Ten Thousand Flower-Flames, part 60

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5901. I am desperately trying

I may not know
What God is doing for me now,
But I do know
That I am desperately trying to please God
In God’s own Way.

5902. I am in God's Forgiveness-Boat

I may not know where God is now,
But I do know where I am.
I am now in His Forgiveness-Boat
Sailing towards His Satisfaction-Shore.

5903. God's Compassion

I may not love God unconditionally,
But I do know what God’s Compassion
Is doing for my heart sleeplessly
And what God’s Forgiveness
Is doing for my life unconditionally.

5904. Only three swimmers

Only three swimmers are allowed
To swim in the sea of Peace:
A God-lover,
A self-giver
An ignorance-destroyer.

5905. I see no difference

I see no difference
Between your thoughtless
And your soulless

5906. Your heart-plant is withering

Because of your suspicion-mind,
Your poor heart-plant is withering
Before it can burst into flower.

5907. Your biography is already written

O Truth-seeker, O God-lover,
You do not have to say
Anything about yourself.
Your whole biography is already written
In golden letters
On the Tablet of God’s own Heart.

5908. But I also have

I may have a dry mind,
But I also have a pure heart.
I may have a restless vital,
But I also have a fruitful soul.

5909. When are you going to stop?

Earth, O earth,
When are you going to stop
Hoisting the banner
Of ridiculous helplessness?

Heaven, O Heaven,
When are you going to stop
Hoisting the banner
Of cruel indifference?

5910. Your aspiration's mountain-cry

Do you know
What has conquered for you
Your vital’s volcano-pride?
Your aspiration’s mountain-cry.

5911. Heaven's golden sunshine

The dark forest
Of man’s desire-life
Can never bathe
In Heaven’s golden sunshine.

5912. What can you expect?

Your mind is cherishing regrets.
Your heart is fearing misfortunes.
Such being the case,
What can you expect from your life?

5913. Invasion

His dreamless heart
Is now invaded
By impurity’s ignorance-sleep.

5914. A purity-heart

A purity-heart
Not only has the necessity
But also is the capacity
To enlarge itself for God’s use.

5915. Nothing is more beautiful

On earth nothing is more beautiful
Than God’s Patience-Light.
In Heaven nothing is more beautiful
Than God’s Compassion-Light.
In me nothing is more beautiful
Than God’s Forgiveness-Light.

5916. Those choice children

God can play and will play
His Perfection-Manifestation-Game
Only with those choice children of His
Who are always apt to deny themselves.

5917. An unoffered life

An unoffered life
Will always be doomed
To an unanswered prayer.

5918. A new message from Heaven

Something divine may be
Beyond your need today,
But it can never remain
Beyond your need forever.
For every day
A new message from Heaven
Is touching the earth-shore.

5919. Only God's Compassion

Only God’s Compassion
Is deeply interested in
And truly concerned with
The perpetual cry of man’s heart.

5920. The believer knows

The doubter thinks
That he alone thinks of himself
Since God has no time to think of him.

The believer knows
That God always thinks of him
Even when he thinks of himself.

5921. Sincerity's sweetness

Sincerity’s sweetness and
Humility’s soulfulness
Are of paramount importance
In a seeker’s heavenward journey.

5922. What your mind has

What your mind has
Is a pygmy aim.
What your heart is
Is a brittle hope.
How, then, can you expect God
To smile at you,
Sing for you
Dance with you?

5923. A born dreamer

Because you are a born dreamer,
You have a special place
In God’s Heart-Garden.

5924. His sense of perfection

His sense of perfection thunders
When he enters into
The vital world.

His sense of satisfaction whispers
When he enters into
The psychic world.

5925. No difference

I see no difference
Between your mind’s
And your life’s

5926. O man of silence

O man of silence,
My heart needs you desperately.
My heart painfully tells me
That even the best talker
Is the worst possible intruder.

5927. Present regrets, future fears

Present regrets
Are killing his searching mind.
Future fears
Are killing his aspiring heart.
Alas, how can he proceed
In his inner life of aspiration
And how can he succeed
In his outer life of dedication?

5928. The unconquerable hope-seed

If you can feed
The unconquerable hope-seed,
Then your success-height
And progress-delight
Will not remain a far cry.

5929. When I touch my heart

When I look at my mind,
I hear a painful cry.
When I touch my heart,
I hear a breathless sigh.

5930. My Lord's Beauty

Is my Lord’s Beauty
Inside my heart.

Is my Lord’s Duty
Inside my life.

5931. Man's modern fruits

Man’s ancient roots:
His cries and smiles.
Man’s modern fruits:
His laughter and sighs.

5932. God's Perfection-Satisfaction-Home

If you are ready
To live outside the reason-fort,
Then God will grant you
His own Perfection-Satisfaction-Home.

5933. Unpardonable attacks

His attacks
On self-styled earth-bound authorities
Are more than justifiable.

Your attacks
On God-ordained authorities
Are absolutely unpardonable.

