In the heart of the Sky

My Japanese friend, Takashi, said:
"All countries good, but my Japan best,
really best."

I said: "Long ago, I tell you, long ago,
long before the breath of the twentieth century,
my life and breath knew it.
I was there.
I was a Japanese soul.
To my widest surprise, you have taken
my very name, my dear Takashi."

My friend shed hot tears on my African tie,
my American mother's purest gift.
"I shall, my heart shall always of you be proud,
my dear Ghose.
You are my brother, you and I."

I bent my Indian head down.
I lifted my long-lost athletic chest up.
I grew into Japan's cherry
and India's lotus
And placed my life
Soulfully at the Feet of the Supreme,
My Compassion-Father Supreme.