The Golden Boat, part 18

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1. Yours is the Heart

Lord, Yours is the Heart
That loves me
And mine is the heart
That needs You.

Lord, Yours is the Heart
That awakens the soul-life in me
And mine is the heart
That fulfils the Goal-embrace in You.

2. When I said to God

When I said to God,
“God, I shall leave You,”
A look of pain crossed His beautiful Face.

When I said to God,
“God, I shall stay with You
No matter what You do to me,”
God jumped up out of His Throne,
    Gave me His Throne,
    Gave me His Crown,
    Gave me His Heart,
    Gave me His All
    And said
    I was not only a son of His
    A vision-fulfilling reality of His
    His Eternity’s All.

3. The order of things to come

Who can alter the order of things to come?
Not the devouring tiger in me.

Who can alter the order of things to come?
Not the roaring lion in me.

Who can alter the order of things to come?
Only the running deer in me.

4. His mind refuses the truth

His mind refuses to accept the Truth
Truth is too powerful.

His mind refuses to face the Truth
Truth is too beautiful.

His mind refuses to love the Truth
Truth is too fruitful;
Truth is too soulful.

5. Too much for him

God-Beauty was too much for him;
He wanted to stay in ignorance-ugliness.

God-Smile was too much for him;
He wanted to stay with ignorance-frown.

God-Perfection was too much for him;
He wanted to stay with imperfection-prince.

6. He was lost

He was lost in his father;
His father’s glory was pleased with him.

He was lost in his mother;
His mother’s beauty was pleased with him.

He was lost in his daughter;
His daughter’s faith was pleased with him.

He was lost in his son;
His son’s courage was pleased with him.

7. My divine capacities

You were right, my Lord.
I had divine capacities in boundless measure.

You are right, my Lord.
I shall be able to reveal these capacities on earth.

You shall be right, my Lord.
My divine capacities will be only for
    Your satisfaction,
Only for earth’s recognition
    Of Your Height,
    Your Compassion
    Your Goal-Perfection.

8. My heart's desire and my heart's longing

Who has the audacity to refuse my heart’s
No, not even the child-titan
Who lives on earth.

Who has the capacity to refuse my heart’s
No, not even the omnipotent Lord
Who lives in Heaven.

My desire is my dauntless power
Earth always sees.

My longing is my adamantine power
Heaven always sees.

9. For your good

When I say that I have realised God,
Why do I see a look of disbelief in your eyes?

Do you think I am fooling you?
Do you think I have nothing else to do
    on earth
Than to tell you who I am
To try to convince you why I am here?

I tell you I have realised God
Just because God wants me to tell you.

I am more than pleased with my God-realisation.
I do not have to proclaim my divinity.
I do not have to share my divinity.
I am complete in myself.
I am perfect in myself.
It is for your good,
    For your realisation,
    For your perfection
That I tell you I am a realised soul.

10. Tell me something nice

Father, tell me something nice.
“Daughter, your happiness means everything
    to Me.”

Father, tell me something more.
“Daughter, when I don’t satisfy you
I feel simply miserable.”

Father, tell me something more.
“Daughter, I live on earth only to see you
Become divine, perfect and complete.”

11. Only to please my Beloved Supreme

My heart is living on earth
    Only to please my Beloved Supreme.

My vital is dying on earth
    Only to please my Beloved Supreme.

I am grateful to my heart
    For its oneness inseparable
    With my Beloved Supreme.

I am grateful to my vital
    For its sacrifice-might
    For my Beloved Supreme.

12. His earth-fate and his Heaven-gate

He realised that his earth-fate
    Was too powerful;
He gave up fighting
    In the battlefield of life.

He has realised that his Heaven-gate
    Is wide open;
He has started running fast, faster, fastest
    To his destined goal.

13. Men like you

There will be men like you,
    I tell you,
Who are great,
    really great,
    divinely great,
    supremely great.

There will be men like him,
    I tell him,
Who are good,
    divinely good,
    supremely good,
    eternally good.

There will be none like me,
    I tell myself,
Because I know I am God’s failure on earth
    God’s hope in Heaven
    God’s Promise to humanity.

