Messages from oneness-friends.

"You are indeed a modern Atlas. I wish I could join you but I am stuck here. By this letter I send you my best wishes for what I am sure will be a splendid evening."
  — C.V. Narasimhan, Former United Nations Under-Secretary-General Madras, India

"My dearly beloved Sri Chinmoy, I am unable to attend your 14th weightlifting anniversary. I wish you all the success you deserve in this event which you so kindly dedicate to your brother."
  — Rafael Hernandez Colon, Governor of Puerto Pico (1972-76, 1984-92)

"I was delighted and honoured to hear from you. The event is a celebration of the great good that man can achieve through the inspired harmony of mind and body and spirit."
  — Harry Cahill, US State Department Chief of Refugee Operations in Bosnia

"It is a wonderful undertaking to provide New Yorkers with your services and I am sure that the demonstration tonight will be a huge success."
  — Senator Charles E. Schumer, New York