The Zurich Marathon9

I started running our recent marathon in Zurich before the other runners. Then I stopped during the race for fifteen minutes so that I could watch everyone run and see the styles of the disciples. Haridas had such a funny style! Even though I stopped, I finished before the first man.

It was difficult to run in the early morning hours. It was totally dark while I was passing through the woods. Three times I fell and both my knees went down to the ground. After the third time I said, “I am not going to fall again,” and I was especially cautious.

Projjwal and Benny were going before me. Each one had a flashlight. Occasionally Kailash was able to come with the car and shine the headlights on the course.

Several times I was dying for something to drink, but Kailash could not come because the car could not drive on the course. Two or three times Shikha came running 600 metres into the woods to help me.

RB 666. 13 November 1982