Sail my heartbeat sail, part 2

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71. Where?

Where am I coming from?
I am coming from my mind's doubt-funeral.
Where am I going to?
I am going to my Lord's singing Rehearsal.

72. Even I hesitate

My Lord Supreme begs me
To be His Heart-playmate.
My body-vital-mind-heart,
Even I hesitate.

73. Run

Run, run, my heart!
Run extremely fast.
Ignore, ignore
The voices of the past.

74. Never retire

My heart and I
Together aspire.
God's Message-Light:
"Never retire!"

75. Complaint-seeds

My doubt-mind goes,
Proudly it sows.

76. God's chosen souls

God's chosen souls
Are His Poetry,
And also they are
His Pottery.

77. I flounder

When my aspiration is
Totally out of order,
Alas, helpless, hopeless,
My life and I flounder.

78. Hope and promise

My hope
Is my heart-land.
My promise
Is God's own Hand.

79. Expectation

The less I need,
My Lord Supreme
The more I feed.

80. Wisdom-Strength

My Lord never measures
My stupidity's length.
He just tells me: "My child,
For you My Wisdom-Strength."

81. Beauty's Light

Every morning my eagerness-heart
Rockets my prayers to the summit-height.
Empty of darkness-night my life,
Within, without, His Beauty's Light.

82. Heart-Floor

I kneel before
God's Forgiveness-Door.
"Come in, My child,
Dance on My Heart-Floor."

83. Sadness-Face

My mind is the proof
Of my sweet Lord's Sadness-Face.
My heart is the winner
Of the longest Heavenward race.

84. No more

No more, no more
My pleasure-life.
Nowhere I see
My destruction-knife.

85. Victory-Drums

The seeds of joy
I plant in my mind.
God's Victory-Drums
All-where I find.

86. Multiplying misdeeds

My Lord eyeless remains
To my multiplying misdeeds.
No expectation-fruit —
From morn to eve my heart He feeds.

87. Soul-rapture

O stark death-blows,
My heart you cannot torture.
Never forget,
I am my soul-rapture.

88. God-smiles

Mine is the joy
That ever shines at God's Golden Feet.
Mine is the task
To give God-smiles, whomever I meet.

89. Frustration

My mind's frustration weighs
Heavier than failure.
Alas, my heart and I
Know not how to endure.

90. Utterly lost

My doubting mind
Never touches God's Heart.
Utterly lost,
Within, without, death-dart.

91. Heart-garden

My Lord Beloved Supreme
Was shocked
To see my heart-garden
All locked.

92. Victory-Bell

Every desire-bound thought
Is a tenebrous prison-cell.
Alas, I hear nowhere
My Lord's Victory-ringing Bell.

93. Gratitude-heart-flame

From high Above,
My Lord's Compassion-Rain descends.
From low below,
My gratitude-heart-flame ascends.

94. Ownership

I sleep nowhere
My Lord claims now
My ownership.

95. Every Step

O every step along the progress-road
Quickly lightens my heavy bondage-load.

96. Service-life

My happy service-life
I dearly love.
Indeed, a Blessing-Boon
From high Above.

97. God-atmosphere

A God-atmosphere
Sleeplessly I need,
My roaring mind
To silence and lead.

98. Pseudo-reality

Within, without,
You have no divinity.
Your mind enjoys

99. Sleeper versus leaper

Mine is a mind
That has become an indulgence-sleeper.
Mine is a heart
That has become a Heavenward leaper.

100. Desert-mind versus paradise-heart

There was a time
When my life was a desert-mind,
And now in me
Beauty's paradise-heart I find.

101. Deathless spring

The mind can be
A danger-thing.
The heart can be
A deathless spring.

102. Oneness-reality

My heart's
Perfection-dream perpetually glows.
My life's
Oneness-reality everywhere grows.

103. Silence

The inner silence
Is my soul's voice.
The outer silence
Is my only choice.

104. Where my Lord is

My eyes know not
Where my Lord is.
My heart feels that
It is His Bliss.

105. God-journey

You are not your sadness-life.
You are your gladness-heart.
You are not your failure-tears.
Start your God-journey, start.

