When I first realised God8
A few weeks ago I was tempted to tell when I first realised God. Again, God-realisation is a very complicated matter. We can sit at the foot of the God-realisation-tree, and then we can climb up. When we sit at the foot of the tree, that itself is God-realisation. And when we climb up a few metres, that is also God-realisation. Then we go on, go on, go on.When we look at the God-realisation-tree with our third eye, we see that the tree has no end. It goes up and up. With our human eyes if we look at a tree, we see that there is a limit. We know that we can see the topmost branch. Beyond there we cannot go. But when it is a matter of the God-realisation-tree, the third eye laughs at the human eyes.
Three weeks ago, I think it was, I was tempted to say when I first sat at the foot of the God-realisation-tree. Then of course I climbed up, and God knows where I am now. But my Inner Pilot immediately commanded me to keep silent. I know for certain when I saw God face to face for the first time. It was not in this incarnation. But God said, “No! Make this date absolutely uncertain.” I knew for certain, but He said, “No, I want you to keep it absolutely uncertain.” That is why I did not say.
Some spiritual Masters declare their God-realisation, like Sri Aurobindo, who gave the date when Lord Sri Krishna entered into him permanently. Before, Sri Krishna used to come and go, come and go. But from the 24th of November, 1926, Sri Krishna remained permanently inside him. That is the date Sri Aurobindo gave for his God-realisation.
Like that, some other spiritual Masters have declared their God-realisation. In my case if I have to be very honest, I will say that it was not in this incarnation. I realised God long before, long before. But as I said, first you sit at the foot of the tree. Then you climb up, up, up, up, up. According to what you see with your human eyes, you say, “Oh, this is the highest!” But as soon as you use the third eye, you will simply laugh at that so-called highest, because there is no limit to God-realisation.
7. 17 July 2005, Aspiration-Ground, Jamaica, New York.↩