My Morning Soul-Body Prayers, part 19

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My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

I am enamoured only of Your Feet.
Why? Because Your Feet forgive me
Sooner than the soonest,
Whereas Your Eye and Your Heart
Take time.

My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

26 November 2005, 4:12 a.m. Pangkor Island, Perak, Malaysia. Seated double-dumbbell lift: 400 lbs.

Sri Chinmoy the Eternal Beginner (Blue violin):

1. Ami phire ogo (traditional — hereinafter referred to as ‘proem’)

2. Jedike phirai ankhi


My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

You are telling me that
My soul’s morning rose-smiles
My heart’s morning Heaven-climbing tears
Are Your fondest children.

My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

27 November 2005, 4:31 a.m. Pangkor Island, Perak, Malaysia. Seated double-dumbbell lift: 400 lbs.

Sri Chinmoy the Eternal Beginner (Blue violin): 1. Proem 2. Satyam shivam sundaram


My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

You are beautiful
In the lives of human beings.
You are infinitely more beautiful
In the heart of Nature.

My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

28 November 2005, 4:13 a.m. Pangkor Island, Perak, Malaysia. Seated double-dumbbell lift: 400 lbs.

Sri Chinmoy the Eternal Beginner (Blue violin): 1. Proem 2. Ami asimer kalpana gara


My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

My Lord, I begin my day
With Your descending
Blue Compassion-Blessings.
“My child, I begin My day
With your ascending
Green gratitude-songs.”

My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

29 November 2005, 4:06 a.m. Pangkor Island, Perak, Malaysia. Seated double-dumbbell lift: 400 lbs.

Sri Chinmoy the Eternal Beginner (Blue violin): 1. Proem 2. Gurudev tumi amar lagiya


My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

You are now blessing me
With a rainbow-joy-dawn-hope,
And I am offering You
My sleepless and selfless
For the manifestation
Of Your infinite Light
In the heart of humanity.

My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

30 November 2005, 4:17 a.m. Pangkor Island, Perak, Malaysia. Non-lifting day.

Sri Chinmoy the Eternal Beginner (Blue violin): 1. Proem 2. He dharani pal


My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

I pray to God the Singular,
I meditate on God the Singular,
But I serve God the Plural,
I manifest God the Plural.

My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

1 December 2005, 4:14 a.m. Pangkor Island, Perak, Malaysia. Non-lifting day.

Sri Chinmoy the Eternal Beginner (Blue violin): 1. Proem 2. Bela jai bela jai…jiban katai


My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

This morning I find myself
In Your Golden Boat.
I am right beside You.
You are carrying me
To the Golden Shore.

My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

2 December 2005, 4:23 a.m. Pangkor Island, Perak, Malaysia. Non-lifting day.

Sri Chinmoy the Eternal Beginner (Blue violin): Ami jagibona ami kandibona


My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

You are happily congratulating me
And blessingfully honouring me
Because I have done very well
In my obedience and gratitude-examinations.

My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

3 December 2005, 4:26 a.m. Pangkor Island, Perak, Malaysia. Non-lifting day.

Sri Chinmoy the Eternal Beginner (Blue violin): 1. Proem 2. Hasite hasite duhate amare


My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

I give You nothing!
Even my readiness, my willingness
And my eagerness
Are Your invaluable Blessing-Presents.

My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

4 December 2005, 4:11 a.m. Pangkor Island, Perak, Malaysia.

Non-lifting day Sri Chinmoy the Eternal Beginner (Blue violin): 1. Proem 2. Jishu Jishu nam


My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

Out of Your infinite Bounty,
You and Your Will follow me
Wherever I go
And whatever I do.
When I go out climbing,
You and Your Will go out with me climbing.
When I go out swimming,
You and Your Will go out with me swimming.
When I go out running,
You and Your Will go out with me running.
And even when I go out shopping,
You and Your Will go out with me shopping.
What a strange experience You are giving me,
My Lord Supreme!
Instead of my following You,
You and Your Will are following me.

My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

5 December 2005, 4:16 a.m. Pangkor Island, Perak, Malaysia. Seated double-dumbbell lift: 400 lbs.

Sri Chinmoy the Eternal Beginner (Blue violin): Abar asibo phire janani sneha nire


My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

Each wee earth-seed
Is a Heaven-climbing prayer
And a world-awakening realisation.

My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

6 December 2005, 4:18 a.m. Pangkor Island, Perak, Malaysia.

Non-lifting day Sri Chinmoy the Eternal Beginner (Blue violin): 1. Proem 2. Debata eseche ruddha hiyar duare


My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

My heart is all tearful gratitude to You
Because You have given me
An aspiration-heart
That never fails You and never falls.

