The goddess Saraswati22

This morning, we have prayed and meditated for so many hours. Now go and do something on your own! You have pleased me in my own way. Now I wish you to please yourself in your own way. You can walk, you can swim, you can shop, you can learn songs. Or you can pray to the Goddess Saraswati.

[Sri Chinmoy chants in Sanskrit.]

Like this, I chanted millions of times in my youth to sharpen my memory, my retentive faculty. Then I was able to memorise page after page of history and other subjects. Many times in Pondicherry I showed this capacity to my sisters and my cousin. They would choose a poem of ten or twelve lines. After reading it once, I would recite it in front of them loudly, twice or thrice.

WSI 24. 5 February 2002, Nexus Resort Karambunai, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia