The Wings of Light, part 4

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151. Next time I shall win

My body gives me
The consoling news:
Next time I shall win
In the battlefield of life.

My vital gives me
The exciting news:
Next time I shall win
Without fail the cosmic game.

My mind gives me
The inspiring news:
Next time I shall win
Infinity’s sweetest embrace.

My heart gives me
The aspiring news:
Next time I shall win
Immortality’s ever-climbing wings.

152. Three sons

Three sons:
The youngest, the middle and the eldest.

The youngest son said:
“Father is in Heaven.”

The middle son said:
“The Kingdom of Heaven is in your heart.”

The eldest son said:
“I and my Father are one.”

To the youngest son, the Father said:
“Son, thank you for your vision.”

To the middle son, the Father said:
“Son, thank you for your mission.”

To the eldest son, the Father said:
“Son, thank you for your union.”

153. One day's patience

One day’s patience
Awakens ten days’ peace.

Ten days’ peace
Expedites God’s Hour.

God’s Hour dawns
In surrender’s sky.

154. A tree without roots

Life without love
Is a flower
Without fragrance.

Love without oneness
Is a fruit
Without taste.

Oneness without God
Is a tree
Without roots.

155. When his boasting-boat sank

His boasting-boat sank,
His dignity-shore neared.

His dignity-shore neared,
God accompanied it.

God has given him
What He is:

156. He does not answer all letters

Does not answer all letters.
Awakens all hearts.
Does not awaken all hearts.
Feeds all souls.
Does not feed all souls.
Implores God
To feed all souls,
To awaken all hearts,
To answer all letters.

157. A brake

You are afraid of Bliss.
That means
You will be using a brake
On your inner progress.

You are afraid of Silence.
That means
You are using a brake
On your soaring progress.

You are afraid of Love.
That means
You have already used a brake
On your supreme progress.

158. Your smile, your joy, your love

Your smile
Is your property undisputed.
Your joy
Is your prosperity unchallenged.
Your love
Is your divinity unparalleled.

159. The shortest route

Is the shortest route
From the cradle
To the grave.

Is the shortest route
From the grave
To the cradle.

Is the shortest and safest route
From the earth-cradle
To the Heaven-cradle.

160. Until

The world does not honour
A great man
Until he is dead.

The world does not love
A good man
Until he is dead.

The world does not claim
A god-man
Until he is gone.

161. The echo

Light is the echo
Of God’s Voice
Inside the Love-Kingdom
Of my soul.

Surrender is the echo
Of God’s Voice
Inside the Perfection-Palace
Of my life.

162. Contradict

Contradict a man,
He will tell you
Everything he knows
About himself.

Contradict a woman,
She will tell you
Everything you do not want to know
About yourself.

Contradict your lower self,
You will be happy.

Contradict your higher self,
You will be doomed.

Contradict God,
He will definitely forgive you.

163. A one-way street and a two-way street

Compromise is a one-way street:
Look, and then proceed
In the right direction.

Surrender is a two-way street:
No need to look,
Just proceed the fastest
Along the earth-free and Heaven-proud Road.

164. My heart is still running

My body NEVER
Started the race.

My vital died
Along the way.

My mind gave up
After covering half the distance.

My heart is still running
In spite of tremendous fatigue and weariness.

My soul is watching
My poor heart.

My Supreme is beckoning
My brave heart.

165. When wisdom resigns

You hurt knowledge
When you spare ignorance.

Knowledge is hurt,
Wisdom resigns.

Wisdom resigns,
God’s Smile fades
Into earth-sadness,

166. An education

What is defeat?
Nothing but a continuing education.

What is victory?
Nothing but an inspiring education.

What is progress?
Nothing but a fulfilling education.

What is perfection?
Nothing but a blossomed education.

167. Four rooms

Quick instruction
Ends in the life-room.

Slow education
Ends in the school-room.

Great realisation
Ends in the heart-room.

Perfect manifestation
Begins and never ends in the body-room.

168. Better

Better go than sit.
Better meditate than go.
Better surrender than meditate.

Better try than cry.
Better think than try.
Better see than think.

169. Therefore he is happy

His servant-body is deaf.
He is happy.

His master-soul is blind.
He is happy.

His patient-mind is unreal.
He is happy.

His doctor-heart is kind.
He is happy.

170. Naturally I am great

A dumb sheep worships me;
Naturally I am great.

A blind beggar adores me;
Naturally I am great.

A poor man admires me;
Naturally I am great.

Mother Earth loves me;
Naturally I am great.

Father Heaven blesses me;
Naturally I am great.

171. Introductions

Your past introduced you
To bondage-night.

Your present is introducing you
To Liberation-light.

Your future will be introducing you
To Perfection-height.

172. Responsibility and opportunity

Life is responsibility,
Death is opportunity.

Life is opportunity,
Death is futility.

We live in the physical,
We come to feel that life
Is man’s responsibility
God’s true opportunity.

We live in the soul,
We come to realise that life
Is God’s responsibility
Man’s constant opportunity.

173. My heart and my mind

My heart
Lends me an immediate hand.

My mind
Gives me endless advice.

My heart
Cultivates my life-earth.

My mind
Trims my life-tree.

174. Oneness-moon, oneness-sun

When love thinks,
Life sinks.

When life dreams,
Love reveals.

When life and love think,
Oneness starves.

When life and love dream,
Oneness-moon grows within,
Oneness-sun glows without.

175. The fruit of earth's love-tree

A wise man knows that God is

A fool feels that he has

A seeker feels that truth is
Only in Heaven.

A lover feels that truth is
The fruit of earth’s love-tree.