106. Hope-boat

My life's hope-boat
Is bound to succeed.
My Lord's Vision-Eye,
Its promise and speed.

107. Meeting-date

O never, never mix with hate.
God will cancel His Meeting-Date.

108. Pleasure-life

Lo, at top speed
A stark repentance-knife
Is chasing today
My thoughtless pleasure-life.

109. Pilgrim-soul

I love my pilgrim-soul,
I love, I love.
My soul, my Supreme Lord's
All Fondness-Dove.

110. Lord thrives

O when gladness
Brightens our lives,
Fast, very fast,
Our sweet Lord thrives.

111. Destiny-sounds

O God-seeker-heart,
Aspire, enjoy your inner epiphany.
Permit not your life
To be eclipsed by the sounds of destiny.

112. The old way

The old way was so good.
God-Smiles were its only food.

113. God-journey's strength

My gratitude-heart,
Your ever-increasing length
Is my God-journey's
Sure, indomitable strength.

114. Empty of choice

O when my mind
Is empty of choice,
My Lord teaches me
To sing with no voice.

115. Breathless cries

O when my heart
Has sleepless, breathless cries,
My Lord shows me
With no wings how He flies.

116. God's Way

O when my life
Longs to please God in His own Way,
He befriends my heart,
With Him to dance and play.

117. Music-band

God came to me
With His Music-Band
To bless my heart's
Orphan, homeless land.

118. Contradiction

My heart's purity-flooded devotion
Knows no inner contradiction.

119. God's Beauty

Our hearts see God's Beauty
In our selfless God-duty.

120. Market-noise

I pray to stop
My mind-market-noise,
And I meditate
To regain my poise.

121. Promises

My Lord Supreme,
You are tired of all my promises high.
My Lord Supreme,
I am tired of Your indifference-sky.

122. My Lord's Rainbow-Dream

Whatever I see
Reminds me of my Lord Supreme.
Whatever I do
Serves His Heart's Rainbow-Dream.

123. Newness and fulness

My stark desires rob me
Of my sweet happiness.
My God-longing gives me
All newness and fulness.

124. God-lover

My heart is only
A part-time God-lover.
How can I expect
God's full Blessing-Shower?

125. Devotion-surrender

Devotion is
The flower of happiness-light.
Surrender is
The fruit of fulness-delight.

126. Beloved's Face

O only when I walk
Far beyond time and space,
I proudly see all-where
My Supreme Beloved's Face.

127. My Lord desires

My Lord desires
My heart to fly
Only under His

128. Nothing

We see nothing pure, nothing new.
Our impurity-mind is blocking the view.

129. Gone

Gone are the carefree days.
I now study with wisdom-rays.

130. My Love

My Lord tells me:
"My child, My Love can never be measured.
My Love can only be
Secretly, sacredly treasured."

131. The upper hand

If my own doubting mind
Gets the upper hand,
My Lord will never call me
To join His Band.

132. Justice-Light

God's Justice-Light
Has caught me by surprise.
Alas, for me,
No more my heart's sunrise.

133. Never

Can never be complicated.
Can never be duplicated.

134. Two rooms

My prayer-room
Is made of my heart's sincerity.
My meditation-room
Is made of my soul's divinity.

135. God-plenitude

Not head-solitude,
But pure heart-solitude
I need, I need
To have God-plenitude.

136. Compassion-Tower

My Lord treasures
My gratitude-heart-flower.
I treasure my Lord's
Tallest Compassion-Tower.

137. Disobedience

O my God-disobedience-disgrace,
I am doomed!
How can I show my face?

138. Pinnacle

From the highest pinnacle
My Lord brought my soul down
To add beauty
To His Dream-blossoming Crown.

139. God-telephone

My fears and tears
Never leave me alone.
Out of order
Remains my God-telephone.

140. Buy today

Be wise,
Buy peace, today buy.
The price will go high.

Editor's introduction to the first edition

The poems in this volume were written in Pondicherry, India on July 6th and 7th, 1998.

Translations of this page: Italian
This book series can be cited using cite-key slh-2