Question: Recently I read about a person who was buried alive for eighteen days and then he was able to come back alive. Is there any relation between this sort of thing and what you are doing?
Sri Chinmoy: My teaching is not a kind of miracle-mongering. My business is to help the aspirant to reach God. When one wants to reach God, realise God, I try to help the person. But by being buried underground for eighteen days or by performing other feats, I can not lead my students to God nor are the students helped in their spiritual search. What leads us to God is our aspiration, our inner, mounting cry. So I do not advocate this kind of miracle.What I want from my students is this inner cry. A child cries for his mother’s love; a spiritual child needs and wants to have infinite love from God. And how can he get it? Only by reaching and realising God. My philosophy and spirituality are different from those who are meant only for displaying and teaching their supernatural capacities, their miracles.
Sri Chinmoy, Earth’s Cry Meets Heaven’s Smile, part 1, Aum Press, Puerto Rico, 1974