An ocean of kindness2

Some people may be rich, but they may not give money to others. Some rich people, on the other hand, do give money to the poor and needy.

Kaji Mohammad Maharshin was a distinguished and highly learned man. At the same time he had a heart that cried all the time for the poor, the destitute and the needy. He was great, very great. Yet greatness itself was not enough for him. He became the living embodiment of goodness as well. Every night he used to go out and help the poverty stricken.

One particular winter night he saw a beggar woman in the street with her children. They had neither food nor clothing. There was nothing to protect them from the heavy rain, and they were crying bitterly. He became very sad and asked them whether they had eaten anything. They replied, “No, father. For the last three days we have had nothing.”

Upon hearing this he felt extremely miserable and immediately offered them some money. “I am giving you money, true. But tonight, at this hour, it will be so difficult for you to get food even with this money. So this money you can use tomorrow during the day. Tonight, I shall bring some food to you.” Then he went out into the rain and walked alone for about two miles to where he was able to buy food from a store. He then offered this food to the mother.

This was a regular occurrence for the kind man. He opened himself wholeheartedly to the needs of the poor and helped them unreservedly. Each night he would walk along different streets of the city in order to find poor people to whom he might give money and other necessary help. During the day he had no time, because he worked extremely hard for his living. But in the evening he would turn to his own special work, which was service to mankind. In him the poor people of India found an ocean of kindness. His heart’s magnanimity touched the whole of Bengal.

GIM 62. 18 January 1979