Ten Thousand Flower-Flames, part 69

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6801. My Only Satisfaction-Ocean

My Lord,
May I make it
My only satisfaction-ocean
To do immediately
All the things that You command.

6802. A Useless Marathon Discussion

Who wants to prolong a useless
Marathon discussion
With humanity’s unwilling
And unaspiring mind?

6803. Imagination

Is birthless and deathless.
Its power
Is inexhaustible.

6804. His Overgrown Doubt-Mind

His disproportionately overgrown
Has sent a tornado of fear
To his hope-heart.

6805. Your Giant Mistrust

How can you have
Even an iota of trust
If you so obstinately adhere
To your giant mistrust?

6806. Your Golden Future

Your imagination-dawn does not create
Your golden future.
It is your aspiration-day that creates
Your golden future.

6807. I Do Not Care To Know

I do not care to know
What will happen to my stupid mind
If it does not surrender
To my wise heart.

6808. The Unparalleled Faith

The dust of my Lord’s Feet
Gives me the unparalleled faith
To brush aside
My teeming self-doubts.

6809. God's Immortality-Country

Unravel the tangles of your mind
To travel with your soul
In God’s Immortality-Country.

6810. You Can Easily Lie

If you can flatter yourself
With self-love,
Then you can easily lie
To God.

6811. No Obligation

Your heart is under
No obligation
To fear the monster-doubts
That your mind has created.

6812. God's Choicest God-Hour

I wish to live always
In the adamantine security
Of God’s choicest God-Hour.

6813. Express Train Of Ideas

An express train
Of consecutive great ideas
Has brought me to my Himalayan goal:
The sleepless service of humanity.

6814. A Song Of Progress

A shout of success
He wants.
A song of progress
He needs.

6815. Your Sincerity-Drops

My heart loves
Your sincerity-drops,
But it does not need
Your stupidity-flood.

6816. I Am Happy

I am happy
Because my mind
Is shock-proof.

I am happy
Because my heart
Is despair-proof.

6817. Insecurity-Thought-Children

My mind’s
Will not leave my heart
In peace.

6818. Inexhaustible

Easily you can exhaust
Your heart’s gratitude,
But not your mind’s ingratitude.

6819. Self-Devoted Love

His stupendous self-devoted love
Does not allow him to receive
The life-transforming Love
From Above.

6820. God-Approaching Ascents

Simplicity, sincerity, humility,
Purity and divinity:
A series of man’s gradual
God-approaching ascents.

6821. Unless Your Heart Is Precious

You are a genius.
So what?
Unless your heart is precious to God,
I shall never need you.

6822. Statue Of Death

What is my despair-heart
Gazing at?
It is gazing at the unmistakable
Statue of death.

6823. My Mind Has Admitted

My mind has at last admitted
That it has not thought of God enough.
My heart has always admitted
That it can never think of God enough.

6824. Each Daily Prayer

Each daily prayer of mine
Is a sincere God-adorer.
Each daily meditation of mine
Is a pure God-lover.

6825. Let Me Look For God

God is inside my heart.
I have seen Him there.
Now let me look for Him
Inside my mind,
In case He happens to be there, too.

6826. The Direct Result

My humility-light
Is the direct
And immediate result
Of my sincerity-cry.

6827. O Earth's Orphan-Cries

O earth’s orphan-cries,
You belong to me.
O Heaven’s emperor-smiles,
I belong to you.

6828. Do Give Me

Father, my Father Supreme,
Do give me a guileless
Morning prayer.

Father, my Father Supreme,
Do give me a thought-free
Evening meditation.

6829. God Is Always Fond

God is always fond
Of climbing down
Man’s obedience-tree.

6830. My Prayer Means

My prayer unmistakably means
My preparation.
My meditation inevitably means
The start of my Eternity’s conscious journey.

6831. Totally Mistaken

I was totally mistaken
When I thought I loved God

I was completely mistaken
When I thought God did not need me
At all.

6832. What Can God Do?

God is eagerly waiting
To demolish my fault-tower.
But what can He do,
Since I am not ready to believe
In His Mercy-Power?

6833. Three Things I Need

Three things every day I need:
The inspiration of giving,
The aspiration of becoming,
The realisation of loving.

6834. When We Worship

When we worship
We sincerely feel
That there is no need
For us to have any warship.

6835. All I Need To Know

All I need to know
Is if my heart’s cry for God
Is completely genuine.

6836. Perfection I Need

My Lord needs from me.
I need from myself.

6837. Do Not Worry About Me

O earth, my earth,
I shall pray to God
Do not worry about me.

O Heaven, my Heaven,
I shall serve the God in man
Do not worry about me.

6838. I Can, I Can't

My Lord and I constantly argue
With each other.
My Lord tells me I can,
And I tell my Lord I can’t.

