I pray before I lift, I meditate while I lift, I offer my gratitude-cries and gratitude-smiles

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May 23

My Beloved Supreme,
You are my inspiration,
You are my aspiration,
You are my realisation.
If ever I can lift up 300 pounds,
It will be 100 per cent
Your unconditional Compassion,
Unconditional Blessings,
Unconditional Fulfilment.

May 24

My Lord Supreme,
May Your Compassion-Light
Be the ruling king
Of my body's lethargy-flooded ignorance-night.

May 25

My Lord Supreme,
Do turn my life into
Your Eternity's Patience-Tree.

May 26

My Lord Supreme,
I know my prayer-life
Is weaker than weakness itself.
But I also know
That Your Compassion-Heart
Is Your Infinity's Power-Manifestation.

May 28 am

My sweet Lord Beloved Supreme,
My life is an attempt;
My heart is an experience.
My life-attempt-tree and
My heart-experience-flower
I place at Your Feet cheerfully.

May 28 pm

My Lord Supreme,
For immediate success
The human in me cries.
For continuous progress
The divine in me cries.
For the absolute perfection of my life
You, my Lord Supreme, sleeplessly in me cry.

May 29

My Lord Beloved Supreme,
Hope keeps humanity's life alive
In Your Eternity's

May 30

My Lord Supreme,
This creation of Yours
Has perhaps seen
The face of happiness,
But it has not yet felt
The heart of happiness.

May 31

My sweet Lord,
There is no joy in giving.
There is no joy in receiving.
There is no joy even in becoming.
There is joy
Only in obeying Your Commands,
Inner and outer.

June 2 am

My Sovereign Lord Supreme,
Since You created only delight
And not suffering
In this world
Will You not put an end
To all human suffering?

June 2 pm

My Beloved Supreme,
My happiness is my strength,
And I know, I know,
That Your Compassion-Eye
Is the only fount
Of my happiness-strength.

June 3

My sweet Beloved Supreme,
May Your Compassion-Eye
Conquer once and for all
Humanity's ingratitude-heart.

June 4

My Lord Supreme,
Although You are unknown to my heart,
My heart loves You only.
Although You are unknowable to my mind,
My mind is searching for You only.

June 14

My Lord Supreme,
My Beloved Supreme,
Once again I am diving deep
Into Your Heart-Eternity's Compassion-Sea.

I shall be attempting 300 pounds. After a week of rest while I was in Europe, now I am back. There also, I totally banked upon Your Compassion. You have granted me and my disciples three Peace Miles — in Berlin, Zurich and Geneva. I do not deserve Peace Miles, my students do not deserve them, but Your eternal and unconditional Compassion is with us in these illumining and fulfilling achievements for earth and for mankind.

June 15

My sweet Lord Beloved Supreme,
It is Father's Day.
You are our Father,
Our only Father Supreme.
On this Father's Day
We, Your children, would like to have
A supreme boon from You:
Do grant us the capacity
To be sleepless servitors
Of Your Eternity's Will.

June 16

My Lord, my Lord Supreme,
Father's Day is over.
But from You, O our Eternity's Father,
Your infinite Compassion-Light
And Your immortal Forgiveness-Delight
Will never, never be over.

June 17

My sweet Lord Beloved Supreme,
What is my success-life,
If not my mind's constant remembrance
Of Your Compassion-Sea?
What is my progress-life,
If not my heart's constant feeling
Of Your Forgiveness-Sky?

June 18

My Lord Supreme, my Lord Supreme,
Do make the outer world soulful
So that it needs You.
My Lord Supreme, my Lord Supreme,
Do make the inner world perfect
So that at every moment
It can sing Your Victory-Manifestation-Song.

June 19

My sweet Lord Beloved Supreme,
Do give me the capacity
Not to criticise the world anymore.
Do give me the capacity
To better myself every day
And thus inwardly, secretly and sacredly
Try to serve the world
For its improvement.

June 21

My Absolute Lord Supreme,
I must concentrate soulfully
On what I am doing
And not on how or why
I am afraid to do it.
No fear!
Only Your Compassion, Your Compassion, Your Compassion
Is what I need
And what I am
And what I shall forever be.

June 23

My Lord Supreme,
My Beloved Supreme,
As my life is a daily examination,
Even so, You are my constant inspiration,
Constant encouragement and constant assurance.
Therefore, I shall without fail
Pass all my examinations.
My Lord,
You are my inner assurance
And You are my outer performance.

June 24

My Lord Supreme, tomorrow a few world champions of the highest order in the sports world, especially in bodybuilding, will join us in our celebration of my first bodybuilding-weightlifting anniversary.

My Lord, do give me the capacity to give these champions of the highest magnitude joy, abundant joy, from the very depths of my aspiration-heart.

June 25

My Lord Supreme, my Beloved Supreme, world champions are coming today, and I am coming to ask You to bless me with an extra supply of Your Kindness, Concern, Affection and Love.
I shall soulfully offer these deep, divine treasure-qualities to these champions, who are inspirers in the world of souls and in the physical world, which is the world You have chosen for humanity for Your divine Manifestation.

June 26

My Lord Supreme, my Beloved Supreme, my Eternity's All, today marks the first anniversary of my weightlifting career.
There was a time when You made me a runner, a sprinter, an athlete.
Now You have turned me into a bodybuilder, a weightlifter.
My Lord, soulfully, devotedly and unconditionally I shall become what You want me to become.

Bodybuilders of the highest magnitude, weightlifters of the highest magnitude, Olympic heroes, are here to celebrate my weightlifting anniversary.
I know, I know, my Lord Supreme, what they are actually doing.
They are sharing their sincere love for Your infinite Compassion in me.
They are all seekers.
Some are conscious seekers, while others are going to be conscious seekers before long.
What do I learn from them?
I learn something most significant.
This lesson I have been learning from You since I was four, when I started praying and meditating with Your infinite Grace.

My Lord, You are the Infinite.
You become the finite, yet You do not lose Your Eternity, Infinity and Immortality.
The finite is also You.
Inside the heart of the finite, You play the role of the Infinite.
Here on earth, when the supreme authorities on bodybuilding and weightlifting come to see me and be part of our oneness-family, I feel that the Infinite and the finite, the big and the small, together can sing the song of oneness-peace-family and thus make You happy, offering You satisfaction in Your own Way.

My Lord, my Lord, my Lord, may my outer name and my inner name be gratitude, gratitude, gratitude — sleepless gratitude, breathless gratitude and deathless gratitude — my Lord, my Eternity's Lord, my Absolute Beloved Supreme.

June 28

My Lord Supreme,
Happiness does exist in this world.
My friends, my guests on earth, and I
All got boundless joy from the celebration.
It is You who granted us this joy.
May our joy be transformed into a gratitude-flower
To place at Your Feet.

June 29

My Lord Supreme,
I know You are unknowable.
If You want to remain unknowable,
Then do remain so.
But do give me the satisfaction
Of loving You, knowing perfectly well
That You are the Unknowable.

June 30

My Lord Supreme,
Do help my life grow into
A patience-tree
So that I can serve You
Devotedly and soulfully,
Much more than I am doing now.

July 2

My Lord Supreme,
My Beloved Supreme Lord,
You are at once God the Power
And God the Compassion.
I need You, my Lord, as God the Power
To destroy the devouring tiger-hunger in me.
I need You, my Lord, as God the Compassion
To liberate the encaged soul-bird in me.

July 3

My Lord Supreme,
My Beloved Supreme,
I have come to realise
That my inner aspiration
Must every day feed
My outer determination.
If not, my outer determination
Will not be able to accomplish anything
For You, in Your own Way.

July 5

My sweet Lord Supreme,
You are teaching me
How to forgive the world.
You are also telling me
That an act of forgiveness
Is more beautiful than the Garden of Eden
And sweeter than honey itself.

July 6

My Lord Supreme,
May each defeat, each failure, remind me
Of what I have already accomplished
With Your infinite Grace and Compassion,
And not of what I have not accomplished
And will never accomplish.
I know, I know, my Lord,
This "never" accomplishment is an absurdity.
For You are my inner aspiration
And outer inspiration.
Therefore, I can have no permanent failure.
I shall have success after success
And progress, continuous progress,
For that is what You want from me.

July 7

My Lord Supreme,
My mind is divinely prosperous
Only when it works for You;
My heart is supremely enriched
Only when it works for You, for You,
Only for You.

July 8

My sweet Lord Supreme,
I shall never give up hope, never!
This weak body of mine
Will have to become strong one day
So that I can serve You
In the physical world
More devotedly and more soulfully
Than I am doing now.

July 9

My Lord Supreme,
Your Heart's infinite Compassion is telling me
That You love me because I am lovable
And not because I am Your creation.
My Lord Supreme, I wish to tell You that I love You
Not because You are Your infinite Power.
I love You because You are Your constant
Forgiveness, Forgiveness, Forgiveness.

