye
With the splendour of Your Duty's Delight.

133. You want to know

You want to know
What was divine.
I tell you
Your smiling infancy
Was perfectly divine.

You want to know
What is divine.
I tell you
Your goodness beyond thought-dominion
Is perfectly divine.

You want to know
What shall be divine.
I tell you
Your heart of service-light
Shall be divine.

134. Mother Earth, be happy

Earth, Mother Earth,
Be happy.
I have given you
All my heart-light.

Earth, Mother Earth,
Be happy.
I have given you
All my mind-peace.

Earth, Mother Earth,
Be happy.
I have given you
All my vital-power.

Earth, Mother Earth,
Be happy.
I have given you
All my body-service.

135. Three temptations to conquer

The first temptation
To conquer:
The snares of earth's body-beauty.

The second temptation
To conquer:
The snares of Heaven's soul-lustre.

The third and last temptation
To conquer:
The snares of God's Heart-power.

136. Your immortality's treasure

Your flaming heart
Is your life's triumphant crown.

Your illumining soul
Is your divinity's soaring height.

Your serving life
Is your immortality's diamond treasure.

137. Too late, too early

Lord, I wish to sail
Your Dream-Boat.
May I?
Son, I am so sorry.
It is too late.

Man, I want to lead you
To the Reality-Shore.
May I?
Brother, just wait.
It is too early.

138. The temple of Eternity

When I wish to pray,
I enter into the temple
Of Eternity.

When I wish to meditate,
I enter into the sky
Of Infinity.

When I wish to realise,
I enter into the sun
Of Immortality.

139. Sweet Saviour

Sweet Saviour,
Forgive my ignorance-reality.

Sweeter Saviour,
Forgive my unwilling mind.

Sweetest Saviour,
Forgive my unaspiring heart.

Sweet Saviour,
I am giving You what I have.

Sweeter Saviour
I am giving You what I am.

Sweetest Saviour,
I am giving You what I shall ever be.

140. Who announces?

Who announces God's arrival?
The seeker in me.

Who announces God's victory?
The lover in me.

Who announces my arrival?
The dreamer in me.

Who announces my victory?
The sleeper in me.

141. Your sleepless soul

Your cloudless face
Gives me great joy.

Your shadowless heart
Gives me greater joy.

Your sleepless soul
Gives me greatest joy.

142. Where is my fount?

Where is my fount of faith?
It is on the floor of Heaven.

Where is my fount of aspiration?
It is in the nest of Silence.

Where is my fount of realisation?
It is in the core of my Lord Supreme.

143. Do you want to be worthy?

Do you want
To be worthy of your realisation?
Then surrender your mind's uncertainty.

Do you want
To be worthy of your manifestation?
Then surrender your heart's timidity.

Do you want
To be worthy of your perfection?
Then surrender your life's

144. Two ways

There are two ways
To realise God.
One way is to kill God
With your surrender-light.
The other way is to kill your "I"-ness
With God's Compassion-height.
Both ways are quite effective
And equally formidable.

145. My Lord heard my prayer

There was a time
When I lived in the cave
Of animal-consciousness-night.
My Lord heard my prayer-cry;
I now live in the palace
Of human-consciousness-light.
I am sure
My Lord shall continue to hear my prayer-cry;
I shall one day live in the kingdom
Of divine-consciousness-sun.

146. A perfect whole

My seeking mind
Is a secret whole.
My loving heart
Is a sacred whole.
My life of aspiration-dedication
Is a complete whole.
My illumining soul
Is a perfect whole.

147. My will

My wish
Is an impotent desire.

My desire
Is an impotent will.

My will
Is a potent and important
Dream-fulfilling Reality of God.

148. Your heart

In the morning
Your heart is spotless white;
God embraces you.

In the afternoon
Your heart is limitless blue;
God reveals Himself through you.

In the evening
Your heart is deathless red;
God fulfils the world through you.

149. The bliss of life

The bliss of my past life:
A secret truth-seed.

The bliss of my present life:
A sacred love-tree.

The bliss of my future life:
A surrendered perfection-flower.

150. The only way

Kneel down!
This is the only way to learn.

This is the only way to become.

This is the only way to offer.

This is the only way to be.

151. Who, if not God?

Who shall deliver you,
If not God's Sea of Compassion?

Who shall deliver me,
If not God's Sky of Pride?

Who shall utilise you,
If not God's unconditional Love?

Who shall utilise me,
If not God's Necessity supreme?

152. Shame, shame!

Shame, shame!
My heart still craves for fame.
Fame, fame!
What do I need it for
As long as I am chosen
By God Himself
To participate eternally
In His cosmic Game?

153. Nearer and dearer

Nearer than my hands and feet —
My Father of Consciousness.

Clearer than my eyes and nose —
My Mother of Light.

Dearer than my heart and soul —
My Father of Vision
My Mother of Perfection.

154. Light

Is my Father's Light.

Is my Mother's Light.

Shall be my own Light.

155. Certainty

Terrestrial certainty:
God in Heaven is great.

Celestial certainty:
God on earth is good.

Infernal certainty:
God's proud presence in Heaven
Is absolutely unnecessary;
God's constant presence on earth
Is absolutely unnecessary.

Universal certainty:
God cares more for others
Than for me.

156. Another name

Another name
For my desire-life
God's Compassion-sea.

Another name
For my aspiration-will
God's Satisfaction-sun.

157. Never shall I cease

Never shall I cease
My physical serving.

Never shall I cease
My vital striving.

Never shall I cease
My mental seeking.

Never shall I cease
My psychic offering.

158. Will you share with me?

Life says to love:
"Love, will you share with me
Your plenitude?"
Certainly I shall.

Love says to life:
"Life, will you share with me
Your permanence?"
Certainly I shall.

Unasked, I share with love
My perfection-satisfaction.
Unasked, I share with life
My gratitude-infinitude.

159. Take rest

Earth asks me
To take rest.
It will cry for me.

Heaven asks me
To take rest.
It will smile for me.

God asks me
To take rest.
He will dream for me.

160. All about you

Your body is helpless,
Your vital is lively,
Your mind is hopeless,
Your heart is pure,
Your life is sleepless,
Your soul is sure.

161. The desire-prayer of Death

In the morning of my life
I heard the desire-prayer
Of Death.

In the evening of my life
I shall bury Death and its brood

162. Two cities

In the city of Light
I clearly saw
What I was not:
God's Satisfaction-smile.

In the city of Night
I unmistakably saw
What I am:
Earth's frustration-might.

163. Sincerity speaks

Lethargy's sincerity speaks:
My body has supreme patience.

Aggression's sincerity speaks:
My vital has supreme patience.

Suspicion's sincerity speaks:
My mind has supreme patience.

Timidity's sincerity speaks:
My heart has supreme patience.

Uncertainty's sincerity speaks:
My soul has supreme patience.

Failure's sincerity speaks:
My life has supreme patience.

164. Am I a fool?

Am I a fool?
Why do I have to shout my faith?
What will God think of me
If I do His job?
I am sure
He is not going to appreciate it.

Am I a fool?
Why do I have to declare
My supreme realisation?
What will God think of me
If I do His job?
I am sure
He is not going to appreciate it.

165. I have seen

I have seen the wings
Of God-Smile.
My mind-suspicion, no more.

I have felt the radiance
Of soul-love.
My heart-hesitation, no more.

I have seen the face
Of silence-height.
My life-procrastination, no more.

166. O atoms

O glorious atoms,
Your heart-dance is fascinating,

O dangerous atoms,
Your mind-lance is challenging,

167. Why do I fail?

Why do I fail?
I fail because
The beggar in me
Craves only for success-might.

Why do I succeed?
I succeed because
The seeker in me
Longs only for progress-light.

168. The seed

Her God is the seed
Of eternal Silence.

Her soul is the seed
Of celestial Freedom.

Her heart is the seed
Of universal Love.

Her life is the seed
Of immortal Bliss.

169. You are happy because

Do you know
Why you are happy?
You are happy
You have achieved
Love-light for God.

You are happy
You have achieved
Devotion-height for God.

You are happy
You have achieved
Surrender-might for God.

You are happy
You have not refused
To carry the world-weight
To its destined goal.

You are happy
You have seen
The Dream-glowing
Face of Silence.

170. Nothing happens

Nothing happens before God's Hour.
Nothing happens before I build
My surrender-tower.
Nothing happens before the declaration
Of God's Compassion-voice.
Nothing happens before I cry
For God's Heart, my supreme choice.

171. For God's sake

Death, for God's sake,
Stop bragging.

Life, for God's sake,
Stop crying.

Heaven, for God's sake,
Stop ignoring.

Earth, for God's sake,
Stop dreaming.

172. If I have a crown

If I have a life,
Then it is for the dying earth.

If I have an iota of Bliss,
Then it is for the suffering earth.

If I have a crown,
Then it is for the striving earth.

173. The rapture-realisation of the soul

Is the rapture-realisation
Of the mind.

Is the rapture-realisation
Of the heart.

Is the rapture-realisation
Of the soul.

174. The dance of life

Is the prose of the mind.

Is the poetry of the heart.

Is the song of the soul.

Is the dance of life.

175. My forsaken jungle homes

My body lived
In the jungle of fear,
But now no more.

My vital lived
In the jungle of frustration,
But now no more.

My mind lived
In the jungle of destruction,
But now no more.

My heart lived
In the jungle of ignorance,
But now no more.

My soul lived
In the jungle of indifference,
But now no more.

Now they all are living
In the sea of satisfaction-light
In the sky of perfection-height.

176. The throne of Light

I sat
On the throne of night
Just to see
If night would have the audacity
To greedily devour me.

I sat
Beside the throne of Light
Just to see
If I would have the capacity
To unconditionally serve it.

177. Life's roads

When I walk along life's
I feel I have to reach God.

When I walk along life's
I feel I shall, without fail, reach God.

When I walk along life's
I see, I feel, I know
God has already reached me,

178. My life's achievements

You want to know
What I have done in this life.
White flowers of my thought-world
I have used to make a garland
For my Lord Supreme;
Golden rays of my will-world
I have used to make a crown
For my Lord Supreme.

179. My heart-treasures

In my secret heart
I treasure God's Promise
To me.

In my sacred heart
I treasure God's Compassion
For me.

In my consecrated heart
I treasure God's Love
For me.

180. Two visions

When I see
With my heart,
Seems about to bloom.

When I see
With my eyes,
Seems a far cry.

I ask my Lord the reason for this.
Here is His answer:
"Son, when you see
With your heart,
It is I who see through your heart.
When you see
With your eyes,
It is you who see through your eyes."

181. Songs of the stars

The songs of the morning stars
Teach me:
"Be brave and great."
O morning stars,
I am of you.

The songs of the evening stars
Teach me:
"Be patient and good."
O evening stars,
I am for you.

182. Mother Light and Father Power

I shall tell God
That you are homesick
For your Mother Light
And your Father Power.
Don't worry,
Your Mother Light will soon
Lead you safely home;
Your Father Power will soon
Offer you your parents'
Eternal sovereignty.

183. A God-lover

He who secretly hides
Is a base sinner.

He who openly challenges
Is a world-examiner.

He who unreservedly tries
Is a God-lover.

184. Lord, keep me

Lord, keep my heart
From turning dry.

Lord, keep my life
From turning narrow.

Lord, keep my soul
From turning disgusted.

185. I am fond of my heart

Mine is the body
Of a sleeper.
I am ashamed of my body.

Mine is the vital
Of a fighter.
I am displeased with my vital.

Mine is the mind
Of a dreamer.
I am sick of my mind.

Mine is the heart
Of a lover.
I am unreservedly fond of my heart.

186. An expert

You want to know
All about
The thrill of success.
I tell you,
My vital is an expert
In this matter.

You want to know
All about
The urge for progress.
I tell you,
My heart is an expert
In this matter.

You want to know
All about
The song of realisation.
I tell you,
My unconditionally surrendered life
Is unquestionably an expert
In this matter.

187. You and you alone

Who loves a great dreamer?
Not I, but you.
Who loves a blind believer?
Not he, but you.
Who thinks of God all the time?
Not he and I, but you and you alone;
Your life is our joy,
Your heart is our pride,
Your soul is our pole-star.

188. The battle of life

The body is scared to death
When it enters into the battlefield.
The vital often enjoys
The battle.
The mind is often withdrawn
From the actual fight.
The human heart dies
Before the fight begins.
The divine heart surrenders
To the Will of the Pilot Supreme.
The soul-bird flies away
From the battlefield
At God's choice Hour.

189. The soul of satisfaction-light

He lived in the mind-fantasies
Of the greedy past.
He failed to see
The face of satisfaction-light.

He lived in the heart-longings
Of the hungry present.
He failed to see
The face of satisfaction-light.

His soul has brought him today
The message of the eternal now.
Soon he will claim
The face, the heart and the soul
Of satisfaction-light
As his own, very own.

190. A mighty promise-maker

Before I became
A mighty builder,
I was a mighty seeker.

Before I became
A mighty seeker,
I was a mighty sufferer.

Before I became
A mighty sufferer,
I was a mighty sleeper.

Before I became
A mighty sleeper,
I was a mighty ignorance-lover.

Before I became
A mighty ignorance-lover,
I was a mighty promise-maker
To the Lord Supreme.

191. He longs, she longs

He longs to be a woman.
He thinks woman is love-light,
And love-light is all.

She longs to be a man.
She thinks man is freedom-power,
And freedom-power is all.

192. Dawn loves you

Dawn loves you;
You are purity's flood.

Noon loves you;
You are surety's sky.

Evening loves you;
You are tranquillity's soul.

193. I shall not come alone

Lord, I am coming again.
This time I shall not come alone;
I shall bring earth with me.

Lord, I am coming again.
This time I shall not come alone;
I shall bring earth-pangs with me.

Lord, I am coming again.
This time I shall not come alone;
I shall bring earth-hope with me.

194. Life and Death

Life, you are older than Death.
Why are you afraid of Death?
Just use your soul's light!
Death will surrender,
Death will disappear.

Death, you are younger than Life.
Is it not your bounden duty
To be of some service
To your kind and good brother, Life?
Just help Life to see
The face of Immortality.
I tell you, in return
He will give you everything you need,
And so rightly deserve.

195. He fell in love with the distant future

He was a hope-singer
He fell in love with the distant future.

He was a love-dreamer
He fell in love with the distant future.

He was an earth-transformer
He fell in love with the distant future.

He was a God-fulfiller
He fell in love with the distant future.

196. You will get what you want

O searcher of life-sky,
Fly high.
You will get what you want.
Just make friends with Eternity's patience.

O searcher of love-moon,
Enter deep.
You will get what you want.
Just make friends with Infinity's joy.

O searcher of wisdom-sun,
Run far.
You will get what you want.
Just make friends with Immortality's life.

197. Love wins

Slowly and steadily Peace walks.

Dynamically and dauntlessly Power marches.

Speedily and gracefully Bliss runs.

Confidently and easily Love wins.

198. My God sleeps

My heart sleeps
At your feet.

My life sleeps
In your heart.

My soul sleeps
In your smile.

My God sleeps
In your voice.

199. I need a temple

Father, I need a temple
To pray to You.
"Daughter, your prayerful heart is a temple divine.
You need no other temple."

Father, I need a shrine
To meditate on You.
"Daughter, your soulful heart is a shrine supreme.
You need no other shrine."

200. Do not disturb me!

Man, I am tired,
I am taking rest.
Do not disturb me!
Please do not ruin my morning.

Man, I am sleeping,
I need sleep badly.
Do not disturb me!
Please do not ruin my afternoon.

Man, I am dreaming,
I am enjoying sweet dreams.
Do not disturb me!
Please do not ruin my evening.

Part III — Poems 201 to 300

EB 201-300. Poems 201 to 300 were written in Edinburgh and Glasgow, Scotland, and in Dublin, Ireland.

201. Sweet Heaven, my haven

Lord, how many years more
Have I to write earthly poems?
When will You inspire me
To write Heavenly poems?

"Poet, why do you make an absurd request?
How can you expect to write poems
That belong to Heaven?
I shall take your case into consideration
Only when you come back to Heaven."

Lord, in that case, at this very moment
I am leaving for Heaven,
Sweet Heaven, my haven.

202. I have a dry soul

I have a dry soul;
Heaven has no concern for me.

I have a dry heart;
Earth has no need for me.

I have a dry life;
God hesitates to smile at me.

203. Burn me, O Lord

Burn me, O Lord,
With my teeming desires.

Kindle me, O Lord,
With my aspiring heart.

Love me, O Lord,
With my weeping life.

Liberate me, O Lord,
With my serving body.

204. Do re-reveal Your Love

Lord Supreme, You revealed Your Love to me
While I was in Heaven.
Now do re-reveal Your Love.

"Son, if I fulfil your longing
What will you do for Me in return?"

Lord Supreme, I made my supreme promise to You
While I was in Heaven.
I shall re-reveal You today
And start manifesting You on earth.

"Son, in that case, I am more than prepared
To fulfil your snow-white desire."

205. My morning-soul

My morning-soul
Is beautiful and soulful.

My midday-soul
Is hungry and fiery.

My evening-soul
Is successful and cheerful.

My night-soul
Is terrestrial and celestial.

206. Only to God-lovers

I am yours.
That is all I know.

You are God's.
That is all I know."

You are mine.
That is all I need.

You are God's.
That is all you need."

You stay with your God,
Let me stay in your heart.

I am sorry, but my heart-door is open
Only to God-lovers."

207. Your soul's accomplishments

You want to know who I am
And what I have of late accomplished.
Well, I am your soul.
I have recently done
Quite a few striking things:
I have forsaken your body-cage
It is too dirty,
I have forsaken your vital-window
It is unbearably naughty,
I have forsaken your mind-door
It is very mean,
I have forsaken your heart-cave
It is too weak.

208. All that I long for

Father, to please You
In Your own way
Is all that I long for.
Father, to belong to You,
Only to You,
Is all that I long for.

"Daughter, to perfect you
Within, without,
Is all that I long for.
Daughter, to make you
My representative on earth
Is all that I long for."

209. What I love

My eyes love
The smile of the morning-light.

My arms love
The power of the midday-height.

My ears love
The song of the evening-life.

My heart loves
The silence of the night-splendour.

210. Always remember

You have four rooms of your own:
Your body loves temptation-room;
Don't forget that!
Your vital loves tempest-room;
Don't forget that!
Your mind loves suspicion-room;
Don't forget that!
Your heart loves salvation-room;
Always remember that!

211. Who treasures me?

Who watches me?
The sky.

Who smiles at me?
The sun.

Who loves me?
The moon.

Who examines me?
The Heavens.

Who treasures me?
The earth.

212. Why do I cry?

Why do I cry?
Father, to make You smile.

Why do I smile?
Father, to make You cry.

Why do I make You smile?
Father, because Your Smile
Is my soul-depth.

Why do I make You cry?
Father, because Your Cry
Is my heart-height.

"Daughter, My daughter,
I bless you with My Gratitude-strength
And My Perfection-length."

213. Father and daughter

"Daughter, I always scold you for nothing."
Father, You always love me for nothing.
"Daughter, I cannot manage without you."
Father, I cannot live without You.
"Daughter, I shall do everything for you."
Father, You already have done everything for me.

214. What shall I do?

Father, here is a long list of my misdeeds.
What shall I do if You do not forgive me?
I know, I shall simply die.

"Daughter, here is a long list of My needs.
What shall I do if you do not serve Me?
I know, I shall just cry and cry."

215. I need a perfection-sky

Father, the more You ignore me
The more I need You.
"Why, daughter, why?"
Because I need
A Satisfaction-smile from You.

Father, the more You scold me
The more I love You.
"Why, daughter, why?"
Because I need
A Perfection-sky from You.

216. When I was a sea of desire

When I was a sea of desire
And nothing else
I was so happy
That my desire-power
Drowned God and His best daughter, Light.

When I shall be a sea of aspiration
And nothing else
I shall be so happy
That my aspiration-power
Shall drown Satan and his best daughter, Power.

217. You have forgotten your promise

"Daughter, how can you see My Truth-Face
If you keep your eyes tightly shut?

"Daughter, how can you feel My Love-Heart
If you keep your heart tightly shut?"

Father dear,
You have forgotten Your Promise.
Father sweet,
You have forgotten Your Promise.
It was You who told me
That You would open
My blind eyes and my closed heart.

218. Try a little more

Father, bless this little heart;
It really tries to fulfil You.
Tell your heart to try a little more."

Father bless this little mind;
It really tries to listen to You.
Tell your mind to try a little more."

Father bless this little vital;
It really tries to be sincere to You.
Tell your vital to try a little more."

Father, bless this little body;
It really tries to serve You.
Tell your body to try a little more."

219. I am ashamed of you

O faltering feet of my doubting mind,
I am unspeakably ashamed of you.

O sleeping arms of my unaspiring heart,
I am unmistakably ashamed of you.

O delaying head of my unillumining soul,
I am totally ashamed of you.

220. Pride and power

My earth-friend,
Your pride of power
I can totally destroy
And I shall.

My earth-friend,
Your power of pride
Can easily destroy me,
My heart of aspiration
My life of dedication.

221. Pomp and wealth

Here is the difference
Your pomp of wealth
Your wealth of pomp:
Your pomp of wealth
Frightens even an emperor;
Your wealth of pomp
Is not deserved even by a beggar.

222. Earth's life I need

Earth's little, feeble life
I need
To show my supremacy-strength.
I am, indeed, a dictator.

Heaven's vast, strong life
I need
To illumine my ignorance-length.
I am, indeed, a beggar.

223. How far, how near

How far will you take me?
"As far as you want to go."
I want to go as far as Silence-world.

How close will you make me?
"As close as you want to be."
I want to be as close as oneness-life.

224. Sound your heart

Sound your life-frightening vital;
You will undoubtedly fail.

Sound your life-instructing mind;
You will undoubtedly fail.

Sound your life-loving heart;
You will supremely succeed.

225. The Emperor

Daughter, live in your aspiring heart.
You will see in Me the Emperor of Kindness.

Daughter, live in your surrendering mind.
You will see in Me the Emperor of Niceness.

