The Wings of Light, part 17

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801. The world desperately needs

O Mother of seer-poets,
The blind world desperately needs
Your translucent light.

O Mother of hero-warriors,
The feeble world desperately needs
Your transcendental might.

O Mother of perfection-lovers,
The imperfect world desperately needs
Your silence-bound height.

802. Answer

Answer slowly
So that earth can understand you.

Answer quietly
So that Heaven can understand you.

Answer silently
So that God can perfect you.

Answer immediately
So that man can admire you.

803. The surrender-life

Is the infant smile.

Is the orphan cry.

Is the silence-heart.

Is the surrender-life.

804. O Silence-flowers

O Silence-flowers, smile;
My inner eyes are ready.

O Silence-stars, dance;
My inner heart is ready.

O Silence-sky, come;
My inner body is ready.

805. Lost and found

Lost human child cries;
Found human child cries.
Lost divine child looks within;
Found divine child looks without.

806. Sudden perfection

Sudden aspiration,
Beyond all hope.
Sudden realisation,
Beyond all calculation.
Sudden perfection,
Beyond all imagination.

807. Who you are

Heart, my heart,
Let me tell you who you are.
Remember once and for all.
You are God’s Dream-boat;
Something more: God’s Pride.

Life, my life,
Let me tell you who you are.
Remember once and for all.
You are God’s Reality-shore;
Something more: God’s Gratitude.

808. Freedom

Of the impure life

Of the pure life

Of the divine life

809. His is the life

His is the life
Of endless ideas.

His is the life
Of fruitless deeds.

His is the life
Of visionless soul.

His is the life
Of soulless goal.

810. Present yourself

O fighting thought-waves,
Calm yourself.

O illumining Volcano-will,
Arouse yourself.

O fulfilling God-Compassion,
Present yourself.

811. Duty's lustre, humility's heart

Beauty’s face may one day die
Duty’s lustre never shall die.

Purity’s body may one day starve
Humility’s heart never shall starve.

812. Together

Her heart and
The calmness of the midnight
Together live.

Her life and
The boldness of the midday
Together play.

Her soul and
The sweetness of the morning
Together dance.

813. Never stay away

O devouring Time,
For God’s sake,
Stay away.

O nourishing Time,
For God’s sake,
Come and shake hands with me.

O illumining Time,
For God’s sake,
Just once embrace me.

O fulfilling Time,
For God’s sake, for your sake, for my sake,
Never stay away.

814. Expect nothing

Your prayer is fearful.
Expect nothing from your prayer.

Your meditation is doubtful.
Expect nothing from your meditation.

Your love is not soulful.
Expect nothing from your love.

815. You have everything

You have everything that your Mother Divine
Wants you to have.
You need no more.

Your Mother Supreme has everything that you
Can afford to offer her.
Suffer and grieve no more.

816. Come in, my friends

Who is around my house?
Come in my dear friend, Inspiration.

Who is at my window?
Come in my bosom friend, Aspiration.

Who is at my door?
Come in my eternal friend, Realisation.

Who is in my living room?
Sit down my beloved friend, Perfection.

817. They have won

His faith delayed.
Death has won.

His love decayed.
Destruction has won.

His life overslept.
Ignorance has won.

818. Who has the power?

Who has the power to love?
My feeling heart.

Who has the power to hate?
My killing vital.

Who has the power to suspect?
My groping mind.

Who has the power to deceive?
My sleeping body.

819. Don't be a fool!

Don’t be a fool!
Don’t touch reason’s flag;
It will break.
Don’t be a fool!
Touch immediately faith’s banner;
It will carry you
Into Infinity’s
Reality-fulfilling Core.

820. Love Her, serve Her

Love the Divine Mother Supreme.
You will reach
The end of your endless Journey.

Serve the Divine Mother Supreme.
You can and you shall establish
The Kingdom of Heaven on earth.

821. Eternity's sunrise

Eternity’s sunrise,
My heart is dreaming of you.
Infinity’s shore,
My mind is thinking of you.
Immortality’s goal,
My life is adoring you.

822. Body's victory, soul's victory

The body’s victory
Is often
The soul’s tremendous loss.

The soul’s victory
Is always
The body’s amazing progress.

823. My eyeless, fruitless sovereignty

God has the everlasting hunger
To love me.
I have the fleeting hunger
To love myself.
I dare to disown God
When He does not fulfil my black desires,
And I declare
My eyeless, fruitless sovereignty.

824. They love our aging life

Our infancy, Heaven loves.
Our childhood, the angels love.
Our adolescence, God the Dream loves.
Our youth, God the Reality loves.
Our old age, God the Necessity loves.

825. I am chained

I am chained to Doubt.
No joy have I.

I am chained to Faith.
God-confidence have I.

I am chained to Mortal Time.
Nothing have I.

826. Be not

Be not lonely
Like the night.
Be lovely
Like the moon.

Be not expensive
Like a diamond-sun.
Be expansive
Like the Silence-light.

827. She gave

To the undivine
She gave her ears.

To the Divine
She gave her voice.

