
Let us not think before we act, for each thought is a heavy burden, a heavy pressure on our shoulders. This burden and pressure weakens our life-energy considerably.

Let us silence the mind before we act. If we silence the mind, if we know the art of silencing the mind, then we can not only accomplish our tasks faster than otherwise, but we can do hundreds of things at the same time in a fleeting minute.

Let us not talk before we act, for talk does nothing but bind us to action. And I really want to add, we have to be free within and without so that with each action we can breathe in the fresh air of perfecting, perfected and perfect action.

Let us pray before we act. Each prayer is our soulful devotion, and this devotion is our self-illumining life in action.

Let us not decide before we act. Each decision will be challenged and will be devoured by hesitation. Let us act spontaneously, for each spontaneous action is the expression of our expanding consciousness, the result of our heart’s preconceived ideals, the result of our life’s preconceived light and the result of our soul’s preconceived goal. Action is perfect when it is of God-inspiration and for God-manifestation.

Each desire-action makes us feel how weak, how ignorant, how hopeless, how helpless and how useless we are. Each aspiration-action makes us feel how strong, how powerful, how soulful, how meaningful and how fruitful we are. Again, action for action’s sake is not and cannot be the right thing. Action has to be for God’s sake.

Before the birth of action, inspiration is our guide. During the course of action, aspiration is our guide. At the end of action, our surrendering height and surrendered depth is our satisfaction and God’s satisfaction.

Imagination tells action, “Run forward, dive deep within, fly above.” Aspiration tells action, “God-Height has not to remain and cannot remain always a far cry. God-Height is our birthright; it is within us. We have only to discover it. And when we discover it, we feel that God-Height does not only belong to us but we belong to it.”

Perfection-satisfaction tells us that each individual is not only a direct representative of God on earth, but God Himself in the process of making and shaping His own Vision-Reality yet unfulfilled and His own Reality-Vision yet to be fully manifested.

Each action is God’s Song here on earth for God-manifestation and there in Heaven for God-satisfaction. Each action on earth is God’s Dance for humanity’s eternal progress and eternal self-transcendence. Each action in Heaven is God’s satisfaction in divinity’s self-awakening and self-illumination for a new universe; each action in Heaven is a new creation and the constant fulfilment of an ever-growing, ever-glowing, ever-satisfying and ever-satisfied God.

UV 45. On Tuesday, 22 July 1975, Sri Chinmoy gave this talk in the Chapel of the Church Center for the United Nations.

Sri Chinmoy, Union-Vision, Agni Press, 1975