July 10

My Lord Supreme,
Do give me inner peace
To harmonise my outer life.
Do give me inner joy
To perfect my outer life.
Do give me inner gratitude
To claim You as my own, very own,
In my outer life
The way I have always claimed You
As my own, very own,
In my inner life.

July 11

My sweet Lord Supreme,
My heart is grateful to You because
My life is Your Infinity's Blessings;
My life is grateful to You because
My heart is Your Eternity's Choice.

July 12

My Lord Supreme,
Let me not proudly criticise
The division-weakness of the outer world.
Let me soulfully utilise
The oneness-strength of the inner world.

July 14

My sweet Lord Supreme,
I do know there is a life
That is known as the life of failure.
But I also know, I also feel,
That by Your Grace infinite
Someday, somehow, I shall overcome it.

July 15

My Lord Supreme,
This world is a colossal disappointment.
Do grant me an appointment with You
And teach me how to love this world
Infinitely more.
Also, do teach me how to love this world
So that I can be really happy.

July 16

My Lord Supreme, my Lord Supreme,
I do not want to see the flower-face
Of my own victory;
But I wish to be the heart-fragrance
Of Your supreme Victory,
With Your Grace infinite, eternal
and immortal.

July 21

My Lord Supreme,
I love You only
Because everything in You
Is so lovable.
My Lord Supreme,
I need You only
Because You are the only One
Who has everything that I need
And, also, who is always, always ready
To grant me everything that I need.

July 22

My Lord, my Beloved Supreme,
I am totally and unmistakably lost
Between the beauty
Of Your divine Manifestation
And the ugliness
Of my human frustration.

July 24

My Lord Supreme,
If my mind does not believe constantly
That it belongs to You,
Then why should You care for
Its illumination and perfection?

July 25

My Lord Supreme,
My sweet Supreme,
My Beloved Supreme,
May my body's outer success
Soulfully depend on
My heart's inner progress —
Always and always.

July 26 am

My Lord, my Lord, my Lord,
May Thy supreme Victory be proclaimed
Not only in the beauty
Of my heart-garden
But also in the ugliness
Of my mind-jungle.

July 26 pm

My Lord Beloved Supreme,
Today I am completing one year and one month
In my bodybuilding and weightlifting-life.
It is a most significant day.
Therefore, my heart of sleepless gratitude
To You I offer.

July 28

My Lord Supreme,
For me, there is only one way
And that way is Your Way.
For me, there is only one Goal
And that Goal is Your Compassion-flooded

July 29

My Lord Supreme,
I know, an ingratitude-heart
Is a dissatisfaction-mind.

July 30

My Lord Supreme,
"Give me, give me, give me":
This is a very old song.
Long, long ago, I taught that song
To myself,
And I have been singing that song
But now I want to learn a new song:
"Accept me, accept me, accept me."
This song is Yours.
Do teach me, most perfectly, my new song:
"Accept me, my Lord, accept me!"

July 31

My Lord Supreme,
From my success I come to realise
That You give satisfaction to my mind.
Through my progress I come to realise
That You need my life's perfection.

August 2

My Lord Supreme,
My Beloved Supreme,
I tell You and also I tell myself
That I need Your supreme Guidance
At every moment of my life.
But do I really mean it?
Do I really, soulfully, always welcome
Your Guidance?
Alas, no, no, no!

August 4

My Lord Supreme,
My Beloved Supreme,
Every day, at every moment,
I live inside Your perpetual Compassion-Eye,
And every day You believe in my life's
Eventual transformation-perfection.

August 5

My Lord Supreme,
My Beloved Supreme,
Do tell me why I take the side
Of my mind's doubt-night
And fight and fight
Against my heart's confidence-light.

August 6

My Absolute Lord Supreme,
I am praying to You
To stop forgiving and protecting
My mind's huge ego-balloon.
I am praying to You
To fully illumine and completely perfect
My purified heart's confidence-sky.

August 8

My Lord Supreme,
My Beloved Supreme,
My gratitude-life is now helping me
Reclaim my aspiration of the hoary past
When at every moment
I lived only for You, only for You —
Only to love You and serve You
In the heart of mankind.

August 9

My Lord Supreme,
My Absolute Supreme,
From now on let me not stick
To my mind's opinions.
Let me not adhere
To my heart's decisions.
Let me only faithfully follow
Your blessingful Guidance.

August 11

My Lord Supreme,
My Beloved Supreme,
My body's strength
Comes from my mind's happiness.
My mind's happiness
Comes from my heart's gratitude.
My heart's gratitude
Comes from my life's surrender.

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