Public meditations

Sister Patricia: When you hold a meditation, do you pre-plan it? Do you have a form before you start?

Sri Chinmoy: No. Sometimes I hold meditations for seven hours, and we also have had a thirteen-hour meditation. Once my students meditated with me for thirteen hours and two or three times they have meditated with me for seven hours. Just a few months ago I invited the general public to come and meditate with me for seven hours, in three sessions. But there is no preconceived idea.

Sister Patricia: Is there any verbal communication?

Sri Chinmoy: No, there are very few words. I may sing one or two songs and for five minutes I may give them some instructions on how to concentrate, how to meditate, how to contemplate. In seven hours, I may speak for fifteen minutes, or not even that. The last time for nineteen minutes I talked; the rest of the time I remained in silence.

Most of the time I will meditate. Sometimes they will just observe me, and sometimes they will dive deep within.

Sister Patricia: Are you conscious of how attentive they are?

Sri Chinmoy: Yes, because they are inside my heart. When I am in my highest consciousness, if you enter into me at that time, you will be able to feel whether I am able to house all these seekers. As you expand your heart, you welcome the aspiration of humanity. You expand, you become receptive; and the rest of the world is inside your heart.

Bishop Kennedy: So you will be instructing people in Adelaide by actually meditating?

Sri Chinmoy: Yes, by meditating; that is the way. Not by verbal instruction, because then it becomes mental instruction. Each one has his own way of praying and meditating. I try to bring to the fore each seeker's inner consciousness. Then Consciousness itself will tell them how to meditate. I help them find the key to the treasure chest within each one of them.