Daughter, live in your undemanding vital.
You will see in Me the Emperor of Concern.

Daughter, live in your unsleeping body.
You will see in Me the Emperor of Joy.

226. Crushed pride

Father, why have You
Crushed my pride?

"Daughter, so you will mingle and dance
With the dust."

Father, why do You want me
To mingle and dance with the dust?

"Daughter, because I want
Your humility-heart
To be My victory-banner,
Your purity-life
To be My tallest mast."

227. I call You Father

Lord, because You have
Your infinite time for me,
I call You Father, my good Father.

Lord, because You have
Your limitless space for me,
I call You Father, my great Father.

Father, am I right?

"Daughter, what else can you ever be?"

228. Not today

Daughter, you want a blessing from Me?
Not today,
My Hands are tired today.

Daughter, you want love from Me?
Not today,
My Heart is empty today.

Daughter, you want a smile from Me?
Not today,
My Soul is fast asleep today.

229. He is beyond words

He is great beyond words;
My greedy mind wants him.

He is good beyond words;
My wise heart needs him.

He is always beyond all words;
My eternally hungry soul needs him.

230. No one to call my own

I have no one to call my own.
Earth is afraid
Of my Heaven-smile,
Heaven is afraid
Of my earth-cry,
God is afraid
Of my inconscience-sigh.

231. If you love me

If you love me,
Then why do you cry?
Am I not all-smile to you?

If you love the Supreme in me,
Then why do you sleep?
Has He not been knocking at your heart-door
All the time?

232. Conceal not

Conceal not thought;
It needs expression-joy.

Conceal not will;
It needs revelation-joy.

Conceal not truth;
It needs manifestation-joy.

233. God's business

God's business, not mine.

God's business, not mine.

God's business, not mine.

Yet why am I unhappy?
I am unhappy
Because I am a self-styled God.

234. Divinity cannot be

Love divine
Cannot be idle.

Life divine
Cannot be poor.

Truth divine
Cannot be weak.

God divine
Cannot be indifferent.

Heaven divine
Cannot be forgetful.

Earth divine
Cannot be ungrateful.

235. I am happy

I am happy
Only when I sit at Your Lotus-Feet.

I am happy
Only when You bless my head.

I am happy
Only when You feel my rose-heart.

I am happy
Only when You direct my jasmine-breath.

236. I enjoy beauty

The beauty of silence
I enjoy
When I meditate.

The beauty of love
I enjoy
When I dedicate.

The beauty of perfection
I enjoy
When I surrender.

237. I have a hungry heart

I have a hungry heart;
God loves me.

I have a weary mind;
I love myself.

I have a fiery vital;
The world hates me.

I have a drowsy body;
I hate myself.

238. When I die

What will You do, Father, when I die?
"I shall carry you straight
Into My Heavenly Palace."

"What will you do, Daughter, when I die?"
Father, let us see
Who wins the race.

239. Tell me the difference

O tell me the difference
The vital-life and the devouring mouth of hell.

O tell me the difference
The heart-life and the illumining soul of Heaven.

240. Love and serve

Love and love.
Love Divinity, love humanity.
If not, the emptiness of ages
Shall plague your heart.

Serve and serve.
Serve God in man, serve man in animal.
If not, the dryness of ages
Shall torture your mind.

241. I place my failures inside You

Lord, my unfulfilled soul
I place inside Your Forgiveness-Smile.

Lord, my frustrated reality
I place inside Your Compassion-Eye.

Lord, my defeated dreams
I place inside Your Liberation-Heart.

242. The Advocate

God the Compassion
Is the Advocate for lost souls.

God the Perfection
Is the Advocate for triumphant souls.

God the Gratitude-pride
Is the Advocate for surrendered souls.

243. I have placed myself in You

My dream-boat
I have placed
In front of Your Eyes.

My reality-shore
I have placed
At Your Feet.

My earth-life
I have placed
Inside the Compassion-smile
Of Your Heart.

244. A lavish doubter

When I was a lavish dreamer
God loved me.

When I was a lavish promiser
God loved me.

When I was a lavish lover
God loved me.

When I became a lavish doubter
God forgave me,
Earth hated me,
Heaven ignored me.

245. The life I lead

When I lead an earth-life
I embrace the life of futility.

When I lead a Heaven-life
I embrace the life of curiosity.

When I lead a God-life
I embrace the life of Beauty's divinity
Divinity's immortality.

246. Thunder-claps of acclamation

A life of love-dedication
Is acclaimed by Heaven's

A life of love-destruction
Is acclaimed by hell's

A life of God-descension
Is acclaimed by earth's

A life of earth-transformation
Is acclaimed by God's own

247. Measurements

I can easily measure
The weight of my brooding misdeeds,
I can never span
The length of God's Compassion-sky.

I can devotedly scale
The height of God's Justice-Day,
I can never plumb
The depth of God's Forgiveness-Sea.

248. My rooms

Lord, my heart-room is full of You
And Your Light,
My mind-room is full of me
And my ignorance-night,
My vital-room is expecting
A reliable tenant,
My body-room is not
Worth living in.

249. Echoes

Light loves its own echo,
Night suspects its own echo,
Truth fondles its own echo,
Falsehood denies its own echo,
Love treasures its own echo,
Hate disowns its own echo.

250. I saw in the silence

In the desert-silence
I saw God the Warrior.

In the forest-silence
I saw God the Lover.

In the mountain-silence
I saw God the Dreamer.

In the ocean-silence
I saw God the Awakener.

In the sky-silence
I saw God the Liberator.

251. The way to realise God

I knew a hundred ways
To realise God,
But now I know only two ways
To realise God:
The prayer way and the meditation way.
And soon I shall know only one way,
The surrender way,
To realise God,
My Beloved Supreme.

252. The passage

The passage from division to union
My heart-life knows.

The passage from union to division
My mind-life knows.

The passage from union to union
My soul-life knows.

The passage from union-perfection
To satisfaction-manifestation
My God-life knows.

253. The mind-wall of unbelief

His is the mind-wall of unbelief.
His is the vital-house of disbelief.
His is the body-gate with no entrance.
His is the heart-room of complete frustration.

254. Your life

The river of your thought-life
Inspires me.

The sea of your will-life
Awakens me.

The sky of your surrender-life
Illumines me.

255. My questions

My clever mind asks
The unanswered question:
Why do I love God?

My sincere heart asks
The unanswerable question:
Why does God love me?

My desire-life asks
The unanswered question:
Why do I need God?

My aspiration-life asks
The unanswerable question:
Why does God need me?

256. Another name

Aimless slowness
Is another name for my body.

Restless aggressiveness
Is another name for my vital.

Thoughtless cleverness
Is another name for my mind.

Hopeless helplessness
Is another name for my heart.

257. The only answer

O God-seeker,
A life in a Himalayan cave
Is no answer.

O God-lover,
A life of world-renunciation
Is no answer.

O God-fulfiller,
A life of selfless surrender
Is the only answer.

258. How far can you take me?

O my mortal hope,
I do not question your intention,
But how far can you
Take me,
How high can you
Take me,
How deep can you
Take me,
How soon can you
Take me
To the promised Land?

259. The eternal watcher

My soul is the eternal watcher
Of my life-experiences.
My God is the eternal watcher
Of my life-realisations.
I am the eternal watcher
Of my God-dream within me
My soul-promise to God.

260. They envy my life

My thought-life
Envies my silence-life.

My action-life
Envies my surrender-life.

My earth-life
Envies my Heaven's complacence-life.

My Heaven-life
Envies my earth's God-manifestation-life.

261. Knowing and loving

Knowing all,
I love none.

Knowing everything,
I love nothing.

Knowing God,
I dare to love everyone.

Knowing myself,
I am compelled to love everything.

262. Morning and evening love

In the morning
I love the heavenward wings
Of my prayer-bird.

In the evening
I love my meditation's
And earth-transforming

263. O glorious light

His is the soul
With a glorious teaching light.

His is the heart
With a glorious surrendering light.

His is the mind
With a glorious searching light.

His is the vital
With a glorious striving light.

His is the body
With a glorious serving light.

264. As a child

As a child of God,
I love humanity
With my ecstasy-light.

As a child of man,
I love divinity
With my jealousy-night.

265. You are great

You have renounced
The life of vital-pleasure.
You are divinely great.

You have freed yourself from
You are supremely great.

Your surrendered life
Has become God's cherished treasure.
You are eternally great.

266. Revisit me

Father, revisit my sad heart.
"Daughter, revisit My Compassion-heart."

Father, revisit my unsurrendered life.
"Daughter, revisit My Perfection-nest."

Father, revisit my boat of ingratitude.
"Daughter, revisit My Forgiveness-shore of infinitude."

267. Where are you?

O glowing days of hope,
Where are you?

O flowing days of life,
Where are you?

O dreaming days of love,
Where are you?

O illumining days of God,
Where are you?

Oh, where are you?

268. Lasting and fleeting

My mind, in you I found
Fleeting bliss and lasting woe.

My heart, in you I discover
Lasting bliss and fleeting woe.

My life, in you I shall invent
Lasting love and lasting divinity.

269. No difference

No difference
My white sincerity
My heart-life.
Even the Supreme Lord totally
agrees with me.

No difference
My red insincerity
My mind-life.
Even Satan smilingly agrees with me.

270. My needs

The silence of the morning sun
My body needs.

The sound of the midday sun
My vital needs.

The surrender of the setting sun
My mind needs.

The peace of the loving night
My heart needs.

271. His sound-role

He was a life-consuming sound.
He has become a life-warning sound.
Before long he will become
A life-perfecting,
God-fulfilling sound.

272. The music of humanity

Sad music of humanity tells me
I am homeless
My Lord is useless.

Glad music of humanity tells me
Earth-life is ascending
God-beauty is descending.

273. I forget the language

When I am in Heaven
I forget the language of the senses.

When I am on earth
I forget the language of the soul.

When I am with God
I forget the language of bondage-life.

274. The freedom I have

Thoughtless freedom
My body has.

Soulless freedom
My vital has.

Heartless freedom
My mind has.

Loveless freedom
My heart has.

275. Tear-drops

My heart
Is a sleeping tear-drop.

My life
Is a dying tear-drop.

My soul
Is an illumining tear-drop.

My God
Is a fulfilling tear-drop.

276. An authority

My life is an authority
On work without labour.

My heart is an authority
On work with labour.

My soul is an authority
On work with surrender.

My God is an authority
On constant surrender
Unconditional surrender.

277. My love for God

With the arrows of desire
I loved God.

With the flames of aspiration
I love God.

With the sun of realisation
I shall love God.

278. You are eternal

Mind, I do not negate the fact
That you are eternal,
You are God's eternal child.
I do challenge the eternal experience
Of your frustration-life.

279. World-body

Noisy world-body!
Can't you see
That my ears are totally sealed?

Impure world-body!
Can't you see
That my life is absolutely pure?

Insecure world-body!
Can't you see
That my heart is all for you?

280. Your very presence

Doubt, when will you believe
That your very presence poisons me?

Faith, when will you realise
That your very presence energises me?

Love, when will you discover
That your very presence immortalises me?

281. I love you, I need you

O heart of Light,
I love you.
I have always loved you,
To live in you.

O light of Heart,
I need you.
I shall always need you,
To soar with you.

282. We must not stop here

Body, my, body,
This is the pleasure-world.
We must not stop here.
Let us march on
To the Bliss-world.

Heart, my heart,
This is the Bliss-world.
We must not stop here.
Let us run fast
To God's Perfection-world.

283. The procession

My earth-life enjoys
The procession of illumining souls.

My Heaven-life enjoys
The procession of loving hearts.

My hell-life enjoys
The procession of dead bodies.

My God-life enjoys
The procession of surrendered minds.

284. The rulers of my life

Hollowness ruled my life;
My body-life suffered and suffered.

Humiliation ruled my life;
My vital-life suffered and suffered.

Narrowness ruled my life;
My mind-life suffered and suffered.

Impurity ruled my life;
My heart-life suffered and suffered.

Pride ruled my life;
My soul-life suffered and suffered.

285. My sincerity

I have failed.
I have failed
In the battlefield of life.
Indeed, this is my sad sincerity.

I have surrendered.
I have surrendered
To the Will of God.
Indeed, this is my glad sincerity.

286. To you I bow

O carrier of my soul-fire,
To you I bow devotedly.

O carrier of my heart-flames,
To you I bow soulfully.

O carrier of my love-star,
To you I bow eternally.

287. My partners

My heart-life
Is the sleeping partner of my throne.

My soul-life
Is the dreaming partner of my crown.

My God-life
Is the sacrificing partner of my glory.

288. Three sounds

Three sounds:
My body-sound,
My soul-sound,
My God-sound.

My body-sound destroys,
My soul-sound enjoys,
My God-sound employs.

289. When?

Heart, my heart,
When are you going to cry?

Mind, my mind,
When are you going to search?

Vital, my vital,
When are you going to strive?

Body, my body,
When are you going to serve?

290. The life of pinnacled discovery

His God-life
Is the life of pinnacled discovery.

His Heaven-life
Is the life of pinnacled victory.

His earth-life
Is the life of pinnacled slavery.

291. Because of my folly

Because of my unconscious folly,
Here dies another day
Of my satisfaction-smile.

Because of my conscious folly,
Here revives another night
Of my frustration-cry.

292. We grope

You grope to grasp;
Your vital is excessively proud of you.

He gropes to last;
His mind is supremely proud of him.

I grope to clasp;
My heart is eternally proud of me.

293. Heart, mind and life

Humble human heart,
I shall treasure you

Proud human mind,
I shall challenge you

Uncertain human life,
I shall tolerate you

294. One truth speaks

One truth speaks
Another truth:
God is proud of us.

One life speaks
Another life:
God is fond of us.

One love speaks
Another love:
God is made of us.

295. Problem, problem!

Problem, problem!
How to purify earth-impurity?

Problem, problem!
How to illumine earth-obscurity?

Problem, problem!
How to strengthen earth-insecurity?

Problem, problem!
How to enlighten earth-futility?

296. Victory comes and victory goes

Victory comes and victory goes.
Defeat weeps and defeat lingers.
Experience soars and experience lasts.
God smiles and God dances.

297. Do you care for anything from me?

Father, do You care for my tear-sacrifice?
"No, Daughter, no!"

Father, do You care for my smile-sacrifice?
"No, Daughter, no!"

Father, do You care for my love-sacrifice?
"No, Daughter, no!"

Father, do tell me, do You care for anything from me?
"Yes, Daughter, yes!
I care for one thing, only one thing:
Your oneness-realisation with My Eternity's Life.

298. My sufferings

There was a time
When I suffered
From animal destruction.

Now I suffer
From human frustration.

And before long,
I shall suffer
From God-procrastination.

299. His life of nothingness

A drop of nothingness:
His life in his body.

A wave of nothingness:
His life in his vital.

A river of nothingness:
His life in his mind.

A sea of nothingness:
His life in his heart.

An ocean of nothingness:
His life in his soul.

300. Invisible goal

Invisible goal:
The transcendence-light
Of silence.

Visible goal:
The immanence-might
Of sound.

Unknowable smile:
The Perfection-satisfaction
Of God.

Unknown smile:
The aspiration-liberation
Of man.

Part IV — Poems 301 to 400

EB 301-400. Poems 301 to 400 were written on the flight from Dublin to Rome and in Rome, Florence and Milan, Italy.

301. Three are the guides

Three are the guides that lead us
To the stairs of hell:
Mind's doubt-poison,
Vital's jealousy-frown,
Body's ignorance-crown.

Three are the guides that lead us
To the stairs of Heaven:
Soul's love-sky,
Heart's devotion-moon,
Life's surrender-sun.

302. God descended

When he fasted,
God did not care to descend.

When he prayed,
Slowly and steadily
God descended.

When he cried,
Immediately and unreservedly
God descended.

303. You want to develop power

You want to develop
Then look upward.

You want to develop
Then look forward.

You want to develop
Then look inward.

304. Silence reigned

When he died
Silence reigned in Heaven,
Silence reigned on earth.

Was another name
For earth's ignorance-indifference.
Was another name
For Heaven's gratitude-pride.

305. The multitude

Above my head
Is the illumining multitude.

Within my heart
Is the weeping multitude.

Around my body
Is the strangling multitude.

Below my feet
Is the sleeping multitude.

306. The heart of light

God gave me the heart of light
To live,
To cry
And succeed.

God gave me the light of heart
To be,
To smile
And proceed.

307. I await the guest

My life fearfully awaits
The unwanted guest:

My mind reluctantly awaits
The unexpected guest:

My heart devotedly awaits
The ever-expected guest:

308. In this ignorance-kingdom

Soul-eyes are not here
In this ignorance-kingdom.

Love-heart is not here
In this ignorance-kingdom.

Life-perfection is not here
In this ignorance-kingdom.

God-satisfaction is not here
In this ignorance-kingdom.

309. Then and now

Where did I live then?
I lived between life-conception
And love-creation.

Where do I live now?
I live between world-frustration
And death-destruction.

310. When he is frustrated

His body knows not
What frustration is.

His vital is frustrated
He blames the ignorance of earth.

His mind is frustrated
He blames the indifference of Heaven.

His heart is frustrated
He blames the forest of his weakness.

311. A journey to no end

A journey to no end
Was my animal life's destruction-journey.

A journey to no end
Is my human life's desire-journey.

A journey to no end
Shall be my divine life's aspiration-journey.

A journey to no end
Shall be my God-life's manifestation-journey.

312. Life's games

My heart-life loves
Unity's multiplicity-game.

My soul-life loves
Multiplicity's unity-game.

My earth-life loves
Eternity's Infinity-game.

My Heaven-life loves
Divinity's Immortality-game.

313. Sincerity speaks

Lord, I am not worthy of Your Love.
"Seeker, since your false sincerity is speaking,
Let My just sincerity also speak:
You are not even worthy
Of My presence."

Lord, I am not worthy of Your Compassion.
"Seeker, since your false sincerity is speaking,
Let My just sincerity also speak:
Your life is not even worthy
Of My consideration."

314. The offerings

The clouds of my tears
Are offering me
An immortal perfection-earth.

The skies of my smiles
Are offering me
A supreme perfection-Heaven.

315. Lord, bless me

Lord, bless me with a cry,
And let my cry come to You

Lord, bless me with a smile,
And let my smile come to You

Lord, bless me with a surrender-heart,
And let me place my surrender-heart at Your Feet

316. Only for you

Not for me the Ultimate Vision.
It is for you, and only for you.
Believe me, my heart-sincerity
Speaks through my mouth-receptivity.

Not in me the capacity for God-perfection.
It is for you, and only for you.
Believe me, my heart-sincerity
Speaks through my mouth-receptivity.

317. I am tired

In Heaven I am tired
Of my dream-reality.

On earth I am tired
Of my reality-dream.

In myself I am tired
Of my lasting futility.

In God I am tired
Of my undying stupidity.

318. I shall not resign

I did not fulfil my task well
In Heaven,
I did not resign.
I felt God-light would eventually
Give me the needed capacity.

I do not fulfil my task well
On earth,
I shall not resign.
Why ?
I feel God-Compassion will undoubtedly
Give me the promised capacity.

319. I sail my boat

In Heaven
I sail my dream-boat.

On earth
I sail my hope-boat.

In God
I sail my promise-boat.

In myself
I sail my destruction-boat.

320. Further

Further from Light,
Nearer to night.

Further from life,
Nearer to death.

Further from God,
Further from your own reality's Self.

321. His soul's journey

An iron body-life
Brought his soul
Into the bleeding earth-heart.

A diamond heart-life
Shall return his soul
To Heaven's ecstasy-palace.

322. My mission, my vision

My mission reappears
Here on earth:
I shall fulfil God
In His own way.

My vision reappears
Here on earth:
God-light is doing everything
In and through me.

323. I need a shake

I need a God-shake
To come out of
My ignorance-dream.

I need a Titan-shake
To manifest on earth
My God-Promise
To the Absolute Supreme.

324. Unborn lives

O my earth-life,
In you truth-life is unborn.

O my Heaven-life,
In you frustration-life is unborn.

O my God-life,
In you rejection-life is unborn.

325. My world is changed

At last
My inner world is changed.

At last
My outer world is changed.

My inner world is changed
Into the cry of God-Beauty.

My outer world is changed
Into the smile of God-Duty.

326. Two secrets

O my mind,
I tell you an open secret:
Truth-life you may evade,
Never falsehood-breadth.

O my heart,
I tell you a sacred secret:
Falsehood-life you may evade,
Never truth-depth.

327. Son of man and son of God

The son of man
Is afraid of Truth-light
In Heaven.

The son of God
Is afraid of Falsehood-night
On earth.

God-compassion embraces
The son of man.

God-determination energises
The son of God.

328. When they open their doors

My heart-faith
Opens its door,
My truth-conviction
Comes in.

My mind-doubt
Opens its door,
My life's frustration-destruction
Comes in.

My soul-bird
Opens its door,
My Lord's God-Perfection
Comes in.

329. A thousand hopes

A thousand hopes
A thousand fearful Earth-tears.
A thousand hopes
A thousand fruitful Heaven-smiles.

330. Don't you feel it?

Mind, don't you feel
That you are totally polluted
By your impurity-elephant?

Heart, don't you feel
That you are completely rejected
By your insecurity-ant?

331. Which side to take

Night warns us
Of light's exaggerated claims
Impossible dreams.

Light reminds us
Of night's ignorance-poison

Our unawakened life
Knows not which side to take.

332. I must not deny them

I must not deny my body.
My body is for my God-service
And my God-manifestation.

I must not deny my soul.
My soul is for my God-Dream
And my life-perfection.

333. I am equally happy

In the morning
I am happy
I am a visible heart-cry.

In the evening
I am happy
I am an invisible soul-smile.

In the morning
And in the evening
I am equally happy.

334. My God-Life on earth

My God-life on earth
Is not only a perpetual possibility
But also a

My animal-human life in Heaven
Is not only a rare possibility
But also a

335. Divinity will crown you

You have exercised real bondage;
Satan is proud of you,
Death is fond of you.

