I go out, I come in, part 2

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I go out, alas,
Only to realise that I have become
My show-off mind.

I come in
And, lo and behold, to my greatest satisfaction,
I have become my humility-life.


I go out
And sit beside God the Power
Inside my life-house.

I come in
And sit at the Feet of God the Peace
Inside my heart-home.


I go out
And come to realise that if I have hope,
I have everything.

I come in
And come to realise that if I have promise,
I belong to everybody
And everybody belongs to me.


When I go out,
My mind tells me
That even if I do not desire today,
Tomorrow invariably comes.

When I come in,
My heart tells me
That if I do not aspire today,
Tomorrow may never come!


When I go out,
The barking doubt-dogs frighten me.

When I come in,
The enriching faith-dog enlightens me.


I go out
And unguardedly multiply
My desire-dreams.

I come in
And very carefully safeguard
My aspiration-dreams.


I go out
To win humanity’s mind-favours.

I come in
To collect Divinity’s heart-treasures.


When I go out just a little,
I see my Lord shedding bitter tears.
I ask my Lord the reason.
He says, “My daughter, I am weeping
Because your vital is so insecure.”

When I come in just a little,
I see my Lord shedding bitter tears.
I ask my Lord the reason.
He says, “My son, I am shedding tears
Because your mind is so impure.”


When I go out,
My Lord looks at my ever-withered mind
Most sympathetically.

When I come in,
My Lord looks at my evergreen heart
Most proudly.


When I go out,
God’s Patience endures
My ever-unbending mind.

When I come in,
God’s Pride treasures
My ever-surrendering life.


I go out
To seek happiness in the distance.

I come in
And become the breath of happiness
Right within.


When I go out,
I watch the dance of self-importance
All around me —
And I invariably participate.

When I come in,
I listen to the song of God-importance
In the inmost recesses of my heart —
And I immediately participate.


When I go out,
The smiles of my own mind
Confuse me.

When I come in,
The tears of my own heart
Illumine me.


I go out
And tell the outer world
That God has sent me
To teach His Philosophy.

I come in
And tell the inner world
That God has sent me
To study His Biography.


I go out
And become my mind’s Voracious desire-hunger-torture.

I come in
And become my heart’s
Veracious aspiration-meal-satisfaction.


When I go out,
I try to free my mind
From fear-paralysis.

When I come in,
I feed my God-meditation-heart
With tremendous confidence.


When I go out,
I try to keep my mind
In tune with God’s universal Sound.

When I come in,
I feel and grow into
The Silence-Heart of God’s infinite Love.


I go out
To find a house for myself.

I come in
And find that God has made a joint home
For both of us to live in.


I go out
To enjoy my mind’s sound-adventure.

I come in
To enjoy my heart’s peace-pilgrimage.


When I go out,
I am a stranger to the world-audience.

When I come in,
I immediately try to enter into
My heart’s God-Home.


When I go out,
My doubting mind masquerades
As an honest truth-seeker and God-lover.

When I come in,
My aspiration-heart brings to the fore
My God-love, my God-devotion
And my God-surrender
In the twinkling of an eye.


When I go out,
Somehow I manage
To forget God.

When I come in,
I clearly see
That God never leaves me.


I go out
And look for the happiness-destination.

I come in
And discover that happiness is a journey
And not a destination.


I go out
In deep necessity
To find God.

I come in
And, in deep amazement,
I see God has been waiting for me
For a very long time.


I go out
And enjoy my mind’s

I come in
And devotedly align myself
With God’s Will.


I go out
And enjoy my vacation-land
Of freedom.

I come in
And enjoy my aspiration-country
Of oneness.


When I go out,
I tell God the creation to look at me
The way I would like to be looked at.

When I come in,
I tell God the Creator to look at me
Whichever way He wants to.


When I go out,
I become the slave
Of my autocrat-mind.

When I come in,
I become the prince
Of my Absolute King Supreme.


I go out
Only to be captured
By the narrowness and selfishness
Of the outer world.

I come in
Precisely to be energised
By the eagerness and enthusiasm
Of the inner world.


I go out,

And the sound-life of the outer world
Practically paralyses me.

I come in,
And the silence-life of the inner world
Whisperingly immortalises me.


When I go out,
I seek for God-protection.

When I come in,
I get inspiration and determination
To protect me from myself.


When I go out,
My mind asks me
To take a photograph of God.

When I come in,
I see that God is waiting
To take a photograph of my heart.


I go out
And my mind becomes all fantasy-curiosity
For man’s visit.

I come in
And my heart becomes all ecstasy-thrill
For God’s Visit.


