Part II

SCA 1098-1100. Sri Chinmoy met with parents of his German disciples in Cologne on 25 March 1984. He began by offering a brief personal introduction and then answered the parents' questions. Excerpts from that meeting.

My name is not Sri Chinmoy. My name is gratitude

My name is not Sri Chinmoy. My name is gratitude. I am your Indian son. Your Indian son is speaking to you from the very depths of his heart.

God is our Father, God is our Mother, God is our Brother and God is our Sister. God is everything to us and everyone to us. There is only one God. My God and your God are both the same God. I am not God. God is Someone who is inside my heart, inside your heart, inside everybody’s heart. And I am not the Guru. God is the only Guru, for it is He who illumines us, liberates us and makes us perfect instruments of His.

As you know, in a family, there is an eldest member and a youngest member and again, quite often there are a few in between. But they are all children of the same parents. Even so, in a spiritual family, there will be someone who is the oldest, someone who is the youngest and others in between.

In a family, the eldest member is often asked by the parents to take care of the little ones — to help them, guide them and tell them about their parents. The oldest one knows many more things than the younger ones, so the father or mother asks the eldest child of the family to tell the young ones about their parents.

In the same way, I am being asked by God to tell my younger brothers and sisters about Him. Your children are my younger brothers and sisters, so it is my bounden duty to speak to them about our Heavenly Father, God. Being the eldest member of this spiritual family, I am being asked to tell my dear brothers and sisters about our Father and where He can be found. Our Father is here, there and everywhere. But my goal is to show them where the Father can be seen and felt most powerfully and convincingly, and to take them to the Father. That is my only goal.

I am not the Father, but I am the brother of your children, their eldest brother. You do not mind when your oldest son or daughter speaks to the younger ones about you and gives them more knowledge, more information, more wisdom about you, for you know that they are all your children and they are all for you. You get tremendous joy that they are yours — your children, your creations. As I mentioned before, you are my dear German parents and I am your Indian son. So we are all your children, and we are all in one boat. We call this boat the Golden Boat, and our Pilot Supreme is steering the Boat. We, His children, are seated in His Boat, and He is taking all of us to the Golden Shore, where there is no suffering but only light and delight.

Alone, I cannot do anything and I will never be able to do anything in this world. Yesterday you saw that thousands of people came to our Peace Concert. It was like a family gathering where all the members came together to celebrate. All my German brothers and sisters helped me far, far beyond my imagination to have this concert, this spiritual family reunion.

Your dear and sweet children yesterday accomplished something most significant for our Beloved Supreme. It was an unparalleled achievement, and it was all done by virtue of tremendous, tremendous loving sacrifice from your own children. The parents’ creation is their children. In their children’s joy will always be the parents’ joy. If a child gets joy from playing with dolls, then the parents will get joy from watching their child play with dolls. They will get tremendous joy on the strength of their identification with their child. Therefore, I am sure that on the strength of your inseparable oneness with your children, you are also receiving the same kind of joy and satisfaction that they are experiencing now.

You have already proved your inseparable oneness with your children by coming to Cologne. Some of you have travelled hundreds of miles. In this way you have already proved your oneness with your children. Your hearts’ love for them is boundless and their hearts’ gratitude to you today is also boundless. To each of you, my German parents, I am offering my heart of love and my heart of gratitude soulfully and unconditionally. My German parents, your greatness has surprised me, and your goodness has nourished my heart, my inner being. In a few days I shall be leaving Germany, but I shall not go back home alone. I shall carry you all inside the very depths of my gratitude-heart.