14. You are great

Here on earth you are great
You are impervious to all hearts.

There in Heaven you are great
You are generous, really generous
    To earth-cries;
You consciously and unconditionally

15. His self-imposed laws

He will not find imperfection
In any human being.
He has set this law unto himself.

He will give everything to earth,
Whether earth wants to receive it or not.
He has set this law unto himself.

16. They choose for me

My fate chose God
For its Lord
In the past.

Now, the other person
Chooses God for my Lord:
My hope.

17. You do not know my strength

You do not know the strength of my mind.
    It can
Batter and shatter the whole world.

You do not know the strength of my heart.
    It can
Purify and unify the whole world.

You do not know the strength of my soul.
    It has
The power to prove to the world
That God is a necessity,
    The only necessity,
Here on earth and there in Heaven.

18. For your sake

Father, it is for Your sake
    And not for my sake
That I need Perfection-Light.

“Son, it is true, it is true.
And it is for your sake
    And not for My sake
That I need Satisfaction-Height.”

19. Earth-duty and Heaven-duty

    was enough
    to weaken my austerity.

    was enough
    to strengthen my insecurity.

20. I would have championed your cause

Lord, I would have championed Your cause:
If I had had the time, the necessary time.

“Son, I would have championed your cause:
If I had found that you really needed it,
Or that it would do you any good.”

21. Denial and acceptance

You denied yourself even the bare necessities;
You think you are great.
You may be right.
    Who knows?

He denies nothing that comes his way.
    I tell you
That he is right.
God is well-pleased with him.

I deny the things that God wants me to deny.
I accept the things that God wants me to accept.
Because my acceptance-light
And my denial-might
Contribute to my God’s constant self-transcendence
    in me.

22. My expectations

I do not expect any criticism
    From you who love me.

I do not expect any scolding
    From you who love me.

I expect only appreciation
    From you who really love me.

I expect only admiration
    From you who really love me.

You know that if you do
    What I expect from you,
I will give you
    My heart of love,
    My heart of sacrifice
    And my soul of constant vigilance,
    Eternal vigilance.

23. I have come to You

Lord, I have come to You as a son.
“Then sit at My Feet.”

Lord, I have come to You as a friend.
“Then let us shake hands.”

Lord, I have come to You as another Lord.
“Then embrace Me.
Let Me embrace you.”

24. Nothing to equal

There is nothing
    to equal
My promise in Heaven.

There is nothing
    to equal
My frustration on earth.

There is nothing
    to equal
My dream in God.

There is nothing
    to equal
My failure in myself.

25. What can I do for you?

“Son, what can I do for you?”
Why, Father, You can do everything for me.

“Son, what do you want?”
I want all the wealth that You have in You.

“Granted, son.”

Father, what can I do for You?
    I will do everything for You, Father.

“Son, if you are ready to do everything for Me,
    Then give me only one thing at least.
    That is:
Your dissatisfied earth-heart.”

26. Life's compensations

Your life will have its
    Compensations for you.
Give your life
    What you have.

Do you know what you have?
    Do you want to know?
You have only a moment of
    Dedicated love in your life.

27. God's eternal Choice877

    burnt his
    body’s frame.

    burnt his

    burnt his

Yet his soul
    loves earth,
    treasures earth,
For earth is
    God’s eternal Choice,
    His ultimate Voice.

877. It seems likely first edition text had mistype with ‘art’ for ‘earth’ on line 11,12,13. Original text was: | Yet his soul loves art, treasures art, | For art is God’s eternal Choice, His ultimate Voice.

28. Disappointments, satisfactions, God-appointments

Disappointments followed one another
    When I tried to perfect
    The earth-consciousness.

Satisfactions followed one another
    When I tried to perfect
    My self, my life, my journey.
God-appointments followed one another
    When I surrendered
    My earth-cry to God
    My Heaven-smile to God.

29. The creation of God, the God of creation

The creation of God
Is the gradual perfection
    Of art.

The God of creation
Is the uncertain smile
    Of beauty.

30. Two apostles

Two apostles of atheism:
Doubt and insecurity.

Stupid doubt feels
That God-light can be challenged.

Stupid insecurity feels
That God-power need not be compassionate.

31. Divine increase

Every day the animal in me
Is growing better.

Every day the human in me
Is becoming sweeter.

Every day the divine in me
Is shining brighter;
My heart is now big
With rich and divine increase.

32. Melancholy days have gone

Melancholy days have gone.
There is a lustre divine
In his heart-sky.
No more his mind
Is crowded with doubt-forests.
He builds a bridge
Earth’s nothingness
Heaven’s endlessness.

33. I tell you

Sincerely I tell you:
    Poverty wants much.
Unmistakably I tell you:
    Prosperity wants more.
Unconditionally I tell you:
    God-necessity receives most.

34. Do not grasp

Do not grasp.
If you want to grasp,
You will never reach.
If you do not grasp,
I assure you
Your achievement-reach
Will far exceed your feeble desire-grasp.

35. Remain young

Do you want to trust
    The world?
Then remain young.

Do you want to love
    The world?
Then remain young.

How do you remain young?
You remain young
By discovering the true truth
That you are of God’s inspiration
God is of your aspiration.

36. A smile and a cry

What is the difference
A smile and a cry?

A cry is the beginning of endless aspiration.
A smile is the undying revelation of aspiration.

37. Action! Action!

I must act in the body,
    With the body.
Because I need
Body-transformation and life-perfection.

I must act in the soul,
    With the soul.
Because I need
God-revelation and God-manifestation.

38. Trumpets

You are really good and divine;
You blow God’s trumpet only.

He is really bad and undivine;
He blows his own trumpet only.

I am neither good nor bad,
    Neither divine nor undivine;
I have no trumpet of my own.

39. Your beauty

    What is it?
That is your personal beauty.

    What is it?
That is your impersonal beauty.

    What is it?
That is your divine beauty.

    What is it?
That is your supreme beauty.

40. You are bound to succeed

When other servers fail,
    Try your faith-day.
You are bound to succeed.

When other helpers fail,
    Try your surrender-light.
You are bound to succeed.

41. America singing, America dancing

I hear America singing.
I must say,
America’s voice is loud;
America’s voice is good,
And soul-stirring, too.

I see America dancing.
I must say,
Although America’s dance
Wants to illumine the world,
It ends by frightening the world
Not only beyond the world-imagination,
Beyond her own loftiest imagination, too.

42. What is it?

Use it or lose it.
    What is it?

Build it or break it.
    What is it?

Love it or hate it.
    What is it?

43. God's Heaven, my earth

God shares with me
His Realisation.
He tells me:
“My Heaven is star-rich.”

I share with God
My realisation.
I tell Him:
“My earth is ant-poor,

44. Silence

My body
Is the sleeping silence in me.
    My vital
Is the dreaming silence in me.
    My mind
Is the ignoring silence in me.
    My heart
Is the awakening silence in me.
    My soul
Is the perfecting,
    fulfilling silence in me,
And the ignorance-transforming silence
    In God.

45. What do we need?

I need.
What do I need?
    I need
My God-root in the heart of humanity.

    God needs.
What does God need?
    God needs
My man-flower in the life of Divinity.

46. The Vision-Light

I live with the Vision-Light
I am definitely great.

I live in the Vision-Light
I am unreservedly good.

I live for the Vision-Light
I am unconditionally God’s.

47. The spoils of battle

His vital wants
The pride of battle-fury.

His mind wants
The garland of victory.

His heart wants
The beauty of glory.

48. Just the beginning

To God
I have offered
A flood of tears.
I assure God
That there is nothing left.

    To me
God has given
A sea of Joy.
He assures me
That this is just
The very beginning.

49. Four men

We blame
The living man
He is impure.

We forgive
The dying man
He tried to remain pure.

We admire
The dead man
His is the life that will not worry.

We need
The immortal man
His is the life
That can and will fulfil us.

50. You are vanquished

You are vanquished;
Don’t argue any more
With the inevitable.
Your cheerful surrender
Is the satisfaction
Of God’s supreme Heart-Glory
Of Perfection-Light.