Now you can exercise real freedom;
Humanity will enthrone you,
Divinity will crown you.

336. Employment

Is man-lance.

Is God-chance.

Is oneness-dance.

337. Your life will be happy

In your desire-life
Die to the fullest.
Your aspiration-life will be happy.

In your aspiration-life
Live to the fullest.
Your realisation-life will be happy.

In your realisation-life
Love and serve to the fullest.
Your God-life will be happy.

338. They speak

"I speak too much."
So says earth.

"I speak very little."
So says Heaven.

"I speak nothing significant."
So says my Lord Supreme.

"I speak everything perfect."
So says fast-approaching

339. Something valuable

Something valuable:
The total extinction
Of my desire-life.

Something invaluable:
The full manifestation
Of my aspiration-life.

Something unavoidable:
My highest God-realisation.

340. A rare aspiration

A rare American aspiration:
God the Silence-night.

A rare European aspiration:
God the Love-sea.

A rare African aspiration:
God the Peace-sky.

A rare Asian aspiration:
God the Perfection-day.

341. A small fraction

A small fraction of truth
Saves my dying life.

A small fraction of joy
Energises my weakening life.

A small fraction of light
Immortalises my surrendering life.

342. A little bit

A little bit of God-light
My heart keeps for its safety.

A little bit of doubt-night
My mind keeps for its necessity.

A little bit of surrender-height
My life keeps for its immortality.

343. Oblivion wants to challenge me

Oblivion wants to obliterate
My earth-success
My Heaven-progress.

Oblivion wants to challenge
My heart-aspiration
My soul-realisation.

344. I was deaf to God

I was deaf to God,
Thinking that I could easily challenge
His omnipotent Power.
I was all ears to God,
Knowing perfectly well
That I could never challenge
His transcendental and universal

345. Who is Who?

Who is Who?
God is man's eternal slave,
Man is God's eternal Dream.
And who am I?
I am the eternal cry
Of God-sound
The eternal smile
Of God-silence.

346. Something is bound to happen

Something great is bound to happen
Since I have offered
My aspiration-might
To Mother-Earth.

Something good is bound to happen
Since I have offered
My surrender-light
To Father-Heaven.

347. What I expected

Do you know
What I expected
From my earth-life?
I expected an unmistakable chance
To challenge Heaven's Crown.

Do you know
What I expected
From my Heaven-life?
I expected an indomitable lance
To challenge ignorance-frown.

348. Sigh no more

Heart, my heart, sigh no more.
From now on
I shall always inspire you.

Mind, my mind, sigh no more.
From now on
I shall always guide you.

Vital, my vital, sigh no more.
From now on
I shall always energise you.

Body, my body, sigh no more.
From now on
I shall always take care of you.

349. You

The outer world feels
You are a saint of perfection.

The inner world knows
You are a prince of deception.

God declares
You are His Dream-fulfilling preparation.

350. I have taught

I have taught
My heart to sing God-songs.
Look how soulfully
My heart is singing!

I have taught
My mind to dream God-dreams.
Look how beautifully
My mind is dreaming!

I have taught
My vital to fight God-battles.
Look how dauntlessly
My vital is fighting!

I have taught
My body to serve God-life.
Look how devotedly
My body is serving!

351. O Ignorance

O Ignorance,
You do not have a heart.
Try to have a heart.
It will awaken and inspire you.

O Ignorance,
You do not have a soul.
Try to have a soul.
It will transform and liberate you.

O Ignorance,
You do not have a mind.
You do not need one either.

Alas, what you have
Is a strangling vital
A sleeping body.

352. What I care for

I do not care
What earth thinks of me.
I do not care
What Heaven thinks of me.
I do not care
What even God thinks of me.
I do care for earth-transformation,
I do care for Heaven-expansion,
I do care for God-manifestation.

353. The message of knowledge and wisdom

His knowledge-experience declares:
Each woman is a flood of temptation.

Her knowledge-experience declares:
Each man is a flood of aggression.

His wisdom-life whispers:
Each woman is wanting in God-realisation.

Her wisdom-life whispers:
Each man is wanting in God-perfection.

354. If you believe

Be careful
If you believe
In the power of the mind.
It will instigate you
To see night in Light.

Be not forgetful
If you believe
In the power of the heart.
It will inspire you
To transform night-cave into Light-palace.

355. Depending where you live

Helplessness of ages
You are bound to feel
If you live in the body.

Aggressiveness of ages
You are bound to feel
If you live in the vital.

Blindness of ages
You are bound to feel
If you live in the mind.

Fruitfulness of ages
You are bound to feel
If you live in the heart.

356. Dead to imperfection

Your vital is dead to rapture;
Your heart is dead to despair.

Your mind is dead to deception;
Your body is dead to imperfection.

357. O Pilgrim of Eternity

O my Soul, O Pilgrim of Eternity,
Do give my earth-life another chance.
This time it will understand your supreme cause.
This time it will glorify your dream.
This time it will offer your nectar-light
To humanity's hungry heart.
O my Soul, O Pilgrim of Eternity,
Do give my earth-life another chance.

358. A moment's love

A moment's truth
Can and shall make the world beautiful.

A moment's peace
Can and shall save the world.

A moment's love
Can and shall make the world perfect.

359. In the expansion of your life

In the expansion
Of your outer life
You may threaten
And frighten the world.

In the expansion
Of your inner life
You shall embrace
And conquer the entire world.

360. Trust your dreams

Trust your dreams.
They are sweet and beautiful.

Trust your visions.
They are soulful and powerful.

Trust your aspiration.
It is your earth-friend

Trust your realisation.
It is your Eternity's real Self.

361. Lovers of God

You are a lover
Of God's unattainable Heights.
You are really great.

He is a lover
Of God's unreachable Depths.
He is really great.

I am a lover
Of God's unimaginable Heart.
I am really great.

362. Wings of time

All my days have wings.
They simply fly away.

All my hours have wings.
Slowly and steadily
They fly away.

None of my moments have wings.
They just linger in my inspiration
Torture my aspiration.

363. The weather of divinity

The weather of the divine heart
Is always aspiring.

The weather of the divine mind
Is always inspiring.

The weather of the divine vital
Is always striving.

The weather of the divine body
Is always serving.

364. He who remains

Who remains one day more with me
Shall precede.

Who remains two days more with me
Shall succeed.

Who remains three days more with me
Shall proceed.

He will precede Ignorance.
He will succeed in God-realisation.
He will proceed
Along the road of Eternity,
Scattering Infinity's Smiles.

365. Great son, good son

On the top of Heaven's hill
My soul-life realised God.
I was, indeed, God's great son.

At the foot of earth's hill
My soul-life is distributing God.
I am, indeed, God's good son.

366. Who is in the room?

Who is in the room of errors?
Ah, my poor mind!
I felt it,
I knew it.

Who is in the room of light?
Ah, my soulful heart!
Who else can be?

367. Two hosts

When my vital
Was a host to Ignorance,
I felt and saw how generous I was.

Now my heart
Is a host to God-Light.
Alas, I feel and see how miserly I am.

368. Whoever buys my life

Who buys my thought-life
Gets a life of ambiguity.

Who buys my will-life
Gets a life of certainty.

Who buys my love-life
Gets a life of divinity.

Who buys my surrender-life
Gets a life of Immortality.

369. I love

I love the eyes of my morning
They are beautiful.

I love the arms of my noon
They are powerful.

I love the feet of my evening
They are peaceful.

I love the heart of my night
It is soulful.

370. For you

Doubt, my doubt,
For you I have my constant concern.

Faith, my faith,
For you I have my undivided love.

Aspiration, my aspiration,
For you I have my eternal gratitude.

371. Tears

Who says
Tears are beggars?
They are not!
They are Light-seekers,
They are God-lovers,
They are Perfection-performers.

372. My mind is aware

My mind is fully aware
Of its weakness.
Yet the strange thing is
That it does not want to change.

My mind is completely aware
Of its helplessness.
Yet the sad thing is
That it does not care for any change.

373. The heart's happiness

The unaspiring heart
Gives us a fearful happiness.

The aspiring heart
Gives us a soulful happiness.

The realised heart
Gives us a fruitful,
Deathless happiness.

374. The prince of my morning

My hope is the prince
Of my morning.

My determination is the king
Of my noon.

My dedication is the emperor
Of my evening.

My realisation is the supreme monarch
Of my night.

375. It is all false

My eyes have betrayed me.
They have told me
That God is very far from me.
Now I know that it is all false.

My mind has betrayed me.
It has told me
That God is for others and not for me.
Now I know that it is all false.

My life has betrayed me.
It has told me
That it cannot hold God's heavy weight.
Now I know that it is all false.

376. They know all about it

My mind knows
All about the starvation of Truth.

My heart knows
All about the closeness of Truth.

My soul knows
All about the oneness of Truth.

377. Compassion is badly needed

O forgiving compassion,
My body needs you badly.

O flowing compassion,
My vital needs you badly.

O illumining compassion,
My mind needs you badly.

O fulfilling compassion,
My heart needs you badly.

378. Their cries

My body's cry for dignity
Is pitiful.

My vital's cry for dignity
Is sorrowful.

My mind's cry for dignity
Is hopeful.

My heart's cry, not for dignity, but for divinity,
Is always fruitful.

379. I had to escape

I had to escape
From my mental doubts
To retain my sanity.

I had to escape
From my vital thoughts
To retain my purity.

I had to escape
From my heart's uncertainty
To retain my divinity.

I had to escape
From my body's sleep
To retain my spirituality.

380. I have found

I have found the lost God-wanderer.
He is inside my mind.

I have found the lost God-seeker.
He is inside my heart.

I have found the lost God-lover.
He is inside my soul.

381. My light has made me

My mind-light
Has made me another sky.

My heart-light
Has made me another moon.

My soul-light
Has made me another sun.

My earth-light
Has made me another God.

382. God-life

God-life is only
A dream
In my mind-room.

God-life is
A perpetual reality
In my heart-palace.

God-life is
A continuous progress
In my soul-kingdom.

383. In the darkness

In the darkness of my doubts
I know not what to say.

In the darkness of my jealousies
I know not what to feel.

In the darkness of my insecurities
I know not what to become.

384. Who taught me?

Who taught me
How to beg?
My Master.

Who taught me
How to distribute?
My Master.

He taught me how to beg
When God was most frivolous.
He taught me how to distribute
When God was most serious.

385. You play your Master's role

You play your Master's role
Without reaching your Master's soul.
Don't worry, God will forgive you.

You play your Master's role
Without reaching your supreme Goal.
Don't worry, God will always forgive you,
Your untold, deceptive stupidity.

386. Dance

My mind and I love
The dance of solitude.
Is really breathtaking.

My heart and I love
The dance of beatitude.
Is really life-illumining.

My soul and I love
The dance of infinitude.
Is really God-fulfilling.

387. Drunk with surrender

Drunk with power
I came to my Lord.
He ignored my power.

Drunk with beauty
I came to my Lord.
He ignored my beauty.

Drunk with surrender
I came to my Lord.
He offered me
His Throne of Light,
His Crown of Delight,
His Palace of Truth,
His Kingdom of Love.

388. You are bound to hear

Stay with your suspicious mind.
You are bound to hear
The drum of doom.

Stay with your aspiring heart.
You are bound to hear
The trumpet of bloom.

Stay with your surrendered life.
You are bound to hear
God's transcendental Music
In His own Room.

389. I follow

I follow the foolish
To prevent them
From going astray.

I follow the wise
So that I do not eat
Any more ignorance-clay.

390. They have proved

Your mind has proved
What it can never be:

Your heart has proved
What it can ever be:

391. When I live in God

When I live in my heart
I see the permanence of excellence
Gathering the permanence of excellence.

When I live in my soul
I see the excellence of permanence
Gathering the excellence of permanence.

When I live in God
I see the Transcendence-excellence
And the Transcendence-permanence
Gathering Transcendence-excellence

392. The experience of God

The experience of the sun:
The entire world is ungrateful.

The experience of the earth:
All human beings are ungrateful.

The experience of God:
The world needs a little more aspiration,
That's all;
Human beings need a little more dedication,
That's all.

393. Is your heart alive?

Is your heart alive?
If so, why don't you smile?

Is your soul alive?
If so, why don't you love?

Is your God alive?
If so, why don't you become

394. They say to me

My ignorance-night says to me:
"I must wait for God's Hour."
My wisdom-light says to me:
"I must prepare myself,
And then wait for God's Hour,
God's choice Hour."

395. His life-story

At thirteen
He stopped finding fault with the world.

At thirty-two
He started serving the world.

At forty-two
He started surrendering
His ant-will to God's Elephant-Will.

396. Orders

Orders are lovely and gracious things
When they come from God.
God orders me
Because He loves me,
Because He wants to perfect me.

Orders are clever and dangerous things
When they come from man.
Man orders me
To quench his own quenchless thirst,
To feed his own sleepless hunger.

397. At long last

At long last
My heart-belief has conquered
My mind-doubt;
I am divinely happy.

At long last
My soul-conviction has sumptuously fed
My heart-belief;
I am supremely happy.

398. Discoveries

In my sleeping body
I have discovered
An indulgent God.

In my struggling vital
I have discovered
An encouraging God.

In my searching mind
I have discovered
An illumining God.

In my aspiring heart
I have discovered
A living God,
An all-loving God.

399. My own shall come to me

My own shall come to me;
In fact, they have already come:
My aspiring heart,
My serving life.

My own shall come to me;
In fact, they have already come:
My Compassion-mother,
My Liberation-father.

400. His earth-time is dying

His earth-time is dying;
His ignorance-tiger is not surrendering.

His earth-time is dying;
Heaven-compassion is descending.

Part V — poems 401 to 500

EB 401-500. Poems 401 to 500 were written in Milan, Italy and Zurich, Switzerland.

401. Where he belongs

Excess of blindness carried him
To the stone world
Where he belonged.

Excess of helplessness carried him
To the plant world
Where he belonged.

Excess of aggressiveness carried him
To the animal world
Where he belonged.

Excess of ignorance keeps him
In the human world
Where he belongs.

Excess of devotedness shall place him
In the divine world
Where he shall belong.

402. Two souls marry

Two bodies marry
To try their attraction-power.

Two vitals marry
To try their suppression-power.

Two minds marry
To try their admiration-power.

Two hearts marry
To try their affection-power.

Two souls marry
To try their illumination-power.

403. Discovery and invention

He consoles himself with his latest discovery:
"I must not hope for the mind in women."
She consoles herself with her latest discovery:
"I must not hope for the heart in men."

God illumines him with His latest invention:
"As long as she knows that she is of Me,
She does not need a mind.
She can do without a mind."

God illumines her with His latest invention:
"As long as he knows that he is for Me,
He does not need a heart.
He can do without a heart."

404. The modern Yogis

Every ancient Yogi
Concentrated, meditated, contemplated
Realised God.

Every modern Yogi
Has revealed
Manifested God.
Now, what more remains?
Just one thing:

Every ultra-modern Yogi
Has succeeded in becoming
A multimillionaire.
Now he has to succeed only in one more thing:
He has to see the entire humanity
Kiss the dust of his feet

405. Silence and beauty

In the garden of paradise
I enjoyed the silence of beauty.
In the heart of earthly night
I enjoy the beauty of silence.

406. The gifts of earth and Heaven

Earth, my earth, I love you.
I am all gratitude to you
You have given me what you really have:
Despair, brooding despair.

Heaven, my Heaven, I love you.
I am all gratitude to you
You have given me what you really have:
Nectar, immortalising Nectar.

407. The real God-ecstasy

The mind-philosopher in me declares:
Dryness is not dryness;
It is the real nearness to God.

The heart-poet in me whispers:
Fantasy is not fantasy;
It is the real God-ecstasy.

408. Heart, I am sick

Heart, I am really sick
Of your credulity-song.
For my sake, for God's sake,
Stop singing.
If you do not stop singing
I shall lose all my sanity.

Mind, I am really sick
Of your futility-lecture.
For my sake, for God's sake,
Stop lecturing.
If you do not stop lecturing
I shall lose all my divinity.

409. Actions

Good actions are for God-lovers.
Bad actions are for animal-lovers.
And my actions are for human-lovers,

410. God's Masterpiece

You have not written
Any masterpiece,
But I tell you,
Your heart-aspiration, without fail,
Is God's Masterpiece.

You have not painted
Any masterpiece,
But I tell you,
Your life-dedication, without fail,
Is God's Masterpiece.

411. My dry soul

My dry soul,
How can God manifest Himself
In and through you?

My dry heart,
How can God love you
And claim you as His very own?

My dry life,
How can God dare
To breathe in you?

412. I was made for You

I was made by You.
What for?
To live for You.
I was made
To live for You
To serve You on earth
With my heart-cry,
To serve You in Heaven
With my soul-smile.

413. A little world

You are a little mind-world.
Who made you?
The world-frustration
The world-deception.

You are a tiny heart-world.
Who made you?
The world-aspiration

414. My soul survives

Why does my soul survive?
It survives
Because it knows
It is of God-transcendence
It is for God-immanence.

Why does my body fail to survive?
It fails to survive
Because it thinks
It is of ignorance-night
It is for pleasure-height.

415. My heart-hopes have fooled me

My heart-hopes have fooled me,
My mind-dreams have fooled me.
My earth-achievements have disappointed me,
My Lord's Heaven-promises have disappointed me.

416. My life-treasures

My heart-tears are my flowers.
I place them at God's Feet.

My life-tears are my treasures.
I place them inside the Heart
Of my Beloved Supreme.

417. They never learn

I teach my sighs
How to smile.
Alas, they never smile.

I teach my tears
How to transcend.
Alas, they never transcend.

I teach my satisfaction
How to proceed.
Alas, it never proceeds.

418. Six gifts of love

My love divine
Has given me six things:
A disciplined body,
A dynamic vital,
An awakened mind,
A liberated heart,
An all-loving soul
An unquestionably real God.

419. Your eye

My body-life
Is afraid of your fixed eye.

My vital-life
Is afraid of your fiery eye.

My mind-life
Is afraid of your tranquil eye.


My heart-life
Is not afraid of you,
Not even of your trance-eye.

420. Lessons of life

From earth-life
I have learned two things:
Strive and despair.

From Heaven-life
I have learned two things:
Watch and see.

From God-life
I have learned two things:
Become and be.

421. The Way, the Truth, the Life

My way:
God's Compassion is my way, the Way.

My truth:
God's Vision is my truth, the Truth.

My life:
God's Preparation is my life, the Life.

422. God has taught me

When my world is in the mind
I think I love God
More than God loves me.

When my world is in the heart
I feel God loves me
More than I love Him.

When my world is in the soul
I know,
Because God has taught me,
How to love Him

423. Voices

If you live in the mind-cave
You hear
The voice of your vital-life.
You do not hear
The voice of your soul-life;
You cannot and will not hear
The voice of your ever-transcending Self.

424. Another chance

I am tired of this world.
The world is tired of me.
What shall we do?
Perhaps we should give each other
Another chance.

World, my world,
This time I shall happily be
One with the flow of your life.

"Seeker, my seeker,
This time I shall unconditionally surrender
To your soul-glow."

425. I give birth

I give birth to thunder-noise
When I challenge the pride
Of ignorance-night.

I give birth to silence-voice
When I sleep in the heart
Of my aspiration-light.

426. Action is freedom

Live in the vital.
There action is freedom.
Live in the soul.
There action is freedom.
Your vital-freedom
Leads you into destruction-night,
Your soul-freedom
Elevates you into God's transcendental Height.

427. Your history

Your body-history
You do not know.

Your vital history
You have forgotten.

Your mind-history
Disheartens you.

Your heart-history
Inspires you.

Your soul-history
Satisfies you.

428. I am totally lost

I am totally lost.
My earth-time is perishing,
My Heaven-time is ignoring,
My God-time is sleeping.

429. The only way

I use my surrender-light
To see the Face of God.
Indeed, this is the fastest way.

God uses His Compassion-height
To feed the hunger of my heart.
Indeed, this is the only way.

430. Truth-life begins

Is it in Heaven
That truth-life begins?
No, definitely not!

Is it in the sun
That truth-life begins?
No, definitely not!

Is it in the moon
That truth-life begins?
No, definitely not!

Is it in the stars
That truth-life begins?
No, definitely not!

Is it in the sky
That truth-life begins?
No, definitely not!

Is it in my heart-cry
That truth-life begins?
Yes, a thousand times yes!

431. Let us stop

Our words are misunderstood.
Let us stop speaking.

Our thoughts are distrusted.
Let us stop thinking.

Our fights never satisfy us.
Let us stop fighting.

Our love-flames disappoint us.
Let us stop loving.

432. I feel sad

Earth-prosperity is dying;
I feel sad.

Heaven-generosity is decreasing;
I feel sad.

My divinity is disappearing;
I feel sad.

433. Look elsewhere please

Insecurity, my heart does not need you
Any more.
Look for a job elsewhere, please.

Obscurity, my mind does not need you
Any more.
Look for a job elsewhere, please.

Insincerity, my vital does not need you
Any more.
Look for a job elsewhere, please.

Impurity, my body does not need you
Any more.
Look for a job elsewhere, please.

434. God's secret and man's secret

God's secret is an open secret:
Today's man
Shall become
Tomorrow's earth-liberating God.

Man's secret is a closed secret:
Today's man
Shall become
Tomorrow's earth-devouring beast.

435. Descending and ascending God

The descending God
Is the haven
Of my desire-night.

The ascending God
Is the haven
Of my aspiration-light.

Who is the descending God?

Who is the ascending God?

436. Earth-soul, where are you?

Indeed you are very bad.
I shall love you.

Indeed you are very base.
I shall utilise you.

Where are you?
Do you really exist?
Have you ever existed?
Will you ever exist?

437. One necessity

My heart needs
Only one thing:
God's Compassion.

My life needs
Only one thing:
God's Perfection.

And I need
Only one thing:
The renewal of God's Promise.

