IV. Somewhere

1. Somewhere to go — God’s Home

2. Somewhere to start — heart

3. Somewhere to stop — nowhere

4. Somewhere God can be seen first — True, but where? In the crying heart

5. Somewhere God can be seen next — True, but where? In the searching mind

6. Somewhere God can be seen later on — True, but where? In the dynamic vital

7. Somewhere God can be seen last — True, but where? In the fully awakened body

8. Somewhere the world can see God’s Beauty — True, but where? In the Silence of nature

9. Somewhere the world can see God’s Power — True, but where? In the heart of man’s self-giving

l0. Somewhere the world can see God’s Light — True, but where? In the life of man’s unconditional surrender

11. Somewhere God’s Bliss can be seen — True, but where? In the home of the seeker’s inner cry

12. Somewhere God’s Peace can be seen — True, but where? In the illumining vastness of the mind

13. Somewhere God’s Justice exists — but it is fathomable

14. Somewhere God’s forgiveness exists — but it is unfathomable

15. Somewhere I am invited to sing — Ah, it is in the light of freedom

16. Somewhere I am not invited to sing — Ah, it is in the night of ignorance

17. Somewhere I saw the face of doubt — but my Lord now asks me to forget all about it

18. Somewhere I saw the face of depression — but my Lord commands me to silence my stupid curiosity

19. Somewhere I saw the face of failure — my Lord categorically tells me that I am totally wrong, I am totally mistaken, it was just an experience, His experience in and through me

20. Somewhere I lost myself — Ah, it was in the train of desire

21. Somewhere I found myself — Ah, it is in the plane of aspiration

22. Somewhere I drank nectar — but certainly not in the home of naked falsehood. I certainly prefer to drink nectar in the illumined Palace of the highest Truth

23. Somewhere divine realisation can play — If so, where? It is in the heart of self-offering

24. Somewhere the divine revelation can sing — If so, where? It is in the world of one’s totally transformed life

25. Somewhere divine manifestation can dance — If so, where? It is in the life-breath of a totally devoted, totally transformed and totally surrendered seeker

26. Somewhere to go to see the divine Light — the heart's pure love knows the exact place

27. Somewhere to go to see the divine Peace — the mind's complete silence knows the exact place

28. Somewhere to go to see the divine Power — the supremely transformed vital knows the place

29. Somewhere to go to see the divine Bliss — the immortal soul of the Transcendental Divinity knows the place

30. Somewhere — where? Over there — Lo, your forgotten Self, over there

31. Somewhere God must be seen — In the glowing Eye of a Yogi

32. Somewhere God must be felt — In the illumining Heart of a Yogi

33. Somewhere God must be realised — In the beckoning Soul of a Yogi

34. Somewhere the body is great — Yes, it is in the surrendering sleep of the body

35. Somewhere the vital is great — Yes, it is in the building capacity of the vital

36. Somewhere the mind is great — Yes, it is in the illumining necessity of the mind for the vastness itself

37. Somewhere the heart is great — Yes, it is in the heart’s inseparable oneness with God’s Love

38. Somewhere the soul is great — Yes, the soul is great inside its own dream in heaven and inside its own promise on earth and inside its own acceptance of God’s Will as its very own

39. Somewhere there is rest — Yes, it is in the dynamism of divine activity

40. Somewhere there is God’s Nest — Yes, it is in the pure smile of an innocent child

41. Somewhere there should be some beauty — Beauty is in self-giving

42. Somewhere there should be some purity — Purity is in constant remembrance of God

43. Somewhere there should be some humility — Humility is in serving God in humanity in God’s own way

44. Somewhere there is no God — God is not in our self-destruction

45. Somewhere there is only God — In self-dedication there is only God and nobody else

46. Somewhere God surrenders to man’s will — In the heart of man’s constant gratitude God surrenders to the will of man

47. Somewhere man-made wars will end — Man-made wars will undoubtedly end in the kingdom of man’s fully awakened, completed and realised manhood

48. Somewhere, somewhere, I shall see the perfect marriage between earth’s hope and heaven’s love. My Lord tells me that the marriage will take place in the Palace of His compassionate Concern

49. Somewhere, somewhere, somewhere, man will be Immortality’s pride — My Lord tells me that man will be Immortality’s pride when he discovers the supreme secret that God’s Compassion reigns supreme all-where