5934. Your heart's orphan-cries

It is your heart’s orphan-cries
That will help you reach
The heights of God’s Beauty Supreme.

5935. Your forgotten Eternity

Your oneness-life
Is your forgotten Eternity.
Your fulness-heart
Is your forgotten Infinity.
Your vision-eye
Is your forgotten Immortality.

5936. At long last

At long last
My heart’s aspiration-cry
And my mind’s inspiration-smile
Are working together
To manifest the Immortal in me.

5937. Your silence

Your silence does not have to
Convert anybody.
Your silence will help man
Invent something
Most precious in his own life.

5938. Himalayan satisfaction

When dark doubts want to assail you,
If your resistance is persistent,
You will without fail
Be able to climb up
The heights of Himalayan Satisfaction.

5939. If you value time

If you value time,
Then you must try to save time.
If you can save time,
Then you are definitely
Bringing to the fore constantly
The newness-reality of a fulness-dream.

5940. His life is all happiness

His life is all happiness
Because during the day
He walks along his surrender-bridge
And at night
He walks along his gratitude-bridge.

5941. Self-mastery means

Self-mastery means
The joy of the heart’s
Blossoming rose-petals.

5942. Beauty is the duty

Duty is the purity
Of man’s crying heart.
Beauty is the duty
Of man’s smiling life.

5943. The illumination-combination

Only the illumination-combination
Of a perfection-mind
And a satisfaction-heart
Can and will rouse
The sleeping world.

5944. No greater loss

No greater loss
Than to be ignored by God.
No greater gain
Than to be needed by God.

5945. God now owns him

Ignorance has disowned him.
Therefore, his life is perfection.
God now owns him.
Therefore, his heart is satisfaction within
And satisfaction without.

5946. Unless his inner life is gracious

To me
The outer life of a seeker
Is not precious
Unless his inner life
Is gracious.

5947. Two lords

Man’s body usually has two lords:

5948. God's Hospitality-Invitation

Do not decline God’s Hospitality-Invitation.
Who knows,
He may invite others tomorrow.
Who knows,
He may not invite you any more.

5949. God will teach me to sail

God tells me
That He will teach me
How to sail my own life-boat
Only on two conditions:
My mind must not worry
My vital must not hurry.

5950. What will you do for me?

My Lord Supreme,
What will You do for me
If I give You my heart’s blossoming faith?
“My child,
I shall take away
Your mind’s brooding doubts.”

5951. The inner beauty

The outer beauty
Is an expensive frustration-sigh.
The inner beauty
Is an expansive satisfaction-sky.

5952. It is not too late

As it is not too late for you to realise
That your mind is doing the wrong thing
By roaming inside a thick thought-forest,
Even so, it is not too late
For God to grant you
His Infinity’s ever-transcending Delight.

5953. Silence-songs of the Beyond

You are not allowing
Your soul to sing for you
Its silence-songs of the Beyond.
Therefore, your life is compelled
To dance the dance of utter futility.

5954. A man of prayer

A man of prayer
Becomes the vision-light of a seer
Even without asking.

5955. The wish of my life

The dearest wish of my new-born life
Is to go and sit at the Feet
Of my hopeful Lord Supreme.

5956. Completely lost

He is completely lost
In between his mind’s
And his heart’s

5957. Blindness-game

You know that you enjoy immensely
Why then do you find fault with God
When He plays His own

5958. Your guilty mind

You want your guilty mind to hide,
But God wants to bring
Your guilty mind to light
So that some day He can enjoy
Its transformation-perfection-height.

5959. Now that you have surrendered

Now that you have surrendered,
Nothing that belongs to you is guilty.
No, not even your suspicion-enjoying mind.

5960. My heart has three comrades

My heart has three comrades:
A hopeful prayer,
A soulful meditation
A fruitful surrender.

5961. His is a contradiction-life

His is a contradiction-life:
His mind is a restless fly,
But his heart is a quenchless God-thirst.

5962. I poison my own life-breath

I poison my own life-breath
When I callously criticise
My Lord’s endless Compassion-Length.

5963. A fervent prayer

This morning I offered a fervent prayer
To my Lord Supreme.
I prayed to Him to touch my mind
With His smiling and dancing Sincerity-Heart.

5964. With his heart's streaming tears

Yesterday he lived
With his life’s blazing errors.

Today he is living
With his mind’s terrifying terrors.

Tomorrow he will live
With his heart’s streaming tears.

5965. If your mind clings to truth

If your mind clings to truth,
Your soul and heart
Will share with your mind
Their sea of perpetual delight.

5966. Who says?

Who says that self-giving
Is an expensive pleasure
And not an expansive treasure?

5967. The Beauty of God's Face

The Beauty of God’s Face
Entirely depends on the purity
Of my heart’s rays.

5968. An endless streak of patience-light

My life’s stormy night
Needs nothing other than
An endless streak of patience-light
To see the smile-worlds
Of the Transcendence-Beyond.

5969. My reunion with God

My union with God
Made my pure heart
Extremely happy.