438. I touched God

I touched God's Arms.
They are too strong for me;
I shall not be able to operate them

I touched God's Eyes.
They are too beautiful for me;
I shall not be able to appreciate them

I touched God's Heart.
It is divinely beautiful and supremely fruitful.
A last I have found my home,
Eternal Home.

439. God touched us

God touched Heaven's Soul
With His Beauty.

God touched earth's life
With His Duty.

God touched my body
With His Necessity.

440. He who surrenders

He who sees

He who believes
Not only knows, but does.

He who surrenders
Not only has become,
But eternally is.

441. I met God

I met God in the morning.
I asked Him if He would take away
All insecurity from my heart.
He smiled.

I met God at noon.
I asked Him if He would take away
All doubt from my mind.
He smiled.

I met God in the evening.
I asked Him if he would take away
All depression from my vital.
He smiled.

I met God at night.
I asked Him if He would take away
All suffering from my body.
He immediately embraced my body.

442. Who will survive him?

Smitten by Heaven's frown,
He is half-dead.
Smitten by earth's frown,
He is fully dead.
Who will and can survive him?
His surrender to God's Compassion,
His faith in his soul's aspiration.

443. Dream not of any other world

Dream not of any other world;
This world really loves you.
Think not of Heaven-God;
Earth-God really loves you.
Who is Heaven-God?
Who is earth-God?

444. Thought

Love refines life,
Life refines heart,
Heart refines mind,
Mind refines thought.

Thought fears and follows
Thought likes and hides
The earth-life.

445. Let us exchange our labours

Father, let us exchange our labours.
Father, You take care of my doubts;
Let me take care of Your Compassion.
Father, You take care of my endless stupidity;
Let me take care of Your breathless Divinity.

446. The message of meditation

The meditation of my soul
Says to me:
God is Beauty.

The meditation of my heart
Says to me:
God is Goodness.

The meditation of my mind
Says to me:
God is Greatness.

The meditation of my life
Says to me:
God is Duty.

447. I have searched

I have searched for Truth
On earth.
Truth is not to be found there.

I have searched for sacrifice
In Heaven.
Sacrifice is not to be found there.

I have searched for surrender-life.
It is not to be found
Either on earth or in Heaven.

448. If you need us

If you need God-light,
Stay in Heaven.

If you need my light,
Stay on earth.

If you need God,
With my help
Stay inside my heart.

If you need me,
With God's Help
Stay inside my breath.

449. My world is all gratitude

Humanity has betrayed me;
I do not care for humanity.

Divinity has sneered at me;
I do not care for divinity.

My Lord Supreme
Has contemplated on my soul,
Meditates on my heart
Shall concentrate on my body;
My life is all love for Him,
My world is all gratitude to Him.

450. Three gifts for God

Father, I have three gifts for You.
My morning gift:
My love-tree.
My noon-gift:
My devotion-flower.
My evening-gift:
My surrender-fruit.
Will You accept them?

"Daughter, I have already accepted them.
I shall use our love-tree
To shelter My Creation.
I shall use our devotion-flower
To inspire My Creation.
I shall use our surrender-fruit
To feed My Creation."

451. Earth liberates

Heaven-beauty lights
But cannot warm.
Indeed, it is earth-duty
That warms.

Heaven-smile awakens
But cannot liberate.
Indeed, it is earth-cry
That liberates.

452. Look at these fools!

Look at these fools!
They worship his rusty soul.

Look at these fools!
They worship his dusty deeds.

Look at these fools!
They worship his nasty life.

453. When he lives on earth

When he lives on earth
He shapes his rainbow-sky
In Heaven.

When he lives in Heaven
He sows his promise-seed
On earth.

454. No room of its own

My heart showed me its room:
An angel-bloom.

My mind showed me its room:
A titan-gloom.

His vital showed me its room:
A dragon-doom.

Alas, my body has no room of its own;
It is desperately looking for a room.

455. To receive God's Love

To receive God's Love
I have bound my vital to peace.

To receive God's Love
I have bound my mind to light.

My body will take time
To receive God's Love.

My heart has already
Received God's Love in measureless measure.

456. The ambassador

The divine seeker in him
Is the earth-ambassador
In Heaven.

The supreme Lover in him
Is the Heaven-ambassador
On earth.

457. Everything is perfect

Everything is perfect
On the mountain of dreams.

Everything is half-perfect
On the hills of sleep.

Everything is imperfect
In the forest of wakefulness.

458. God, give me

God, give me a high thought;
I shall like You.

God, give me a strong will;
I shall love You.

God, give me a surrendered life;
I shall embrace You.

459. I am more than willing

Mind, my mind,
I am more than willing
To give you what you so desperately need:

Heart, my heart,
I am more than willing
To give you what you so desperately need:

Life, my life,
I am more than willing
To give you what you so desperately need:

460. He is devoted to obedience

He is devoted
To obedience;
He succeeds.

He is devoted
To obedience;
He proceeds.

He is devoted
To obedience;
In him God dreams.
For him God dreams.

461. To see the Heart of God

To see the Face of God
I flew high into the silence-sky.

To see the Heart of God
I dived deep into the sound-sea.

462. Look at this clown!

Look at this clown!
He parades his woman-detachment.

Look at this clown!
He parades his Heaven-aspiration.

Look at this clown!
He parades his God-love.

463. God has no equal

Men are not equal;
They cry.

Women are not equal;
They sigh.

The cosmic gods are not equal;
They try.

God has no equal;
He is always attacked
By Heaven-how

464. His conversation

His silence-eyes
Are his deep and intimate conversation.

His sound-mouth
Is his light and casual conversation.

His compassion-heart
Is his unparalleled oneness-conversation.

465. Three things I like

In God's vast creation
Only three things I really like:
God's perfect forgiveness,
Man's perfect helplessness
My perfect cleverness.

466. An easy task, a difficult task

His vital says to him:
"God-realisation is as easy
As lying to children;
It is beneath your dignity to perform
Such an easy task."

His mind says to him:
"God-realisation is as difficult
As climbing the Himalayas;
It is beyond your capacity to perform
Such a difficult task."

467. Enjoying my company

When I had a face
Without a heart,
The animal-kingdom
Deeply enjoyed my company.

Now that I have a heart
Without a face,
The human kingdom
Deeply enjoys my company.

And soon, when I have a liberation-heart
And a transformation-face,
The Divine Kingdom
Shall deeply enjoy my company.

468. Keep me in your heart

Father, keep me in your heart.
I am afraid
You will leave me.

Father, stay in my heart.
I am afraid
I shall lose you.

"Daughter, I shall place you
In God's Heart,
I shall keep God
In your heart,
So that I cannot leave you,
So that you will not lose me."

469. He is the master

God likes him
He is the master of his time-boat.

God loves him
He is the master of his life-river.

God embraces him
He is the master of his love-shore.

470. You are really great

You are really great;
You can sleep in spite of
Your thunder-vital.

You are really great;
You can sleep in spite of
Your tornado-mind.

You are really great;
You can sleep in spite of
Your meteor-heart.

471. My service-light

I shall garland my thoughts
With my service-light.

I shall crown my prayers
With my service-light.

I shall enthrone my meditation
With my service-light.

472. Three traitors

I caught my fear-traitor
And immediately strangled him.

I have caught my doubt-traitor
And have immediately buried him.

I shall catch my last traitor, frustration,
And shall immediately destroy him,

473. My sweet Father-Lord

My sweet Father-Lord,
I forgot the taste of tears
When I slept inside Your Heart.

My sweet Father-Lord,
I forgot the taste of fears
When I sat at Your Feet.

My sweet Father-Lord,
I forgot the taste of doubts
When I drank the beauty of Your Eyes.

474. My eye of light

My eye of light
Carries me beyond the moon-world.

My heart of light
Carries me beyond the sun-world.

My soul of light
Carries me beyond the silence-world.

475. Do you want happiness?

Do you want happiness?
Then ask your mind to love sincerity.

Do you want happiness?
Then ask your mind to love simplicity.

Do you want happiness?
Then ask your mind to love serenity.

Do you want happiness?
Then ask your mind to love purity.

476. In silence

In silence
My heart-life
Prepares my lectures.

In silence
My soul-light
Composes my songs.

In silence
My God-love
Perfects my life.

477. The dance of nothingness

I wanted to dance the dance
Of nothingness;
I gave Heaven's beauty
Back to Heaven,
I gave earth's duty
Back to earth,
I gave God's Promise
Back to God.
Look how beautifully I am dancing, dancing
The dance of nothingness!

478. Her dedication-light

Her dedication-light
Is his perfection-life.

His meditation-height
Is her liberation-life.

479. Three supreme secrets

Today not one but three
Supreme secrets I am revealing to you:

Heaven's good beauty
Heaven's smile.

Earth's better beauty
Earth's cry.

God's best Beauty
God's Compassion.

480. The son


I like Joseph's son
He is humility's flood.

I love Mary's son
He is Divinity's sky.

I adore the Father's son
He is Immortality's Love.

481. Angels fall, men rise

Angels fall
If they come too often to earth
To watch its pleasure-life.

Men rise
If they go too often to Heaven
To watch its treasure-light.

482. Among the immortals

Love the world;
This evening you will be beside the immortals
In their Eternal Ring.

Devote yourself to Light;
This afternoon you will be among the immortals
In their Eternal Ring.

Surrender yourself to God in man;
Lo, you are shining among the immortals
In their Eternal Ring.

483. I shall lean on You

Lord Supreme,
With my human heart
I shall lean on Your Compassion-smile
Divine Heart.

Lord Supreme,
With my human life
I shall lean on Your Perfection-smile
Immortal Life.

484. Tomorrow's supreme surprise

Yesterday's supreme surprise:
Today I shall realise God.

Today's supreme surprise:
Tomorrow I shall become another God.

Tomorrow's supreme surprise:
The day after tomorrow I shall resign
And give back to my predecessor
His post,
His responsibility,
His headache.

485. Totally lost

When an iota of faith is lost
A God-seeker is totally lost.

When a fraction of courage is lost
A God-warrior is totally lost.

When a particle of life is lost
A God-dreamer is totally lost.

486. We do not dare

You do not dare to know
The real truth.

He does not dare to face
The real light.

I do not dare to attain
The real silence.

487. Inventions

Is earth-invention.

Is Heaven-invention.

Is God-invention.

Is man-invention.

Is love-invention.

488. Life is like love

Life is like love;
It adores their common Source:

Truth is like love and life;
It invokes their common Goal:

489. My hope is a greedy fellow

My hope is a subtle, greedy fellow.
I shall not like him
Any more.

My inner cry is an unnoticed, working fellow.
I shall start loving him dearly
Right from today.

490. A lost connection

My Father, God, invited me
When He celebrated
The first morning
Of my younger brother, Time.
Alas, since then I have kept
No connection with
Either my Father or my brother.
Alas, I do hope
That they will give me
Their forgiveness-light,
Their forgetfulness-night.

491. Earth-king, Heaven-king

Laughter is earth-king
When I live in the soul.

Terror is earth-king
When I live in the body.

Satisfaction is Heaven-king
When I live in the soul.

Imagination is Heaven-king
When I live in the body.

492. All are unhappy

You are unhappy
That you are not God.

He is unhappy
That he is not a divine man.

I am unhappy
That still I do not have
The necessary capacity
To escape the embrace
Of the animal-kingdom.

493. Man revolts

Man revolts
Against the higher Will
Man has discovered a voice.

The higher Will does not revolt
Against man's voice
It always likes to work
In accordance with God's Choice.

494. God-Beauty

Increases his impurity.

Increases his purity.

Transforms his impurity
Into Purity's Flood.

Transforms his purity
Into Immortality's Sea.

495. God stays with me

To be one with my sadness
God stays with me,
Inside my earth-role.

To be one with my gladness
God stays with me,
Inside my Heaven-soul.

496. Arrows of the sun

The arrows of the outer sun
Kill my long-cherished

The arrows of the inner sun
Open my long-forgotten

497. My body and my life

Since God loves me now,
I shall definitely love myself,
My body and my life.
I shall no more hate myself,
My body and my life.

Since God uses me now,
I shall definitely use myself,
My body and my life.
I shall no more keep unemployed myself,
My body and my life.

498. My soul climbs down

My soul climbs down with Heaven
To celebrate Heaven's first few days
On earth.

My heart climbs up with earth
To celebrate earth's first few days
In Heaven,
And to protect it from getting lost
In the sun-brilliance up there.

499. God gave me what I needed

Realisation I needed.
God gave it to me openly.

Perfection I needed.
God gave it to me secretly.

Satisfaction I needed.
God gave it to me slowly,

500. My God-realisation

My God-realisation
Was my Olympian joy.

My God-revelation
Is my Herculean duty.

My God-manifestation
Shall be my Himalayan peace.

Part VI — poems 501 to 600

EB 501-600. Poems 501 to 600 were written in Zurich and Geneva, Switzerland.

501. Sweet trance

When I pray
I enter into my heart's
Sweet trance.

When I meditate
I enter into my life's
Sweet trance.

When I love
I enter into my God's
Sweet trance.

502. Lean upon me

Lean upon my heart.
I shall give you
What I have and what I am:

Lean upon my soul.
I shall give you
What God has and what God is:

503. Death-discoveries

His body's discovery:
Death is a ruthless finisher.

His heart's discovery:
Death is a bountiful awakener.

His soul's discovery:
Death is a sincere life-seeker.

504. Your heart

You have a truth-aspiring heart;
I love you deeply.

You have a love-offering heart;
I adore you immensely.

You have a God-surrendering heart;
I need you eternally.

505. Here is my life-car

Mind, here is my life-car.
Be careful,
Since you are only a beginner.
Be careful,
Don't run into an accident.

Heart, here is my life-car.
Be cheerful;
Drive as fast as you can,
Since you are an excellent driver.
Be cheerful;
Today the Lord Supreme shall watch you driving.

506. Space, height, depth

Is a known space.

Is an unknown height.

Is an unknowable depth.

507. Heart-light, body-night

I am all fear
When I see my body-night
Behind my heart-light.
My body-night can easily
Capture me and devour me
If I fail to run with my heart-light.

I have no fear
When I see my heart-light
Behind my body-night.
I tell my body-night that
Since I am a slow runner
I shall run only with my heart-light,
And I flatter my body-night
Into maintaining its own speed.
Thus, I save myself
With my heart-light.

508. My strength

Life is my strength,
Love is my strength,
Silence is my strength.
My life-strength I use
To fight against death.
My love-strength I use
To awaken humanity.
My silence-strength I use
To feed divinity.

509. Don't mix with him

For God's sake, don't mix with him.
He has a heavy load
Of worldly pride.
He may ask you to share his burden.

For my sake, don't mix with him.
He is a heavy load
Of heavenly failure.
His very presence is extremely poisonous
And terribly dangerous.

510. At the end of my journey

At the end
Of my journey's length,
Whom shall I see?
My Beloved Supreme.
What shall I see?
His Smile.

At the end
Of my journey's depth,
Whom shall I see?
My Beloved Supreme.
What shall I receive?
His Blessing.

At the end
Of my journey's height,
Whom shall I see?
My Beloved Supreme.
What shall I become?
His, unconditionally His.

511. I treasure

A sweet and divine heart of prayer
I treasure openly.

A pure and supreme heart of meditation
I treasure secretly.

A perfect and absolute life of God
I treasure sleeplessly.

512. The fount

What is the fount of my life?

What is the fount of my love?

What is the fount of my perfection?

What is the fount of my God?

513. Faith

The flames of faith
I need
To walk along
The outer road.

The sun of faith
I need
To run the length of
The inner road.

514. Yet he lives

His rainbow-beauty life has faded.
Yet he lives.

His moon-beauty life has disappeared.
Yet he lives.

His sun-beauty life has failed.
Yet he lives.

515. Heaven-born music

Earth-born music
Nobody needs;
No, not even my stupid mind.

Heaven-born music
Everybody needs,
Including my wise soul.

516. Yet I love him

His wicked eyes
Know my weaknesses.
His wicked heart
Has tested my strength.
His wicked life
Has destroyed my joy.
Yet I love him.
Because he loves me
As his own, very own.

517. The dream of Bliss

The dream of Bliss
God and I
Together enjoy
In the heart of God's Silence-height.

The Bliss of dream
My heart and I
Together enjoy
In the life of earth's sound-flight.

518. Too weak to move

Too weak to move,
Yet I smilingly move
To give Heaven my place to sit.

Too strong to move,
Yet I unconditionally move
To give earth my place to sit.

519. The darlings of earth and Heaven

Two are the darlings of earth:
My hope-life
My despair heart.

Two are the darlings of Heaven:
My aspiration-cry
My surrender-smile.

520. Earth-voice, Heaven-choice

His earth-voice
Was not meant
For Heaven-music.

His Heaven-choice
Was not meant
For earth-singers.

521. My family

You are too impure to touch.

You are too wild to tame.

You are too mean to see.

You are too weak to love.

You are too pure to be.

522. Each surrender-smile

Each thought-power
Is national.

Each will-light
Is international.

Each surrender-smile
Is eternally liberal.

523. My form

When my form resolves,
God smiles with joy.

When my form dissolves,
God weeps with pride.

524. Lustre

Indeed, you are your Lord's Eternity's Grace.

Indeed, you are your Lord's Eternity's Treasure.

525. Affairs

I do not want to know
They are too silly for me.

I do not want to know
They are too high for me.

I know and always shall know
They are very dear to me.

526. Time and becoming

Tells me what I cannot become:
A real man.

Tells me what I can become:
A real God.

Tells me what I have already become:
God's perfection-seeker,
God's satisfaction-lover.

527. Stoop and conquer

Your strength stoops
You love your body's countless demands,
Not unconsciously but consciously.

Your strength conquers
You listen to your soul's whispering voice,
Not unconsciously but unconditionally.

528. Gifts from my heritage

From my Heaven-heritage
I have received

From my earth-heritage
I have received

529. Waiting for God's Hour

The beggar-seeker in me
Knows not how to wait
For God's Hour.

The emperor-lover in me
Not only knows how to wait,
But has been waiting
For God's Hour

530. Birthday expectations

I expect nothing
From the birthday
Of my earth-body
My earth-body
Is my frustration-sea.

I expect everything
From the birthday
Of my Heaven-soul
My Heaven-soul
Is God's God-promise to me,
God's God-satisfaction in me.

531. They came to me

Beauty came to me
Like the morning rose.

Duty came to me
Like the morning sun.

Divinity came to me
Like the morning aspiration.

532. I shall pour into thee

My soul,
I shall gladly pour into thee
What I have:

My heart,
I shall devotedly pour into thee
What I am:

533. Heaven's day, earth's night

I shall make
My Heaven's day long
So that I can receive
More Light, abundant Light,
From God.

I shall make
My earth's night empty
So that I can fill it with

534. Then and now

A heart that aspired soulfully
I had.
A life that dedicated divinely
I had.
Alas, but now I have a heart
Afraid of aspiration,
Now I have a life
Afraid of dedication.

535. His love of beauty

He loves occasionally.

He loves unmindfully.

He loves secretly.

His beauty
He loves

536. Duty

A good thought
Is a serving duty.

A strong will
Is a fulfilling duty.

A divine surrender
Is an unparalleled duty.

537. I love my days and nights

I love my days
They reveal God-dance.

I love my nights
They manifest God-trance.

538. Surrendering dedication

Damaging imperfection:
That is what I was.

Crying expectation:
That is what I am.

Surrendering dedication:
That is what I shall be.

539. Life, love and service

My life
Is the bow of my Lord Supreme.

My love
Is the flow of my Lord Supreme.

My service
Is the glow of my Lord Supreme.

540. Three songs

A Heavenly song
Inspired me to strive and become.

An earthly song
Instigated me to deceive and achieve.

A God-song
Liberated me to divinise and immortalise

541. Beauty's eloquence

Beauty's eloquence
I appreciate.

Beauty's silence
I admire.

Beauty's presence
My world desires.

542. I feel so sorry

My Heaven-life,
I feel so sorry
That earth-soul
Does not care for you.

My earth-soul,
I feel so sorry
That Heaven-goal
Has no need for you.

543. What can you do?

Heaven is deaf.
What can you do,
Poor earth?

Earth is blind.
What can you do,
Poor Heaven?

I am unbearable.
What can You do,
Poor God?

544. Sweet were the days

Brave were the days
When I fought for God
And succeeded.
Sweet were the days
When God
In me and through me

545. What you are to me

Father: Compassion-Perfection,
This is what You are to me.

"Daughter: Satisfaction-dedication,
This is what you are to Me."

546. My teachers

Birth teaches me
How to aspire,
Why to aspire.

Death teaches me
How to rest,
When to rest.

God teaches me
How to surrender,
How to become.

547. My ways

Secret are my ways
When I am one with earth-aspiration.

Sacred are my ways
When I am one with Heaven-illumination.

Sincere are my ways
When I am one with God-Compassion.

548. My life-realisation

Death is sweet,
Life is sweeter,
Truth is sweetest,
Love-oneness is sweeter than the sweetest:
That is my life-realisation.

549. Because they help him

Why does he love his enemies?
They help him unconsciously
In his heart-expansion.

Why does he love his friends?
They help him consciously
In his life-satisfaction.

Why does he love God?
God helps him unconditionally
In his God-realisation.

550. Beggars

Hope is a beggar;
It needs earth-wealth.

Earth-wealth is a beggar;
It needs perfection-health.

Perfection-health is a beggar;
It needs realisation-satisfaction.

551. The inner sun

The rainbow comes and goes
With a charming body.
The outer sun comes and goes
With a vast body.
The inner sun stays and stays
With its boundless
And deathless

552. I cannot say

I cannot say
Who I was.

I cannot say
Where I was.

I cannot say
What I was
I unmistakably know
What I shall be:
I shall be God's God-Height.

553. I dare

I dare to cry;
The Divinity above loves me.

I dare to smile;
The humanity in me loves me.

I dare to become;
The Immortality before me claims me.

554. O Eternity's sunrise

O Eternity's sunrise,
How far shall you
Succeed and proceed in me?

O Eternity's sunset,
Why have I failed?

555. Born again

My desire-life is crying
Death is born again.

My aspiration-life is dancing
A living God is born again.

