Inspiration leads to manifestation37

Avery informs me every day about the six-day race in England.

One runner, an Englishman, was leading right from the beginning. At one point he said, “Now I am going to speak to Sri.” Then he left the track and for five minutes he looked at my picture. He is not a disciple.

The person who is third also looks at my Transcendental Picture every time he comes near it.

One man tells Avery every day to say hello to me, and another runner was appreciating our races. Beverly Nolan and Bob Cannata were wearing our T-shirts right from the beginning.

Avery is helping all of the runners — not only Trishul. Our London disciples come every day also, to inspire the runners. If there is inspiration, there will be aspiration; and if there is aspiration, there is bound to be manifestation.

RB 798. 25 May 1984