The inner secret of Jainism

They say that Jainism and its ahimsa code have caught the imagination of the Indian nation.

I say that Jainism and its ahimsa-essence have elevated the consciousness of the entire world.

They say that the Jaina religion is practised only by the few.

I say that the Jaina code of life is destined to be practised by the many.

They say that Jainism is confined to the shores of our Mother India.

I say that the heart and soul of Jainism will eventually be embraced by humanity as a whole. Indeed, that blessed day is fast approaching.

They say that Lord Mahavira and Lord Buddha were contemporaries, but by no means equals.

I say that Lord Mahavira and Lord Buddha were perfect embodiments of the selfsame Light of the ever-transcending Beyond. Who are we to judge them? We have to be fully enlightened like them before we can open our big mouths.

They say that Jainism is stark austerity-life.

I say that Jainism expects austerity from those who have the capacity to renounce the world for the world-illumination, and self-control from those who are still enjoying the pleasure-life.

They say that Jainism is too difficult.

I say that Jainism is easier than the easiest if you have but one feeling deep inside your heart: love and sacrifice for each and every living thing in the universe.