Act II, Scene 3

(Benoy, Mano and Auro in straitened circumstances.)

BENOY: At last I have secured a job in a club. Our starvation may end here.

MANO: Fortune dawns on us at last. But what is wrong with father? Why has he stopped sending money?

BENOY: My feeling is that father is not keeping in sound health. Alas, the moment I think of Auro my heart aches. He is only just out of his childhood.

MANO: Poor Auro, he has to learn the meaning of poverty at the very start of his life.

BENOY: For the last three months we have been unable to have a full meal. God knows how many days more we are to go on thus.

MANO: My poems bring in cheers, praises, appreciations but not a single penny. Such is my fate!

(Enter Auro.)

AURO: Here, a hundred shillings!

(Benoy and Mano jump up with astonishment.)

BENOY AND MANO: Where on earth did you get it?

AURO: An article of mine has been published, and they have given me this. Now, I would like to tell you something. You two always think of my suffering and poverty. But why do you forget the truth that there are millions on the earth whose condition is infinitely worse than ours? Our present condition makes us better able to fathom their sorrow. With a cheerful face let us brave the future.