Double-arm lift: 600 lbs.

Lift 14 300 lbs. with each arm Total: 600 lbs. Undeniably the most heart-stopping lift of the entire evening was the final lift in this double-arm series. Mahasamrat Bill Pearl introduced it by saying, “The next lift you are going to see, I don’t even want to think about.”

Sri Chinmoy positioned himself beneath two dumbbells, each weighing 300 lbs. — a total of 600 lbs. This was 310 lbs. more than his personal best from 1998, with a bodyweight gain of only 22 lbs.

An automatic camera at ground level was set to capture the lift as soon as the dumbbells broke contact with the metal cradles. No such technical assistance was needed, however, as Sri Chinmoy’s convincing lift was clearly and dramatically visible to all members of the audience.

"Mahasamrat’s smile gave me the utmost joy and strength. When I lifted my 600 and he said, ‘Guru, you have done it!’ he gave me the strength and joy and satisfaction of ten elephants. Nobody smiles like Mahasamrat. His is the smile of infinite affection, love and confidence."
  — Sri Chinmoy