To man
She gave her service.

To God
She gave her light.

828. Nevertheless

Roses have thorns.
Nevertheless, I like roses.

The moon has spots.
Nevertheless, I love the moon.

Heaven is not all perfect.
Nevertheless, I adore Heaven.

I am not always divine.
Nevertheless, God claims me.

829. Three hiding places

Three are the places
Where I hide:
I hide in the night of thoughts,
I hide in the Light of silence.
I hide in the Height of God.

830. What we have

You have the power that hurts.
He has the love that heals.
I have the light that sees.
God has the Compassion that feels.

831. I think God has already reached me

I saw below my desire-life
My own image.
I see above my aspiration-life
God’s own Blaze.

I thought I could reach God
With my own efforts.
I think God has already reached me
With His unconditional Grace.

832. Don't be angry with me

God, don’t be angry with me.
I love Your earth-body
More than Your Heaven-soul.

“Son, don’t be angry with Me.
I love your snow-white efforts
More than your blue-gold crown.”

833. You want me to love you only

Life, I shall love death as well,
For God lives inside the heart
Of death, too.

Death, I shall love life as well,
Since God Himself
Is so fond of life.

Death, you want me to love you only,
But I am hopelessly helpless.
What can I do?

834. Four prayers

The tree prays:
O Lord Supreme, see my height.

The branch prays:
O Lord Supreme, eat my life-fruit.

The flower prays:
O Lord Supreme, appreciate my beauty.

The root prays:
O Lord Supreme, bless my duty.

835. Twice I enjoy my life

Twice I enjoy my life:
I enjoy my life
When I stand
My man-ascent
My God-descent.
I enjoy my life
When my heart cries with the finite
My soul smiles with the Infinite.

836. Success shall be yours

You are surrounded
By desire-life,
You can be detached.
Measureless is your doubt-life,
You can be freed.
Just try!
Success shall be yours,
God is all yours.

837. Ready

Her beauty is ready
Only for Angel’s eyes.

Her life is ready
Only for God’s Heart.

Her soul is ready
Only for humanity’s body.

838. Don't mix with them

Heart, my heart,
What has made you so dry?
I advise you,
Don’t mix with your mind.

Mind, my mind,
What has made you so aggressive?
I advise you,
Don’t mix with your vital.

Vital, my vital,
What has made you so lethargic?
I advise you,
Don’t mix with your body.

Body, my body,
What has made you so sleepy?
I advise you,
Don’t mix with your death.

839. I feel so sorry for you

Heart, my heart,
I feel so sorry for you.
You are staying with imprisoned flames.

Life, my life,
I feel so sorry for you.
You are staying in your mind’s tiny cave.

Soul, my soul,
I feel so sorry for you.
Your God-manifestation is still a far cry.

840. Not you

Your fear is dead
And not you.

Your doubt is dead
And not you.

Your jealousy is dead
And not you.

Your insecurity is dead
And not you.

Your ignorance is dead
And not you.

Your puny “I” is dead
And not your giant “I”,
The Universal “I”,
The Transcendental Lord.

841. Remain beyond

O my animal life,
Remain within good.

O my human life,
Remain beyond evil.

O my divine life,
Remain beyond both
Good and evil.

842. Their offerings

My body thinks of me
And offers me a flood of tears.

My vital thinks of me
And offers me a night of fears.

My mind thinks of me
And offers me a sea of confusion.

My heart thinks of me
And offers me a dying flame of insecurity.

843. The abode of infinity

Freedom is infinite
In the firmament.

Love is infinite
In the moon.

Light is infinite
In the sun.

God is infinite
Inside my flower-heart.

844. Before Light

Before Light
His courage-lion quails.

Before Night
His fear-cat glows.

Before God
His perfection-sun trembles.

Before Satan
His bondage-life triumphs.

845. In his own way

His life is spiritual
At the time of serious crisis.
His surrender is unconditional
At the time of unavoidable death.
Yet God loves him.
Indeed, he too loves God,
In his own way.

846. Now I can retire

I saw my God crying
In my play’s penultimate scene.
I saw my God smiling
In my play’s ultimate scene.
And now I can retire
Into the mind of my Nothingness
Into the heart of my Infinity’s Eternity.

847. What I do

What I do:
I sow the seeds
Of higher life;
I kill the trees
Of lower life.

What else I do:
I build the kingdom
Of brighter life;
I destroy the home
Of darker souls.

848. Smiles and tears

A spark of my smile
Satisfies my God.
A drop of my tears
Manifests my God.
Death’s endless smiles,
His endless tears,
Please me not,
Fulfil me not.
Alas, alas!

849. Heart, soul, goal

Heart, my heart,
Forever stay alive, forever.

Soul, my soul,
Forward march, forward!

Goal, my goal,
I am within your compassion,
I am for your manifestation.

850. Beauty

Outer beauty
Feeds the greedy eyes.

Inner beauty
Feeds the needy eyes.

Soul’s beauty
Elevates the weeping eyes.

God’s Beauty
Illumines the searching eyes.