556. Somewhere I saw God

Somewhere far beyond my mind
I saw God's Body.
Somewhere within my heart
I saw God's Face.
Somewhere inside my soul
I saw God's Smile.
And now I see
Inside my surrender-home.

557. His life thunders and whispers

His vital does not aspire,
His mind does not aspire;
His life thunders in dreams.

His heart aspires,
His soul aspires;
His life whispers in realities.

558. Smile a little more

Father, smile a little more
In my heart.
"Daughter, cry a little more
In My Heart."

Father, I am sorry;
My heart tears are sleeping.
"Daughter, I am sorry;
My Soul-tears are not functioning."

559. Mutual discoveries

Some fools have discovered
In him
Their most precious idol.
He has discovered
In them
His most perfect doll.
Poor God has surrendered
To their brooding

560. Believe in his realisation!

Some fools do not believe
In his God-realisation.
He has forgiven their
Imperfect vision.
But God says to them:
You fools,
Believe in his realisation!
If not, you are doomed
To live in futile imagination.

561. God laughs at my stupidity

When I use
The wings of an angel,
God laughs at my stupidity.

When I use
The wings of the stars,
God laughs at my stupidity.

When I use
The wings of the moon,
God laughs at my stupidity.

But when I use
My two human feet,
God prides Himself
On my sagacity.

562. When I live in the soul

When I live in the mind,
I soar from the unknown
To the unknown.

When I live in the heart,
I soar from the known
To the known.

When I live in the soul,
I soar from the ever-known
To the ever-known.

563. Can't you surrender?

O mind of man,
Do not sleep anymore.
Can't you hear God
Knocking and knocking
At your door?

O heart of man,
Can't you surrender
Your insecurity-drop
To God-Ocean
Become the ocean-soul,
And God-satisfaction?

564. God's Compassion

God's Compassion
Has awakened my body's sleep.

God's Concern
Has sweetened my vital's madness.

God's Concentration
Has illumined my mind's blindness.

God's Satisfaction
Has immortalised my heart's selflessness.

565. Their qualifications

My body knows
How to cry.
That is its qualification.

My vital knows
How to bind.
That is its qualification.

My mind knows
How to blind.
That is its qualification.

My heart knows
How to climb.
That is its qualification.

566. Shall I ever?

I am waiting
For a new dawn.
Alas, shall I ever see a new dawn?

I am looking
For an old friend.
Alas, shall I ever find an old friend?

I am crying
For the eternal Silence.
Alas, shall I ever glimpse the eternal Silence?

567. The power of his beauty

The power of his beauty
Lights me
Never warms me.
The beauty of his power
Not only warms me,
But also illumines me,
Liberates me
Immortalises me.

568. Conceals and reveals

Night conceals;
Morning reveals.
Night conceals
Your ignorance-life;
Morning reveals
Your aspiration-heart.

569. Swimmers in the sea of peace

When I was
A river of thought,
I cried to flow
Into the sea of Peace.
Fruitless were my cries.
But now my surrender-life
Swims in the sea of Peace
Together with three other swimmers:
God the Compassion-swimmer,
God the Perfection-swimmer,
God the Satisfaction-swimmer.

570. There was a time

There was a time
When I loved desire-ground.

There was a time
When I loved aspiration-hill.

There was a time
When I loved realisation-mountain.

Now I love only one thing:

571. All need You

O gracious God,
My heart needs You

O glorious God,
My mind needs You

O precious God,
My life needs You

572. Friends of mine

You are a celestial friend of mine;
I need your smile,
You need my love.

You are a celestial friend of mine;
I do not need your impurity,
You do not need my stupidity.

573. I love God

I love God
Not because I always need Him.
I love God
Not because He compassionately needs me.
I love God
Because He alone knows
That I am another God.

574. I shall keep God ready for you

Young man, you may not need
God today,
But I shall keep God ready
For you
In case you need Him then.

Young man, you may not love
God today,
But I shall keep God ready
For you
In case you want to love Him then.

575. My two lives

My stupidity-life
Makes me angry, animal-angry.
My sincerity-life
Makes me hungry, God-hungry.

576. Aspiration neglected

Aspiration neglected,
God-Love rejected,
Man-love suspected,
Heaven-love interrogated,
Earth-love inspected.

577. Free of charge

Too tired to think!
God, You can use my mind
From now on
Free of charge.

Too disheartened to love!
God, You can use my heart
From now on
Free of charge.

578. Miniatures

A miniature lie:
I think of God all the time.
A miniature truth:
I have given God my realisation-height.

579. She is all for God

She is all for God-Joy
In the morning.
She is all for God-Joy.

She is all for God-Power
At noon.
She is all for God-Power.

She is all for God-Peace
In the evening.
She is all for God-Peace.

580. Dreams

Sweet is a child's dream.
I love him and his dream.

Futile is a man's dream.
I pity him and his dream.

Real is God's Dream.
I adore God and His Dream.

581. To steer humanity and divinity

To steer humanity
I need God's Reality-boat.
Ah, where is it?
Where is it?

To steer divinity
I need God's Dream-boat.
Ah, it has been waiting for us
For such a long time.

582. She

Her soul-greatness illumines us,
Her heart-kindness awakens us,
Her mind-alertness cautions us,
Her vital-quickness inspires us,
Her body-selflessness feeds us.

583. O sweet delight

O sweet delight,
I feel you
I am not the body.

O sweet delight,
I use you
I am the truth-ordained

584. Dislikes

I dislike
A fault-finding eye.

I dislike
A fault-hiding mind.

I dislike
A fault-fearing heart.

585. The real doer

I condemn no one
I know no person is the real doer.
God is the real doer.

I console no one
I know no person is the real sufferer.
God is the real sufferer.

586. A perfect gentleman

I sleep at night;
God does not disturb my sleep.
Who else could be such a perfect gentleman?

I work during the day;
God does not disturb my work.
Who else could be such a perfect gentleman?

If I meditate anytime,
Only then will God come and converse with me.
He does not come unwanted.
He is a perfect gentleman, after all.

587. Do me a favour

Sweet Lord,
Please do me a favour.
Please steal my heart's sorrow.

Sweet Lord,
Please do me a favour.
Please steal my mind's suspicion.

Sweet Lord,
Please do me a favour.
Please steal my vital's audacity.

Sweet Lord,
Please do me a favour.
Please steal my body's timidity.

588. My heart's family

My heart's best brother:

My heart's best sister:

My heart's best Father:

My heart's best Mother:

589. I enjoy his heart's hospitality

I enjoy
The pure hospitality
Of his heart.

I fear
The sheer curiosity
Of his mind.

I avoid
The wild vitality
Of his vital.

I dislike
The dark impurity
Of his body.

590. Tell them not to depart

Tell your mind
Not to depart
From simplicity.
Simplicity is God-Beauty.

Tell your heart
Not to depart
From sincerity.
Sincerity is God-Necessity.

591. You are my peerless discovery

I have no power to tell you
How great your mind is
In God's Eyes.

I have no power to tell you
How good your heart is
In God's Eyes.

I have no power to tell you
How meaningful and fruitful
Your soul is
In God's Eyes.

Needless to say, you are
My peerless discovery.

592. My true helpers

My innocent eyes
Helped me to see God's Feet.

My innocent heart
Helped me to feel God's Heart.

My innocent life
Helped me to become God's Smile.

593. Innocently done

Innocently done:
I have not loved God.
Innocently done:
I have not thought of God.
Innocently done:
I have not pleased God,
Manifested God
Fulfilled God.

594. Sometimes useful

Exertion is useful
When the vital is lethargic.

Severity is useful
When the mind is dogmatic.

Threat is useful
When the heart is delaying.

595. Forget me not

A few fleeting years
Can take me
To the animal kingdom.
O Lord Supreme,
Save me, save me!

A few slow years
Can take me
To Love-Oneness-Perfection Kingdom.
O Lord Supreme,
Forget me not!
Forget me not!

596. Their joy

His fruitful smile
Is his mother's joy.

His soulful cry
Is his father's joy.

His self-giving heart
Is God's Transcendental Joy.

597. I live there no longer

To discover my aspiration
I live no longer
In my mind-cave.

To discover my realisation
I live no longer
In my vital-den.

To discover my perfection
I live no longer
In my body-hole.

598. Originality and creativity

What is originality?
A new God in preparation.
What is creativity?
A new man of God-Compassion.

599. His mind-heart-soul

His mind is nothing
But a self-styled fertile counsel.
His heart is nothing
But a sea of ceaseless cries and sighs.
His soul is nothing
But the Smile of God's Reality-Dream.

600. O solitude

O solitude,
Your God lives in a tiny
Himalayan cave;
My God lives on the top
Of the Himalayas.

O solitude,
You want me to come to you
To see the Face of God.
But I tell you
My God has already come to me
To be served and fed by me
In the sound-life of His creation-body.

Part VII — poems 601 to 700

EB 601-700. Poems 601 to 700 were written in Geneva, Switzerland, and Stockholm, Sweden.

601. Who are you?

Who are you?
An untransformed man.

Who are you?
Earth's hope-tree
Heaven's dream-moon.

Who are you?
An unmanifested God.

602. Give and receive

You shall give,
Always give.

I shall receive,
Always receive.

Indeed, I shall be grateful to you
For your supreme gifts:

603. I have given you

I have given you,
Already given you,
I am ready to give you even more,
In case you need more,
My dear friend.
Strangely enough,
You have never shown
Any sign of gratitude
For my God-manifestation,

604. Ignorance

Simple ignorance:
I am for myself.
Complex ignorance:
I am of ignorance-night.
Treacherous and dangerous ignorance:
God is not for me.

605. Are we not even?

The sweet bonds of remembrance:
You gave me, Lord,
Your supreme Treasure:
I gave You, Lord,
My supreme treasure:
Are we not even?
"Certainly we are, My child."

606. She blossomed

She blossomed in perfect Beauty
To embody God.

She blossomed in perfect Duty
To reveal God.

She blossomed in perfect Immortality
To manifest God.

607. Fate

Human fate,
I am afraid of you.
Divine fate,
I am fond of you.
Human fate,
You remind me
Of the things I cannot do,
Which are far beyond my capacity.
Divine fate,
You tell me
That nothing is beyond my capacity,
Absolutely nothing,
For I am of God-Height
For God-Depth.

608. Earth's glance, Heaven's glance

Earth's hurtful glance
Has tortured me,
My body,
My life,
My all.
Alas, I know not
When and how or even why
Heaven's soulful glance
Will liberate me from my ignorance-body-life
And manifest me
In my wisdom-soul-life.

609. It is high time

Hope, sleep no more;
You have slept for a long time.
It is high time for you
To open your eyes.

Doubt, work no more;
You have worked for a long time.
It is high time for you
To close your eyes.

610. Why do You hide?

God, why do You hide?
"I hide because
You are afraid of My infinite Love-power.
I also hide because
I want you to use
Your aspiration-light
And make Me supremely proud of you."

611. Daughter, such a long delay

"Daughter, such a long delay.
How do you account for it?"
I am embarrassed, Father.
I was having a heart-to-heart talk
With ignorance-night.
God bless you,
Since I dare not bless you."

612. Father, such a long delay

Father, such a long delay.
How do You account for it?
May I know?
"Certainly you may, My daughter.
I am sorry and embarrassed to say
That for a long time I have been living
In My Justice-Room,
Not in my Compassion-Palace."

613. Complaints against humanity

A poet's complaint:
He is not appreciated
By humanity.

A philosopher's complaint:
He is not understood
By humanity.

A seeker's complaint:
He is ignored
By humanity.

A lover's complaint:
He is criticised
By humanity.

614. Because God needs you

You do not love God,
You are useless.

You do not need God,
You are worse than useless.

God loves you,
One day He will make you useful.

God needs you,
One day He will make you more than useful.
And I tell you,
That golden day
Is fast approaching.

615. I have two hearts

Unlike others,
I have two hearts:
A hiding heart
A crying heart.
My hiding heart shall feed
My earth-curiosity.
My crying heart shall feed
My Heaven-necessity.

616. When I wait for God

When I wait for God
He may delay and delay,
But finally He comes;
He at least comes.
But when I wait for man
He simply never comes,
And he never will.

617. Renewal

How to renew itself.
That's all.

Not only how to renew itself,
But also how to renew God,
The Beloved Supreme.

618. God's Heart

God's Heart
May be big for humanity,
But not for me.
I tell you why:
I have easily concealed it,
I can easily reveal it.
Something more
(This time I shall have to tell
You in a whispering voice):
I shall reveal
God's Heart to you
Only to perfect you,
Fulfil you.

619. His own friend and enemy

When he failed to serve God,
When he failed to love God,
When he failed to meditate on God,
He was felled by his own
Earth-generous friend: doubt
And his own Heaven-treacherous enemy: doubt.
Alas, alas!

620. Too weak

Too weak to watch
Too weak to feel
Too weak to receive
Too weak to achieve
Inner cry.
I proudly claim
I am of God
I am for God.

621. I love you more

Plato — Aristotle had a mind,
You have a heart.
I tell you frankly and unreservedly:
I love your heart more
Always shall.

Socrates — Tolstoy had a heart,
You have a soul.
I tell you sincerely and proudly:
I love your soul more
Always shall.

622. Evolution

Moral evolution:

Spiritual evolution:
Full God-awareness,
Entire life-perfection,
Complete love-oneness.

623. No backward life

No eyes to look backward!
I am happy.

No feet to walk backward!
I am happy.

No mind to think backward!
I am happy.
My sweet Lord is happy, too.

624. Necessity-flood

Good morning has given me
Its purity-flood;
Good evening has given me
Its sincerity-flood;
My beloved Supreme has given me
His Compassion-filled

625. My flowers, my fruits

Lord, my heart-flowers
Of beauty
Are for Your Eyes.

Lord, my life-fruits
Of duty
Are for Your Feet.

626. A time when I was complete

There was a time
When I was complete
In desire-life.

There was a time
When I was complete
In despair-life.

There was a time
When I was complete
In hope-life.

I am sure
There will be a time
When I shall be complete
Only in God-life.

627. In her eyes

In the morning
I see sun-beauty in her eyes.

At noon
I see sun-power in her eyes.

In the evening
I see sun-peace in her eyes.

At night
I see sun-bliss in her eyes.

628. Touch of life

O generous touch of sound-life,
I appreciate your concern
For me.

O precious touch of silence-life,
I admire your compassion
For me.

O gracious touch of oneness-life,
I love you,
I need you;
Eternally I shall love you,
Eternally I shall need you.

629. Who has done this?

Who has punctured his eyes?
Sorry, not earth, but earth-doubt.

Who has polluted his ears?
Sorry, not earth, but earth-jealousy.

Who has damaged his nose?
Sorry, not earth, but earth-impurity.

Who has ruined his life?
Sorry, not earth, but earth-ignorance.

630. The champion of my new life

Is the champion of my new life.
Is the champion of my new heart.
Is the champion of my new soul.
With love-life I shall see,
With devotion-life I shall feel,
With surrender-life I shall become.

631. My debts

My aspiration-realisation-life
Is my personal debt to earth.

My vision-delight-life
Is my personal debt to Heaven.

My progress-perfection-life
Is my personal
Eternal debt to God.

632. I laugh and laugh

I laugh and laugh
When you spend time on hope.
I laugh and laugh
When he spends time on despair.
I laugh and laugh
When I spend time on destruction.
I laugh and laugh,
I laugh and laugh,
When God spends time on perfection,
Especially my perfection.

633. Rules

Earth-man needs
A set of rules.

Heaven-soul needs
No rules at all.

God-lover has only one rule:
God comes first.

634. My teachers

My soul learns from God
In Heaven.

My life learns from God
On earth.

I shall learn from God
In His Compassion-core.

635. Matchless treasure

Father, my aspiration-cry
Is my matchless treasure.
Your Satisfaction-smile
Is Your matchless Treasure.
One day my cry
Shall claim You.
One day Your Smile
Shall employ me.

636. I challenge, I surrender

Death, I challenge thee.
Life, I love thee.
Light, I adore thee.
Perfection, I surrender to thee,
Only to thee.

637. High thoughts

High thoughts
I thought.
By earth-bondage
I was not caught
By Heaven-freedom
I was bought.

638. Love-light

Life-truth chisels me.
I am allowed
To sit at the Feet of God.

Love-light chisels me.
I am allowed
To see the Eye of God;
I am allowed
To sleep in the Heart of God;
I am allowed
To claim and proclaim God.

639. Far beyond

Her vision-world
Is far beyond
The shore of time.

Her reality-world
Is far beyond
The height of the cosmic gods.

640. What I need

I need to think of God.

I need to meditate on God.

I need to realise God.

I need to proclaim God.

I need to become another God.

641. Hoisting the banner

When I hoist
The red banner of power,
I am great.

When I hoist
The green banner of life,
I am great.

And when I hoist
The blue-white-gold
Banner of love,
I am vast,
I am divine,
I am perfect.

642. No difference

No difference
My present pleasure-path
My future torture-path.

No difference
My present aspiration-path
My future realisation-path.

No difference
My present surrender-path
My future perfection-path.

643. All love her

Of her God-vision
Heaven loves her.

Of her God-mission
Earth loves her.

Of her God-perfection
Eternity's cry,
Infinity's smile,
Immortality's life love her.

644. Treasure and prefer

Earth realities
I treasure.
I prefer.

I treasure.
I prefer.

645. Heaven-success

I feed.
I need.
I succeed.

646. Freedom-sun I have

I have,
Believe it or not.

I have,
Believe it or not.

I have,
Believe it or not.

647. The world needs us

You are a Master
With a precious heart.
The wise world needs you.

He is a Master
With a generous life.
The hungry world needs him.

I am a Master
With a delicious tongue.
The greedy world needs me.

648. Capacity and incapacity

I am with the cosmic gods
My Heaven-capacity compels me
To be of considerable help to them.

I am with human beings
My earth-incapacity compels me
To be of no help to them.

649. What I receive

From Heaven-soul
I receive.

From earth-heart
I receive.

From God-Eye
I receive.

650. News

New dawn's
Awakening news
I treasure.

New moon's
Inspiring news
I treasure.

New evening's
Aspiring news
I treasure.

New night's
Fulfilling news
I treasure.

651. Two languages

From Heaven's dreaming life
I learn the language of smiles.
I must say, it is a very difficult language.
Everybody is afraid of it.

From earth's sleeping life
I learn the language of tears.
I must say, it is a very easy language.
Everybody loves it.

652. The torch of love

God made me
The torch of silence
To feed His celestial Height.

God is making me
The torch of life
To feed His terrestrial Space.

God shall make me
The torch of love
To feed His Heaven-beauty,
To feed His earth-duty.

653. She

Is her body.

Is her life.

Is her heart.

654. What are you doing?

"What are you doing?"
I am looking for a new path.
"I have one."
May I walk along your path?
"Certainly you may,
But first you must offer me
Your soulful cry."
Ah, you can have it immediately.

"What are you doing?"
I am looking for a new Master.
"I am the one."
May I have you as my Master?
"Certainly you may,
But first you must offer me
Your soulful smile."
Alas, it may take a little time,
But I shall definitely give it to you.

655. High sunrise, low sunset

Showed me my soul's
High sunrise,
Secretly and divinely.

Shows me my life's
Low sunset,
Openly and deliberately.

656. The superman

You are the superman of meditation.
God loves you.
God loves you because you are great.

He is the superman of action.
God loves him.
God loves him because he is good.

I am the superman of frustration.
God loves me.
God loves me because I am helpless.

657. Uprooted and implanted

Uprooted by me.

Implanted by me.

Uprooted by me.

Implanted in me.

658. Unaffected

Is your body-life of beauty.
Is your heart-life of duty
Is your vital-life of prosperity.

659. Smiles

My success
Is my life's outer smile.

My progress
Is my soul's inner smile.

My perfection
Is my Lord's Satisfaction-smile.

660. They together roam

My Heaven-freedom
My earth-dedication
Together roam.
And God-perfection claims them.

My Heaven-light
My earth-height
Together roam.
And God-satisfaction proclaims them.

661. My breathless necessity

God's Height
I have measured
Successfully and gloriously.
My two tiny feet
I fail to measure.
Just because I feed
Only the hunger
Of my breathless necessity.

662. Out of sheer consideration

Out of His infinite Compassion
God has transformed
My earth-tears
My Heaven-smiles.

Out of sheer consideration
I shall convert
I promise I shall.

663. Why do you blame me?

Truth, I did look you up
Inside my mind.
But you were absent.
Now, why do you blame me unnecessarily?

Light, I did look you up
Inside my heart.
But you were absent.
Now, why do you blame me mercilessly?

Bliss, I did look you up
Inside my soul.
But you were absent.
Now, why do you blame me ceaselessly?

664. Treasure and prefer

Heaven's celestial quickness
My dream-boat treasures.
Earth's terrestrial steadiness
My reality-shore prefers.

And I treasure
God's Compassion-height,
And I prefer
God's Forgiveness-light.

665. The lover in him

The philosopher in him knows
All about Heaven-capacity
But does not know
What is inside his heart-room.

The poet in him can tell you
All about God,
But he can never correctly tell you
Where God is.

The lover in him does not want to know
Who God is
Where God is;
It is enough for him
That God really is.

666. My celebration

Yesterday I saw
The same Compassion-God
Whom I saw before my birth-cry.
Yesterday I celebrated
God's Promise-day in me.

Today I see
This same Compassion-God
Inside the heart of my death-cry.
Today I celebrate
God's Hope-life in me.

667. Give to all

Give to all something:
Give to Heaven your earth-cry,
Give to earth your Heaven-smile,
Give to God your surrender-life,
Give to yourself your promise-light.
Give to all something.

668. Joining hands with God

I joined hands
With God
To become His highest Silence-life.

I join hands
With God
To become His farthest Sound-life.

I shall join hands
With God
To become His deepest Love-life.

669. A divine life

Divine thoughts he thinks.
Nectar-light he drinks.

A divine life he leads.
God-necessity on earth,
God-necessity in Heaven,
He tirelessly feeds.

670. The journey

Is the journey's start.

Is the journey's speed.