My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

7 December 2005, 4:10 a.m. Pangkor Island, Perak, Malaysia. Seated double-dumbbell lift: 500 lbs.

Sri Chinmoy the Eternal Beginner (Blue violin): Buddham saranam gacchami


My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

You are Your Kindness infinite.
Every morning
I receive a handwritten
From You.
Every evening
I receive a handwritten
From You.

My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

/8 December 2005, 3:58 a.m. Pangkor Island. Perak, Malaysia. Seated double-dumbbell lift: 500 lbs./

Sri Chinmoy the Eternal Beginner: (Blue violin): 1. Proem 2. I Came to Your Lotus-Feet


My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

Each time I look at Your Eye
And each time I touch Your Feet,
I feel as fresh as a breath
Of beauty-purity’s dawn.

My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

/9 December 2005, 4:04 a.m. Pangkor Island, Perak, Malaysia. Seated double-dumbbell lift: 500 lbs./

Sri Chinmoy the Eternal Beginner (Blue violin): 1. Proem 2. Jatri chal jatri chal


My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

You are telling me that a self-winner
Is by far the best
God-dreamer and God-lover in Heaven
And God-server on earth.

My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

13 December 2005, 3:35 a.m. Kuantan, Pahang Darul Makmur, Malaysia. Seated double-dumbbell lift: 500 lbs.

Sri Chinmoy the Eternal Beginner (Blue violin): 1. Proem 2. Anka banka jibaner path


My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

At the journey’s start,
Life may make serious mistakes,
But at the journey’s close,
The same life will become
Perfect perfection.

My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

14 December 2005, 3:56 a.m. Kuantan, Pahang Darul Makmur, Malaysia. Seated double-dumbbell lift: 500 lbs.

Sri Chinmoy the Eternal Beginner (Blue violin): 1. Proem 2. He dharani pal


My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

The earth-mind-connection-thought
The Heaven-heart-connection-will

My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

15 December 2005, 3:44 a.m. Kuantan Pahang Darul Makmur, Malaysia. Non-lifting day.

Sri Chinmoy the Eternal Beginner (Blue violin): 1. Proem 2. Eso eso mor jiban majhare


My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

Every day my soul’s smiles
And my heart’s tears
Take the earth-Heaven shuttle
To work with You
And to work for You.

My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

16 December 2005, 3:48 a.m. Kuantan, Pahang Darul Makmur, Malaysia. Non-lifting day.

Sri Chinmoy the Eternal Beginner (Blue violin): 1. Proem 2. Bela jai bela jai bela jai


My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

Every morning
God blesses my soul
With a new God-climbing dream.

My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

17 December 2005, 3:55 a.m. Kuantan, Pahang Darul Makmur, Malaysia. Seated double-dumbbell lift: 500 lbs.

Sri Chinmoy the Eternal Beginner (Blue violin): Gurudev tumi amar lagiya


My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

When I think of You,
You smile at me.
When I pray to You like a child,
You happily and proudly clap.
When I meditate on You,
You immediately embrace me.
When I give You
All that I have and all that I am,
You command me
To take a very special part
In Your Cosmic Play.

My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

18 December 2005, 3:51 a.m. Kuantan, Pahang Darul Makmur, Malaysia. Seated double-dumbbell lift: 500 lbs.

Sri Chinmoy the Eternal Beginner (Blue violin): 1. Proem 2. Amar jibana bariya


My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

I love You
Because You are all mine.
You love me
Because You want to make me
Your ever-blossoming child divine.

My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

19 December 2005, 3:56 a.m. Kuantan, Pahang Darul Makmur, Malaysia. Non-lifting day.

Sri Chinmoy the Eternal Beginner (Blue violin):

_1. _Proem 2. Hao aguan


My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

Every morning
You carry my blooming heart
And my blossoming soul
In Your Golden Boat
To a newly discovered Shore.

My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

20 December 2005, 4:08 a.m. Kuantan, Pahang Darul Makmur, Malaysia. Seated double-dumbbell lift: 600 lbs.

Sri Chinmoy the Eternal Beginner (Blue violin): 1. Proem 2. Amar jiban amar maran / My Life, My Death


My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

Slowly, steadily and unerringly,
My gratitude-heart-train is moving
Towards God’s Heart-Embrace-Station.

My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

21 December 2005, Kuantan, Pahang Darul Makmur, Malaysia. Non-lifting day.

Sri Chinmoy the Eternal Beginner (Blue violin): 1. Proem 2. Swapane aso swapane haso


My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

I love You,
I need You,
I am all for You.
You have given me
A new name:

My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

22 December 2005, 3:25 a.m. Kuantan, Pahang Darul Makmur, Malaysia. Seated double-dumbbell lift: 600 lbs.

(Sri Chinmoy sang this prayer as he offered it.)

Sri Chinmoy the Eternal Beginner (Blue violin): 1. Proem 2. Ami jagibona ami kandibona


My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

My aspiring life’s blooms and blossoms
Are the revelations and manifestations
Of my gratitude-heart-song.