I go out
Only to see that the outer world
Is in a desperate hurry.

I come in
And, lo and behold, I become
The poise of the inner world.


When I go out,
I immediately want to play
My world-supremacy-game.

When I come in,
I soulfully sing
My self-transcendence-song.


I go out
And immediately shed tears
To amass each and every charming thing I see.

I come in
And shed no tears
For anything other than God.


When I go out,
I immediately try to enjoy
My all-aptitude-dance.

When I come in,
I unmistakably see
My climbing God-aspiration-flames.


I go out
And, the nearer I stay to my mind-autocrat,
The farther I am from God.

I come in
And, the nearer I stay to my heart-friend,
The sooner I feel that I am of God
And I am for God.


I go out
And start building my mind-hut.

I come in
And see that God Himself is building
My heart-temple.


When I go out,
My Lord tells me,
“I see you are astonishingly brave, My child.
Let Me shake hands with you
And examine your strength.”

When I come in,
My Lord tells me,
“I see, My child, you are absolutely pure.
Come and touch My Feet
And receive My infinite Blessings,
Love and Affection.”


When I go out,
I see that my doubting mind
Is worse than a third-class student
In God’s Love-Devotion-Surrender-School.

When I come in,
I see that my aspiring heart
Is, indeed, a first-class student
In God’s Love-Devotion-Surrender-University.


When I go out
With a God-“No”-mind,
The outer world shakes hands with me.

When I come in
With a God-“Yes”-heart,
The inner world embraces me.


When I go out,
My Lord asks me summarily to go in.
He tells me, “First things first.
You must aspire to realise Me."

When I come in,
My Lord peremptorily commands me to go out
And manifest Him.
He says, "My son, let the world receive
All My Blessings, Love and Compassion
Through you.”


When I go out,
God helps me to escape
From my mind’s doubt-currents.

When I come in,
God helps me to swim
In my heart’s faith-sea.


I go out
And, to my extreme sorrow,
I see that God’s Justice-Eye
Is not approachable.

I come in
And, to my greatest joy,
I discover that God’s Forgiveness-Heart
Is at every moment approachable.


When I go out,
God’s Compassion-Eye
Secretly blesses me.

When I come in,
God’s Oneness-Heart
Openly embraces me.


When I go out,
Mankind laughs
At my feeble God-service-steps.

When I come in,
God smiles
At my feeble God-aspiration-attempts.


I go out
And immediately see
That the secret of my success-life
Is to look forward.

I come in
And immediately discover
That the secret of my progress-heart
Is to dive inward.


When I go out,
I do not know how to cope with
My life’s ups and downs.

When I come in,
I see that my God-aspiration-existence on earth
Is far beyond my life’s ups and downs.


When I go out,
I am afraid to see God the Power.

When I come in,
I am afraid to disturb God the Silence.


I go out
And immediately see
That my mind’s endless world-complaints
Are befriending me.

I come in
And immediately see
That my heart's teeming world-compliments
Are befriending me.


I go out
To protect my mind-temple
From doubt-hurricane.

I come in
And see that God Himself
Is protecting my heart-shrine
From impurity-flood.


When I go out,
My freedom-mind
Means so much to me.

When I come in,
My surrender-heart
Means so much to God.


I go out
And, alas, I see my starving mind
Wrestling with its own questions.

I come in
And, to my greatest joy,
I see my heart and its answers
Enjoying a God-manifestation-feast.


When I go out,
My mind and I together
Try to invent God.

When I come in,
My heart and I together
Try to discover God.


When I go out,
I see that there is an astronomical distance
Between my mind’s desires and God's Will.

When I come in,
I see that shorter than the shortest
Is the distance between my heart’s aspiration
And God’s Sanction.


When I go out,
The outer world expects
My salutations.

When I come in,
I prayerfully bow
To the inner world.


When I go out,
I unmistakably see that there are many realities
That I have not even touched.

When I come in,
I clearly see that God has myriad Dreams
That He has not yet manifested.


I go out
With the hope of having
A very brief interview with God.
But, alas, God says He has no time.

I come in
With the hope of having
A very brief interview with God.
God smilingly tells me,
“My child, take as long as you want to.
I am not in a hurry.
I am at your perfect disposal.”

Editor's note to the first edition

The book ‘I go out, I come in’ was first published on 19 February 1997 and was given the book number 1155. The first printing contained the first 33 poems. This second printing contains 92 poems.

Translations of this page: Slovak , Bulgarian , Spanish , Hungarian
This book series can be cited using cite-key goc-2