Is the journey's soul.

Is the journey's goal.

671. The first-born

My soul
Is the first-born smile of Heaven.

My life
Is the first-born cry of earth.

My heart
Is the first-born love of God.

672. Good, better, best

Self-reliance is good.
God-dependence is better.
Is by far the best.

673. She has, she grants

Beauty's matchless eye
She has.

Divinity's selfless heart
She is.

Immortality's birthless
And deathless soul
She grants.

674. I am happy because

You want to know
How I can be so happy.
Here is my answer:
I am happy
Because my mind is above doubt.
I am happy
Because my heart is above fear.
I am happy
Because my soul is above bondage.
I am happy
Because my God is above ignorance.

675. You are ready

You are ready
For enormity.
God has given you
A big mind.

You are ready
For immensity.
God has given you
A big heart.

You are ready
For divinity.
God has given you
An aspiring life.

676. When this life dies

You are wrong
If you think
That this life immediately flies to God
When it dies.

You are wrong
If you think
That God comes down and immediately
Visits this life
When it dies.

You are right
If you feel
That this life gains an experience
Of God-Light
In the heart of God-Universality
When it dies.

677. A great Light-distributor

My mind:
A great Light-borrower.
My heart:
A great Light-user.
My soul:
A great Light-enjoyer.
My life:
A great Light-distributor.

678. Who believes?

Who believes
In his God-life?

Who believes
In his God-realisation?

Who believes
In his God-realising aspiration?

Indeed, this is fate.
Needless to say
God's Pride is for him,
For him alone.

679. The Himalayan ignorance-crest

If you aspire and then die,
Your life enjoys purposeful rest.

If you desire and then die,
Your life becomes a purposeless rest.

If you desire only to live
An animal life
A human life,
Then you are living
On the Himalayan ignorance-crest.

680. A God-sound

No joy in a slow sound,
No joy in a quick sound,
No joy in a low sound,
No joy in a big sound;
Joy only in a God-sound.
What is a God-sound?
A God-sound is my silence-life.

681. Four inseparable friends

He lives in the room
Of brooding doubts.

She lives in the room
Of strangling jealousies.

You live in the room
Of devouring depression.

I live in the room
Of sighing lamentation.

We are four inseparable friends.

682. It can be better

I admire
The beauty of your eyes.
But it can be better.

I admire
The purity of your heart.
But it can be better.

I admire
The God-necessity in your life.
But it can be better.

683. I feel really sorry for you

Your heart-purity is snared
By the ignorance-world.
I feel really sorry for you.

Your mind-clarity is ridiculed
By the ignorance-world.
I feel really sorry for you.

Your vital-temerity is despised
By the ignorance-world.
I feel really sorry for you.

Your body-humility is misunderstood
By the ignorance-world.
I feel really sorry for you.

684. God is all gratitude

God gave me a receptive life.
I am all gratitude to him.

I gave God a deceptive smile.
God is all gratitude to me.
He says
At least I have given Him something.
There are countless souls on earth
Who have given Him
And will give Him

685. Your golden today

Don't be a liar!
Your yesterday was never golden.

Don't be a fool!
Your tomorrow can never be golden.

Be sincere, be wise!
Your today is unmistakably
And supremely golden.

686. The plunge

My body-reality
Has plunged in man's
Fruitless sound-prosperity.

My soul-reality
Has plunged in God's
Fruitful Silence-divinity.

687. My heart is enough

I have no need
For a sweet tongue.
My heart is enough.

I have no need
For a brilliant mind.
My heart is enough.

I have no need
For two strong arms.
My heart is enough.

I have no need
For two seeing eyes.
My heart is enough.

688. Weeping

Yesterday I wept
I was not realised.

Today I weep
I have not yet manifested God.

Tomorrow I shall weep
I shall have failed to fulfil my
God-ordained tasks.

689. I am caught

I am caught by an animal.
I am ruthlessly commanded to surrender.

I am caught by man.
I am unconditionally forced to offer.

I am caught by God.
I am lovingly asked to love.
Because God wants me to become another God.
Because He wants me to be
His main partner
In His cosmic Game.

690. Too proud

He was too proud to die,
He was too proud to live.
God said to him:
"Since you do not want to die,
You may as well
Work for me on earth.
Since you do not want to live,
You may as well
Sleep all day and night."

691. The saga of my prayer

The saga of my prayer:
My prayer secretly comes down
From God-Compassion
And openly enters into the field
Of God-Manifestation.
My morning prayer is for earth-aspiration,
My midday prayer is for Heaven-satisfaction
My evening prayer is for world-perfection.

692. No disguise

No disguise;
I love You.
My heart loves You only.

No disguise;
I need You.
My life needs You only.

No disguise;
You and You alone:
My Eternity's all,
My sweet beloved Supreme!

693. Open house

My heart keeps
Constant open house.
Truth-duty every morning comes for breakfast,
Joy-beauty every noon comes for luncheon,
Light-divinity every evening comes for dinner.
My heart keeps
Constant open house.

694. Three suns

The outer sun shines bright
At the end of my morning prayer.

My inner sun conquers my ignorance
At the end of my morning meditation.

My God-sun embraces me
At the end of my morning service.

695. Chaos grows thick

Chaos grows thick
As my body snores.

Chaos grows thicker
As my vital roars.

Chaos grows thickest
As my mind doubts.

Chaos grows thicker than the thickest
As my heart shouts.

696. In the painted world

In the painted world
Who wants to live
Not I, at least!

In the painted world
Who does not want to play
The role of a saviour?
Needless to say,
I volunteer myself to be
The first saviour.

697. Supreme command, supreme prayer

O my mind's doubt-life,
Leave me immediately.
This is my supreme command.

O my heart's faith-life,
O my life's surrender-light,
Guide me, guide me.
This is my supreme prayer.

698. Human and divine

Human life dies,
Divine life flies.
Human soul sees,
Divine soul becomes.
Human goal fails,
Divine goal succeeds,

699. Every perfection-moment

Every dedication-moment of mine
Adds a new lustre-soul
To God-Beauty.

Every perfection-moment of mine
Adds a new divinity-life
To God-necessity.

700. The darlings

Two are the darlings of Heaven:
Light and Delight.
Two are the darlings of earth:
Cry and Surrender.
Two are the darlings of God:
You and I.
But you must never breathe
This secret supreme to anyone.

Part VIII — Poems 701 to 800

EB 701-800. Poems 701 to 800 were written in Stockholm and Uppsala, Sweden.

701. I maintain perfect freedom

I maintain perfect freedom
In my prayer.
I pray only to my Lord Supreme.

I maintain perfect freedom
In my meditation.
I meditate only on my Liberator Supreme.

I maintain perfect freedom
In my love.
I love only my Beloved Supreme.

702. To deny their existence

Do you want to deny
The existence of death?
Then start loving the heart of light.

Do you want to deny
The existence of Satan?
Then start becoming another God.

703. A seat for death

In my soul-room
There is no seat for death.
In my heart-room
There is a seat for death.
But very often my heart
Does not allow death
To occupy its seat.
And what does my mind do?
My mind just welcomes death
And offers him any seat he desires.

704. What matters?

What matters if I stand alone
And challenge the pride of falsehood?

What matters if I stand alone
And drink deep earth-poison?

What matters if I stand alone
And wait for God's Hour?
Nothing, absolutely nothing!

705. Four divine servants

Washes his body.

Cleanses his heart.

Purifies his breath.

Immortalises his life.

706. How can I?

How can I teach the world
When it is so ignorant?

How can I feed the world
When it is not hungry?

How can I love the world
When it treasures ignorance?

707. Paths to God

What is Life divine
If not a straight path to God?

What is Light divine
If not a sunlit path to God?

What is Love divine
If not a straight, sunlit short cut,
A supreme short cut
To God?

708. Partners

Who are you?
You are God's silent partner.

Who is he?
He is God's active partner.

Who am I?
I am God's sleeping partner.

Who is God?
A Reality-fulfilling Dreamer.

709. Three visions of Christ

In his Humility
I saw Father Joseph's little son.

In his Compassion
I saw Mother Mary's big son.

In his Perfection
I saw his Heaven-Father's Smile.

710. He loves his dreams

He loves his dreams
They are thriving.

He loves his realities
They are crying.

He loves his God
He is always transcending.

711. Desires unfulfilled

Desires unfulfilled,
He dared to fling defiance at God.

Desires unfulfilled,
He trained himself in the denial of God.

Desires unfulfilled,
He at once became

712. Alone with the Master

When you are alone with your Master,
You are not happy.
You feel sad that nobody is there
To appreciate you,
To admire you,
To consider you exceptional.

When you are in a group with your Master,
You are not happy.
You feel sad that you have to share
Your Master's presence with others,
His smile with others.
You are one of the many,
And in no way exceptional.

713. Your inner sun

Earth has allures,
Earth has mirages.
Be careful.
Are you looking for your
Own safeguard against
The aggression of your vital,
The suspicion of your mind,
The disintegration of your heart?
Then invoke your inner sun.
Your inner sun will offer you
Its clear shining.
It will, without fail,
Immortalise you.

714. Your unflinching adherence

You want to embody me,
You want to reveal me,
You want to manifest me.
But how will you do all that?
By your unflinching adherence
To truth-silence,
To love-oneness.

715. I shall do it for you

You do not have to think;
I shall do the thinking for you.
You do not have to pray;
I shall do the praying for you.
You do not have to meditate;
I shall do the meditating for you.
You do not have to surrender;
I shall do the surrendering for you.
I shall do everything for you.
Just give Me a smile,
A soulful smile every day.

716. Your Heaven

Your Heaven is on earth.
Your Heaven is not a song-life,
Your Heaven is not a dance-life.
Your Heaven is your heart's oneness-life with Me.
Your Heaven is in your acceptance
Of God-light from Me.
Your Heaven is your real 'I'
In Me.

717. Where our danger lies

Where does your danger lie?
Your danger lies in your self-importance.

Where does his danger lie?
His danger lies in his pleasure-indulgence.

Where does my danger lie?
My danger lies in my world-rejection.

718. Whom to blame?

Why do you blame your circumstances?
Why do you blame others?
Why do you blame God?
You can blame and criticise
Only one person,
And indeed,
That person is you,
The ignorance-feeding
Dissatisfaction in you.

719. You fail to claim God

You have seen God.
You want to see God again.

You have loved God.
You want to love God again.

You have surrendered to God.
You want to surrender to God again.

But you have not done one thing:
You have not claimed God.
You fail to claim God now.
Try to claim God;
Lo, God is proclaiming you.

720. What you need

You do not need the trophy
Of your life-victory.

You do not need the appreciation
Of your life-story.

You do not need the recognition
Of your earth-bravery.

What you constantly need
Is your soul-flower.
What you breathlessly need
Is your heart-fragrance.

721. In your case, in my case

Twice my sincerity
Unreservedly speaks:
In your case,
It has taken you countless years
To learn some spiritual truths.
In my case,
Not some, but all spiritual truths
Come in a flash of glorious revelation.
You may verify this with God.
I do not mind at all.

722. Easy lessons

When we deny God,
When we betray God,
He teaches us no easy lesson.
When we love God,
When we serve God,
He teaches us all easy lessons.
Just by making all lessons easy,
Including even
Our God-realisation lesson.

723. God is listening

God is listening;
Just speak quietly.
God is listening;
Just speak devotedly.
Believe me,
God is not and cannot be deaf
To your heart-longing.
His Compassion-perfection
Has caught the very first faint cry
From your oneness-heart.
God is listening;
Just speak quietly and devotedly.

724. We are happy

You are happy
You share with God
All the happenings,
Little and big,
In your life.

He is happy
He loves God
Untiringly and unconditionally.

I am happy
I have a real need for God.

725. My supreme life

I pray and God grants:
Indeed, this is my human life.

I am of God and I am for God:
Indeed, this is my divine life.

I have and God is:
Indeed, this is my supreme life.

726. The immediate assurance

I have seen the heart-tears
Of my sorrow-flooded life.
I also know that
Light-flooded God-Life
Is awaiting me —
The immediate assurance
Of my acceptance of God-Love.

727. A truly willing guest

When my Lord Supreme
Is a truly willing guest,
He brings with Him His matchless treasure:
Compassion to me, His host.

When I am a truly willing guest,
I carry with me my long-forgotten treasure,
In fact, my only treasure:
Gratitude to God, my Host.

728. He came to God

He came to God
With his business-filled days.
God-joy claimed him unreservedly.
God said: "Ah, My son has come at last."

He came to God
With his pleasure-filled nights.
God-joy claimed him immediately.
God said: "Ah, My long-lost son
Has come.
Today I am really complete."

729. I knock, I plead, I cry

I knock
My sweet Lord
Has once shown me His Heart-Door.

I plead
My sweet Lord
Has once shown me His Soul-Room.

I cry
My sweet Lord
Has once shown me His Silence-Throne.

730. The link

Father, I know who You are,
But I wish to hear it from You.
Do tell me who You are.
"Daughter, I am the link
Your head and feet."

Father, I know who I am,
But I wish to hear it from You.
Do tell me who I am.
"Daughter, you are the link
My Heaven-vision and Me,
My earth-mission and Me."

731. My bosom-friends

Varieties and separativities:
These are my bosom-friends
In my earth-existence.

Eternity and its trance,
Infinity and its smile,
Immortality and its life:
These are my bosom-friends
In my Heaven-existence.

732. My partner

God, I need Your help only twice.
Please don't forget to help me.
When I live in ignorance-night
I wish You to remain with me
As my silent partner;
And when I want to leave ignorance-night
I wish You to be my
Victory-winning partner.

733. Old story, new story

The story of my soul-sea
Is a very old story.
My Lord Supreme does not want
To hear it anymore.

The story of my body-drop
Is absolutely a new story.
My Lord Supreme is sleeplessly
Dying to hear it from me.

734. God has dawned

God has dawned on my chaos-life;
From now on His cosmos
Shall remain perfection-light,
And my cry has found
A footpath to my world-peace,
My world-bliss.

735. The Throne of God-Compassion

He sees the Throne of God-Truth.
It is too high for him.

He sees the Throne of God-Light.
It is too high for him.

He sees the Throne of God-Silence.
It is too high for him.

He sees the Throne of God-Compassion.
It is within his easy climb.
Lo, how unreservedly and perfectly he is enjoying
The blue-white
Throne of God-Compassion.

736. Bewilderment

My soul is bewildered
When it sees my earth-ignorance.

My body is bewildered
When it sees my Heaven-plenitude.

My love of God is not bewildered
Even when it sees
The Infinitude of God.

737. Immortal dawns, Immortal nights

Immortal dawns
Of supreme excellence
I enjoyed with God in Heaven,
Unreservedly and unconditionally.
Here on earth
Ignorance-sea has forced me to enjoy
Immortal nights
Of perpetual destruction-death.
O Compassion-Lord Supreme,
Where are You,
Where am I?

738. I weep

I weep for man's sake
Man never learns,
Man never surrenders.

I weep for God's sake
He has no other choice
Than to confide in me
The failure of His earth-promise.

739. My earth is Heaven

My earth is Heaven
When my heart is all gratitude
To You, my beloved Lord Supreme.

My Heaven is earth
When I do not offer You,
My beloved Supreme,
My earth-transforming promise.

740. If tomorrow fails me

Yesterday failed me.
My eye was on today.

Today is failing me.
My eye is on tomorrow.

If tomorrow also fails me,
Like yesterday and today,
Then my eye shall be
On the Eternal Now.

Who is whispering?
Ah, my sweet Lord.
What is He whispering about?
He is offering me His Confidence-assurance.

741. Why so cruel?

Why are you so cruel?
Why have you thrown yourself
Against my poor today?

Why are you so undivine?
Why are you throwing yourself
Against my poor tomorrow?

O human in me,
Why are you so stupid?
Why don't you throw yourself
Into God's eagerly awaiting

742. A high wall

Man has raised a high wall
Man and man.

God has built a solid bridge
Man and God.

And I have established a powerful link
My animal destruction
And my human frustration.

743. Three immortal friends

On earth I have not one,
But three immortal friends:
Doubt, insecurity and despair.
In Heaven I have not one,
But three immortal friends:
Dream-boat, Confidence-soul, Promise-shore.

744. The manager

He knelt.
God blessed him.

He wept.
God embraced him.

He prayed.
God employed him.

He surrendered.
God made him the manager
Of His cosmic Factory.

745. His Heaven-palace

Death struck
His earth-home
When he forgot to pray.
But God built
His Heaven-palace
With His Compassion-Ray.

746. Two rarities

You are a Master
Rarer than radium.

I am a seeker
Rarer than radium.

God is the Forgiver
Of my blind folly
Your wild treachery.

747. On Earth, in Heaven

On earth
I am a prisoner
Of animal wants
Human needs.

In Heaven
I am a darer
Of God-vision

748. My Heaven-smile

My Heaven-smile
Silenced my earth-cry
When it became too loud.

My earth-dedication
Fed my Heaven-dream
When it became too hungry.

749. Our fate

You sail out to reach the shore
You are meant to reach.
He sails out to miss the shore
He is meant to miss.
I sail out to die;
I am meant to die.

750. Because you cried yesterday

You cried yesterday,
Today you can smile.
You are smiling today,
Tomorrow you, and nobody else,
Shall bring down
The Kingdom of Heaven
On earth
For God to enjoy His earth-rest
And man to enjoy his life-nourishing

751. Into the life of perfection-love

My desire-life plunged
Into the life of destruction-sound.

My aspiration-life plunges
Into the life of satisfaction-silence.

My realisation-life shall plunge
Into the life of perfection-love.

752. New creation, new creator

I don't want beauty,
I want power.

I don't want power,
I want love.

I don't want love,
I want light.

I don't want light,
I want God.

I don't want God,
I want a new creation
With the new creator: C.K.G.

753. Because of you two

Morality, you are too narrow,
Too limited.
Spirituality, you are too rigid,
Too strict.
Because of you two
My sweet beloved Supreme
Has become too compassionate,
Too indulgent.

754. A more sincere student

God does not love me,
I love God.

God does not need me,
I need God.

I am sure one day God will realise
His sad folly
And start loving me and needing me,
Perhaps as a more sincere student
Than I am.

755. Loud questions, silent answers

Earth's loud question:
Does God exist?

My loud question:
Is God alive?

Heaven's silent answer to earth:
God does exist,
Not for you.

Heaven's silent answer to me:
God is alive,
Not in you.

756. The heart of tempting future

The animal in me tells me
How powerful I shall be.
The human in me tells me
How soulful I shall be.
The divine in me tells me
How fruitful I shall be.
Alas, I am doomed to live
In the heart of tempting future.

757. Our two signatures

Your signature embodies
My signature embodies
Don't think I am proud.
Only one thing
I want you to know:
If I don't dare to be sincere
To you,
Who else will and who else can?

758. Claims

Day-king claims my eyes
To be of service to him.
Night-queen claims my heart
To be of service to her.
I claim my life
To be of service to God-Dream

759. Perpetual failure

I dream of nothing else
But a perpetual morning.

I see nothing else
But a perpetual evening.

I am nothing else
But a perpetual failure.

760. The marathon of my fears

Lord, my fears are tired.
They need some rest,
They deserve some rest.
I hope You agree with me
If not, my fears shall continue
To run their endless marathon.

761. One step ahead

My aspiration-dreams
Have cancelled
My desire-dreams.
I am happy with my life
At long last.
My Lord Supreme
Is one step ahead.
Behold, He is mightily proud of me.

762. Creation-power

Wants to create a new universe.

Wants to create a new man.

My power
Wants to create
A strict God
A perfect man.

763. Before God's Feet

Before God's kind Heart
I am half-stone.

Before God's strong Arms
I am half-animal.

Before God's clear Eye
I am half-human.

Before God's compassionate and forgiving Feet,
I must say, I am more than half-divine.

764. Wings

Satan claims to have
Imperious wings.

Heaven claims to have
Precious wings.

Earth claims to have
Generous wings.

God refuses to claim
His gracious Wings.

765. I know, I know

I know, I know
He is the only ideal of my life.

I know, I know
He is the only thing real in my life.

I know, I know
His Compassion-smile
Is my Eternity's all.

766. My armour

My faith in God
Was my yesterday's armour
Against world-temptation.

My patience in God
Is my today's armour
Against world-aggression.

My surrender to God
Shall be my tomorrow's armour
Against world-destruction.

767. Be careful where you joke

Be careful!
Don't joke at earth's gate.
Earth will bind you and blind you.

Be careful!
Don't joke at Heaven's gate.
Heaven may not accept you,
Heaven may not bless you.

Be careful!
Don't joke at God's Gate.
He may employ you to guard His Gate,
He may burden you with all
His endless responsibilities.

768. Earth-time, Heaven-time

When earth-time sings,
I cry and cry.
I have failed, and no time is left.
When Heaven-time sings,
I cry and cry.
True, I have failed
And I am extremely tired,
Cruel Heaven-time
Neither discharges me
Nor grants me any rest.

769. I have discovered

Man's unconditional cry
I have felt.

God's unrevealed Smile
I have seen.

God's unmanifested Love
I have discovered.

770. This time I shall not forget

This time I shall not forget
To ask my morning-brother to give me
His beautiful eyes as a gift.

This time I shall not forget
To ask my noon-father to give me
His powerful arms as a gift.

This time I shall not forget
To ask my evening-mother to give me
Her peaceful heart as a gift.

771. I hope one day

Earth-sincerity meditates with me.
I hope to see
One day
God's Face.

Earth-dedication meditates with me.
I hope to be
One day
In God's Heart.

772. My songs

My earth-songs
Devotedly find me.

My Heaven-songs
Soulfully illumine me.

My God-songs
Triumphantly immortalise me.

773. The heart that cannot fail

His is the tongue
That cannot tell lies.

His is the life
That cannot ignore.

His is the mind
That cannot deceive.

His is the heart
That cannot fail.

774. The empty heart of night

When I am one
With the empty heart of night,
I offer her God's Heaven-light.

When I am one
With the heavy heart of night,
I offer her God's earth-sacrifice.

775. His Eternity's goal-manifestation


His Eternity's voyage-dedication
Is good.

His Eternity's pilgrim-realisation
Is better.

His Eternity's goal-manifestation
Is still unpredicted,
Nay, undecided.

776. Our fate

Slowly you glowed
Quickly you sank.
Alas, that is your fate.
Do you want to know
What my fate is?
I never glowed
And never shall.
I have been sinking and sinking.
Do you know when I started sinking?
Long before the birth of Time.

777. Heart and soul

The heart is better
Than the mind.
The mind knows it
It does not want to admit it.

The soul is better
Than the heart.
The heart knows it
And admits it.
It takes great pride
In the sublime achievements
Of its ever-loving superior.

778. An iota of will

I do not need
To help me
In my self-discovery.
I need only
An iota of will
For my self-discovery,

779. See if I am right

Who says
Ignorance-life is
Beyond transformation?
Not true!
If you do not believe me,
Just enter into my past-room
And see if I am right.

Who says
God-discovery is
Beyond realisation?
Not true!
Just enter into my present-palace
And see if I am right.

780. They shield my life

My God-faith shields my life
From despair-tornado.

My soul-faith shields my life
From doubt-clouds.

My heart-faith shields my life
From jealousy-frowns.

781. His decay

He and doubt became good friends
His earth-aspiration decayed,
His Heaven-satisfaction decayed,
His God-compassion decayed,
His heart-perfection decayed.

782. God-forgiveness

Ugliness is his inner life,
Deceitfulness is his outer life.
God-forgiveness transforms
His inner life
God-forgiveness perfects
His outer life.

783. Warnings to pride

O proud mind,
Be careful!
Humiliation is chasing you.

O proud vital,
Be careful!
Destruction is nearing you.

O proud body,
Be careful!
Ignorance-tiger is observing you.

784. In God's Compassion-world

In God's Compassion-world,
My heart-cry
God's Love-smile
Together meet.

In God's Compassion-world,
My surrender-ascent
God's Immortality-descent
Together meet.

785. Why to worship you

Just because
You have realised God
I do not have to worship you.

Just because
You are revealing God
I do not have to worship you.

Just because
You are manifesting God
I do not have to worship you.

Just because
You love me more
Than I love myself
I shall worship you soulfully,
My heart shall worship you eternally,
My soul shall worship you unconditionally.

786. Even while dying

Even while dying
He was praying to Heaven
For world-transformation.

Even while dying
He was praying to earth
For earth-satisfaction.

Even while dying
He was praying to God
For death-illumination.

787. My Master

My Master knew me imperfect,
His heart loved me.

My Master knew me unworthy,
His soul blessed me.

My Master knew me ignorant,
His life embraced me.

788. When I surrender

When I pray
I discover my long-lost God-Height.

When I meditate
I discover my long-lost God-Depth.

When I surrender
I discover my long-sought God-Satisfaction.

789. My death is irreparable

Your death is inconceivable.
Only Heaven is aware of it.
His death is incomparable.
Only death is aware of it.
My death is irreparable.
Friends, do not mind!
At times I allow my pride-horse
To play its usual role.

790. Climb down, climb up

Heaven climbed down
To measure his feet.
Earth climbed up
To measure her head.
I climb up to assist
Earth in her aspiration-flight.
I climb down to assist
Heaven in his dedication-dive.

791. A bright affirmer of God-Love

Made your mind a dark denier
Of God-Love.

Your heart has made you a bright affirmer
Of God-Love.

Your soul shall make you grow
Into the ever-illumining God-Love.

792. My different lives

Is my embracing life.

Is my spreading life.

Is my ignorance-challenging life.

Is my climbing life.

793. Soldiers

Is a dreaming soldier.

Is a challenging soldier.

Is a Truth-winning soldier.

Is a God-manifesting soldier.

794. Be careful!

Be careful!
Doubt-power is contagious.

Be careful!
Jealousy-power is outrageous.

Be careful!
Depression-power is dangerous.

Be careful!
World-power is suspicious.

795. It is another thing to fall

It is one thing to love,
Another thing to fall.
It is one thing to look up,
Another thing to fall.
It is one thing to become,
Another thing to fall.
It is not two things
To escape and fall.

796. The forgiver

God has not forgiven
My suspicious mind.
It is God's Indulgence
That has forgiven.

God has not forgiven
My ferocious vital.
It is God's Compassion
That has forgiven.

797. My hunger

I was a power-hungry animal.

I am a peace-hungry man.

I shall become
A love-hungry God.

798. He becomes a perfect God

He smiles,
He is a perfect Buddha.

He cries,
He is a perfect Ramakrishna.

He dances,
He is a perfect Krishna.

He prays,
He is a perfect Christ.

He meditates,
He no longer remains an Avatar;
He becomes another God,
A perfect God.

799. Too much respect and love

You have too much respect
For the world.
I wish the world could give you
Something in return.

You have too much love
For the world.
I am sure God will crown
Your earth-dedication.

800. You are armed

You are armed in mind-honesty.
You will go far.

You are armed in heart-purity.
You will go farther.

You are armed in soul-beauty.
You will go farthest.

You are armed in God-receptivity.
You will grow into the ever-transcending
Divinity's Reality.

Part IX — Poems 801 to 900

EB 801-900. Poems 801 to 900 were written in Vasteras, Uppsala and Stockholm, Sweden, and in Paris, France.

801. Life's younger brother

He was Life's younger brother.
He was always given special attention
In the world of Life.

He was Death's elder brother.
He had to take care
Of his younger brother.
This is the only reason
He used to spend so much time
With his younger brother, Death.

802. My transformed life

Imperfections can be transformed
Into perfect perfections.
Look, every morning
My transformed life
Prays to God
Meditates on God.
Every evening
My transformed life
Speaks about God
Serves God-food
To God-hungry souls.

803. Old Master, new Master

At last he remembers
His old Master's name.
Is his old Master's name.
Alas he has forgotten
His new Master's name.
Is his new Master's name.

804. Your obedience

You fool,
Your obedience does not
Humiliate you.
Your obedience illumines you,
Your obedience takes you
To your own long-forgotten heights.
Your obedience
Is your earth-life's
Friend unparalleled.

805. Unmistakably so

Unbelievably but unmistakably,
I shall become another God.
Unmistakably yet unbelievably,
It is I who can
And will grant you realisation
After I have perfected
Your life within, without.

806. Just wait and see

I was the devouring desire of my animal life.
I am the frustrated desire of my human life.
I shall be a desire-liberated cosmic god.
Just wait and see,
Just see and wait
For your own hour.

807. Enough!

Hope, enough of your mockery!

Doubt, enough of your treachery!

Ignorance, enough of your bravery!

Fate, enough of your slavery!

808. I do not doubt

I do not doubt man.
Am I a fool
To doubt my today's self?
No, I can't be that kind of fool.

I do not doubt God.
Am I a fool
To doubt my tomorrow's self?
No, I can't be that kind of fool.

809. Always I am left behind

I am left behind
I think too much.

I am left behind
I speak too much.

I am left behind
I love so little.

I am left behind
I serve so little.

810. The eyes

The eyes of night
I was.
My vital life tempted the whole world.

The eyes of light
I am.
My heart-life is illumining the whole world.

The eyes of God
I shall be.
My perfection-life shall immortalise the whole world.

811. Roads

Lord, the road to Heaven —
I must say,
My fear does not like it.
"I see."

Lord, the road to hell —
I must say,
My pride does not like it.
"I see."

Lord, the road to earth —
I must say,
My curiosity likes it.
Here is my existence-light.
"I see."

812. To make me happy

My soul
Embraces earth-essence
To make me happy.

My body
Embraces Heaven-essence
To make me happy.

My Saviour-God
Embraces earth-substance
To make me happy.

My beloved God
Embraces Heaven-substance
To make me happy.

813. I do not blame him

His Compassion-wisdom failed.
He left earth-reality
For Heaven-dream.
But I do not blame him.
Earth doubted
His Consciousness-light
Earth challenged
His authority's divine authenticity

814. It really happened

It really happened:
God asked me to come down
And work for Him on earth.

It really happened:
I begged Him not to throw me
Into the Truth-devouring,
Light-devouring earth.

It really happened:
God told me that my service-light
Was badly needed for earth-transformation,
And that I was supremely chosen
By His own Height supreme.

815. A common weakness

A common weakness:
To love ignorance.

A common weakness:
To doubt the existence of the soul.

A common weakness:
To forget God.

A common weakness:
To exaggerate Heaven-bliss.

A common weakness:
To ignore earth-beauty.

816. When suspicion wakes

Aspiration wakes,
Suspicion sleeps.
Suspicion wakes,
Destruction jumps,
Life-beauty starves,
Heart-love dies.

817. Out of sheer generosity

Death, it is out of sheer generosity
And not out of necessity
That I give you my body.

Heaven, it is out of sheer generosity
And not out of necessity
That I give you my soul.

Earth, it is out of sheer God-necessity,
And my necessity too,
And not out of generosity
That I give you my God-achievements.

818. Wishes

My soul's dear wish
Is to make my heart see

My heart's dear wish
Is to make my soul see

819. Daughter, you are

Although I am finite,
Am I not Yours, Father?
"Daughter, you are."
Although I eat ignorance,
Am I not Yours, Father?
"Daughter, you are."
Although I forget to love You,
Am I not Yours, Father?
"Daughter, you are.
My daughter sweet, you are."

820. I and death

My body saw death
Without fear.

My heart conquered death
With love.

My soul embraced death
With compassion.

I employ death
With no hesitation.

821. From now on

Heaven, for God's sake, do not accuse
My poor body any more.
My body
Is determined to aspire.
And I assure you,
It will aspire from now on.

Earth, for God's sake, do not accuse
My poor soul any more.
My soul
Is determined to reveal its light.
And I assure you,
It will reveal its light from now on.

822. My life-beauty

My life-beauty knows no ignorance,
My heart-light knows no death,
My mind-peace knows no sound-life,
My vital-force knows no pleasure-life,
My body-surrender knows no sorrow.

823. I run to death

I run to death
Death loves my body,
If not my entire being.

Death runs to me
I love death's silence,
If not its entire philosophy.

824. The throne of hell

You do not have to go to hell
To see the throne of hell.
Just ask your suspicion-mind
To show you the throne of hell.
Your mind will not only show you,
But make you sit
On the throne of hell
With no charge at all.
Further, it will gladly allow you
To keep the throne
For your daily use.

825. God's latest discovery

What is God's latest discovery?

What is God's latest discovery?
Man's aspiration?

What is God's latest discovery?
Man's dedication?

What is God's latest discovery?
Man's surrender?

What is God's latest discovery?
Man's gratitude-flames?

826. Yet God loves me

I have all evil within me;
Yet God loves me.
Because He knows that my false modesty
Is not as bad as your God-denial.
Further, God knows that in my heart of hearts
I love Him dearly
Try to please Him unconditionally.

827. Great years

Heaven's great year is
Because in that year
I challenged earth-ignorance.

Earth's great year is
Because in that year
I discovered
Who I eternally am.

828. First place

Your God-love
Gets the first place in my heart.
Your God-service
Gets the first place in my mind.
Your God-manifestation
Gets the first place in my life.
You do not know,
Perhaps you will never know,
How proud I am always of you.

829. The life that the Supreme lives

To me,
The life that the cosmic gods live
Is too monotonous.
I do not care for it at all.

To me,
The life that the human beings live
Is too vociferous.
I do not care for it either.

To me,
The life that the Supreme lives
Is most gracious.
I sincerely care for it.

830. My Lord's three faces

My Compassion-Lord
Is the eternal Forgiver.

My Love-Lord
Is the eternal Saviour.

My Peace-Lord
Is the eternal Comforter.

831. A strange marriage

The son of ignorance:
The daughter of ignorance:
They loved each other so dearly
That they got married.
Imagine, brother and sister
Getting married!
But it did happen.
They now have a son:

832. Lord of my Heaven-life

O Lord of my Heaven-life,
Can I have You
As my own, very own?

O Lord of my earth-life,
Will You have me
As Your own, very own?

833. Death's dateless night

Death's dateless night
Is for him
Who knows how to cry
Forgets to try.

Life's dateless day
Is for him who does not try,
Just claims it.

Is this the correct thing to do?
My Lord says
It is absolutely correct.

834. My life needs

My earth-life
Needs more beauty.

My Heaven-life
Needs more duty.

My realisation-life
For God-manifestation
Needs more of Heaven-soul

835. God is pleased

I wrote good words.
God was pleased.
He shook hands with me.

I am thinking good thoughts.
God is pleased.
He is blessing me.

I shall do good things.
God will be pleased.
He will embrace me.

836. My silence-life

My silence-life
Knows not how to boast.

My sound-life
Knows no modesty-coast.

My God-life
Knows no falsehood-host.

837. Earth-mirror and Heaven-mirror

My thought-life whispers:
I will never see the Face of God.
My will-life thunders:
Who else is God,
Who else can be God if not me?
Is it not ridiculous to try
To see my own face?
I can easily see my face
At any time I want.
Earth-mirror and Heaven-mirror
Are always at my service.

838. Today I am a little tired

Be careful,
Arms of falsehood!
Tomorrow I shall challenge
Your power.
Today I am a little tired.

Be careful,
Eyes of ignorance!
Tomorrow I shall challenge
Your vision.
Today I am a little tired.

Be careful,
Head of Satan!
Tomorrow I shall challenge
Your brain.
Today I am a little tired.

839. Favours

I shall do you a favour.
I shall hide your deliberate indifference
Inside my mind-cave.
Now you do me a favour:
Place my heart-tears
Inside your eternally sailing

840. Hesitation

Where do I hesitate?
In my mind-room.
When do I hesitate?
The moment I shake hands
With falsehood.
Why do I hesitate?
I hesitate
Still I have not claimed myself
As God's supremely chosen child.

841. Who expects?

Who expects my respect?
Only a fool.

Who expects my love?
Only a thief.

Who expects my concern?
Only a rogue.

Who expects my compassion?
Only a weakling.

842. A reasonable God

Are a reasonable God.
I eternally live inside
Your Dream-boat.

Are a reasonable man.
I ceaselessly flow
With your hope-river.

843. I am my own lover

In my body-life
I am my own destroyer.
In my vital-life
I am my own disaster.
In my mind-life
I am my own laughter.
In my heart-life
I am my own lover.

844. Because of our sincerity

Of my necessity,
I love God.

Of His Divinity,
God loves me.

Of our sincerity,
We shall together
Forever stay.

845. Goals

To be
God's sound-son
Was the goal of my outer life.

To be
God's silence-son
Was the goal of my inner life.

To be
God's surrender-son
Is the goal of my God-realisation-life.

846. My present wisdom-light

I developed my first fear
By thinking that God did not care for me.
I developed my second fear
By thinking that God did not need me.
I developed my third and last fear
By thinking that God did not create me.

But now I know
How stupid I was.
And now I do something
Really significant and wise:
I do not allow my present wisdom-light
To mix with my ex-stupidity-night.

847. Birthday observance

Heaven's birthday I observe on earth,
Inside my silence-soul.

Earth's birthday I observe in Heaven,
Inside my vision-goal.

Heaven is one year younger than my beauty;
Earth is one year younger than my duty.

848. All are lacking

Doubt is something
That has no beauty.

Jealousy is something
That has no sanctity.

Insecurity is something
That has no unity.

849. Forgiveness

God in me has forgiven
But I
Cannot and shall not
Even try.

God in me has forgiven
But I
Cannot and shall not
Even try.

850. God's eternal Home

Your heart
Is God's eternal Home.
Don't you see it?
Don't you feel it?
"No, I don't."
Alas, alas,
Then stay in my home, at least.
Don't get lost.
Stay in my house
Until I can take you
To God's Home, your real Home.

851. Even my ignorance knows

Why you love me
Is really far above
My earthly reasoning mind.

Why I need you
My heart-love knows,
My life-dedication knows,
Even my stupid ignorance blind knows.

852. Too weak, too small

Earth-love is too weak to receive
Heaven-concern is too small to cover

853. Knowledge

Desire was death.
I knew it,
I knew it painfully.

Aspiration is life.
I know it,
I know it cheerfully.

Realisation is oneness.
I shall know it,
I shall know it unmistakably.

854. My Master I love

You are my Master of compassion.
My heart loves you dearly.

You are my Master of realisation.
My life loves you unreservedly.

You are my Master of perfection.
I love you constantly
I need you immediately.

855. They like to be

My mind
Likes to be cautious investigation.

My heart
Likes to be precious aspiration.

My life
Likes to be generous dedication.

856. Death captures him

Death loves him
He is beautiful.

Death needs him
He is powerful.

Death captures him
He is not soulful.

857. To live with you

O my doubt-life,
To live with you is to live
With mountains of misery.

O my faith-life,
To live with you is to live
With oceans of bravery.

O my aspiration-life,
To live with you is to live
In endless God-discovery.

858. What my friends tell me

My conscience-friend tells me
What to do.

My consciousness-friend tells me
What to become.

My God-friend tells me
Who I eternally am:
Another perfect God.

859. My sound-life

My sound-life
Gives me my world-hunger.

My silence-life
Gives me my world-peace.

My God-life
Gives me my world-satisfaction.

860. Living by myself

There is joy even in death.
Because you and he
Will not accompany me.

There is joy even in hell,
Because you two will not be there.
I shall live by myself
Confidently and happily.

861. Don't deny, don't forget

Don't speak to him.
He is all evil.
Don't go near him.
He is all evil.

But don't deny
He, too, is of God.
But don't forget
He, too, is for God.

862. They have forgotten me

Heaven has forgotten me
Heaven does not need my aspiration
Any more.

Earth has forgotten me
Earth does not need my dedication
Any more.

Death has forgotten me
Death does not need my ignorance
Any more.

863. Past is past

Past is past.
Past is dust.
He no longer likes his animal brutality.
He now loves divine reality
Unconditionally surrenders
To God's absolute Majesty.

864. Lost and found

Lost satisfaction-beauty found
At aspiration-door.

Lost perfection-lustre found
In surrender-cave.

The same way
Lost God will be found, too,
Somewhere, somehow,

865. The only answer

An austerity-life
Is not the answer
To my life-query.

An indulgence-life
Is not the answer
To my life-query.

An ego-surrendering life
With a God-loving heart
Is the only answer
To my life-query.

866. Three Gods

The seeker in me
Is a baby God.

The worshipper in me
Is an adolescent God.

The lover in me
Is a fully mature God.

867. Their strength

Indeed, this is the strength of the mind.

Indeed, this is the strength of the heart.

Indeed, this is the strength of the vital.

Indeed, this is the strength of the body.

868. Discoveries

Desire-life has discovered:
"Light is dangerous.
It is always dogging me."

Aspiration-life has discovered:
"Ignorance-life is dangerous.
It is always chasing me."

Realisation-life has discovered:
"Nothing is dangerous.
Everything is struggling and striving
For its own existence."

869. God alone knows

I wanted to become pure.
My Master asked me to stop eating
Meat and fish.
I immediately stopped.
Alas, God alone knows
Where Purity-goddess is.

I wanted to become strong.
My Master asked me to take
Regular exercise.
I immediately started.
Alas, God alone knows
Where Omnipotence-god is.

870. The happiest person on earth

Discipline your mind.
You will be happy.

Aspire from your heart.
You will be happier.

Surrender to God-light
What you have
And what you are.
You will be the happiest person on earth.

871. The eye of the sun

The eye of the sky
Guides me, my fate.

The eye of the moon
Feeds me, my life.

The eye of the sun
Perfects me, my world.

872. Let me sow

Let me sow love
In my desire-life.

Let me sow joy
In my aspiration-life.

Let me sow perfection
In my realisation-life.

873. God is tired

God is suddenly tired of Heaven.
He is staying
Inside my heart-sky.

God is sincerely tired of earth.
He is staying
Inside my soul-promise.

874. Love she is

Self-renouncing love
She has.
We love her.

God-illumining love
She is.
We need her, only her.

875. Waiting

The eternal day of God
Waited for my God-realisation.

The eternal month of God
Waited for my God-revelation.

The eternal year of God
Shall wait for my God-manifestation.

876. I don't have to worry

My soul thirsts for God-manifestation.
My heart thirsts for God-realisation.
My life thirsts for God-compassion.
I don't have to worry;
My soul has tremendous confidence.
I don't have to worry;
My heart has tremendous patience.
I don't have to worry;
My life has tremendous surrender.

877. Love the lover

Love the creator:
He is great.

Love the saviour:
He is good.

Love the lover:
He is indispensable.

878. All are pleased

My life is pleasing everyone.
I please Heaven
With my heart-tears.
I please earth
With my soul-smile.
I please God
With my breathless life.
God, Heaven, earth:
I hope you three appreciate me.

879. A life without

A life without soul-vision
Cannot succeed.
He knew it.

A life without God-aspiration
Cannot succeed.
He knows it.

880. I do not stay with them

My soul is too indulgent.
I do not stay with my soul.

My heart is too persistent.
I do not stay with my heart.

My mind is too negligent.
I do not stay with my mind.

My vital is too demanding.
I do not stay with my vital.

My body is too unthinking.
I do not stay with my body.

881. Every existence

Every existence says
Who it is,
Why it is.
Who is it?
Why is it?
Because it must feed God-necessity.

882. The roar of mortal things

In him
I hear the roar
Of mortal things.

In him
I hear the snore
Of ephemeral life.

In him
I see the door
To perpetual hell.

883. Today's heart-smilers

Today's heart-smilers
Tomorrow's light-lovers.

Tomorrow's light-lovers
Day after tomorrow's

884. Why I love

I love death
Not because
Death loves me,
But because
Death needs me.

I love life
Not because
Life needs me,
But because
Life loves me.

885. Freed from the devils

Freed from doubt-devil,
I love Divinity.

Freed from jealousy-devil,
I love humanity.

Freed from hatred-devil,
I love Immortality.

886. Honest promise, honest dream

My honest promise:
I shall please God
In God's own way.

My honest dream:
God shall need me
To found
His Divinity in earth-clay.

