Sri Aurobindo: His Feet of the Spirit-Blaze2

Two Feet of Thunder
    To plumb the abysmal deep,
To build the Day
    Over the python sleep
Of eyeless earth.
    The Feet of the Spirit-Blaze
Now pierce the masks
    Of Fate and time-born ways.

In silence they move.
    The aspiring souls of clay
Invoke their lights
    And ascend to Heaven's Play,
To slaughter Death,
    And human body's strife.
Two feet wherein
    Are roots of immortal Life.

From the author's "The Infinite: Sri Aurobindo" (1956)

Sri Chinmoy, AUM — Vol. 2, No. 1, 27 August 1966, Boro Park Printers -- Brooklyn, N. Y, 1966