Giving and becoming

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1. What I shall tell

I know what I shall
Have to tell the world:
"I have cried."

I know what I shall
Have to tell myself:
"I have failed."

I know what I shall
Have to tell Heaven:
"I have smiled."

I know what I shall
Have to tell God:
"I have succeeded."

2. A human being's story

To be a human being
Is to have a story.
The story I have
Is the story of my sad

To be a human being
Is to be a story.
The story I am
Is the story of my glad

3. What he now needs

The story-teller in me
Needs a good audience.

The story-listener in me
Needs a good story.

The creator in me
Needs a new creation.

Imagination-wings he had:
He now needs

4, Giving and becoming

You are of God
When you want to give and become.

You are for God
When you become and give.

What do you give?
What do you become?

5. What I have discovered

The poet in me has discovered
The gracefulness of aeons.

The singer in me has discovered
The sweetness of aeons.

The philosopher in me has discovered
The emptiness of aeons.

The seeker in me has discovered
The fruitfulness of aeons.

6. I was, I am, I shall be

I was
The world's blind greed;
Unfortunately I was.

I am
The world's great hunger;
Unmistakably I am.

I shall be
The world's good food;
Unconditionally I shall be.

7. What I knew and what I know

Is a life of useless waste.
I knew it.

Is a life of shelter-nest.
I knew it.

Is a life of perfect rest.
I know it.

Is a life of supreme test.
I know it.

8. My Lord Supreme spoke to me

In the morning
My Lord Supreme spoke to me
With His Compassion-Heart.
I did not care;

In the afternoon
My Lord Supreme spoke to me
With His Attention-Eye.
I did not care;

In the evening
My Lord Supreme spoke to me
With His Justice-Hands.

9. An invitation from God

You have received
Not once, not twice, but thrice
An invitation from God.

The first time you ignored it.
The second time you declined it.
The third and last time you misused it.

Indeed, in you
God is unmistakably

10. Truth's failings

True, Truth is as old as God;
But one thing we needs must know:
Truth is not as charming as God;
And unlike God, Truth fails
To surrender smilingly
To man's limitations,
Teeming and undying.

11. When I think

When I think of my past:
Nothing but devouring doubts.

When I think of my present:
Nothing but glowing faith.

When I think of my future:
Nothing but climbing aspiration.

12 Duty, beauty, necessity

Is God's Heaven-Hands.

Is God's earth-handwriting.

Is God's Perfection-building.

13. My outer and inner home

Do you want to visit
My outer home?
Perhaps you already know
That my outer home
Is power-demonstration.

Do you want to visit
My inner home?
In case you do not know,
I will tell you
That my inner home
Is God's eternal Choice.

14. What I love and treasure

The joy of my earth-voice
The human in me loves
The animal in me treasures.

The Heaven-voice of my joy
The divine in me loves
The Supreme in me treasures.

15 Delight-seed, delight-plant, delight-tree

You are the delight-seed
That never germinates.

He is the delight-plant
That never grows.

I am the delight-tree
That never dies.

16. Surprise

My earth-cry
Is Eternity's surprise.

My Heaven-smile
Is Infinity's surprise.

My God-perfection
Is Immortality's surprise.

17. Invitations and good-byes

I extended
My invitation to all
Save and except vital power.

I said
My good-bye to all
Save and except psychic love.

18. To starve or feed

I starve my outer ignorance-night,
God proudly shakes hands with me.

I feed my inner aspiration-flame,
God triumphantly embraces me,
My heart, my all.

19. Time

The noise that time makes
I have already heard;
It is nothing new to me.

The voice that time has
I have already heard;
It is nothing new to me.

The rejection-choice that I have made
Time has already heard;
It is nothing new to time.

20. They have listened to God

You have listened to God;
God has made you
An eternal dreamer.

He has listened to God;
God has made him
A universal lover.

I have listened to God;
God has made me
An immortal seeker.

21. Try to believe

Believe it or not,
My morning meal
Is freedom-sky.
Try to believe;
Who knows,
You may succeed today.

Believe it or not,
My afternoon meal
Is love-sun.
Try to believe;
Who knows,
You may succeed tomorrow.

Believe it or not,
My evening meal
Is peace-moon.
Try to believe;
Who knows,
You may succeed
In the near future

22. My dog and my Master

I had a dog.
It followed me
No matter where I went.

I have a master.
I follow him
No matter where he goes.

Do you want to know
My dog's name?
My dog's name is ego.

Do you want to know
My master's name?
My master's name is love,

23. The birth of your self-indulgence

The birth of your self-indulgence
Is the death of God's indulgence-game
With you.
I warn you!

The birth of your self-indulgence
Is the death of God's preference-choice
For you.
I warn you!

24 Thank you, my daughter

Father, I have brought You
My soul's willingness.
"Thank you, My daughter.
Anything more?"

Father, I have brought You
My life's usefulness.
"Thank you, My daughter.
Anything more?"