887. God's Judgement-Seat

God's Judgement-Seat
Rules my Heaven-dreams.
God's Compassion-Feet
Feed my earth-realities.

888. I shall give you

Wait and see,
I shall give you
Earth-illumined dream.

Love and be,
I shall give you
Heaven-manifesting reality.

889. Father, are you displeased?

Father, are You displeased with Heaven?
"Yes, daughter, I am."
Why ?
"Because Heaven does not want to descend."

Father, are You displeased with earth?
"Yes, daughter, I am."
"Because earth does not want to ascend."

Father, are You displeased with me?
"Yes, daughter, I am."
"Because you do not want to consent."

890. They tell me

Light tells me
What I am.
Delight tells me
Where I came from.
Love tells me
Who I am.
God tells me
Whose I am.

891. Perfect certainty

Is always
Worse than uncertainty.

Is at times
Black uncertainty.

Expects certainty.

Dances with perfect certainty.

892. I am afraid of you

I am afraid of your pure greatness.
I do not speak to you.

I am afraid of your sure frankness.
I do not speak to you.

I am afraid of your complete God-oneness.
I do not speak to you.

893. Man's heart-smile

Beauty is man's heart-smile.
Duty is God's Soul-smile.
Divinity is man's life-success.
Necessity is God's ever-transcending Progress.

894. God knows how to cry

A fool knows how to boast.
I know how to challenge.
God knows how to cry

A thief knows how to steal.
I know how to threaten.
God knows how to laugh

895. His freedom-choice

Your choice is wrong!
You love your blind body.
Your freedom-choice binds you.
Ask God to choose for you.
He will choose your vision-soul.
His Freedom-choice will
Free you,
Fulfil you,
Immortalise you.

896. Just a matter of time

Lord, it is just a matter of time.
I shall bury
All my mind-curiosities.

Lord, it is just a matter of time.
I shall purify
All my heart-impurities.

Lord, it is just a matter of time.
I shall transform
All my life-imperfections
Into perfect perfections.

897. The voice of night

The voice of night:
He knew it.

The choice of night:
He knows it.

The noise of night:
He will know it.

898. Beneath your soul's dignity

I have seen God.
You do not believe it,
You cannot believe it.
I tell you a supreme secret:
Your conduct is beneath
Your soul's dignity.
I have forgiven you.
I am afraid
Your soul will take some time
To forgive you.

899. My inner wealth

What illumines my mind?
My inner faith.

What liberates my heart?
My inner sincerity.

What immortalises my life?
My inner cry.

900. A noble thing

Why has he decided
To love God?
Because his love has failed
Both Heaven and earth.

Why has he decided
To serve God?
Because his service has failed
Both Heaven and earth.

After all, it is a noble thing
To love and serve God.

Part X — Poems 901 to 1,000

EB 901-1000. Poems 901 to 1,000 were written in Paris, France and in London, England and completed on July 13, 1974.

901. The mightiest God

Is the mighty God.
My mind knew it.

Is the mightier God.
My heart knows it.

Is the mightiest God.
My life shall know it.

902. I know who I am

The agelong veil is at last removed.
I now unmistakably know
Who I am.
I am a Truth-warrior,
I am a Light-seeker,
I am a God-lover,
I am a Nectar-enjoyer,
I am a Perfection-builder.

903. I need them

O my morning sun,
You are beautiful, divinely beautiful;
My earth-life needs you.

O my evening sun,
You are fruitful, supremely fruitful;
My Heaven-life needs you.

904. Realisation-peaks

My heart-boat plies
Blind hopes and wild despairs.

My soul-bird flies
Realisation-peaks to revelation-valleys.

905. One thing you cannot do

I love God.
You too can do that.

I speak to God.
You too can do that.

I reveal God.
You too can do that.

But I do one thing
Which you cannot do.
At every moment
I renew my unconditional surrender
To God's Compassion-light.

906. A life untouched

Two eyes untouched
By beauty I have.

One heart untouched
By love I have.

One mind untouched
By light I have.

One life untouched
By meditation-prayers I have.

907. Gifts

My mind came to me
With a gift of doubt.

My heart came to me
With a gift of tears.

My life came to me
With a gift of despair.

God came to me
With a gift of Silence-smiles.

908. Beauty-eyes

I love the beauty-eyes
Of Heaven-years
When I am sleeping and dreaming.

I love the duty-arms
Of earth-years
When I am struggling and striving.

909. He is tired

His heart is tired
Of earth-tears;
It cries for Heaven-smiles.

His soul is tired
Of Heaven-dreams;
It longs for earth-realities.

He is tired
Of God-promises;
He openly shuns God's company.

910. When you go to visit

When you go to visit Heaven,
Be careful
Of its clever neighbour: hell.

When you go to visit death,
Be soulful.
You may be invited by its neighbour:

911. The God-guide

Father, father of mine,
Today I have come to you
With my sad failures
My lost opportunities.

"Daughter, daughter of mine,
Today you can claim me
To be your God-guide
To the Absolute Supreme,
Without tears
Without fears
Without frustration
Without hesitation."

912. You are safe

You are safe
Amid earth-storms,
You are safe
Amid world-unrest,
You are safe
Amid life-insecurity,
You do not want merely the truths
About God;
But you want God the eternal Truth
With His ceaseless and breathless Vision-Light.

913. When you conquer temptation

When temptation
Conquers you,
Evil smiles at you
And evil smites you.

When you
Conquer temptation,
You become a channel
For God-power,
And God supremely treasures you.

914. Talk to me, Lord!

Talk to me, Lord!
You have not talked to me
For a long time.
What have I done?
Why are You so cross with me?
I am sorry to say
That You, too, act like
An ordinary human being.
You fail to maintain
Your fondness for one individual.
Your fondness consciously
Or aimlessly roams.
Am I right, my Lord?
Perhaps I am.

915. I am always the same

I am always the same —
Yesterday, today, tomorrow.
Yesterday your aspiration-power told you
I am great.
Today your realisation-power tells you
I am good.
Tomorrow your perfection-power will tell you
I am constantly
My greatness-height
And constantly
My goodness-light.

916. Each thought

Each thought can be a golden opportunity.
Each thought can be a prayer.
Each thought can be a God-lover.
Each thought can be a man-transformer.
Each thought can be a world-liberator.
Each thought can be
An ever-transcending preparation
An ever-manifesting perfection.

917. Possibility and impossibility

When I tell you
To give me your love,
I ask no impossibility.
You just give it.

When I tell you
To give me your devotion,
I ask no impossibility.
You just give it.

When I tell you
To give me your surrender,
I ask no impossibility.
You just give it.

When I ask you to give me
Your ignorance-night,
I ask an impossibility.
It seems you can never give it.

918. Preludes

Humiliation is a necessary prelude
To life-preparation.

Life-preparation is a necessary prelude
To love-manifestation.

Love-manifestation is a necessary prelude
To earth-perfection

919. Best and next best

Is the best thing in my earth-life.
Is the next best thing.

Is the best thing in my Heaven-life.
Is the next best thing.

920. Who is my friend?

Who is my friend?
He whose heart is on active service.

Who is my friend?
He whose mind is above earth-fogs
And world-smokes.

Who is my friend?
He whose soul keeps my victory-banner
Flying high, very high.

921. Three examinations

I have passed
My first examination:

I am passing
My second examination:

I shall undoubtedly pass
My third examination:

922. Are you a fool?

Are you a fool?
Why do you starve
Your aspiration?
Aspiration is your future salvation,
Certain salvation.

Are you a fool?
Why do you feed
Your hesitation?
Hesitation is your future destruction,
Total destruction.

923. My names

My name was God-preparation.

My name is God-dedication.

My name shall be God-satisfaction.

Indeed, these are the names
Of my life's adventure-saga.

924. Misunderstood

Misunderstood on earth,
He cries out for Heaven-protection

Misunderstood in Heaven,
He cries out for earth-consolation

925. Many pray to me

Many pray to me
For their illumination.
I pray to You, Lord,
For my deception-forgiveness.

Many pray to me
For their life-perfection.
I pray to You, Lord,
For my deception-forgiveness.

Lord, I shall be honest
To feed Your dream in me.
Lord, I shall be true.

926. Never question your capacities

Never question
Your capacities.
You can and you shall
Unmistakably manifest God.

On your earth-acceptance.

On your Heaven-recognition.

927. Do not hesitate!

Do not hesitate!
When you hesitate
You feel that the hour
Has not yet struck
For your God-revelation.
You are totally wrong.

Do not hesitate!
When you hesitate
You feel that God-manifestation
Is a far cry.
You are completely wrong.

Dive within and see the face of Truth.
When you hesitate
You delay God's Manifestation-journey.

928. Nothing can impede you

Nothing can impede
Your success.
Just try and try.

Nothing can impede
Your progress.
Just cry and cry.

Nothing can impede
Your perfection.
Just fly and fly.

929. Call on me more often

Call on me more often.
You need guidance-light
From me more often.

Call on me more often.
I need appreciation-height
From you more often.

Call on me more often.
God supremely enjoys satisfaction-delight
When you and I are together.

930. Why?

"I was your advocate.
I did My job well.
Why do you want to take
My job away, daughter?"

I was Your pride.
I pleased You.
Why are You planning
To replace me?
Why are You bringing
Somebody else closer to You?
Why, why, Father?

931. Not really lost

Lost opportunities
Are not really lost.
Just dive deep within.
You can and shall discover them
Once again.

Lost God
Is not really lost.
Just try to go beyond the domain
Of your doubt-bound head.
You can and shall discover God
Once again.

932. What he is

What he is
Is disproportionate self-esteem.
What he receives
Is earth's thunderous mockery.

What he is
Is abysmal self-pity.
What he receives
Is Heaven's complete indifference.

933. You have failed

Christ has not failed,
Christianity has not failed,
You as a Christian have failed.
Do you know why?
Because you do not care
For Heaven-vision;
You care only for

934. Each realisation

Each experiment

Each experience

Each realisation

935. All are pleased

Earth's ignorance is pleased
It has seen the face
Of a crucified Christ.

Heaven's wisdom is pleased
It has seen the heart
Of a glorified Christ.

God's Pride is pleased
It has seen the soul
Of a triumphant Christ.

936. Think of me

Think of me.
No doubt-cloud can endanger you.

Think of me.
No fear-tear can endanger you.

Think of me.
No depression-deception can endanger you.

Think of me.
No stupidity-futility can endanger you.

937. Absorb good

Absorb good.
Evil-prince will leave you.

Absorb good.
Frustration-hound will leave you.

Absorb good.
Failure-experience will leave you.

Absorb good.
Lo, God-realisation
Will dawn on you,
Your devoted heart
Your surrendered life.

938. Temptation

Temptation is your separation
From your divinity-height.

Temptation is your destruction
In devouring ignorance-night.

Temptation is your total forgetfulness
Of God's Satisfaction-light.

939. Different names

You call it self-discovery;
I call it God-glory.

You call it man-perfection;
I call it God-satisfaction.

You call it earth-duty;
I call it God-Beauty.

940. Eternity's colossal failure

You have not obeyed God's Voice;
You have failed.

You have not fulfilled God's Choice;
You have failed.

You do not love God;
Your name is Eternity's colossal failure.

941. Truth is God-aspiration

Is God-aspiration.

Is God-revelation.

Is God-expansion.

Is God-perfection.

And I
Am Eternity's God-preparation.

942. Demand and claim

There are times
For demanding and claiming.
In the morning
My utterly helpless heart
Demands God-Compassion.
In the evening
My hopelessly useless mind
Claims God-Illumination.

943. When I live in the soul

I live in the heart
I do not give only in return,
I give when I desire.

I live in the soul
I do not expect,
I do not need a return.

944. For my sake

Love my foolish children
For my sake;
They are mine.

Forgive my angry children
For my sake;
They are mine.

Feed my hungry children
For my sake;
They are mine.

945. Your jealousy crucified Christ

Your jealousy crucified Christ
He was great.

Your remorse glorified Christ
He was good.

Your love served Christ
He was always divine.

946. Judge and perfect

Do not judge me
With your impulse-sea.
Judge me with your love-drop.

Do not perfect me
With your deception-skies.
Perfect me with your thunder-justice.

947. You will not misrepresent

Use your searching mind.
You will not misread my life-aspiration.

Use your loving heart.
You will not misunderstand my life-experience.

Use your serving life.
You will not misrepresent my life-realisation.

948. Don't pull

No difficulty can appal you
If you do not try to pull down
Your future-life untimely.

No imperfection can frighten you
If you do not pull forward
Your past-life foolishly.

949. I am happy

Self-thought subdued;
I am happy.

Self-esteem eradicated;
I am happy.

Self-pity shattered;
I am happy.

Self-manifestation uprooted;
I am happy.

950. My answered prayers

My dreams
Are my answered prayers.

My realities
Are my answered meditations.

My Immortality
Is my answered surrender.

951. I am that Friend

You do not need a Saviour,
But you do need a Friend.
And I am that Friend
I am that Friend
You definitely need me.

952. If you really want

If you really want my light
You must not be afraid of my
Clear shining.

If you really want my height
You must not delay in your
Glorious surrendering.

953. Do you want to realise me?

Do you want to realise me?
Then aspire.

Do you want to reveal me?
Then serve.

Do you want to manifest me?
Then love.

954. You just rest

Leave the dreaming to me.
You just rest.

Leave the scheming to me.
You just rest.

Leave the performing to me.
You just rest.

But don't rest
When I am becoming God.
I shall badly need you then
To be my Eternity's partner.

955. Multiplication

Sound multiplies
By giving,
Silence multiplies
By becoming,
Light multiplies
By being,
I multiply
By surrendering.

956. I am sorry to hear that

Earth-frets disturb you.
I am sorry to hear that.

Earth-temptations torture you.
I am sorry to hear that.

Earth-aspiration does not inspire you.
I am sorry to hear that.

Earth-dedication does not elevate you.
I am sorry to hear that.

957. Another name

My simplicity-heart is another name
For God-Beauty.

My humility-life is another name
For God-Majesty.

My sincerity-soul is another name
For God-Immensity.

958. Self-ties

True, self-ties have bound you to earth;
You are helpless,
You are hopeless.
Your heart is never
Your soul is never

959. No compromise

No compromise!
Either glowing light
Or brooding night.
Make up your mind!

No compromise!
Either perfection-sky
Or frustration-sigh.
Make up your mind!

No compromise!
Either God-glance
Or death-lance.
Make up your mind!

960. I have become Earth's advocate

I have seen the tears of sorrow,
I have felt the pangs of heartache,
I have become
Earth's advocate for

961. God's promise-filled days

Earth's pleasure-filled days
Have disappointed me

Heaven's treasure-filled days
Have deserted me

God's promise-filled days
Have forgotten me

962. Remember that!

Silence always smiles.
Remember that!

Light always helps.
Remember that!

Love always wins.
Remember that!

963. Only when

Guidance from above descends
Only when
Your heart-cry soulfully ascends.

Satisfaction-smile from God you receive
Only when
Dedication-perfection you achieve.

964. Ecstasy you want

Ecstasy you want to receive?
Then love my heart-flower.

Ecstasy you want to give?
Then love my soul-fruit.

Ecstasy you want to become?
Then love my life-tree.

965. Their other names

Simplicity is God-Beauty,
Sincerity is man-divinity.
Generosity is God-Light,
Humility is man-height.
Reality is God-satisfaction,
Divinity is man-perfection.

966. What will you conquer?

What will you conquer
If you do not know well
Your teeming weaknesses?

What will you feel
If you do not know well
Your crying heart?

What will you give
If you do not know well
Your illumining soul?

967. A child of God-experience

Darkness, you want to know what I am?
I am a rock of defence!
Ignorance, you want to know who I am?
I am an eternal child of God-experience!

968. Two interpreters

He has two interpreters.
His earth-experience-realities
Are interpreted by his doubting mind.
His Heaven-promise-dreams
Are interpreted by his aspiring heart.

969. God-Perfection

Truth is God-Birth,
Peace is God-Life,
Love is God-Ascendence,
Light is God-Perfection.

970. Be true!

Be true!
Your heart is God's Compassion-light.

Be true!
Your soul is God's Vision-height.

Be true!
Your life is God's Preparation-pride.

971. Thoughtless thoughts

Thoughtless thoughts must not engross
Your concentration-power.

Meaningless thoughts must not blight
Your meditation-peace.

Soulless thoughts must not poison
Your contemplation-light.

972. Why do you judge?

Why do you judge
Others' capacities by your own?
If you have more capacity
You will ridicule them
If you have less capacity
You will fail to fathom them

973. Each day

If I live in the heart-cry
And soul-smile,
Each day
Is a God-ordained task,
Each day
Is a God-given opportunity,
Each day
Is a God-fulfilling reality.

974. Thoughts of God-necessity

I think thoughts of God-love,
I see thoughts of God-beauty,
I love thoughts of God-duty,
I grow thoughts of God-necessity.

975. You must answer

You must immediately answer
The challenge of evil.
You must,
If you want God-realisation
Life-perfection on earth.

You must unconditionally answer
The call of light.
You must,
If you want God-manifestation
God-satisfaction on earth.

976. My needs

World-comfort not for me.
I do not need it.
World-pleasure not for me.
I do not need it.

World-salvation all for me;
I need it and I need it.
World-perfection all for me;
I need it and I need it.

977. Whom do I fight?

With whom do I fight?
With you?
With your ignorance?

Whom do I love?
My Beloved within you?

978. My soul shall be

My soul was.

My soul is.

Heaven's complete satisfaction-creator,
Earth's perfect perfection-builder
My soul shall be.

979. Let me control your thoughts

Let me control your thoughts.
You have tried so hard, so long
To control your thoughts,
Yet satisfaction-dawn
Is far away from you.

Let me control your thoughts.
Just give me the satisfaction
Of serving you.
I shall please you
With success-flowers
And feed you
With progress-fruits.

980. The treasures of my Kingdom-light

I want you to enjoy
The treasures of my Kingdom-light.
But just do me a favour:
Give up the pleasures of earth-cave.
In case you do not want
To give up the pleasures of earth-cave,
Just remember that the treasures of my
Are still all for you.
They are your birthright.

981. The throne of love

I sat on the throne of truth.
My soul enjoyed it.

I sat on the throne of light.
My heart enjoyed it.

I sat on the throne of love.
My entire life enjoyed it.

982. When your eyes pray

When your eyes pray
I see a sea of Peace.

When your eyes meditate
I see a sea of Light.

When I swim in the sea of Peace
I sing the song of God-achievement.

When I swim in the sea of Light
I sing the song of God-distribution.

983. Do you need me?

Do you like me?
Then show me your heart-joy.

Do you love me?
Then show me your soul-silence.

Do you need me?
Then show me your oneness-love.

984. Look at me

You looked at me
With a hurried glance;
I could not give you anything
In spite of my best intention.

Look at me
With your heart-eye
Slowly, steadily and unerringly,
And I shall give you
My Eternity's treasure

985. The hallmark

The hallmark of a true Master
Is compassion-sea.

The hallmark of a true seeker
Is dedication-drop.

The hallmark of a true Goal
Is God-Beauty's flood.

The hallmark of a true soul
Is a minute of Duty's love.

986. Love me more

Love me more.
You will understand me.

Love me more.
You will forget your little 'I'
And remember your big 'I'
And your God-Eye.

Love me more.
You will see
What I can and shall make of you:
Another Lord Supreme.

987. Tell others

Tell others that I need them.
I shall need you more.

Tell others that I love them.
I shall love you more.

Tell others that I shall be
Proud of them eventually.
I shall be proud of you immediately.

988. I shall never fail you

I shall never fail you.
My promise-flood depends not
Upon your aspiration-drop,
Or your perfection-grain.
It depends only on my own
Love-thirsty and

989. I shall not fail you

If you doubt me,
I shall not fail you.

If you betray me,
I shall not fail you.

If you deny me,
I shall not fail you.

I shall fail you
If ever you treasure self-pity.

990. I shall use my God-Power

Don't fling defiance at me!
I shall use my God-Power
To transform your ignorance-night
Into God-light.
I shall compel you
To be the distributor of

991. The neighbour

Your self-importance
Is a clear sign
Of your inner helplessness.

Your self-declaration
Is a clear sign
Of your inner emptiness.

But you are fortunate
Your self-importance
Your self-declaration
As their immediate neighbour.

992. No easy lesson

I teach no easy lesson;
I give no easy love;
I reveal no easy Light;
I am no easy Delight.

993. Long before

I answered you
Long before you prayed.
But alas,
Your heart-receptivity
Was not functioning.

I loved you
Long before you received imagination-gift.
But alas,
Your oneness-necessity
Was not pressing.

994. Let others serve you

Let others share in your every gain.
Let others share in your every pain.
Let others love you
The way they want to.
Let others serve you
The way they want to.
You love them because you know
That their hearts are of your dream-boat,
And their lives are for your reality-shore.

995. A God-man

Not what you receive,
But what you give
Makes you a God-man.

Not what you conceive,
But what you achieve
Makes you a God-man.

Not how many times you try,
But how soulfully you cry
Makes you a God-man.

996. I am fortunate

I am freely forgiven;
I am fortunate.

I am secretly perfected;
I am fortunate.

I am openly needed;
I am fortunate.

I am unconditionally loved;
I am fortunate, really fortunate.

997. Your identity

Who says
You are a weak mortal?
You are not!

Who says
You are an erring human child?
You are not!

What are you then?
You are God in His preparation
For His ever-transcending Height.

998. To think of God

To think of God
Is to live in God's Kingdom.

To pray to God
Is to live in His Palace.

To meditate on God
Is to sit on His Throne.

To love God
Is to sing and dance in His Heart.

999. This is how

Offer your heart-tears
To God.
This is how you must
Pray to God.

Offer your life-experiences
To God.
This is how you must
Meditate on God.

Offer your dream-goal
To God.
This is how you must
Love God.

1000. Something sublime, something soulful, something fruitful

You want to know something sublime
About my life?
My life is a God-dreamer.

You want to know something soulful
About my heart?
My heart is a God-lover.

You want to know something fruitful
About my soul?
My soul is a God-distributor.

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