6839. A More Sublime Promise

This time my soul
Has come back to the world
With a more sublime promise
To God.

6840. The Compass To Guide Me

What is my surrender-delight?
The compass to guide me
To my Beloved Unknown.

6841. His Mind Carefully Watches

His mind carefully watches.
His heart soulfully waits.
His soul peacefully smiles.

6842. Do Release Me

My Lord,
Do release me
From the endless round
Of bitter failure-memories.

6843. A Yawning Gulf

Alas, there is a yawning gulf
Between your imagined self
And the Truth of the Beyond.

6844. Experts

Each man
Is an information-expert.
Each angel
Is an illumination-expert.

6845. Maintain Your Heart's Beauty

Try to maintain
Your heart’s beauty
In spite of your mind’s
Disheartening uncomeliness.

6846. Quote Me

Do not quote me
When I say,
“I am not God.”

Quote me
When I say,
“No matter what you and I do,
God always loves us

6847. Be Careful To Preserve

When God gives you His soulful Smile
And His powerful Blessing,
Do not feel your role is over.
You must now carefully preserve
What you have received from God,
Or it will all vanish.

6848. Squandered Treasures

Your aspiration, dedication, surrender
And gratitude
Bring you measureless Heavenly treasures.
Alas, so often you carelessly lose
Your hard-earned inner wealth.
So often you foolishly squander
God’s precious Blessings.

6849. The Worst Disaster

He was struck
By the sudden realisation
That the worst disaster
Is the heart’s loneliness.

6850. How Can I Forgive?

How can I possibly forgive
My mind
When it has dashed
My heart’s dreams
To pieces?

6851. The Only Thing Worth Treasuring

God’s Satisfaction in God’s own Way:
This, indeed, is the only thing
That is always worth treasuring
In your aspiration-heart
And your dedication-life.

6852. Fragments Of His Shattered Past

His useless mind
And his helpless heart
Are the fragments
Of his shattered past.

6853. Fully Responsible

Your doubting mind is fully responsible
For the loss of your heart’s lustre
And the loss of your soul’s rapture.

6854. An Unimportant Thing

God has forgiven him.
Whether or not he wants
God’s Forgiveness
Is altogether a different matter,
A totally unimportant thing.

6855. His Hopes Are Soaring

His hopes are soaring
And his promises are manifesting
For the first time in years.

6856. Open Your Heart's Door

To combat your mind’s confusion
Open your heart’s door
And gather strength
From its inmate: your soul.

6857. The Self-Destructive Disaster

I am sure my ancestors
Have not suffered as much as I
From the self-destructive disaster:

6858. Dauntlessly And Soulfully

Dauntlessly he said good-bye
To his past despair-life.
Soulfully he is saying hello
To his future hope-life.

6859. Two Constant Visitors

I have two constant visitors:
My eternally doubting mind
My infinitely forgiving God.

6860. My Unwanted Companion

Because I am not a real
And divine friend to myself,
I cannot get rid of my unwanted
And constant companion:

6861. If You Correct Yourself

If you correct yourself,
God will gladly direct Himself
To you.

6862. The End And The Beginning

Death is at once
The end of the body’s
Old journey
And the beginning of the soul’s
New journey.

6863. The Best Oneness-Remedy

A life of surrender
May seem like a bitter medicine,
But it is by far
The best oneness-remedy.

6864. He Does Not Know

Two things he does not know:
Where his love of sincerity
Has gone
And where God’s bright Satisfaction
Has gone.

6865. I Am Liberating God

With my prayer
I have bound God mercilessly.
With my meditation
I am slowly and steadily
Liberating God.

6866. My Duty

My duty is
The Voice of God
And the smile of Heaven.

6867. To Change Your World

How to change your world?
Just commit fewer mistakes
And smile heartily.

6868. When You Sing

When you sing, remember,
You are singing for those
Who appreciate you
And not for those
Who criticise you.

6869. Two Roads

My prayer is a dark road
For the beggar in me to walk on.
My meditation is a sunlit road
For the prince in me to march along.

6870. A Flood Of Joy

A flood of joy
Comes to my mind
Not only when I least expect it
But also when I least deserve it.

6871. A Self-Giving Heart

A self-giving heart
Will, without fail,
Win what it so rightly deserves.

6872. Exchange Of Gifts

I offered my Lord
My mind full of facts.
My Lord gladly accepted it and said:
“I shall treasure your head.
Now I am offering you
My Heart full of Love.
Accept it and treasure it
In the same sincere way
That I shall treasure your mind.”

6873. A Dedication-Life

A dedication-life
Likes to prove
The immortality of oneness-love.

6874. A Supreme Art

To have a gratitude-heart
Is a supreme art
That we all must learn.