My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

23 December 2005, 3:48 a.m. Kuantan, Pahang Darul Makmur, Malaysia. Non-lifting day.

Sri Chinmoy the Eternal Beginner (Blue violin): 1. Proem 2. Ami bholanath sristir tras


My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

When I pray,
I wish to be
As sweet and beautiful
As a child.
When I meditate,
I wish to be
As powerful and peaceful
As a Yogi.

My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

24 December 2005, 4:01 a.m. Kuantan, Pahang Darul Makmur, Malaysia. Seated double-dumbbell lift: 600 lbs.

Sri Chinmoy the Eternal Beginner (Blue violin): 1. Proem 2. Jishu Jishu nam (Sri Chinmoy sang this song after playing it.)


My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

No escape!
Life has to face
Earth’s justice-hours.
True, absolutely true —
God embraces life
At God’s choice Hour.

My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

25 December 2005, 4:10 a.m. Kuantan, Pahang Darul Makmur, Malaysia. Seated double-dumbbell lift: 999 lbs.

Sri Chinmoy the Eternal Beginner (Blue violin): 1. Proem 2. Tomare pujite esechi dharai (Sri Chinmoy sang this new composition as he played it.)


My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

I am praying to You
Only for one thing:
Patience, patience, patience,
Patience infinite.

My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

26 December 2005, 3:57 a.m. Kuantan, Pahang Darul Makmur, Malaysia. Seated double-dumbbell lift: 999 lbs.

Sri Chinmoy the Eternal Beginner (Blue violin): 1. Proem 2. Dak dak dak dak maner praner (Sri Chinmoy sang this new composition as he played it.)


My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

Please, please, please bless me
With a voice that will sing
Only Your Victory-Songs
Through every aspiring heart.

My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

27 December 2005, 4:12 a.m. Kuantan, Pahang Darul Makmur, Malaysia. Non-lifting day.

Sri Chinmoy the Eternal Beginner (Blue violin): 1. Proem 2. Tomar sathe chalbo ami (Sri Chinmoy played and sang this new song.)


My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

Heaven and earth
Are equally precious.
Heaven’s Smiles and earth’s tears
Are equally precious.
God the Dreamer in Heaven
And God the Doer on earth
Are equally precious.

My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

28 December 2005, 3:40 a.m. Kuantan, Pahang Darul Makmur, Malaysia. Seated double-dumbbell lift: 1,004 lbs.

Sri Chinmoy the Eternal Beginner (Blue violin): 1. Proem 2. Tomar madhur nayan dekhe (Sri Chinmoy played and sang this new song.)


My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

Every morning God accepts,
Readily and gladly,
A non-stop gratitude-flooded invitation
From my heart-nest.

My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

29 December 2005, 4:13 a.m. Kuantan, Pahang Darul Makmur, Malaysia. Non-lifting day.

Sri Chinmoy the Eternal Beginner (Blue violin): 1. Proem 2. Chaowar paowar kanna hashi tomar rahe (Sri Chinmoy played and sang this new song.)


My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

The tears of my heart
And the smiles of my soul
Enjoy their sweetness, fondness
And oneness
In Your Infinity’s Sky.

My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

30 December 2005, 3:54 a.m. Kuantan, Pahang Darul Makmur, Malaysia. Non-lifting day.

Sri Chinmoy the Eternal Beginner (Blue violin): 1. Proem 2. Jatri ami jatri ami asim khudha (Sri Chinmoy played and sang this new song.)


My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

I have come to realise
That each life
Is a very, very special prayer
To Heaven.

My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

31 December 2005, 3:54 a.m. Kuantan, Pahang Darul Makmur, Malaysia. Non-lifting day.

Sri Chinmoy the Eternal Beginner (Blue violin): 1. Proem 2. Eso eso mor jiban majhare

Editor's preface to the first edition

During Sri Chinmoy’s Christmas-New Year trip to Malaysia from 23 November 2005 to 25 February 2006, he visited six locations: Kuala Lumpur, Pangkor Island, Kuantan, Kijal, Penang and Langkawi Island.

As on previous Christmas trips, Sri Chinmoy often practised his heavy weightlifting in his hotel room in the small hours of the morning. In addition to his regular exercises, he concentrated on the seated double-dumbbell lift, using varying weights, ranging from 400 pounds to 1,004 pounds.

At these sessions, which were recorded on video, Sri Chinmoy continued his pattern established in previous years of offering an early morning prayer and performing one of his compositions on his blue violin — a segment which he calls Sri Chinmoy the Eternal Beginner. He would frequently sing these songs after playing them. Towards the end of the trip, Sri Chinmoy also played songs on the alto flute, viola, horn ocarina and unisphere.

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