176. Therefore

Your heart is deep;
You see the invisible.

Your mind is clear;
You believe the incredible.

Your life is receptive;
You achieve the impossible.

177. My guides

I use my reason to guide me,
And I stumble and stumble.

I use my faith to guide me,
And I march and march.

I use my silence to guide me,
And I run and run.

I use my surrender to guide me,
And I see my Goal where I eternally am.

178. Be loving

Be wise and watch.
Be great and govern.
Be kind and feel.
Be good and act.
Be pure and spread.
Be loving and become.

179. How I govern the world

By crying,
I govern my physical world.
By struggling,
I govern my vital world.
By thinking,
I govern my mental world.
By meditating,
I govern my psychic world.
By loving,
I govern God’s inner world.
By serving,
I govern God’s outer world.

180. If I can

If I can,
I shall speak to God about you.

If I can,
I shall beg God
To grant you an interview.

If I can,
I shall ask God
To simplify your long and arduous task.

If I can,
I shall ask God to grant you
His Nectar-flood.

181. He will see

He will see,
Who saw.
He will feel,
Who felt.
He will think,
Who thought.
He will serve,
Who served.
He will give,
Who gave.
He will have and be,
Who surrenders.

182. My soul bends not

My soul
Bends not, breaks not.
My heart
Bends and bends.
My vital
Never bends.
My body
Only breaks.

183. Love is no labour

Thought is three-fourths labour.
Hope is half labour.
Joy is a quarter labour.
Love is no labour.


Love undertakes,
Love accomplishes
Sooner than at once.

184. More lasting than immortal

The conqueror
Is mortal.
The asserter
Is weaker than mortal.

The God-lover
Is immortal.
The God in man
Is more lasting than immortal.

185. I see, I say and I do

I see and say nothing;
I am happy.

I see not and say not;
I am happier.

I see, I say and I do;
I am happiest.

186. Four different Gods

God the Saviour:
For the vigilant.

God the Forgiver:
For the sleeping.

God the Beloved:
For the seeker.

God the Transformer:
For the idler.

187. Here at last

O physical world!
Here I am adored
Not loved.

O vital world!
Here I am bound
Not subdued.

O mental world!
Here I am chained
Not conquered.

O psychic world!
Here at last
I am loved
And fulfilled.

188. I desire, I believe, I have

I desire.
I desire to be free
From the assaults of desire.

I believe.
I believe I am a chosen instrument
Of the Transcendental Supreme.

I have.
I have what the Supreme is:
Surrender, surrender unconditional.

189. I will never quit

O Master-Lord,
I will never quit.
I may suffer,
I will never quit.

O Master-Lord,
I will never quit.
I may be badly misunderstood,
I will never quit.

O Master-Lord,
I will never quit.
I may be totally destroyed,
I will never quit.

190. Prosper and proceed

I prosper and prosper.
This is what
The animal in me demands.

I prosper and proceed.
This is what
The human in me wants.

I proceed and prosper.
This is what
The divine in me aspires for.

I proceed and proceed.
This is what
The Supreme in me needs.

191. Boldness

Danton says:
“Boldness and more boldness,
And always boldness!”

The seeker in me whispers:
“Boldness in the life-river,
More boldness in the service-citadel,
And always boldness
In the surrender-world.”

192. Struggle, exist and live

Darwin says:
“The struggle for existence.”

The warrior in me whispers:
“I struggle to exist.
I exist for God.”

God taught me secretly how to struggle.
God teaches me openly
How to exist.
God shall teach me unreservedly
How to live.

193. All for one, one for all

Dumas says:
“All for one, one for all.”

The lover in me whispers:
“All for one
In the world of my devotion-height,
In the world of my surrender-sea.
One for all
In the world of my Love-light,
In the world of my Perfection-sky.”

194. What is the future?

Einstein says:
“I never think of the future.
It comes soon enough.”

The sincere observer
In me whispers:
“What is the future
If not my morning smiles
Fading into my evening cries?
What is the future
If not my morning cries
Growing into my evening smiles?”

195. They will claim me

Einstein says:
“If my theory of relativity is proven successful,
Germany will claim me as a German and
France will declare that I am a citizen of the world.”

The realised soul in me whispers:
“If my God-realisation is proved,
Mother India will claim me
As her very own.
If my God-revelation is proved successful,
Father America will claim me confidently
As his very own.
If my God-manifestation is proved victorious,
My world-sisters and brothers
Will claim me unreservedly
As their very own.”

196. Time and money

Benjamin Franklin says:
“Remember that time is money.”

The practical man in me whispers:
“I deeply admire
This great discovery.
But I have also to remember that
Time is life.
Time is God the Inspiration
In our outer life;
Time is God the aspiration
In our inner life.
And what is money?
Money is something
That has the message of possession
In the outer world
The message of service
In the inner world.”

197. Without

No knowledge
Without power.

No power
Without love.

No love
Without the heart.

No heart
Without the soul.

No soul
Without the Goal.

198. Misunderstood

When I love God,
I am misunderstood by man.
Man says: “You love God
To escape from the harsh realities
Of the world.”

When I love man,
I am misunderstood by God.
God says: “My son,
You are not doing
The first thing first.”

199. Why does he break?

Whom to blame?
No one.
Why blame?
No reason.
Who is blaming?
The deliberate breaker.
What does he break?
Why does he break?
Because he knows not what

200. My play is done

My play is done.
Nothing more to give,
Nothing more to receive,
Nothing more to grow,
Nothing more to achieve.
My play is done.

My play is done.
I have become
What I was:
My play is done.