Father, I have brought You
My heart's love.
"Thank you, My daughter.
Nothing more do I need.
Your love is what
I eternally need."

25 Yesterday, today, tomorrow

You were a desire-thief;
You suffered.

You are a pleasure-lover;
You are suffering.

You will be a God-seeker;
You will be

26. A doubter's prayer

God, I pray for faith.
You know, God, why I doubt You.
I doubt You
My life is jealous of You:
My vital is jealous of Your Height;
My mind is jealous of Your Light.

27. A seeker's prayer

God, I pray for joy.
You know why I seek You.
I seek You
You have been seeking me
Long before I was born.
I seek You
You will be loving me
Even after I leave the earth-scene.

28. What they feel

The body feels
To live without sleep is impossible.

The vital feels
To live without ambition is impossible.

The mind feels
To live without information is impossible.

The heart feels
To live without love is impossible.

The soul feels
To live without God-Light is impossible.

29. God-necessity

O body,
Do not give up purity.
Your purity is God-necessity.

O vital,
Do not give up intensity.
Your intensity is God-necessity.

O mind,
Do not give up sincerity.
Your sincerity is God-necessity.

O heart,
Do not give up beauty.
Your beauty is God-necessity.

O soul,
Do not give up integrity.
Your integrity is God-necessity.

30. His outer and inner life

His outer life
Is harmless and noiseless;
He is good, very good.
He is attempting to reach God-Height.

His inner life
Is loveless and Godless;
He is bad, very bad.
He is returning to his animal life.

31. God will forgive

Don't worry!
God will forgive
Your lethargic body.

Don't worry!
God will forgive
Your somnambulistic vital.

Don't worry!
God will forgive
Your unrealistic mind.

Don't worry!
God will forgive
Your unsympathetic heart.

Don't worry!
God will forgive
Your non-idealistic life.

32. Humanity's destiny

In you,
Humanity's destiny
Is sleeping, sleeping in vain.

In him,
Humanity's destiny
Is dreaming, dreaming in vain.

In me,
Humanity's destiny
Is waiting, but not in vain.

33 Who were you?

Who were you?
A diseased ambition.

Who are you?
A deceased aspiration.

What shall you be?
A released flow of God-Compassion.

34. Why they loved you

Earth-prosperity loved you
Only to charm you
To harm you.

Heaven-prosperity loved you
Only to increase your God-love
To decrease your self-love.

35. Two fools

You received
But did not appreciate.
You are an ungrateful fool.

I appreciated
But did not receive.
I am a helpless fool.

36. Succeed and proceed

You will succeed
Yours is the life
Of an energetic ant.

You will succeed and proceed
Yours is the heart
Of a sympathetic saint.

37. My substance and essence

What is my substance?
Earth-transformation for God.

What is my essence?
God-perfection in me.

38. Hastening to the God-Beginning

My earth-bound minutes
Are hastening to their helpless ends.

My Heaven-free hours
Are hastening to their God-Beginning.

39. Becoming young

Running makes the body young.
Striving makes the vital young.
Smiling makes the mind young.
Serving makes the heart young.
Loving makes the soul young.

40. They die, they live

All that is tempting dies with man.
All that is unaspiring dies in man.

All that is crying lives in God.
All that is smiling lives with God.

41. World plans

His is the vital
Of world-shaking plans.
God says: "Try them, My son."

His is the mind
Of world-illumining plans.
God says: "Try them, My son."

His is the heart
Of world-serving plans.
God says: "I shall do them for you, My son."

42. My ways

Cry and climb;
This is my earth-way.

Smile and dive;
This is my Heaven-way.

Love and become,
Become and love;
This is my God-way.

43. Burials

The burial of love
Is our animal-height.

The love of burial
Is a universal reality
And an undying Experience-necessity.

44. Your mind

Deeply skeptical
Your mind was.

Openly critical
Your mind is.

Soulfully accepting,
Unreservedly loving
Unconditionally serving,
Your mind will be.
Just wait and see.

45. Who is the cause?

Who is the cause
Of this world-depression?
Not he, not I, but you.

Alas, alas!
Who is the cause
Of this world-frustration?
Not you, not I, but he.

Alas, alas, alas!
Who is the cause
Of this world-destruction?
Not you, not he, but I.

46. By serving and perfecting

By serving the divine,
I govern the human in me.
By perfecting the human in me,
I conquer the animal in me.

47. He is

He is pure who serves.
He is brave who watches.
He is divine who surrenders.
He is supreme who is.

48. I love and serve

If I want,
I can love the animal in me.

If I need,
I can love the human in me.

If I can,
I shall without fail serve the divine in me.

49. Promise and hope

Promise feeds the brave;
I have become God-promise
To the aspiring humanity.

Hope feeds the weak;
I have become God-hope
To the suffering humanity.

50. Everest-height

My mind was the Everest-height of fear.

My heart is the Everest-height of tears.

My life shall be the Everest-height
Of my human transformation
My divine perfection.