My reunion with God
Is making my sure heart
Extremely happy.

5970. What the searching mind needs

What the searching mind needs
Is a silver trance.
What the aspiring heart needs
Is a golden dance.

5971. A blessingful preparation

His heart feels
That his life is nothing but
A blessingful preparation
For God’s arrival.

5972. He is enjoying a feast

He is enjoying a feast
With his heart’s ascending sun
And his Lord’s descending Grace.

5973. Immortal friends

Today’s aspiration-man
Tomorrow’s Manifestation-God
Are inseparable
And immortal friends.

5974. He has every hope

Now that his pride is imprisoned,
He has every hope of becoming
A soulful seeker
Of the Absolute Lord Supreme.

5975. One message of time

There is only one message of Time:
First become the heart of Light
And then see the face of Truth.

5976. When God thinks of me

When I think of God,
I think of many things
At the same time.
When God thinks of me,
He thinks only of my heart’s

5977. Impossible!

How can my weak mind please God?
How can my pure heart displease God?

5978. Unchanging and changing

God is at once
My heart’s unchanging cry
And my life’s changing smile.

5979. God's two doors

He who cries for perfection
At God’s outer Door
Will receive illumination
At God’s inner Door.

5980. Nothing is more worthwhile

My Lord Supreme,
Why do You love me
Since You know perfectly well
That I shall never be perfect?
“My child, I love you
Since I know perfectly well
That for Me nothing is more worthwhile
Than loving you.”

5981. My life of failure-sighs

Indeed, I know many things,
But one thing I do not know.
I do not know how to replace
My life of failure-sighs.

5982. Inside a self-giving purity-heart

Inside a self-giving purity-heart
I see always
A thousand smiles shining brightly.

5983. Why?

Why does God
Still need me?
Why do I
Still love God?

5984. Totally lost

He is totally lost
In between his mind’s
Lawless confusion-night
And his heart’s
Flawless aspiration-light.

5985. What I need today

What I need today
Is a liberated life.
What I shall need tomorrow
Is my Lord’s manifested Glory.

5986. My soul's deathless aspiration

Yesterday I was my mind’s
Utter stupidity.
Today I am my heart’s
Endless insecurity.
Tomorrow I shall be my soul’s
Deathless aspiration.

5987. The amazing and lightning speed

Mine is the life
That has the slow and steady speed
Of an earthly tortoise.

Mine is the heart
That has the amazing and lightning speed
Of a Heavenly deer.

5988. My practical God-life

My justice-light
Is my theoretical God-life.
My compassion-light
Is my practical God-life.

5989. I do not know

I do not know
How to separate my mind
From confusion-night.

I do not know
How to unite my heart
With perfection-day.

5990. Each individual soul

Each individual soul
Is a harbinger
Of God’s reality-manifesting

5991. My mind does not have

Alas, my mind does not have
A nourishing sky.
Alas, my heart does not have
A liberating sun.

5992. Belief tells us

Belief tells us
That we have a soul-bird
Inside us.

Faith tells us
That the soul-bird flies and flies
In the illumination-firmament.

Promise tells us
That we are of God’s Divinity
And for God’s Immortality.

5993. Two complementary friends

An unbinding love
An unattached service
Are Eternity’s two complementary friends.

5994. God's Satisfaction

Your mind lives
For earth’s admiration.
Your heart lives
For God’s Love.
Your soul lives
For God’s Satisfaction.

5995. How can you see the sky?

Since you are the impotence
Of your mind’s brutal rage,
How can you see the sky
Of God’s beautiful and beaming

5996. You are miserable

You are miserable.
Do you know why?
Because your mind refuses
To be with God
And your heart refuses
To be with man.

5997. Two failures

Neither you nor God is successful.
You are trying to succeed
In fascinating humanity.
God is trying to succeed
In liberating you from your stupidity.

5998. You are forced to suffer

Because you do not love
The warm heart of the Heavenly sun,
You are forced to suffer
From the cold touch of earthly years.

5999. The callousness of the heart

The callousness of the heart
Is completely blind.
The indifference of the mind
Is unthinkably cruel.

6000. I am going to God

God came to me
Long before I knew
Who He was.
I am going to God
Knowing unmistakably
That He has given me the capacity
To become another God.

Editor's introduction to the first edition

This is the sixtieth volume in a series of ten thousand “flaming flower-poems” which Sri Chinmoy is placing devotedly, unreservedly and unconditionally at the Compassion-Feet of God, our Beloved Supreme. They stand as a supreme offering from the unfolding beauty of his flower-heart and the flaming heights of his realisation-sun. Indeed, a treasure-tower which will at once be claimed by humanity’s self-ascending cry and Divinity’s God-descending Smile.

Editor's note to cover photo

Sri Chinmoy thanks Mr E. Owono Asagono, Equatorial Guinea’s Ambassador to the United Nations, for his participation in the Meditation Group’s fourth observance of International Thanksgiving at United Nations Headquarters on 20 November 1978.

Translations of this page: Czech
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