6875. The Mind Needs

The mind needs
A listening ear.
The heart needs
Another receiving heart.

6876. An Ambition-Mind

An ambition-mind
Hates comparison.
An aspiration-heart
Needs no comparison.

6877. The Expansion Of Our Vastness

Humility is the conscious expansion
Of our vastness.
On the strength of our inner oneness
With God’s entire creation,
We use our humility-light.

6878. The Father's Oneness-Compassion

If the father does not reach down,
His child cannot receive anything from him.
It is the father’s oneness-compassion
That compels him to reach down.

6879. Humility Is Not Humiliation

Humility is not humiliation.
Just as a tree is not humiliated
When it bows down
To offer its fruits,
Even so, by showing humility
We offer the best in ourselves
To humanity.

6880. Nothing To Give

If we do not have humility,
It is because inwardly
We have nothing to give.

6881. God Reaches Down

As a mother reaches down
To offer a fruit to her child,
Even so, God the Infinite
Reaches down to offer Himself
To the finite.

6882. We Call It

When God reaches down
To touch the finite,
We call it Compassion.

When man bows down
In self-offering to humanity,
We call it humility.

6883. Your Heart-Wallet

Keep all your meditation-wealth
Safe inside your heart-wallet.
Then when you are attacked by fear,
Doubt, anxieties or worries,
Just bring forward the peace, joy and love
Which you have safeguarded.

6884. His Prayer Is Thoughtless

His prayer is thoughtless,
His meditation is soulless.
Therefore, his outer life
Is denied earthly success,
And his inner life
Is denied Heavenly progress.

6885. I Shall Renew My Promise

O Heaven, my Heaven,
I shall once more renew my promise:
I shall never disobey you.

O earth, my earth,
I shall once more renew my promise:
I shall ever love you.

6886. The Master's Fruitful Answers

The Master’s fruitful answers
To his children’s soulful questions
Are as meaningful to them
As their highest meditation,
For his answers convince
Their physical mind
Of the messages they receive
From their spiritual heart.

6887. Companions Of Mine

Two earth-born companions of mine:
Desire-cry and bondage-tear.
Two Heaven-born companions of mine:
Aspiration-smile and freedom-dance.

6888. My Heart Is Wanting

Heaven does not want
To correspond with me,
For my heart is wanting
In purity-flames.

Earth does not want
To correspond with me,
For my mind is wanting
In certainty-light.

6889. His Choice Of Peace

His choice of peace
Sleeplessly gives him
A voice of love.

6890. Today's Struggling Heart

Today’s struggling heart
Is, without fail, going to become
Tomorrow’s beckoning hand.

6891. God's Promise-Light

In the inner world
I can have sunshine every day,
For my inner faith is founded upon
God’s infallible Promise-Light.

6892. He Comes To Learn

From his morning thought
He comes to learn
That life is a love-pretending snare.

From his evening thought
He comes to learn
That love is life illumined.

6893. Your Faith In Yourself

Your faith in yourself
Works only after you think.
Your faith in God
Works long before you dream.

6894. God Has Started Meditating

You just think
Of your own aspiration-flame.
God has already started meditating
To grant you a realisation-sun.

6895. The Prayer That Soars

The prayer that soars above
Unlocks the perfection-door for you.
The mind that dives within
Shows you the satisfaction-room.

6896. Stay In The Freedom-Sky

If you want to live
Beyond the snare of doubt,
Then stay in the freedom-sky
Of your blossoming heart.

6897. Two Divine Messages

To the unawakened earth
My message is:
“I shall be for you.”

To the illumined Heaven
My message is:
“I shall be with you.”

6898. Your Heart's Inner Bird

You will see your heart’s inner bird
Singing and soaring
Beyond your expectation-summit,
If you can allow
Your heart’s morning star
To beckon your outer life.

6899. Your Mind Has Exploded

Your doubting mind has finally exploded.
Today you have made your inner world
Really happy, supremely happy.

6900. One Silent Train Of Thought

Between sunrise and sunset
He has only one silent
Express train of thought:
“I love God the man only,
I serve man the God only.”

Editor's introduction to the first edition

This is the sixty-ninth volume in a series of ten thousand “flaming flower-poems” which Sri Chinmoy is placing devotedly, unreservedly and unconditionally at the Compassion-Feet of God, our Beloved Supreme. They stand as a supreme offering from the unfolding beauty of his flower-heart and the flaming heights of his realisation-sun. Indeed, a treasure-tower which will at once be claimed by humanity’s self-ascending cry and Divinity’s God-descending Smile.

Editor's note to cover photo

Sri Chinmoy discusses his philosophy of art with Henry Moore in the sculptor’s home in Hertfordshire, England on 7 June 1976.

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